unable to do login valiadtions in ios - ios

i'm new to IOS.
can anyone tell me how to do validations for username and password by comparing text entered to the data in plists?
(i have created 2 arrays username and password in plist manually)
any help is appreciated.

Hello and welcome to StackOverflow. I would recommend you follow this link https://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask in order to better understand how a question should be asked here. In any case, from what I understood from your question, here's something to get you started.
Suppose you have a plist called authentication.plist which has two fields of type string (I know you wrote arrays but couldn't understand why. If you are determined to use them the link posted by Kumar Kl explains how to read them from the plist):
You read the plist file into an NSDictionary using:
NSDictionary *dictionary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"authentication" ofType:#"plist"]];
Let's suppose you have the username entered by the user in an NSString called enteredUsername and the password in an NSString called enteredPassword.
You could then compare the entered values with the ones in the plist like so:
if ([enteredUsername isEqualToString:[dictionary objectForKey:#"username"]])
NSLog(#"Username matches!");
NSLog(#"Username does not match");
if ([enteredPassword isEqualToString:[dictionary objectForKey:#"password"]])
NSLog(#"Password matches!");
NSLog(#"Password does not match");


Gigya phone registration

I'm using Gigya as a single-sign-on system for my iOS app.
It is integrated and I can log in with both Twitter, Facebook and manual email registration.
As both Facebook and Twitter do not return mobile phone numbers, I'm appending this information after successful registration/login along with some other information like e-mail. I am able to successfully update fields in the profile like username, nickname etc, but not phones.
A description of the profile structure can be found here:
So I figure to post:
{#"phones": #[#{#"number" : _phoneNumberTextfield.text}]}
as the profile content. Which is apparently alright, since the response has statusReason OK.
All good, and if I add other fields, they get updated. But when I retrieve the profile, there is no phone number there. I tried to append the field "type" as per the definition, but then I get: 400025 Write access validation error.
So the update call tells me everything is OK, but it isn't appending the number to the profile. Adding the type to each number entry in the array of #"phones" gives an access violation.
I've been through Gigya's API spec and can't find any working examples or even JSON examples of this situation; does anyone have a solution for this?
If you're retrieving the profile using accounts.getAccountInfo, make sure you include the "extraProfileFields = phones" parameter. The phones array will not be returned by default.
The Gigya SDK on the server-side represents data as JSON objects, which have the ability to represent nested objects under a key or arrays.
In the case of the "profile.phone" property on the account, this is stored as an array of objects, as detailed below:
"profile": {
"phones": [
{ "type": "phone", "number": "8005551234" },
{ "type": "cell", "number": "8885551234" }
Typically, the when using Gigya's iOS API, it is common to maps these JSON concepts to the the NSMutableDictionary and NSMutableArray classes respectively and then to serialize the data using the NSJSONSerialization class.
So, for example, if we wanted to set the phone numbers on an account with Gigya like shown above, then you would need to accomplish this using something like the following code:
NSMutableDictionary *phone1 = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[phone1 setObject:#"phone" forKey:#"type"];
[phone1 setObject:#"8005551234" forKey:#"number"];
NSMutableDictionary *phone2 = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[phone2 setObject:#"cell" forKey:#"type"];
[phone2 setObject:#"8885551234" forKey:#"number"];
NSMutableArray *phones = [NSMutableArray array];
[phones addObject:phone1];
[phones addObject:phone2];
NSMutableDictionary *profile = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[profile setObject:phones forKey:#"phones"];
NSError *error;
NSData *jsonData = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:profile
GSRequest *request = [GSRequest requestForMethod:#"accounts.setAccountInfo"];
[request.parameters setObject:jsonString forKey:#"profile"];
[request sendWithResponseHandler:^(GSResponse *response, NSError *error) {
if (!error) {
// Success! Use the response object.
else {
// Check the error code according to the GSErrorCode enum, and handle it.
Alternatively, you could construct a JSON string directly; but the above strategy tends to be much more flexible to any changes that need to be done when adding new properties.

Quickblox user search from multiple sources

I have a requirement to search QuickBlox users whose IDs match their
Facebook IDs OR
Twitter IDs OR
Login IDs
So I am firing multiple QBUser queries at once, using following code:
[QBUsers usersWithLogins:[NSArray arrayWithObject:m_searchString] delegate:self];
[QBUsers usersWithFacebookIDs:[NSArray arrayWithObject:m_searchString] delegate:self];
[QBUsers usersWithTwitterIDs:[NSArray arrayWithObject:m_searchString] delegate:self];
So for example, if I give search string as "Testuser" - it should search all users having login = Testuser, FB login = Testuser, and Twitter login = Testuser.
Based on source of request (FB/Twitter/My own app), I need to put results in different UI parts.
The problem is, I can't differentiate which result comes back for which request.
[self showActivityIndicator:NO];
// QuickBlox User creation result
if([result isKindOfClass:[QBUUserPagedResult class]])
// Success result
I can see that above code is hit 3 times. But I don't see anything in QBUUserPagedResult class that tells me from which request this result has come.
Something like a tag for request should suffice, but I am not sure what thing it is, looking at the documentation.
Is there anything I can use?
Alternately, is there another approach to what I am trying to achieve (instead of multiple requests)?
I figured it out that context option which is an NSString works like a tag for each Quickblox request:
[QBUsers usersWithLogins:[NSArray arrayWithObject:m_searchString] delegate:self context:MY_STRING_CONSTANT];
Then in delegate function:
- (void)completedWithResult:(Result *)result context:(void *)contextInfo
if(result.success && [result isKindOfClass:QBUUserPagedResult.class])
NSString * _context = (__bridge NSString *) contextInfo;
if([_context isEqualToString:MY_STRING_CONSTANT])
As simple as that, but the documentation doesn't say much about it, or it's not visible as it should be. I had to dig into their forums to figure it out.

How to add any NSString data in Keychain in iOS

I want to add some data in the Keychain in iOS. I am not worried about the security just wanted to store some string permanently some where(Keychain) which can be consistent even if user uninstalled the application. I am not storing any password, all the example in the Web are only showing how to store the password. I am planning to use the kSecClassKey attribute to store the string. Please guide me in the correct direction. Any sample code will be very helpful.
I've used SFHF Keychain lib ( https://github.com/kamiro/SFHFKeychainUtils ). It's really easy to use and works fine.
Here an example to use
NSString* username = #"myValue1";
NSString* service = #"com.organization.appname.myValue1";
NSString* valueToStore = #"....";
// Add/Update valute to keychain
NSError* anyStoringError = NULL;
BOOL stored = [SFHFKeychainUtils storeUsername:username andPassword:valueToStore forServiceName:service updateExisting:YES error:&anyStoringError];
// Get value from keychain
NSString *storedValue = [SFHFKeychainUtils getPasswordForUsername:username andServiceName:service error:&anyStoringError];
// Remove value from keychain
BOOL valueRemoved = [SFHFKeychainUtils deleteItemForUsername:username andServiceName:service error:&anyStoringError];
Hope it helps

Keychain iOS not always storing values

I´m developing a couple of iOS applications and i need to share a element between them, that i want to store in the keychain.
This element is used in a complex login process with 3 or 4 steps, in each one i need to read the value from the keychain, to do this i used the code bellow:
- (NSString *)installationToken
KeychainItemWrapper *kw = [[KeychainItemWrapper alloc] initWithIdentifier:#"uuid" accessGroup:#"yyyyy.xxxxxxxxxxx"];
if (![kw objectForKey:(NSString*)kSecAttrAccount] || [[kw objectForKey:(NSString*)kSecAttrAccount] isEqualToString:#""]) {
NSString *result;
CFUUIDRef uuid;
CFStringRef uuidStr;
uuid = CFUUIDCreate(NULL);
assert(uuid != NULL);
uuidStr = CFUUIDCreateString(NULL, uuid);
assert(uuidStr != NULL);
result = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", uuidStr];
assert(result != nil);
[kw setObject:result forKey:(NSString*)kSecAttrAccount];
return result;
} else {
return [kw objectForKey:(NSString*)kSecAttrAccount];
This all works well in almost every device but in some, users are complaining. So, i checked what my server is receiving, and saw that different values are being sent.
I checked the code and in no other place i'm acessing/emptying this keychain element, what can be wrong with this? For the majority of devices this works like a charm but for some reason, in some devices, they aren't storing or retrieving well from the keychain.
The problem happens in different invocation in the same application.
If you are using Apples' sample code for KeyChainWrapper, then main problem is sometimes randomly, SecItemCopyMatching fails and then the sample code has resetKeychainItem which will basically reset your keychain.
if (! SecItemCopyMatching((CFDictionaryRef)tempQuery, (CFTypeRef *)&outDictionary) == noErr)
// Stick these default values into Keychain if nothing found.
[self resetKeychainItem];
In our app, we noticed similar problems, and so now we are using
https://github.com/carlbrown/PDKeychainBindingsController to do all keyChain related functionality. Now it works very well.

How to parse website text and displaying in a view

I'd like to load a web page and parse the article text and title only, then display this in a view. Is it possible to do this without using UIWebVIew? If its possible, I'd prefer to use only built in functions and no plugins.
Thank you.
You can create a HTTP reqest to get the html content string, then parse the string.
For example, to get the title of html:
NSError *error = nil;
NSString *html = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"http://www.google.com"] encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding error:&error];
if(html) {
NSLog(#"HTML %#", html);
NSRange r = [html rangeOfString:#"<title>"];
if (r.location != NSNotFound) {
NSRange r1 = [html rangeOfString:#"</title>"];
if (r1.location != NSNotFound) {
if (r1.location > r.location) {
NSString *title = [html substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(NSMaxRange(r), r1.location - NSMaxRange(r))];
NSLog(#"title %#", title);
} else {
NSLog(#"Error %#", error);
If you need to parse a webpage, and get what is relevant as an "article", and its title, without all the other stuff, you need something like Diffbot to retrieve article title, author, text, and content-relative image(s). Diffbot is paid for applications which make more than 10.000 API calls a month (which is not much). Applications like Readability, Pocket (formerly Read It Later) and Instapaper, which allow their users to save parsed articles for later reading across multiple devices, have public APIs. Pocket does not allow its API to be used only for parsing, though; Readability supposedly provides access to its parser ("Content API") upon request (I haven't made that request, though I might need to in future); and Instapaper, which, unlike the other two, I have never used as an application, doesn't really make it clear whether it allows this kind of use.
I hope my answer, though many months late, can still be useful; please reply briefly what solution you have found (if you have).
P.S.: Apparently, as a new user I am only allowed to give you two links; I have removed all the subsequent ones, but the first two are the most useful anyway.
