iOS DatePicker disable background - ios

I have a button that when pressed slides in a uidatepicker, however if you keep pushing the button i keeps pushing a new date picker on top of the previous one. one on top of the other, continually per button press. Pretty much I want to disable everything on the view except the slide in date picker. Is there a way to disable the background and just have the date picker be interactive? Im sure there is an easy fix I'm missing. Thanks so much!!

I'm not really set for answering how to disable the background, but one way to prevent multiple datepickers from appearing would be to set and check the state of the datepicker.
When the datepicker appears you set a bool to YES indicating that there is currently a datepicker active. Now, everytime the button is pressed you can check if there already is a datepicker visible. When the datepicker is removed, simply set the bool to NO.


Ranorex: button.Click() does not work as expected

I'm using Ranorex (v10.1.6) for a Desktop Application written mostly in C#. On a Form there is a table with rows and cells. When clicking on a date cell, it should reveal a button to open the calendar. Therefore I require first a click on the table cell which should make the calendar button visible, after which I then can click the calendar button.
Problem: The click() event does not make the button visible. It seems that the click event does for a fraction of a second make the calendar button visible, but then it disappears again.
It seems that the click event does after the click something different which hides the calendar button again. I also tried to accomplish the same with the Mouse Click, and Mouse.ButtonDown(System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left) followed by Mouse.ButtonUp(System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left), but this didn't work either.
Anything else I could try to get this to work?

How to disable isEnable and isUserInteraction attributes but keep cursor show in UITextField?

I have a custom framework for UITextField. For now, I want to disable two attribute as the question above but still keep the cursor show in my custom textfield. I already disable the keyboard with set the inputView = UIView(), and that successful for hide the keyboard even show the cursor inside textField.
My goal is disable both attributes like above or another for can not Select All action from my textField, but still keep the cursor available anytime.
Hope to hear the ideas from you guys. Thank a lot!

datepicker calendar disappears when scrolling on mobile/tablet

datepicker calendar disappears when scrolling on mobile/tablet.
When i click the field (on mobile or tablet) Date , the calender appears but when i want to scroll ( you have to touch the screen to scroll) the calendar dissapears. It's very annoying, because that's the last thing i need to get it working.
You can view the date field below:
please can somebody help me. thnxx
This is old, but was in the top results when I was searching for solutions, so here's how I fixed it. If you are using the Bootstrap datepicker, check for the mousedown event handler and see if it is also bound to touchstart. Simply remove the touchstart.
$(document), {
'mousedown touchstart': $.proxy(function(e){
change this to
$(document), {
'mousedown': $.proxy(function(e){
Commit is here:

iOS -Objective C- Prevent the keyboard automatically hide when I set enable = NO on UITextField

I'm working on an App with Objective-C but I have a problem with my form.
I have several inputs view (UITextField) on it, and one with a particularly behavior.
When I select the checkbox, I prevent the user typing on the view and looks the view as disable( grayed out and without the blue bar flashing blue bar ) and keep the keyboard open.
When I set the UITextField as disable, the keyboard is automatically hidden.
Someone knows how to keep the keyboard open?
I need to something like the image attached, but without the blue bar flashing blue bar.
I did the logic to prevent the the user enter data on the input , but the keyboard is automatically hidden.
If the text field is disabled, the user cannot type into it and the dismissal of the keyboard is correct. You should not try to fight against that. (It sounds like you're trying to disable the keyboard for the wrong reasons anyway.)
In this case, it sounds like your timing is just off. When the user clicks the checkbox, your code responds. What you are doing there is just wrong. You should respond by moving the first responder to the next enabled text field yourself, and then disabling the first text field. That way, you are not disabling the text field while it is first responder; that's your whole mistake right there.

How to show keyboard programmatically in Firefox OS?

I am working on a ToDo list app wherein I keep the focus on the textbox input after the user adds a ToDo item.
Now, the problem is, when the user adds some text input and hits the add button, the focus on the textbox is lost so the keyboard disappears and then the focus gets back to the textbox. So, the keyboard disappears and appears again in a short interval. As you can imagine, this is bad UX.
How do I set the keyboard to be shown explicitly when the focus is on the input button?
I fixed it by setting the focus onto the textbox first when I click the add button then do the actual adding stuff.
