iOS- Provisioning profile issues. - ios

OK, so I have tried everything possible but still having issues.
I am testing on two devices. An iPhone and an iPad. When I connect the iPhone to Xcode and hit run it builds on the iPhone without any problems but when I connect the iPad to Xcode and hit run it fails and gives me this
This product type must be built using a provisioning profile, however
no provisioning profile matching both the identity
I used to be able to test very easily before I upgraded to Xcode5.
Now it works on one device but not the other. Can anyone please tell me how I can fix this?
All my devices are upgraded to iOS 7.1 as well.

In order to fix this problem, please follow these steps:
I. Go to Xcode Settings (Xcode -> Preferences), and select "Accounts." Make sure you are signed in to your developer account.
II. Click on the first tab under the run button, and then click on the name of the project (circled in red)
III. Under "Identity" select the account that matches your build identifier, or click "Fix Issue"
IV. If this does not fix your issue, go to "Build Settings" -> "Code Signing"
V. Finally: If this does not fix your issue, go back to the Certificate Center in the iOS Developer Center ( and reprovision the certificate, then repeat these steps.


A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found error Xcode 9

I have an iPhone on which until last evening was able to run an app without issue , my iphone is added to the developer portal and signing is set to auto in Xcode 9, and it was running fine. Since last morning I have started receiving error
A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found
I can see the device is on developer portal , also I am able to install the app on other phone from Xcode 9 just fine. So clearly this is not developer portal related issue.
I have restarted / fully restarted iPhone a few times and also quite Xcode 9 as well, but doesn't seems to work.
How can this be solved ?
Never mind this was solved as follows,
Removed the derived data folder and removed the device from Xcode , restarted Xcode, and connected iPhone again , this time it reindexed the device and all worked just fine.
Fixed this issue by going to > Certificates, IDs & Profiles > Provisioning Profile > Development, create or download an existing valid provisioning profile and double-click it. It should add the provisioning profile to the device you're using.
XCode 9.
If you are sure:
The provisioning profile was created correctly.
Added UDID (your iPhone / iPad) to devices category.
If manual import Provision Profile, but cannot build to your phone, then try to Check "Automatically manage signing" in your project > General > Signing
It work for me.
Maybe have a try of this:
1. Open the Keychain Application
2. Choose "Session" in the left panel
3. Try related keywords(your apple id, your team name, etc.) in the upper right search input, you can find all your certifications, some of them may expired, just delete them, and restart Xcode/ reconnect your device.
try to create the ipa by archiving it, and then installed it via itunes

Xcode Failed to create a provisioning profile

I have an iOS app I am trying to develop and test in Xcode. However, I get the error below. I do not have a physical Apple device, but would like to test this on an iOS Simulator. I thought this should launch a Simulator if I press the play button, as I have selected iPhone 6s Plus for example, but it just says "Build Succeeded" and does nothing.
How do I resolve the errors below, and test the app on a Simulator?
This is not because of Provisioning profile or Automatic manage signing.
You've selected the wrong target, Please select the target as 'theWhoZoo' (which is beside Run & Stop button at the top) and run on Simulator again.
While running on Simulator, you don't need the Provisioning profile or Automatic manage signing.
As shown in image below:
Hope this helps!
For me, it worked just turning off 'Automatically manage signing'.
Maybe they didn't give you full account access. Check if this link:
Show this pop-up

How do I code sign ios app using xcode ? (For clients)

How can I code sign Ios app using xCode for a client. He already sent me a certificate and a provisioning profile but how to use them to code sign the app.
1- I don't have an apple developer account.
2- the app is developed by Unity.
3- I used cocapods for google play services to work on Ios this is how I used it (Check out FaHu answer).
Please help I've never used xCode before so am new to Ios in general if you can provide a step by step that will be so appreciated as am stuck to do this for a month and a half.
First of all, import the Development Certificate into Keychain Access by clicking on it. Then, go ahead and add the provisioning profile to Xcode by clicking on it as well.
In Xcode, go through the following steps:
In the upper left corner, click on the Xcode project icon
Go ahead and click on PROJECT, then Build Settings at the top.
In the next view, scroll down until you find the "Code Signing" area. For "Code Signing Identity", go ahead with the name of your Certificate (click on the current value for a dropdown). You do that for both, "Debug" and "Release" as well as for "Any iOS SDK". Then, you click on the provisioning profile and choose your clients profile.
Repeat steps 2 & 3, but this time not for PROJECT, but for your TARGET on the left side. Also, For the target go to the "General" tab and choose the Team your Certificate is bundled to from the dropdown window.
Be sure to login with the Apple ID the certificate is bundled to. You can do that in the Xcode settings (cmd + ,).

None of the valid provisioning profiles include the devices

I have removed some of the devices from the provisioning profile from apple portal for adhoc distribution and downloaded and installed it in xcode 6.
But upon archiving the project it shows the error for missing devices and invalid provisioning profile .
I have wasted 3-4 hours regarding this issue but found no luck.
Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated.
I just had this error as well. I am not sure if all of these steps are required, but the is exactly what I did to fix it, and it worked for me...
On the device, I removed the provisioning profile that was in General -> Profile.
In Xcode, under window tab open up the "Devices" window. (shift+cmd+2)
Choose the device and copy its identifier
Login to and go to the "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles" area
If the device in question is not registered, register it in the "Devices" area. (My device was not registered, so I registered it)
In Xcode preferences under Xcode tab, go to the Accounts tab and choose your Apple ID.
Choose the identity from the list and then hit the "View Details..." button.
Under "Signing Identities", only "iOS Development" was listed.
Click the "refresh" button on the lower-left of this details page.
I was informed that I didn't have a distribution certificate and asked if I wanted Xcode to request one for me. I chose Yes (or Request)
'iOS Distribution" then showed up also, just under the "iOS Development" entry
Hit the "Done" button
Exit from the Xcode preferences
Choose the Target for your project, then choose the "General" tab
Choose the "Team" dropdown and pick your team, even if it is already selected. This causes Xcode to refresh its info about the Team.
At this point, my warning next to "Team" went away. I then tried to run my app on the problem iOS device again and it worked as expected.
I hope that by following these steps, it will at least help you get closer to fixing your problem.
I only have this problem when archiving so I do not bother to investigate, unplug the iPhone and archiving works just fine.
In my case I needed to remove the Team ID from the bundle identifier in targets settings > General.
If you have the Team selected below this id will be added automatically.
I followed a lot of the instructions out there about resetting profiles and restarting xcode but still had no luck. Eventually I set team to 'none' and reset the build configuration as indicated here:
This was for a project I hadn't updated in a year or so and I had just updated to xcode 7.3.
I had a similar problem where my device was properly registered and had been working for some time before suddenly stopping. All of the provisioning profiles were up to date and I was still able to download other Xcode projects onto my device. My developer account was listed as the Team under Targets -> General -> Team but it still wouldn't work. So I switched Team to None and attempted to build the Project again. It gave me an error for not selecting a valid Team, but then an option popped up to choose one of the ones registered earlier in Accounts. I just clicked on my developer ID and that seemed to fix the problem.

Provisioning New Device for Development Xcode

I am a new iOS developer, and although I have been successful in provisioning a device for development in Xcode in the past, I just obtained a new device and am having an awful time getting Xcode to provision it and allow me to test applications on it.
When I connect the new device to Xcode, Xcode does recognize and identify the device correctly, however when I run the application I get the following error message: "A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found."
According to the Apple documentation, I am supposed to first request a development certificate in Xcode using the following steps:
Choose Window > Organizer > Devices
Select Provisioning Profiles.
Click the Refresh button at the bottom of the window.
Enter your user name and password and click Log in.
After you sign in to your account, a prompt appears, asking whether Xcode should request your development certificate.
I have followed steps 1 - 4 repeatedly and each and every time Xcode crashes before I can get to step 5. I have tried completely closing xcode, detaching device, cleaning project, restarting computer, etc. Is there another way to request a development certificate outside of Xcode?
Ok so then the docs say I should provision the device (granted I assume this step is contingent upon the success of the previous step which I cannot achieve, but I tried it anyway) using the following steps:
Connect your device to your Mac.
Open the Devices organizer
select your iOS device.
Click the “Use for Development” button. The first time you add a device ID to your account, Xcode creates the iOS Team Provisioning Profile using the iOS Wildcard App ID, your development certificate, and the device ID. The iOS Team Provisioning Profile is also installed on your iOS device. If the device was used for development in the past, the “Use for Development” button may not appear. If this happens, click “Add to Portal” at the bottom of the screen instead.
So the "use for development" button does not appear (it appeared the first time I attempted this and hasn't since), so I clicked the "add to portal button". Every single time I do this, Xcode crashes.
I currently have the code signing identity set to iPhone Developer (my name). I have also tried setting it just to iPhone Developer and even Do Not Code Sign. I also went to the iOS dev center and added the device there (not sure if I needed to do that or not).
In any case, can anyone suggest anything I might be missing or any other approach?
While I was sleeping, Apple completely abolished the Portal and created a new and apparently largely broken interface. It's like a kind of evil April Fools joke. Anyway, if you go to there's a great big sign telling you that you must "reset your device list before adding any new devices". That sounds like it covers exactly your case. Good luck.
I also went to the iOS dev center and added the device there (not sure if I needed to do that or not).
You need to add the device there.
Steps You need to follow after adding device:
Next re-download the mobile provisioning profile again.
Go to organizer and delete the old mobile provisioning profile you had.
Double click the new mobile provisioning profile you just downloaded and see that it appears on the organizer.
Connect your device and you should see your device's name instead of iOS device.
hope this helps.
If you are looking to bypass the 'Register a Device' portion of the Provisional Profile registration simply upload the 'sample .txt file' they provide you and upload it. You will then be allowed to click 'Next' to finish the registration so this way you do not have to enter a device UID.
