Wireshark: Flag abbreviations and Exchange type - wireshark

I was told to ask this here:
10:53:04.042608 IP > Flags [FPU], seq 3891587770, win 1024, urg 0, length 0
10:53:04.045939 IP > Flags [R.], seq 0, ack 3891587770, win 0, length 0
This states that the flags set are FPU and R. What flags do these stand for and what kind of exchange is this?

The flags are:
F - FIN, used to terminate an active TCP connection from one end.
P - PUSH, asks that any data the receiving end is buffering be sent to the receiving process.
U - URGENT, indicating that there is data referenced by the urgent "pointer."
R - RESET, indicating that a packet was received that was NOT part of an existing connection.
It looks like the first packet was manufactured, or possibly delayed. The argument for it being manufactured is the urgent flag being set, with no urgent data. If it was delayed, it indicates the normal end of a connection between .12 and .6 on port 6000, along with a request that the last of any pending data sent across the wire be flushed to the service on .6.
.6 has clearly forgotten about this connection, if it even existed. .6 is indicating that while it got the FIN packet, it believes that the connection that FIN packet refers to did not exist.
If .6 had a current matching connection, it would have replied with a FIN-ACK instead of RST, acknowledging the termination of the connection.


Problem using mosquitto broker with netcat

I trying to use mosquitto broker for an IoT application. I have a embedded hardware, actually not much documented/exampled on the internet. I've succesfully implemented an TCP client on this hardware, and now i can send/listen messages throught any port i want via TCP and i listen via netcat. But when i tried to connect mosquitto, it doesn't accept the literal language. I digged on the internet. The broker take messages like shown below, but even this one not working.
I can not found any documentation. I even tried to watch Wireshark packages, and i can not find any pattern. Any help will appreciated.
$ echo -en "\x10\x0d\x00\x04MQTT\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01a" |nc localhost 1883|hd
00000000 20 02 01 00 | ...|
Had a similar usecase like you and this is how I managed to decode this message and create my own connect request.
echo -en "\x10\x0d\x00\x04MQTT\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01a" |nc localhost 1883
The above message is broken down as follows:
nc localhost 1883, opens a tcp socket to the mqtt port 1883 (to the broker (on localhost) listening to port 1883)
\x10\x0d\x00\x04MQTT\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01a is the connect packet sent to the socket that was opened. This connect packet can be broken down as follows:
\x10: MQTT connect packet (Constitutes the control field with the 1st 4 bits representing the command type "0001" and the 2nd 4 bits the control flag.
\x0d: Remaining length: is the total length of both the variable header and the payload. This needs to be set after the whole payload is complete.
*Variable header = Protocol Name + Protocol level + Connect Flag byte + Keep Alive
Payload = ClientId, username, password, e.t.c, each entry is provided in the format lengthOfEntry + Entry e.g for a clientId and username and password, this gives: lengthOfClientId + ClientId + lengthOfUsername + Username + lengthOfPassword + Password. *Note: the length is always provided as two bytes.
\x00\x04MQTT: Represents the protocol name "MQTT". The first two bytes 0x00 and 0x04 are the protocol length and MQTT is then the protocol. These give a total of 6 bytes.
\x04: is the protocol level. From MQTT specification, the value of the Protocol Level field for the version 3.1.1 of the protocol is 4 (0x04)
\0x00: is the connect flag byte. each byte is represented as follows:
UsernameFlag|PasswordFlag|Will Retain|Will|QoS|Will Flag|CleanSession|Reserved. 0x00 means none of the flags are set and persistent sessions will be used. Hence the payload doesn't require a username or password as will be seen in the payload bytes.
\0x00\0x00: two bytes that represent the keepAlive time. In this case 0 is provided which means that the server is not required to disconnect the client on grounds of inactivity. keepalive mechanism is turned off
The next bytes are already the payload. Since the connect flag was set such that no username or password is required, then we only have to provide the client id. In the above example the clientid is "a". This is of length 1 byte.
\0x00\0x01: represents the length of the clientId. since we have the character "a" as the clientId we have just the length 1. The length is always given in 16bit (2 bytes).
a: the clientId.
If we count all the bytes, we come up to a total of 13 bytes which gives us our remaining le0gnth as 0x0d.
If you need to add a username and password, set the connect flag accordingly 0b11000000 = 0xC0. The username and password are added to the payload right after the clientId in the order lengthofClientId, clientId, lengthOfUSername, Username, LengthofPassword, Password. The reminaining length needs to be adjusted to reflect this.
Tip: The variable header has a fixed number of bytes of 10. The payload length always depends on the data provided. the length of each element is always 2 bytes. so for the above case, we have a clientid of 1 byte and the length which take 2 bytes to give a total of 10 + 2 + 1 = 13.
I hope this helps you out and answers your question.
Useful links:

Contiki TSCH queue add error

I'm developing a forwarding protocol using Contiki OS. The protocol is running on top of IEEE802.15.4 TSCH mode. The protocol requires to add a certain amount of packets during a short period of time very often I get following error:
[RLL]:Send to Parent 0 base timeslot: 40, currentTimeslot: 1, send timeslot: 45 at: asn-0.46c41d
TSCH: send packet to 255 with seqno 0, queue 0 1, len 8 120
[RLL]:Send to CS base timeslot: 40, currentTimeslot: 2, send timeslot: 50 at: asn-0.46c41e
TSCH-queue:! add packet failed: 0 #0x20003004 8 #0x0 #0x0
TSCH:! can't send packet to 255 with seqno 0, queue 1 1
While it adds the first packet, it can't add the second packet. The queue is not full, i checked that.
The error simply says, its not possible to allocate memory for another packet, while there should be more than enough space.
Probably its just a simple setting i oversea but I can't find it.
If anyone has a suggestion, please let me know.

NodeMCU and ESP8266: slow mqtt publish

I'm using esp8266 with the firmware produced with Marcel's NodeMCU custom builds http://frightanic.com/nodemcu-custom-build/
I tested the "dev" branch and the "master".
I changed a little bit the "Connect to MQTT Broker" code found here https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-firmware
-- init mqtt client with keepalive timer 120sec
m = mqtt.Client("clientid", 120, "user", "password")
m:on("connect", function(con) print ("connected") end)
m:on("offline", function(con) print ("offline") end)
-- m:connect( host, port, secure, auto_reconnect, function(client) )
-- for secure: m:connect("", 1880, 1, 0)
-- for auto-reconnect: m:connect("", 1880, 0, 1)
m:connect("", 1880, 0, 0, function(conn) print("connected") end)
-- publish a message with data = hello, QoS = 0, retain = 0
local i = 1
while i < 10 do
m:publish("/topic","hello",0,0, function(conn) print("sent") end)
i = i + 1
I'm using mosquitto as a mqtt broker and I have launched a subscriber on all topic #.
The result is: the messages arrives correctly but they are really slow to arrive on the subscriber (around 1 second each)... why?
I tried also to change the mqtt architecture in favor of UDP.. the esp8266 send the 100 messages fast.
I have done some more experiments:
Testing the broker and the
subscriber with an [android phone + a mqtt publisher], the subscriber
receive messages immediately
I loaded a nodemcu with "debug" enabled
and I have done an interesting discovery: read on
For what I have understood reading debug log and source code..
There is a sort of queue that saves the messages in memory and a timer (I don't know the frequency/interval) reads a message from the queue and it sends it through mqtt.
If you try to send 100 messages, the queue increases, but it is not able to deliver messages at the same time (maybe there is a race condition? ).
There is a second problem here, after it has enqueued more than 15 messages, the firmware crash and the device reboots: it seems a symptom of memory no more available.
It may not be the answer you're looking for but yes, NodeMCU MQTT uses an internal queue for messages. It was added at the end of March 2015. It was added due to the asynchronous nature of the NodeMCU API.
If you have two calls to m.publish in quick succession, remember they're asynchronous, there isn't enough time for the 1st message to be delivered before the 2nd is triggered. Before the introduction of that queue the firmware would simply have crashed if you had published in a loop.
I simplified your code even more and added some debugging statements:
m = mqtt.Client("clientid", 120, "user", "password")
m:connect("m20.cloudmqtt.com", port, 0, function(conn)
print("MQTT connected")
for i=1,10 do
print("MQTT publishing...")
m:publish("/topic", "hello", 0, 0, function(conn)
print("MQTT message sent")
print(" heap is " .. node.heap() .. " bytes")
print(" heap is " .. node.heap() .. " bytes in loop " .. i)
Knowing that the calls to m.publish are asynchronous the output shouldn't be too surprising:
MQTT connected
MQTT publishing...
heap is 37784 bytes in loop 1
MQTT publishing...
heap is 37640 bytes in loop 2
MQTT publishing...
heap is 37520 bytes in loop 3
MQTT publishing...
heap is 37448 bytes in loop 4
MQTT publishing...
heap is 37344 bytes in loop 5
MQTT publishing...
heap is 37264 bytes in loop 6
MQTT publishing...
heap is 37192 bytes in loop 7
MQTT publishing...
heap is 37120 bytes in loop 8
MQTT publishing...
heap is 37048 bytes in loop 9
MQTT publishing...
heap is 36976 bytes in loop 10
heap is 38704 bytes
heap is 38792 bytes
heap is 38856 bytes
heap is 38928 bytes
heap is 39032 bytes
heap is 39112 bytes
heap is 39184 bytes
heap is 39256 bytes
heap is 39328 bytes
heap is 39400 bytes
You see that the available heap space is decreasing while publishing and increasing again as the queue is emptied.

Detect disconnected socket?

I have client iOS app that connects to server.
It uses non blocking socket.
int fl;
fcntl(s,F_SETFL, fl | O_NONBLOCK);
int set = 1;
setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NOSIGPIPE, (void *)&set, sizeof(int));
If there is no data then -1 returned by read
If it is disconnected then 0 returned by read
But it is not always true. Sometimes connection is lost but -1 is returned.
Is there something like eof to detect ?
0 is the EOF. If there is an error -1 is returned by read, and you should look at errno to see what it is. The only reliable way to detect a dropped connection in TCP is by writing to it at least twice.

tracert command returns timed out

tracert returns requested time out. What I understand from this is the packets lost some where on the network.
Does it mean the issue is with the ISP or with the hosting provider or my windows system?
10 * * * Request timed out.
11 * * * Request timed out.
12 * * * Request timed out.
13 * * * Request timed out.
14 * * * Request timed out.
15 * * * Request timed out.
16 * * * Request timed out.
17 * * * Request timed out.
18 * * * Request timed out.
19 * * * Request timed out.
20 * * * Request timed out.
21 * * * Request timed out.
22 * * * Request timed out.
23 * * * Request timed out.
24 * * * Request timed out.
25 * * * Request timed out.
26 * * * Request timed out.
27 * * * Request timed out.
28 * * * Request timed out.
29 * * * Request timed out.
30 * * * Request timed out.
The first 9 were successful.
I can't see the first 9 hops but if they are all the same then you may have a firewall configuration issue that prevents the packets from either getting out or getting back.
Try again turning off your firewall (temporarily!). The other option is that your ISP may drop ICMP traffic as a matter of course, or only when they are busy with other traffic.
ICMP (the protocol used by traceroute) is of the lowest priority, and when higher priority traffic is ongoing the router may be configured to simply drop ICMP packets. There is also the possibility that the ISP drops all ICMP packets as a matter of security since many DOS (Denial of Service) attacks are based on probing done with ICMP packets.
Some routers view all pings as a Port-Scan, and block for that reason. (as the first step in any attack is determining which ports are open.) However, blocking ping packets / tracert packets, etc. is only partially effective at mitigating a Denial-of-service attack, as such an attack could use ANY PROTOCHOL it wanted (such as by using TCP or UDP packets, etc.) So long as there is an open port to receive the packet on the machine targeted for Denial-Of-Service. For example, if we wanted to target an http server, we only need use an intercepting proxy to repeatedly send a null TCP packet to the server on port 80 or port 8080, since we know that these are the two most common ports for http. Likewise, if the target machine is running an IRCd, we know the port is most likely 6667 (unless the server is using SSL), which would be the most common port for that kind of service. Therefore, dropping ping packets does not prevent a DdOS attack- it just makes that type of attack a bit more difficult.
This is what I found from the Wireshark documentation(I had the same problem):
"The tracert program provided with Windows does not allow one
to change the size of the ICMP message sent by tracert. So it won’t be
possible to use a Windows machine to generate ICMP messages that are large
enough to force IP fragmentation. However, you can use tracert to generate
small,fixed-length packets"
use tracert -h 1
this will limit the number of times it tries a particular ip address to 1 try. h = hops. I had written a batch script a while back to scan my entire network to get a list of ips and computer networks and it would waste time on the fire wall that wouldnt answer and ip addresses that weren't assigned to any computers. Wicked annoying!!!!!! so I added the -h 1 to the script!! I runs through and makes a list in a text file. I hope to improve it in the future by running arp -a first to get a quck list of ips, then feeding that list into a script similar to this one. that way it doesn't waste time on unassigned IP's.
enter code here#echo off
enter code hereset trace=tracert
enter code hereset /a byte1=222
enter code hereset /a byte2=222
enter code hereset /a byte3=222
enter code hereset /a byte4=100
enter code hereset loop=0
enter code here:loop
enter code here#echo
enter code here%trace% %byte1%.%byte2%.%byte3%.%byte4%>>ips.txt
enter code hereset /a loop=%loop% + 1
enter code hereset /a byte4=%byte4% + 1
enter code here#echo %byte4%
enter code hereif %loop%==255 goto next
enter code heregoto loop
enter code here:next
enter code hereend
Your antivirus blocks the incoming packets , and in no case this option can be turned off because its the basic property of an antivirus i.e to block packets to prevent computer from normal as well as DOS (Denial of Service) attacks .
