How do I create an anonymous JavaScript function/callback with Dart's JS interop? - dart

I am using Dart and its JS interop. I need to convert the following JavaScript code to Dart:
ID3.loadTags("filename.mp3", function() {
var tags = ID3.getAllTags("filename.mp3");
if (tags.artist)
artist.textContent = tags.artist;
if (tags.title)
track.textContent = tags.title;
}, {
dataReader: FileAPIReader(file)
Note the anonymous callback as the second parameter to loadTags. How do I create that with Dart and the dart:js library?
The closest I got was creating a named function with:
js.context['loadTagsCallback'] = () {
var tags = ID3.callMethod('getAllTags', ["filename.mp3"]);
var artistTag = tags['artist'];
var titleTag = tags['title'];
if (artistTag != null) {
artist.text = artistTag;
if (titleTag != null) {
track.text = titleTag;
And then using this Dart code:
ID3.callMethod('loadTags', [
new js.JsObject.jsify({'dataReader': id3FileReader})
However, I don't want to create the named function. Any ideas or tips?

Dart closures are automatically converted to JS closures when sent across the border. You can just do this:
ID3.callMethod('loadTags', ["filename.mp3", () {
var tags = ID3.callMethod('getAllTags', ["filename.mp3"]);
var artistTag = tags['artist'];
var titleTag = tags['title'];
if (artistTag != null) {
artist.text = artistTag;
if (titleTag != null) {
track.text = titleTag;
new js.JsObject.jsify({'dataReader': id3FileReader})


What is alternative for angular.forEach in angular 7
getChartData = function(d,i,isBarChart=false){
var cData = [];
angular.forEach(d, function(value, key) {
cData.push({"key": value.key,"value": value.values[i].y});
return (isBarChart ? this.toBarChart(cData) : cData);
You can use the methods available in javascript. A list of the methods that may be useful for your scenario:
Array.forEach(),, Object.keys(object)
You can use simple javascript forEach method:
let myArray = [1,2,3,4,5];
myArray.forEach((item) => {
Your updated code:
getChartData = function(d,i,isBarChart=false){
var cData = [];
d.forEach(function(value, key) {
cData.push({"key": value.key,"value": value.values[i].y});
return (isBarChart ? this.toBarChart(cData) : cData);

How to create batch using oData in SAPUI5 but I am able to create single record each time

I am not able to send batch records. But I am able to add single entity each time. I used the following function on submit.
// creating single entry each time.
onSubmitChanges: function() {
var oSelectedVal = this.getView().byId("plmSelect"),
oSelectedVal = oSelectedVal.getSelectedItem().getKey(),
oModel = this.getView().getModel(),
oEntry = {};
oEntry.MyKeyField1 = oSelectedVal;
oEntry.MyEntry1 = globalVariable1; // global variable declared to get values
oEntry.MyEntry2 = globalVariable2;
oEntry.MyEntry3 = globalVariable3;
oEntry.MyEntry4 = globalVariable4;
if (oEntry.MyKeyField1 !== "" && oEntry.MyEntry1 !== "" && oEntry.MyEntry2 !== "") {
var oContext = oModel.createEntry('/MyEntitySet', {
properties: oEntry,
success: function() {"Create successfuly");
// not able to delete/remove after created successfully used the following
bForceUpdate: true
// oModel.refresh();
error: function() {"Create failed");
} else {"Store Area and Store Description are madatory.");
Batch is not allowed. You must use deep entity if you wanna send a table.

How to import entities after save changes with breeze across two entity managers

I've implemented repository pattern with two entity managers,
mainManager is for read only and delete, and updateManager is used for edit and add new entities. I use createEmptyCopy() to create updateManager.
Before i update an entity i export the entity from mainManager and import into the updateManager, after the change i call to updateManager.saveChanges() method.
I've noticed that i get back the updated entities in the promise response. i wonder what is the best practice to import those entities back into the mainManager?
here is my code:
function ($q, $http, entityManagerFactory) {
var self = this;
self.mainManager = entityManagerFactory.newManager();
self.updateManager = entityManagerFactory.newManager();
self.saveChanges = function () {
return self.updateManager.saveChanges();
self.rejectChanges = function() {
self.getDomains = function () {
var query = new breeze.EntityQuery()
return self.mainManager.executeQuery(query);
self.createEmptyDomain = function () {
var domain = self.updateManager.createEntity('Domain');
return domain;
self.editDomain = function(domain) {
var exported = self.mainManager.exportEntities([domain]);
return self.updateManager.importEntities(exported).entities[0];
self.addDomain = function (domain) {
return self.updateManager.saveChanges();
self.deleteDomain = function (domain) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
function(data) {
function (reason) {
return deferred.promise;
Right now i'm calling mainManager.clear() and get the data again from the server as you can see above in getDomains function.
But i think this is too expansive, why call the server if i already have the updated entities from the saveChanges promise?
i've also tried to import those entities back to mainManager using:
mainManager.importEntities(data.entities, { mergeStrategy: breeze.MergeStrategy.OverwriteChanges });
but i get an internal null breeze exception:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'forEach' of undefined
at EntityManager.proto.importEntities (breeze.debug.js:13081)
at self.importEntities (domain-list.service.js:22)
at domain-list.controller.js:70
at processQueue (angular.js:13170)
at angular.js:13186
at Scope.promises.$get.Scope.$eval (angular.js:14383)
at Scope.promises.$get.Scope.$digest (angular.js:14199)
at Scope.promises.$get.Scope.$apply (angular.js:14488)
at done (angular.js:9646)
at completeRequest (angular.js:9836)
the error is from this line breeze.debug.js:13081
13080: var tempKeyMap = {};
13081: json.tempKeys.forEach(function (k) {
13082: var oldKey = EntityKey.fromJSON(k, that.metadataStore);
13083: // try to use oldKey if not already used in this keyGenerator. 13084: tempKeyMap[oldKey.toString()] = new EntityKey(oldKey.entityType,
13085: that.keyGenerator.generateTempKeyValue(oldKey.entityType, oldKey.values[0]));
13086: });
var exportData = updateManager.exportEntities(data.entities, false);
{ mergeStrategy: breeze.MergeStrategy.OverwriteChanges });

Setting Context Item position in Firefox addons SDK

I'm writing an extension that involving adding an item to Firefox's context menu, but it appends to the end of the menu and I couldn't find any pointers customizing item's position using Addon SDK (insertBefore/insertAfter), I know how this can be done using XUL, but I'm trying to do it using Addon SDK or some sort of Addon SDK/XUL combination
This is the code snippet related to context menu
var pageMod = require("sdk/page-mod");
var data = require("sdk/self").data;
var tabs = require("sdk/tabs");
var cm = require("sdk/context-menu");
include: "*",
contentScriptFile: data.url("page.js"),
onAttach: function (worker) {
worker.port.emit('link', data.url('convertbutton.png'));
label: "Convert File",
image: data.url("bighdconverterlogo128png.png"),
context: [
contentScriptFile: data.url("menu.js"),
onMessage: function(vUrl){;
self.on("click", function(){
self.postMessage('' + 'c.php?url=' + window.location.href);
i dont know about sdk but for non-sdk addons its easy. but because you dont have the boiler plate setup its going to look long. add this code to your addon at the bottom:
var positionToInsertMenu = 0; //set the position you want it at here
var myLabelText = 'Convert File';
const {interfaces: Ci,utils: Cu} = Components;
/*start - windowlistener*/
var windowListener = {
onOpenWindow: function (aXULWindow) {
// Wait for the window to finish loading
let aDOMWindow = aXULWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowInternal || Ci.nsIDOMWindow);
aDOMWindow.addEventListener("load", function () {
aDOMWindow.removeEventListener("load", arguments.callee, false);
windowListener.loadIntoWindow(aDOMWindow, aXULWindow);
}, false);
onCloseWindow: function (aXULWindow) {},
onWindowTitleChange: function (aXULWindow, aNewTitle) {},
register: function () {
// Load into any existing windows
let XULWindows = Services.wm.getXULWindowEnumerator(null);
while (XULWindows.hasMoreElements()) {
let aXULWindow = XULWindows.getNext();
let aDOMWindow = aXULWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowInternal || Ci.nsIDOMWindow);
windowListener.loadIntoWindow(aDOMWindow, aXULWindow);
// Listen to new windows
unregister: function () {
// Unload from any existing windows
let XULWindows = Services.wm.getXULWindowEnumerator(null);
while (XULWindows.hasMoreElements()) {
let aXULWindow = XULWindows.getNext();
let aDOMWindow = aXULWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowInternal || Ci.nsIDOMWindow);
windowListener.unloadFromWindow(aDOMWindow, aXULWindow);
//Stop listening so future added windows dont get this attached
loadIntoWindow: function (aDOMWindow, aXULWindow) {
if (!aDOMWindow) {
var contentAreaContextMenu = aDOMWindow.document.getElementById('contentAreaContextMenu');
var myMenuItem;
if (contentAreaContextMenu) {
var menuItems = contentAreaContextMenu.querySelector('menuitem');
[], function(item) {
if (item.getAttribute('label') == myLabelText) {
myMenuItem = item;
if (contentAreaContextMenu.childNodes.length >= positionToInsertMenu) { //position is greater then number of childNodes so append to end
} else {
contentAreaContextMenu.insertBefore(myMenuItem, contentAreaContextMenu.childNodes[thePosition]);
unloadFromWindow: function (aDOMWindow, aXULWindow) {
if (!aDOMWindow) {
var myMenuItem = aDOMWindow.document.getElementById('myMenuItem');
if (myMenuItem) {
on unload of your addon add this:
i copied pasted from a template and modded it real fast. for position to be accurate you probably have to consider which menuitems are hidden and which are not

An observer for page loads in a custom xul:browser

In my firefox extension I'm creating a xul:browser element. I want to have an observer that intercepts any url changes within the embedded browser and opens the url in a new browser tab (in the main browser). I'd also like new windows spawned by the xul:browser window to open in a tab instead of a new browser window.
I've created an observer which works, but I don't yet know how to apply that observer only to the xul:browser element.
function myFunction(){
var container = jQuery("#container")[0];
var new_browser_element = document.createElement('browser');
var observerService = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIObserverService);
observerService.addObserver(myObserver, "http-on-modify-request", false);
var myObserver = {
observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData){
if (aTopic != 'http-on-modify-request'){
// alert(aSubject.URI.spec);
// Now open url in new tab
QueryInterface: function(iid){
if (!iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports) &&
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
return this;
You could try:
var myObserver = {
observe: function(aSubject, aTopic, aData){
if (aTopic == 'http-on-modify-request')
var url = aSubject.URI.spec;
var postData ;
if (aSubject.requestMethod.toLowerCase() == "post")
var postText = this.readPostTextFromRequest(request);
if (postText)
var dataString = parseQuery(postText);
postData = postDataFromString(dataString);
var oHttp = aSubject.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIHttpChannel);
var interfaceRequestor = oHttp.notificationCallbacks.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIInterfaceRequestor);
var DOMWindow = interfaceRequestor.getInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIDOMWindow);
//check if it is one of your mini browser windows
if (jQuery(DOMWindow).hasClass('mini_browser'))
openInTab(url, postData);
var request = aSubject.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRequest);
QueryInterface: function(iid){
if (!iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports) &&
throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
return this;
readPostTextFromRequest : function(request) {
var is = request.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIUploadChannel).uploadStream;
if (is)
var ss = is.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsISeekableStream);
var prevOffset;
if (ss)
prevOffset = ss.tell();, 0);
// Read data from the stream..
var charset = "UTF-8";
var text = this.readFromStream(is, charset, true);
// Seek locks the file so, seek to the beginning only if necko hasn't read it yet,
// since necko doesn't seek to 0 before reading (at lest not till 459384 is fixed).
if (ss && prevOffset == 0), 0);
return text;
else {
dump("Failed to Query Interface for upload stream.\n");
return null;
readFromStream : function(stream, charset, noClose)
var sis = Components.classes[";1"]
var segments = [];
for (var count = stream.available(); count; count = stream.available())
if (!noClose)
var text = segments.join("");
return text;
function openInTab(url, postData)
var wm = Components.classes[";1"]
var recentWindow = wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
if (recentWindow)
// Use an existing browser window, open tab and "select" it
recentWindow.gBrowser.selectedTab = recentWindow.gBrowser.addTab(url, null, null, postData);
function parseQuery() {
var qry = this;
var rex = /[?&]?([^=]+)(?:=([^&#]*))?/g;
var qmatch, key;
var paramValues = {};
// parse querystring storing key/values in the ParamValues associative array
while (qmatch = rex.exec(qry)) {
key = decodeURIComponent(qmatch[1]);// get decoded key
val = decodeURIComponent(qmatch[2]);// get decoded value
paramValues[key] = val;
return paramValues;
function postDataFromString(dataString)
// POST method requests must wrap the encoded text in a MIME
// stream
var stringStream = Components.classes[";1"]
if ("data" in stringStream) // Gecko 1.9 or newer = dataString;
else // 1.8 or older
stringStream.setData(dataString, dataString.length);
var postData = Components.classes[";1"].
postData.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
postData.addContentLength = true;
return postData;
I'll update this to fill in the blanks in a bit.
edit: see for how to get the source window of a request.
Request cancellation code from
see for details on nsIRequest.
See and for the definition of addTab.
parseQuery comes from
See for how to process post data in a form suitable for addTab.
ReadPostFromText and ReadTextFromStream both come from firebug (though slightly modified)
