I am trying to use the google_plus_v1_api + google_oauth2_client within a chrome packaged app.
Everythin works fine when i am using only the oauth2 lib:
chrome.identity.getAuthToken(new chrome.TokenDetails(interactive:true))
OAuth2 auth = new SimpleOAuth2(token);
var request = new HttpRequest();
request.open('GET', 'https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/people/me');
auth.authenticate(request).then((request) => request.send());
But i can't make google+ lib works:
chrome.identity.getAuthToken(new chrome.TokenDetails(interactive:true))
OAuth2 auth = new SimpleOAuth2(token);
Plus plus = new Plus(auth);
Return this exception:
GET https://www.googleapis.com/plus/v1/people/me 403 (Forbidden)
Exception: APIRequestException: 403 Daily Limit for Unauthenticated
Use Exceeded. Continued use requires signup.
Am i missing something? How am i supposed to use google+ api lib?
I just saw your answer, but wanted to point out I had the same problem and solved it by setting the makeAuthRequests property of the Plus client to true:
final plusclient.Plus plus = new plusclient.Plus(auth)
..makeAuthRequests = true;
Seems like a more straightfoward solution, since the auth object already contains the token. I would've expected makeAuthRequests to be automatically set to true when constructing a Plus client with an OAuth2 object, but apparently it's not (probably an oversight).
Sorry, i figured out that this line was missing thanks to this tutorial :
plus.oauth_token = auth.token.data;
My google_plus_v1_api query is now working.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
I had Discord Oauth2 implemented so that my users could log into my website by authenticating through Discord. For months, everything worked great and now all of the sudden it stopped working.
Per Discord's oauth2 instructions,https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/topics/oauth2#shared-resources, I am able to successfully acquire the access code that is meant to be traded for the access token. However, when I try to receive the access token I receive an 'invalid_client' error.
First, I am hitting this endpoint:
which successfully returns the following:
The access code is then sent back to discord to obtain the access token. Here is the code that is failing:
export function getDiscordAccessToken(accessCode, call) {
const redirect = call === 'login' ? process.env.DISCORD_LOGIN_REDIRECT : process.env.DISCORD_CONNECT_REDIRECT
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then(res => {
.catch(err => {
// log error to db
console.log("Here is your error: ", err.response)
This code was working for months with no problems. Then, all of the sudden it stopped working. I even checked the Discord change logs which can be found here, https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/change-log, but I found no reference to authentication changes.
Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated!
The query parameters should be in the BODY of the POST request, not the URL for the oauth/token url.
Discord recently pushed a update to the oAuth2 which makes it confine more with the standard. This means they no longer support parameters in the URL for POST, but instead require them to be in the body and form encoded (basically the same, but in the body and without the leading ?).
So you basically need (not tested):
I know the question has already been answered, but in my case I copied a wrong secret key. Just make sure that you copy the right one.
Secret Key is located under OAuth2 Tab and not under General Information tab on discord developer's dashboard.
I'm trying to post to a Facebook page AS the page using the Unity Facebook SDK running on iOS. As I understand, to do that, I need the pages access token with manage_pages and publish_pages. I know that I can get it from /me/accounts?fields=access_token, but how do I tell AccessToken.CurrentAccessToken to use my pages access token instead?
Right now i'm using the following:
var wwwForm = new WWWForm();
//wwwForm.AddField ("access_token", "A-T I NEED");
wwwForm.AddBinaryData("image", screenshot, "InteractiveConsole.png");
wwwForm.AddField("message", "herp derp. I did a thing! Did I do this right?");
FB.API("/PAGE-ID/photos", HttpMethod.POST, HandleResult, wwwForm);
I tried putting the access token manually, but that didn't work (so I commented it out).
With this as it is I'm getting an error, telling me that I need publish_actions, wich is not correct since I'm not trying to post as the user. If I also get publish_actions the Post goes online, but is posted to the page as the user speaking. (User is also Admin)
Any Ideas ? Thanks!
So, I filed a bug report to facebook and as it turns out: "… at this time this functionality is not supported." Wich simply means there is now way to use the Page Access Token you acquired via the FB.API within the FB.API. And they are not going to tell you abot it in the documentation.
As a workaround I simply use a UnityWebRequest like this:
IEnumerator UploadToPage(byte[] screenshot) {
var wwwForm = new WWWForm();
wwwForm.AddField("message", "herp derp. I did a thing! Did I do this right?");
wwwForm.AddBinaryData("image", screenshot, "Test.png");
string url = "https" + "://graph.facebook.com/"+ PageID + "/photos";
url += "?access_token=" + PageAccessToken;
using (UnityWebRequest www = UnityWebRequest.Post(url, wwwForm))
yield return www.Send();
if (www.isError)
Debug.Log("Form upload complete!");
I have get access token and when I try to post rtm.start, I am getting below error:
error = "missing_scope";
needed = client;
ok = 0;
provided = "identify,read,post";
I have set the scope to read,post,identify in authorize API. I have read the API document over and over again. Only rtm.start mentioned client scope. But in oauth document I didn't find a client scope. So, what's wrong?
You have to do it before you get the token.
when you do the initial request to connect the app, include &scope="identify,read,post,client"
Under App Credentials get your Client ID and Client Secret.
replacing #{team} and #{cid} with your values.
When you approve the authorization you’ll goto that real url that doesn’t resolve. Copy the whole url to your clipboard and paste it into a text file. Extract out just the “code” part.
Now goto:
And you’ll get back a token like:
(from here: https://medium.com/#andrewarrow/how-to-get-slack-api-tokens-with-client-scope-e311856ebe9)
I have problems with the new Twitter API: v1.0 is working without problems, but if I change the URL to v1.1 I get all the time a error "400 Bad request" (seen with Firebug).
This is working like a charm, everything works as excepted.
Simply changing the URL to .../1.1/... and I get a Bad request error and even to JSON error response or even some content at all.
Note: It couldn't be a rate limitation, because I accessed the URL the first time ever.
https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=twitterapi redirects me to https://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=twitterapi
Looks like 1.1 is the same thing as 1
UPD: Looks like this is a rate limit (as 1.1 link worked for me 2 hours ago). Even if you hit API page for the first time, some of your apps (descktop or mobile) could use API methods.
UPD2: in 1.1 400 Bad request means you are not autorized (https://dev.twitter.com/docs/error-codes-responses, https://dev.twitter.com/docs/auth/oauth#user-context). So you need to get user context
You need to authenticate and authorize using oauth before using v1.1 apis
Here is something which works with python tweepy - gets statuses from users timeline
def twitter_fetch(screen_name = "BBCNews",maxnumtweets=10):
'Fetch tweets from #BBCNews'
# API described at https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/1.1/get/statuses/user_timeline
consumer_token = '' #substitute values from twitter website
consumer_secret = ''
access_token = ''
access_secret = ''
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_token,consumer_secret)
api = tweepy.API(auth)
#print api.me().name
#api.update_status('Hello -tweepy + oauth!')
for status in tweepy.Cursor(api.user_timeline,id=screen_name).items(2):
print status.text+'\n'
if __name__ == '__main__':
For me the cause was the size of the media that was attached to the tweet. If it was <1.2MB it went through OK, but if it was over, I would get a 400 error every time.
Strange considering Twitter says the tweet limit is 3MB https://twittercommunity.com/t/getting-media-parameter-is-invalid-after-successfully-uploading-media/58354
I am having a problem with Twitter's oauth authentication and using a callback url.
I am coding in php and using the sample code referenced by the twitter wiki, http://github.com/abraham/twitteroauth
I got that code, and tried a simple test and it worked nicely. However I want to programatically specify the callback url, and the example did not support that.
So I quickly modified the getRequestToken() method to take in a parameter and now it looks like this:
function getRequestToken($params = array()) {
$r = $this->oAuthRequest($this->requestTokenURL(), $params);
$token = $this->oAuthParseResponse($r);
$this->token = new OAuthConsumer($token['oauth_token'], $token['oauth_token_secret']);
return $token;
and my call looks like this
$tok = $to->getRequestToken(array('oauth_callback' => ''));
This is the only change I made, and the redirect works like a charm, however I am getting an error when I then try and use my newly granted access to try and make a call. I get a "Could not authenticate you" error. Also the application never actually gets added to the users authorized connections.
Now I read the specs and I thought all I had to do was specify the parameter when getting the request token. Could someone a little more seasoned in oauth and twitter possibly give me a hand? Thank You
I think this is fixed by twitter by now or you might have missed to provide a default callback url in your application settings, which is required for dynamic callback url to work as mentioned by others above.
Any case, I got this working by passing the oath_callback parameter while retrieving the request token. I am using twitter-async PHP library and had to make a small tweak to make the library pass the callback url.
If you are using twitter-async, the change is below:
modified getRequestToken and getAuthenticateURL functions to take callback url as parameter
public function getRequestToken($callback_url = null)
$params = empty($callback_url) ? null : array('oauth_callback'=>$callback_url);
$resp = $this->httpRequest('GET', $this->requestTokenUrl, $params);
return new EpiOAuthResponse($resp);
public function getAuthenticateUrl($callback_url = null)
$token = $this->getRequestToken($callback_url);
return $this->authenticateUrl . '?oauth_token=' . $token->oauth_token;
And pass the callback url from your PHP code.
#Ian, twitter now allows and has made some other recent changes.
#jtymann, check my answer here and see if it helps
Twitter oauth_callback parameter being ignored!
even me to was getting 401 error.. but its resolved..
during registering your application to twitter you need to give callback url...
like http://localhost:8080.
i have done this using java...
so my code is: String CallbackURL="http://localhost:8080/tweetproj/index.jsp";
where tweetproj is my project name
and index.jsp is just one jsp page...
Hope this may helps u...
After the user authorizes the application on twitter.com and they return to your callback URL you have to exchange the request token for an access token.
Twitter does not honor the oauth_callback parameter and will only use the one specified in the registered application settings.
It also doesn't allow for or localhost names in that callback, so I've setup http://dev.twipler.com which is setup for in DNS so you can safely use;