Breeze and extraMetadata - breeze

I have a strange behavior regarding the extraMetadata (I am using OData)
1. I have created a clone function - I am creating new manager and importing into in an entity which I perform the operation
ctor.prototype.clone = function() {
var clonedManager = this.entityAspect.entityManager.createEmptyCopy(),
exportData = this.entityAspect.entityManager.exportEntities([this], true), //export it to the new manager
cloned = clonedManager.getEntityByKey(this.entityAspect.getKey());
return cloned;
how ever I had to add
cloned.entityAspect.extraMetadata = this.entityAspect.extraMetadata;
cause I saw that it isn't being exported/imported
when I get entities using expand, those entities don't hold extraMetadata;
and without the extraMetadata I cannot commit the changes - as I get exception

As of BreezeJs version 1.4.13, available now, this has been fixed.


Returning Updated Results from DBSet.SqlQuery

I want to use the following method to flag people in the Person table so that they can be processed. These people must be flagged as "In Process" so that other threads do not operate on the same rows.
In SQL Management Studio the query works as expected. When I call the method in my application I receive the row for the person but with the old status.
Status is one of many navigation properties off of Person and when this query returns it is the only property returned as a proxy object.
// This is how I'm calling it (obvious, I know)
var result = PersonLogic.GetPeopleWaitingInLine(100);
// And Here is my method.
public IList<Person> GetPeopleWaitingInLine(int count)
const string query =
#"UPDATE top(#count) PERSON
SET PERSON_STATUS_ID = #inProcessStatusId
WHERE PERSON_STATUS_ID = #queuedStatusId";
var queuedStatusId = StatusLogic.GetStatus("Queued").Id;
var inProcessStatusId = StatusLogic.GetStatus("In Process").Id;
return Context.People.SqlQuery(query,
new SqlParameter("count", count),
new SqlParameter("queuedStateId", queuedStateId),
new SqlParameter("inProcessStateId", inProcessStateId)
// update | if I refresh the result set then I get the correct results
// but I'm not sure about this solution since it will require 2 DB calls
Context.ObjectContext().Refresh(RefreshMode.StoreWins, results);
I know it is an old question but this could help somebody.
It seems you are using a global Context for your query, EF is designed to retain cache info, if you allways need fresh data must use a fresh context to retrieve it. as this:
using (var tmpContext = new Contex())
// your query here
This create the context and recycle it. This means no cache was stored and next time it gets fresh data from database not from cache.

TFS 2010 API: Get old name/location of renamed/moved item

I'm writing an application that pulls changesets from TFS and exports a csv file that describes the latest changes for use in a script to push those changes into ClearCase. The "latest" doesn't necessarily mean the latest, however. If a file was added and then edited, I only need to know that the file was added, and get the latest version so that my script knows how to properly handle it. Most of this is fairly straight-forward. I'm getting hung up on files that have been renamed or moved, as I do not want to show that item as being deleted, and another item added. To uphold the integrity of ClearCase, I need to have in the CSV file that the item is moved or renamed, along with the old location and the new location.
So, the issue I'm having is tracing a renamed (or moved) file back to the previous name or location so that I can correlate it to the new location/name. Where in the API can I get this information?
Here is your answer:
Using QueryHistory you can find out that an item was renamed, then using its previous changeset (previous to the one that says it was renamed) you can find its previous name.
You will need to use VersionControlServer.QueryHistory in a manner similar to the following method. Pay particular attention to SlotMode which must be false in order for renames to be followed.
private static void PrintNames(VersionControlServer vcs, Change change)
//The key here is to be sure Slot Mode is enabled.
IEnumerable<Changeset> queryHistory =
new QueryHistoryParameters(change.Item.ServerItem, RecursionType.None)
IncludeChanges = true,
SlotMode = false,
VersionEnd = new ChangesetVersionSpec(change.Item.ChangesetId)
string name = string.Empty;
var changes = queryHistory.SelectMany(changeset => changeset.Changes);
foreach (var chng in changes)
if (name != chng.Item.ServerItem)
name = chng.Item.ServerItem;
EDIT: Moved the other solution up. What follows worked when I was testing against a pure Rename change but broke when I tired against a Rename and Edit change.
This is probably the most efficient way to get the previous name. While it works (TFS2013 API against as TFS2012 install), it look like a bug to me.
private static string GetPreviousServerItem(VersionControlServer vcs, Item item)
Change[] changes = vcs.GetChangesForChangeset(
includeDownloadInfo: false,
pageSize: int.MaxValue,
lastItem: new ItemSpec(item.ServerItem, RecursionType.None));
string previousServerItem = changes.Single().Item.ServerItem;
//Yep, this passes
Trace.Assert(item.ServerItem != previousServerItem);
return previousServerItem;
it would be used like:
if (change.ChangeType.HasFlag(ChangeType.Rename))
string oldServerPath = GetPreviousServerItem(vcs, change.Item);
// ...

ZendAMF 1.11 and the missing source

We are trying to upgrade from an older version of Zend Framework to the most recent one (1.11).
We have to send some ArrayCollections to a Flex-app that I can not access. Previous versions of ZF's Zend_Amf_Value_Messaging_ArrayCollection have a source attribute which the newer versions don't have.
I have tried editing the Zend_Amf_Value_Messaging_ArrayCollection class to have that source property, but it seems like ZF doesn't send objects to the Flex-app (I've noticed that via a debugging proxy). The ArrayCollection still has the correct keys (AFAIK, going from 0 -> 3), but the values are NULL.
This is from a small test-file:
$c = new RoomCategoryVO();
$c->name = 'root';
$c->childCategories = new Zend_Amf_Value_Messaging_ArrayCollection();
$cc1 = new RoomCategoryVO();
$cc1->sortPriority = 2;
$cc1->name = $this->xml->roomService->windows;
$cc1->parentCategory = $c;
$cc1->childItems = new Zend_Amf_Value_Messaging_ArrayCollection();
$re11 = new ElementVO();
$re11->id = "simpleWindow";
$re11->name = $this->xml->roomService->window;
$re11->type = 'SIMPLE_WINDOW';
$re11->icon = 'assets/runtime/images/schemeIcons/simpleWindow.png';
//$cc1->childItems->source[] = $re11;
$cc1->childItems[] = $re11;
//$c->childCategories->source[] = $cc1;
In comments you see the 'old' way of ZendAMF, below them the new way.
Is there any way to get ZendAMF use the source property again without going back to an older version of ZF?
We finally settled on using ZendAMF, with only the Zend_Amf_Value_Messaging_ArrayCollection from the previous version being:
class Zend_Amf_Value_Messaging_ArrayCollection
public $source;
This allows us still using the source property.

New Object not triggering createRecord in DataSource

In my responder I have:
Spanish.ADDWORD = SC.Responder.create({
didBecomeFirstResponder: function(responder) {
var store = this._store =; //buffer changes
var word = store.createRecord(Spanish.Word, {word: "", english: ""});
//show the dialog
var pane = Spanish.getPath('addWordPage.mainPane');
submit: function(){
Before I had the DataSource hooked-up, and I was using local, everything worked. When I click submit now no new object is created and createRecord is not being called.
A possible problem is that you are calling .destroy() immediately. This shouldn't be an issue, but as you said it was working while using fixtures (which are synchronous). Now that you are using a dataSource (which is usually asynchronous), it may be getting interrupted. Try removing the .destory(), and see if that resolves your issue.
Another option to try, is that there may be a bug in the nested store, in that if you create a new record (rather than edit an existing one), the 'did it change' test may fail (as there is nothing to compair it too), so calling commitChanges(YES) will force a commit, without the check.

How To Save Navigation Properties in the Entity Framework

I'm trying to use the repository pattern to save an entity using the Entity Framework. I'm unclear on how to save the Navigation Properties (like Account below). Can anyone shed some light on this. Especially how one would set the AccountId from an MVC controller all the way through to the repository where it's saved.
--- Sample Code ---
public void SavePerson(Person person)
if (person != null)
using (xxxxxxEntities bbEntities = new xxxxxxEntities())
//see if it's in the db
Person cPerson;
ObjectQuery<Person> persons = bbEntities.Person;
cPerson = (from p in persons
where p.PersonId == person.PersonId
select p).FirstOrDefault() ?? new Person();
//synch it
cPerson.Account.AccountId = person.Account.AccountId; //<=== ????
cPerson.Active = person.Active;
cPerson.BirthDay = person.BirthDay;
cPerson.BirthMonth = person.BirthMonth;
cPerson.BirthYear = person.BirthYear;
cPerson.CellPhone = person.CellPhone;
cPerson.CreatedBy = person.CreatedBy;
cPerson.CScore = person.CScore;
I think you may be going about this the hard way. There are lots of posts on the repository pattern, the way that works best with MVC is to get the item, then update it with the form, then save it. What you're doing is passing the item through to your repository, getting it again and then updating it with the object.
But that's not the problem you asked about;
cPerson.Account = (from a in Account
where a.AccountId.Equals(person.Account.AccountId)
select a).FirstOrDefault();
You need to set the Account object to an instance of the account you're trying to reference like this. You could, and probably should, extract this code into a seperate repository for the account, just make sure they share the same Entity context.
