Jquery Sortable touch funcitonality ie 11 windows 8.1 - jquery-ui

I'm having a lot of trouble getting the JQuery Sortable functionality working on my Windows 8.1 device which is running ie11.
I had this working on an iPad through the TouchPunch library, but I've had no luck with the new Dell Tablet I'm working with.
I've ran the webapp through Chrome on the tablet, and the sortable functionality works very smoothly. Does anyone have any ideas how I can get it up and running on Internet Explorer 11?
I have tried pulling down various versions of Touch Punch on GitHub, some which attempt to deal with ie10, but I've found nothing that really works with ie11, so I would be glad for some pointers. If I run the [Jquery Sortable Demo][2] on the device, I am able to drag just about by holding to the left of the table row and pulling down at the right point, but this is in no way usable.
Ideally, jQuery mobile would include the sortable functions, but it does not.
***Just to be clear, if I go to the sortable example below on my tablet:
Jquery Sortable
then I can't really get the sort funcitonality to work.
To the above source code, I have added touchpunch library, and also added
-ms-touch-action: none;
to my #sortable class.
According to some online, this should fix the issue on ie10 and ie11, but I'm not seeing it make the remotest bit of difference.

Okay, there was a simple answer to this in the end, although it took me a long time to find it. I started by trying to intercept touch events and failing, which eventually led me to realise that I had added the site to Compatibility View (Settings -> Compatibility View Settings), where I also had checked "Display intranet sites in Compatibility View" and "Use Microsoft Compatibility lists").
I think this reverts to the site displaying in ie7 mode. Due to this, I think there are issues with the MS-touch commands being recognised, and so -ms-touch-action: none was having no effect.
To be clear, then, referencing touchpunch, whilst also using -ms-touch-action: none, should get the jQuery sortable functionality working in ie11 - just be sure to check your compatibility settings!


Ranorex only tracks dom elements in IE

I've recently began to work with Ranorex and already got Firefox and Chrome working. Internet Explorer only seems to track dom elements for me. I don't get the usual elements I get in other browsers thus I can't track or run any tests.
I've already tried to reinstall ranorex, restart the computer, trying to deactivate security-features in IE and setting a few different ranorex settings.
I've tried ranorex 6.1 and 6.2.0 and for Internet explorer I am using the most recent version. Windows 7 64 bit.
I would love to hear any suggestions which I could still try to get it to run.
Thank you,
Have you tried to turn off the Protected mode and the enhanced protected mode?

Infragistics WebDatePicker: calendar dropdown broken in iOS

We're making a big web form for customers, and it's got half a dozen date fields, for which we are using the Infragistics WebDatePicker control (in asp.net 4.6). They work fine (though applying validators to them was a lot of work) except when we try them on an iPad. In Safari for iOS, tapping on the button to drop down the calendar causes it to flash momentarily and then disappear. No such problem on an android device, so far as we've seen. The problem isn't just on our new page, but on all our old ones that also use the control.
Edit: the problem happens in Safari but not in Chrome.
Has anybody encountered this? Has any work been put into resolving this issue? Or are we the only ones seeing it?
Googling seems to come up empty, and Infragistics' support request page appears to currently be inaccessible.
I'm hoping this doesn't come down to finding a way to instrument 50 javascript events on an ipad.
To update, here is the exact case where we're seeing the problem:
device: iPad Air 2 64gb (model MH2M2LL/A)
system: iOS 8.4.1
browser: Mobile Safari 600.1.4
infragistics version: 15.2 for asp.net 4.5
example site: http://www.infragistics.com/products/aspnet/editors/date-picker
...yup, it's failing in Infragistics' own demo page. (Use the second "view sample" link.)
It doesn't fail every time: sometimes the first click after page load succeeds, but the ones after it all fail.
Second update: Infragistics has entered this in their bug tracker as #216122.
I have tested this with the latest SR for 15.1 and could not reproduce the described issue. In order to receive better support, I suggest you to open a ticket for this issue trough the Infragistics site. What is more, it will be best if you add all the related environment details (like Infragistics product version you are using), and attach a simple code sample in order for the Infragistics Dev Support to reproduce the described behavior.

internet explorer compatibility with angular material

I am working on MEAN stack with angular material design. After testing on chrome & firefox, every functionality including flex & offset etc is working perfect. but in internet explorer, nothing is working as it is supposed to.
My question is, how to make angular material compatible with IE 10 & IE 11?
Angular Material is targeted for all browsers with versions n-1; where n is the current browser version. IE 10 is no longer supported.
Edge seems to work well with material, but IE 11 still has some discrepancies. I get around these layout issues by simply adding a few CSS rules to elements that aren't displaying correctly while making sure they don't affect my Chrome / FF layouts.
Also the way you nest your divs; layout rows, input containers, etc, can have an undesirable effect in IE 11. Trial and error worked best for me.
It is best to avoid angular-material if your main targets are internet explorer, but instead use Angular-Materialize library which is a add-on (directives) library for http://materializecss.com/ that works pretty much with every modern browser.
As for Angular 5 you can uncomment imports in polyfills.ts to deal with IE.
Using Angular 8, I got the Angular Material Datepicker to work in IE by doing the following:
Removed everything that had to do with moment.js and the material moment adapter. (Uninstalled it)
Imported MatNativeDateModule in app.module.ts
Set the appearance attribute to "legacy" in the html, like this:
<mat-form-field appearance="legacy">

Win8 Metro IE10 Drag-N-Drop / Slider Issue

I was trying some slider / drag-n-drop demos of JQuery Mobile, Kendo UI and other javascript frameworks, but none seem to work in the Metro version of IE10 on my tablet (running Windows 8 Consumer Preview).
I remember there was a similar issue on IOS, but using most frameworks it's now working on my iPad.
Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
Is there any JS framework that has addressed this issue?
Could this be something that is still to be fixed by Microsoft before final release of Win8?
Internet Explorer 10 has a more abstact event model when it comes to touch, mouse, or pen events. Rather than having events like touchstart or mousedown, Internet Explorer 10 has an arguably superior model consisting of a much simpler MSPointerDown which is fired for all types of inputs, including fingers, mice, or pens.
Unfortunately, as you've noticed, there isn't a great deal of support in popular libraries and frameworks, though I suspect there are a few good reasons why this is the case:
IE10 is still technically incomplete.
IE10 is currently not available on Windows 7 (though it will be released on Windows 7 eventually)
IE10 currently requires the installation of unfinalized versions of Windows 8
These reasons, among more I'm sure, have likely caused the developers behind major frameworks and libraries to hold off on any serious investment of their time to target the new browser from Microsoft. That being said, I do know personally of some very key players from the jQuery project who have been keeping a close eye on Microsoft's new pointer model. I suspect the same can be said for other teams.
The reason is that IE10 introduces MSPointerEvents, which are probably not well supported by most frameworks, at least yet.
Update: Kendo UI supports MSPointerEvents since Q3 2012. As of Q1 2013 all framework widgets also work properly in IE10 when content is pinch-zoomed.

Desperately trying to make Watin work with IE

I have been working with Watin for about 1 week. I really wanted to make firefox work but had to give up after a day or so when seeing there was no way i could get jSSH working with Firefox 8 etc. Really wish there was a way of using Chrome or firefox i have to say
So returning reluctantly to IE I developed some automation software using Watin, however I have a persistent problem with Goto(href) where it seems as though the page never actually gets marked as complete. And although the browser navigates to the page and I can see the page fine, the call to Goto() just times out. After that point anything I try fails and it cant find the elements in the dom and I cant click anything programmatically. So I have to solve this timeout issue
I have read various articles suggesting fixes and have tried them all as far as I can see i.e. making sure I run as administrator, making sure that internet explorer enhanced security is switched off, etc.. I would really, really like to make Watin work - but right now I am about ready to give up and create a much, much simpler class with an embedded browser in my app. So stackoverflow is my last port of call. How can I stop Watin from timing out.
I am on Windows 7 Ultimate Version 6.1.7601 Service pack 1 build 7601
Visual Studio 2010
compiling as a .net 4.0 app
IE 9.0.8112.16421 with update KB2586448
I have a console app, no threads, [STAThread] on my Main entry point
This is my Visual Studio info:-
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Version 10.0.40219.1 SP1Rel
Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.0.30319 SP1Rel
Microsoft Visual C# 2010 01021-532-2002102-70185
Any help will be very greatfully received.
Regards Julian
ok, so after many months of playing and fiddling the answer to my question has several parts.
Firstly. I needed to get Watin working properly as an embedded browser in a win32 application rather than as a console app. This required me to spend a huge amount of effort getting Watin embedded the way I wanted, I had problems with STATHREAD (of course), and the pop up dialog watcher, and getting the HWND of my browser into Watin to create its browser object (I used another sample on stack overflow to do this) and then I had to ensure ScriptErrorsSuppressed=true and I finally got it working. Hoorah
However, the problem I originally had all that time ago still seems to remain with Watin. in dealing with frame sets on asda.com.
So I have just now done a svn checkout of the watin project and I am finally hoping that the latest updates I have seen will fix this problem once and for all... and Yes I am still really looking forward to Jeroen getting IE9 or indeed any other browser working with Watin. Working with IE (any flavour) sucks
WaTiN does not support IE9 fully yet as far as I know. Jeroen (the creator) is working on getting it fully compatible with IE9, but IE9 relies on new WPF components in regards to previous versions of IE, so i'm guessing this will take some work.
We suffered from several problems as well when we upgraded our WatiN tests to IE9. In the end we force our website to render everything to IE8 standards and set IE9 to IE8 rendering mode untill there is an update from watin to fully support IE9 with all its quirkcs and features.
