YSlow Phantomjs and Jenkins jobs failing, but analysis successful - jenkins

I'm going through the tutorial on YSlow and Phantom js in Jenkins here: http://yslow.org/phantomjs/
Everything appears to be working great except the Jenkins builds are failing. I think this is due to the violations that YSlow is finding (6 for the particular site I am measuring). I'd rather have the build be successful (or unstable) vs. failed though
Is that possible with this or will I have to resort to something like the postgroovy or text finder plugin?
This is the console output:
phantomjs.exe yslow.js -i grade -t 50 --format junit http://www.somesite.com 1>yslow.xml
D:\Apps\Jenkins\workspace\YSlow_Test>exit 6
Build step 'Execute Windows batch command' marked build as failure

Any non-zero exit code at the end of your Execute Windows batch command build step will result in build step being marked as failure.
To have the build step marked as success, you need an exit code of 0. I don't know anything about "yslow" or "phantomjs" and why they are giving you exit code of non-zero, but from "batch" side of things, you need only write exit 0 at the end of your build step if you want to overwrite the exit code of your phantomjs command.
You can then use Text Finder plugin to parse the console log and mark build as unstable when certain conditions are met.
Reading over this answer, Configuring yslow on Jenkins looks like you need TAP plugin to have the functionality of unit testing marking the build as unstable automatically


Jenkins build is getting succeed even though Response Assertion fails

I am using Jmeter for API's functional testing. For this, have added Response Assertion.
Even though it's failing but Jenkin's build appeared as Succeed.
Is there any way to mark Jenkin build as Failed when our Assertions are failed?
Please help out on this, let me know if any more info is required.
It depends on how do you launch JMeter in Jenkins, if it's just a command-line non-GUI execution like jmeter -n -t test.jmx -l result.jtl then it doesn't produce any error exit status code and this is something Jenkins checks.
The options are in:
Migrating to JMeter Maven Plugin which provides jmeter-check-results goal
Migrating to Taurus which provides Pass/Fail Criteria subsystem
And finally you can add a JSR223 Listener to your Test Plan and force JMeter to exit by adding the next code in the "Script" area:
if (!prev.isSuccessful()) {

Build step 'Publish Performance test result report' changed build result to FAILURE Finished: FAILURE

Cannot detect file type because of error, and : Failed to copy Build step 'Publish Performance test result report' changed build result to FAILURE Finished: FAILURE. whenever i run the script always i face this..
Take a look into Jenkins Console Output - it should give you the reason for the failure.
Most probably the Performance Plugin fails to find JMeter's .jtl results file in Jenkins Workspace, either the .jtl results file is missing or you're pointing the Performance Plugin to the incorrect location.
If you have a Script step to run a JMeter test like:
jmeter -n -t test.jmx -l result.jtl
You should be able to use simply result.jtl in the Performance Plugin.
Check out:
Performance Trend Reporting
How to Use the Jenkins Performance Plugin
and Running Performance Tests articles for more details on various aspects of Jenkins Performance Plugin use cases.

How can I add a Jenkins post action to execute two different scripts once the build successed or failed exclusively?

I want to execute a shell scripts if the Jenkins job build successful or another scripts if the Jenkins job build failed.
I added the post build task plugin, but it seems only can execute a shell in all status or just successful status, cannot specify another shell script to be run once build failed, the two scripts should be run exclusively.
are there anyone can help me on this?
use Post Build Task plugin for conditional steps
I use Conditional BuildStep Plugin and Text Finder Run Condition Plugin to execute steps when the build fails.
But there's a limitation with this method: You have to find a text that is displayed ONLY when your build fails.
See the pictures below:
I add exit 0 at the end of the script to force the build to be successful so that the program can execute the next step, which is Conditional steps(multiple).
You will see Execute script after a failed build. being displayed on console output when the job fails.
This is the execution result.
You will also need to find a text that is displayed ONLY when the first step succeeds so that you can trigger another script.

Why Jenkins is failing after executing an external windows command line?

I have to create a job in my local Jenkins installation where it executes a SonarQube analysis and then calls a command-line program which searches for duplicated lines of code. However, when I execute the latter command (cpd), it runs okay since it outputs correctly in a external file, but Jenkins still points out it as an error like this:
E:\BASE_DIR>cpd --minimum-tokens 100 --files "E:\BASE_DIR\Project_Folder" --language java 1>>"E:\BASE_DIR\Project_Folder\CPD_CLIG.txt"
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE
I've tried to create another script which calls that command but I've got the same result.
Any suggestions on how to handle this? Any work-around would be very helpful.
Simple and short answer to your question is
Please add following line into your "Execute shell" Build step.
Now let me explain you the reason why we require this line for "Execute Shell" build job.
By default Jenkins take "/bin/sh -xe" and this means -x will print each and every command.And the other option -e, which causes shell to stop running a script immediately when any command exits with non-zero(when any command fails) exit code.
So by adding the "#!/bin/sh" will allow you to execute with no option.
please refer : How/When does Execute Shell mark a build as failure in Jenkins?
I didn't find a proper solution for my issue but I realized that I can use a Jenkins plugin for static code analysis (DRY Plugin and PMD Plugin) to adress my problem.
Thanks you all.

Cucumber test passed, but jenkins failed

I have a lots of tests on several server. I use Jenkins to manage all of them.
On one server (Slave Windows), when I launch a test in cmd, I got something like :
c:/tests/cucumber --tag #dev -p ie
1 scenarios (1 passed)
12 steps (12 passed)
echo %errorlevel%
No error in the tests, and cucumber seems good.
When jenkins launch exactly the same tests, I get :
c:/jenkins_folder/cucumber --tag #dev -p ie
1 scenarios (1 passed)
12 steps (12 passed)
Build step 'Execute Windows batch command' marked build as failure
Finished: FAILURE
The test passed, but is marked failed by jenkins.
The command "echo %errorlevel%" is aborted : the job fail before this point.
The same job played on another slave work.
Same problem with all profile and all tags.
Same problem when I replace profile by real value
I don't use the --strict flag
Jenkins, plugins : all up-to-date
Code of the windows batch :
cd /test8folder
cucumber --tag #dev -p ie
echo %errorlevel%
What did I missed ?
There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the configuration.
The fact that you get Build step 'Execute Windows batch command' marked build as failure after your cucumber command without actually seeing the echo %errorlevel% executed only reaffirms that there was an error in cucumber (more on that later).
However, in Execute Windows Batch Command, even a command in error would not exit the batch script (unlike Jenkins's default Execute Shell implementation). You should be seeing at least some exit code, 0, 1, or anything.
The only time this would happen is if something within your buildstep executed exit /b [exit_code_num]. I don't know "cucumber", but if that is in-fact a cucubmer.bat and inside there is an exit /b statement, this is what's causing it drop out of the buildstep without continuing.
You can use call cucumber [whateverparams] so that even when it quits with exit /b, the control will return to the calling process, the Execute Windows Batch command script.
Try that first. And you will probably see that your echo %errorlevel% will probably return a non-zero value when executed under Jenkins, but at least you will see it now.
Now, as for why it succeeds on command prompt, but fails within Jenkins, there could be a lot of reasons, the most common one being environment variables and paths. We can tackle that later once we actually see the exit code of cucumber. You also said it worked on another node: even more reason to believe this is an environment issue, maybe a non-existent folder...
The reason that even "successful" test execution exits the calling script is because exit /b 0 would still quit the calling script, even though cucumber exited with "success" 0
