Lua multiline comments past ]]'s - lua

I'm trying to find out a way to use a multiline comment on a batch of code, but it keeps mistaking some syntax in it as a ]] and thinking I want it to end there, which I don't!
for k,v in pairs(t) do
local d = fullToShort[k]
local col = xColours[v[1]] -- It stops here!
cecho(string.format(("<%s>%s ", col, d))
I thought I read somewhere it was possible to do use a different sort of combination to avoid those errors, like --[=[ or whatnot... Could someone help?

As you can see in Strings tutorial there is a special [===[ syntax for nesting square braces. You can use it in block comments too. Just note, that number of = signs must be the same in open and close sequence.
For example 5 equals will work.
for k,v in pairs(t) do
local d = fullToShort[k]
local col = xColours[v[1]] -- It stops here!
cecho(string.format(("<%s>%s ", col, d))

You can use the following to create multiline comments past ]]'s:


Lua/pico8: Converting str to variable without access to _G table

I'm looking to iterate over some similarly named variables. a_1,a_2,a_3=1,2,3
So that instead of using:
if a_1>0 then a_1-=1 end
if a_2>0 then a_2-=1 end
if a_3>0 then a_3-=1 end
I can do something like:
for i=1,3 do
if a_'i'>1 then a_'i'-=1 end --syntax is wrong here
Not sure how to go about doing this, as stated there is no access to _G library in pico8. var-=1 is just var=var-1. Given there are functions like tostr() and tonum() was wondering if there was a tovar() kind of trick to this. Basically need a way to convert the i value to a letter in my variable name and concat it to the variable the conditional statement. Or some alternative method if there is one.
In Lua, when in doubt, use a table.
In this case you could put the 3 variable on a table at the start, and unpack them at the end:
local a={a_1,a_2,a_3}
for i=1,3 do
if(a[i]>1) a[i]-=1
Not sure which Lua version does pico 8 use but for LuaJIT, you could try using loadstring and there is load for Lua5.2+ (I know, not the best solution):
for i = 1, 3 do
local x
loadstring("x = a_" .. tostring(i))()
if x > 1 then
x = x - 1
loadstring("a_" .. tostring(i) .. " = x")()

how do i call for a vaiable using user_input

the file im working on is a feckin mess so im going to use this instead
a = 1
b = 2
c = 3
user_input =
I want to be able to write b in the terminal and get back 2
ive tried all the different io functions and I don't want to use print
… sorry if this is stupid simple im a new programmer (learning)
also please don't out right tell me how to solve this problem just get me on the right track please
If you are asking how to output something based on the user input you could instead make a table like
values = {
['a'] = 1,
['b'] = 2,
['c'] = 3,
--continued for as many as you want
and then simply print the value at the index they input
if values[user_input] then --Make sure the index is valid before trying to print it
I think what you are saying is:
if (user_input=="b"){
Since you use globals a, b and c, you can refer to them as _G[var]:
var =
print _G[var]
Also, you can use getfenv()/setfenv() in Lua 5.1 and _ENV in Lua 5.2+ to avoid polluting the global scope (see
#! /usr/bin/env lua
local table = {}
table .a = 1
table .b = 2
table .c = 3
local function test_inclusion()
io .write( 'key: ' )
key = io .read()
if table[ key ] then
value = table[ key ]
io .write( 'value: ' ..value ..'\n' )

Lua: gmatch multi line string?

I'm trying to make a function that searches through some code to find the line the search term is on, as well as the line's index. The code is a multi line string with new line characters. I was thinking of using gmatch to do this, but I have no clue how.
This is my code at the moment. It's awful, but I can't think of a way to make it any better:
local function search( code, term )
local matches = {}
local i = 0
for line in string.gmatch( code, "[^\r\n]+" ) do
i = i + 1
if string.find( line, term, 1, true ) then
table.insert( matches, { line = i, code = line } )
return matches
Any help would be appreciated!
Your solution seem fine to me. The problem with using a single gmactch loop is your requirement to report line numbers. The code below avoids this by embedding line numbers into the code. I've use # to mark line numbers. You can use any char that does not appear in the source code, even something like \0.
function search(code,term)
for a,b in code:gmatch("#(%d+):([^\n]-"..term.."[^\n]-)\n") do
local n=0
code=code:gsub("\n", function () n=n+1 return "\n#"..n..":" end)

Find all upper/lower/mixed combinations of a string

I need this for a game server using Lua..
I would like to be able to save all combinations of a name
into a string that can then be used with:
if exists (string)
in the game only numbers, letters and _ - . can be used as names.
(A_B-C, A-B.C, AB_8 ... etc)
I understand the logic I just don't know how to code it:D
You can use recursive generator. The first parameter contains left part of the string generated so far, and the second parameter is the remaining right part of the original string.
function combinations(s1, s2)
if s2:len() > 0 then
local c = s2:sub(1, 1)
local l = c:lower()
local u = c:upper()
if l == u then
combinations(s1 .. c, s2:sub(2))
combinations(s1 .. l, s2:sub(2))
combinations(s1 .. u, s2:sub(2))
So the function is called in this way.
combinations("", "ABC_-123")
You only have to store intermediate results instead of printing them.
If you are interested only in the exists function then you don't need all combinations.
local stored_string = "ABC_-123"
function exists(tested_string)
return stored_string:lower() == tested_string:lower()
You simply compare the stored string and the tested string in case-insensitive way.
It can be easily tested:
assert(not exists("abd_-123"))
How to do this?
There's native function in Lua to generate all permutations of a string, but here are a few things that may prove useful.
Probably the simplest solution, but also the least flexible. Rather than combinations, you can check if a substring exists within a given string.
if str:find(substr) then
If this solves your problem, I highly reccomend it.
Get all permutations
A more expensive, but still a working solution. This accomplishes nearly exactly what you asked.
function GetScrambles(str, tab2)
local tab = {}
for i = 1,#str do
table.insert(tab, str:sub(i, i))
local tab2 = tab2 or {}
local scrambles = {}
for i = 0, Count(tab)-1 do
local permutation = ""
local a = Count(tab)
for j = 1, #tab do
tab2[j] = tab[j]
for j = #tab, 1, -1 do
a = a / j
b = math.floor((i/a)%j) + 1
permutation = permutation .. tab2[b]
tab2[b] = tab2[j]
table.insert(scrambles, permutation)
return scrambles
What you asked
Basically this would be exactly what you originally asked for. It's the same as the above code, except with every substring of the string.
function GetAllSubstrings(str)
local substrings = {}
for i = 1,#str do
for ii = i,#str do
return substrings
You'd basically have to, with every permutation, make every possible combination of capitals with it.
This shouldn't be too difficult, I'm sure you can code it :)
Are you joking?
After this you should probably be wondering. Is all of this really necessary? It seems like a bit much!
The answer to this lies in what you are doing. Do you really need all the combinations of the given characters? I don't think so. You say you need it for case insensitivity in the comments... But did you know you could simply convert it into lower/upper case? It's very simple
local str = "hELlO"
This is HOW you should store names, otherwise you should leave it case sensitive.
You decide
Now YOU pick what you're going to do. Whichever direction you pick, I wish you the best of luck!

Lua double results showing

So my lua script is showing double results:
It should only show one of each type of fluid.
This is the part of the script :
function firstToUpper(str)
return (str:gsub("^%l", string.upper))
function dispTanks()
mon.setCursorPos(offsetPos, 1)
for i=1, #machines do
-- RC Tanks --------------------------------------------
if string.find(machines[i], "rcirontankvalvetile")
or string.find(machines[i], "rcsteeltankvalvetile") then
if peripheral.isPresent(machines[i]) then
periph = peripheral.wrap(machines[i])
fluidRaw, fluidName, fluidAmount, fluidCapacity, fluidID = marik.getTank(periph)
if fluidName == nil then
-- does not display empty tanks
elseif fluidName ~= nil then
x,y = mon2.getCursorPos()
mon2.setCursorPos(offsetPos, (y+1))
-- marik.cString(offsetPos,(y+1), tc, right, ",")
nameFL = firstToUpper(marik.comma(fluidName):match("[^.]*"))
mon2.write("Tank (" .. nameFL .. ") : " .. marik.getBuckets(fluidAmount) .. " buckets")
I though it was not ending the showing with a "," "." or a ")" but that doesn't seem to be the case. How can i fix this?
Pastebin edit
This are the 2 complete codes:
The main program :
The api :
After taking a look at this i would suggest taking a look into what your table looks like because the code posted above does not seem to have anything wrong with it, BUT if your table some how duplicated the machines then it would certainly print it out twice, that's where i would start to look.
Edit - and by table i mean the "array" machines
Code to debug the table "array" put this before the section of code you placed on your question..
for k, v in pairs(machines) do
print(tostring(k)..": "..tostring(v))
