ZF2 functions on each page load - zend-framework2

I'm looking to migrate some of my projects from our custom framework into ZF2. In our framework we have one 'global' controller what sets up the page layout, header, gets any data from the database that's needed on every page, and then all other controllers for separate pages extend of of that.
What's the 'Zend' way of doing this? E.g. on every page I need to run a query SELECT html FROM dbcms.adverts and display the html field on every page.

You would create a ViewHelper that gains access to the Database. This access is done by having any DB-Access-Tool you want (TableGateway, Doctrine2, DbAdapter, etc..) and pass this into the ViewHelper.
The ViewHelper then would simply return the HTML-String. And inside your Layout and/or View-Scripts you'd use the ViewHelper in the likes of echo $this->myHtmlViewHelper().


Applying a master page template in Sling with HTL

Is there any simple way to apply a page template to multiple Apache Sling scripts?
I'm looking for something akin to the JSP 2.0 Tag option. However, I'm using HTL, which doesn't support such tags.
I could, of course, use HTL includes, such as data-sly-include="${'header.html'}, but these would then have to be manually included in every page I then create.
Ideally I'd like to be able to have a master page containing the layout, which is then automatically applied to all pages of specified resource types, leaving a customisable area for content specific to each resource. I'd then be able to limit my add.html, edit.html, html.html (etc) files to include only a block of code for the content section of the page, preventing unnecessary duplication of layout code across multiple files.
I thought I might be able to achieve this by creating a master page resource (e.g. "page"), then setting sling:resourceSuperType on the individual resources but since this acts as a fallback, it'll only kick in if there's no matching script for the sling:resourceType - and there will be such scripts.
You could use a Sling Decorator to wrap your resources so that they always get handled by the common scripts before everything else. This way you can impose the template and include the actual resource to fill in the actual values/blocks/custom scripts.
Another option would be to impose a (nested) content tree where the root points to the template scripts (using JCR type, for example) while the children/content point to the custom scripts (using resource type). This is pretty much what AEM does with cq:Page and its jcr:content.
I ended up using the following approach:
Add a new resource type page
Create a Sightly/HTL template file for the page resource type (/apps/page/html.html); this is the 'master' page template
Include common elements in that template
Within that template, call the 'child' templates by adding the view selector through the following HTL element: <div data-sly-resource="${request.pathInfo # selectors='view', addSelectors=request.requestPathInfo.selectors, requestAttributes=request.requestParameterMap}">
For each sling:resourceType that's to be rendered as a page, add a view subfolder (/apps/example_type/view) and place its HTL templates within that folder (e.g. add.html, html.html)
On each resource that should be rendered with the master template, set sling:resourceSuperType to page
When a request comes in to, for example, /content/example_type_instance.add.html, Sling resolution will therefore try to find a script in /apps/example_type/add.html; there isn't one, so it falls back to the resourceSuperType script in apps/page/html.html, which in turn will use the script in /apps/example_type/view/add.html.
This seems to work for the moment. #Vlad's approach with a Sling ResourceDecorator may be more elegant.

Add page content dynamically MVC 5

I need to build a manage environment for my users so they could create new views (to give a title, a category, and the main content) or edit the content of the views that already have been created. I need to store this information in a database and have it appear in my site. I search through the internet but I didn't find a solution. I need this because I would like my site to have searchable content and because I have to many pages. Is that possible to achieve with MVC?
first step
Save view content as string using a wysiwyg editor, I recomend
You need show your html using Html.raw() :
Exemple: Html.Raw("<div class=\"resource-row\">")
that way you will show your string as HTML.
I hope it is useful

Change CSS style using drop down menu in MVC

I'm trying to make a drop down menu that has a bunch of items (Amelia, Cerulean, Cosmo, Cyborg, Flatly, Journal). Each of these items represent a css file.
When one of them is selected I want my website to take this selected css file and apply it to the website.
I would like the drop down menu to interact with jquery, meaning when a item is selected jquery takes over and makes a asyn/ajax call to some mvc actionresult.
By the way I'm using MVC 5.
I hope someone can help me sketch the initial groundwork.
I've implemented this in my application.
I'm not sure what to tell you though. It's easier when we have an attempted solution to fix.
Here's an overview of how mine works:
I have created a controller called SharedController. The purpose of it is to contain various actions that render common actions. All of the actions are considered ChildActionOnly.
My _Layout uses RenderAction to render the action NavbarPartial which is in my SharedController.
More importantly the Navbar partial then uses RenderAction to render the action ThemeListPartial. This action is responsible for getting a list of available themes. The list of available themes is determined at applications startup. I've created a ThemeFinder class and ThemeRepository class that are responsible for finding and storing themes. The ThemeFinder finds themes by expressions that you give it. In a new class called App_Start/ThemeConfig I've given it only one expression - "~/Content/themes/{name}.bootstrap.css". This will find all themes with that naming convention in that location.
My razor code will take the ViewModel and display a dropdown menu in the navbar.
To get the themes to change my dropdown menu contains an AJAX link to an action called SaveTheme in ThemeController. This action takes a theme name as a string and tries to save it in a cookie for the user.
If the theme is found and saved successfully, the action responds with a success message.
jQuery then changes the theme by finding the associated link attribute and changing the HREF contents to the new theme. It knows the new theme relative URL because I have it stored in data attributes.
I completed this before I made the switch to AngularJs. The one thing I plan to go back and change is to cut out as much (maybe all) jQuery as possible and replace it with better code.

ASP.NET, MVC, C# website pass a value though out the application

This is a bit of a puzzle for me.
I need to capture the URI Query string passed to the Home page.
As a user travels to different pages on the web site, I have a partial view that needs that URI query string.
I need a dynamicly created link in the partial view, that equals the original call to the home page.
Example -
If the user goes to - http://www.mysite.com?mode=Joe , I need the dynamicly created link to equal - Http://www.mysite.com?mode=Joe
If the user goes to - http://www.mysite.com?mode=Tommy , I need the dynamicly created link to equal - Http://www.mysite.com?mode=Tommy
FYI - The partial view is used in the _Layout.cshtml file. the call inside - _Layout.cshtml looks like this -
There are a number of ways to do this, but probably the simplest would be to save it to the session on your home page, and then access that session variable from your partial.
You will need to decide what to do if the session expires.
Another possible way would be to write it to a cookie on the home page request and then access the request cookie in your partial. Again, you'd need to decide on an approach for cookies disabled, or wiped out during browsing.
Alternatively, you could look at something like the approach being used in the link below to set a language across the site. Exact implementation would differ, but concept is the same:
Howto automatically add a specific value from current route to all generated links?

Still having a hard time with RoR MVC approach

I suppose it should do justice to state what I think I know so far as well as what I've done:
1) I created the app and did my first db migration; I now have my dev, test and production databases. The dev db has a table called 'wines'.
2) I made a scaffold which created the necessary files.
3) The basic index/update/destroy methods are set up and I can browse the pages.
4) From what I gather, the ActiveRecord class "Wine" automatically inherits properties from the database? Each column is a property and each row in the table 'wines' is a potentially instantiated object which is called from the wine_controller script.
The problem I'm having now is that I want to create a common layout that all controllers use. The only things that will change will be the page title, potentially some <link> tags in the header, the <body> attributes (javascript onload events most likely) and whatever lies inside the <body> tag.
I find myself looking up functions that will do what I want (like "favicon_link_tag", "stylesheet_link_tag" and "auto_discovery_link_tag"...) but I can't find the right place to PUT them! I know this has something to do with my lack of understanding of how things are executed/inherited. For example if I were to declare #pageTitle in application_controller.rb and use #pageTitle in ApplicationHelper it won't work. Or even using "stylesheet_link_tag" in application_controller.rb throws an error. I'm just not getting something.
How does each thing relate to another in terms of chronological execution, scope, etc.?
In your "app/views" directory there is a folder called "layouts." By default there should be an "application.html.erb" file in there, but if there isn't you can create it.
Your "application" layout file is the default layout file used by any view. However, if you want a particular controller to use a different view, you can override this. See this railscast, and this one is helpful too.
The main thing to understand is the content from any particular view will show up wherever the yield method appears in your application layout. The main 'yield' block gets the view file specified by your controller action, but you can mark anything inside any view to be passed to another yield block instead. For instance, the "title" example you gave could be passed to the head of your application layout. See this railscast for a detailed example of that.
For more, you should read the Rails Guide, and you might want to consider picking up a Rails starter book.
I got my feet wet with "Beginning Rails 3," which was a phenomenal introduction to the framework. A couple days with that book and it was all making sense to me, and I was developing faster than I ever had before. Rails rocks once you get to know it, but it's definitely worth going through a book.
Please continue to ask questions, I'll help if I can :)
-EDIT- To answer your question about control flow, it basically works like this:
Your browser sends a GET request for a particular URL.
The router takes that request, matches it to a controller action, triggers that controller action, and provides the controller any parameters associated with the request. For instance: if you requested example.com/posts/123?color=red this would trigger the SHOW action of your posts_controller, and would pass {:color => 'red'} to the params hash. You would access that using params[:color]
The controller action does its thing, and when it's done it renders output. By default it renders whatever view is located in app/<controller_name>/<action_name>, and will whichever file matches the extension appropriate to the request (ie an AJAX request would trigger <action_name>.js.erb and a GET request would trigger <action_name>.html.erb.
You can override this using the render method, for example by passing render 'foo/bar' to render using the view for FooController, Bar action instead of your current action.
Note that no matter what you render, the data available to the view is whatever is in the specific controller action the router triggered, not the controller action that would 'normally' render that view.
The view file is parsed using the data from the controller that called it. If you have any content_for methods then the view code that is inside the content_for block will go where you tell it, otherwise everything else will go to the main YIELD block in your application layout (or whatever layout your controller specified instead).
The application layout is parsed, and the content from the view is inserted into the appropriate areas.
The page is served to the user.
That's a simplification in some ways, but I think it answers your question. Again, feel free to keep asking :)
