Julia Parsing a CSV - parsing

Hope the evening is a more than hospitable one and you have traded your emacs terminal for some bonne-vivant Ralph Lauren catalog dinner party type scene. As for me, I'm trying to parse a CSV in Julia and things are deteriorating. Here is my code:
f2 = open("/Users/MacBookPro15/testnovo.csv", "r")
skip(f2, 736)
for line in eachline(f2)
string_split = split(line, ",")
Now if I substitute string_split[2] or anything other than [1] I get a BoundsError and it's rather frustrating because I need those items. Can anyone tell me how to avoid this?

Every time I hear "parsing a CSV" I want to duck and cover my ears, before I get flashbacks of a missing quote, or a 32-column line 98% of the way through a 33-column, 10GB csv file.
Fortunately, there are two useful functions that'll prevent you from rolling your own csv parser:
readcsv in Julia's standard library http://docs.julialang.org/en/release-0.2/stdlib/base/?highlight=readcsv#Base.readcsv
readtable in Dataframe.jl http://juliastats.github.io/DataFrames.jl/io.html

Unfortunately, it looks like you need the DataStream abstraction, which we stopped including in DataFrames since not enough people worked on it to make it robust. The first 100 lines of https://github.com/JuliaStats/DataFrames.jl/blob/master/prototypes/datastream.jl should provide you with enough information to write your own streaming algorithm for working with CSV's.


Best way to parse a huge JSON file in ruby

I'm having a hard time parsing a huge json file.
The file is >1GB, and I've tried using the two gems: ruby-stream and yajl, and they both don't work.
Here's an example of what happens.
fileStr = File.read("hugeJSONfile.json")
^ This part is OK.
But when I try to load the fileStr into a JSON hash (via ruby-stream or yajl), my computer freezes.
Any other ideas on how to do this more efficiently? Thank you.
Take a look into the json-stream or yajl:
Key quote from the docs:
the document itself is never fully read into memory.
The main benefit of this library is in its memory usage. Since it's able to parse the stream in chunks, its memory requirements are very, very low.
You register events you are looking for, and it returns keys/values while reading through the JSON instead of loading it all into a ruby data structure (and consequently into memory).
Okay, I was able to parse it.
Honestly, this is not the most elegant solution, but given desperate times, one quick way to parse a huge JSON file is to examine the file manually, notice a pattern, and pluck out what you need.
In my case, here's what I did in pseudo code
fileStr = File.read("hugeJSONfile.json")
arr = fileStr.split("[some pattern]")
arr.each do |str|
extract desired value from str
Again, not the most elegant solution, but it's low maintenance, and depending on the given circumstances, just adapt to what your crappy laptop can muster.

How to parse a very large file in F# using FParsec

I'm trying to parse a very large file using FParsec. The file's size is 61GB, which is too big to hold in RAM, so I'd like to generate a sequence of results (i.e. seq<'Result>), rather than a list, if possible. Can this be done with FParsec? (I've come up with a jerry-rigged implementation that actually does this, but it doesn't work well in practice due to the O(n) performance of CharStream.Seek.)
The file is line-oriented (one record per line), which should make it possible in theory to parse in batches of, say, 1000 records at a time. The FParsec "Tips and tricks" section says:
If you’re dealing with large input files or very slow parsers, it
might also be worth trying to parse multiple sections within a single
file in parallel. For this to be efficient there must be a fast way to
find the start and end points of such sections. For example, if you
are parsing a large serialized data structure, the format might allow
you to easily skip over segments within the file, so that you can chop
up the input into multiple independent parts that can be parsed in
parallel. Another example could be a programming languages whose
grammar makes it easy to skip over a complete class or function
definition, e.g. by finding the closing brace or by interpreting the
indentation. In this case it might be worth not to parse the
definitions directly when they are encountered, but instead to skip
over them, push their text content into a queue and then to process
that queue in parallel.
This sounds perfect for me: I'd like to pre-parse each batch of records into a queue, and then finish parsing them in parallel later. However, I don't know how to accomplish this with the FParsec API. How can I create such a queue without using up all my RAM?
FWIW, the file I'm trying to parse is here if anyone wants to give it a try with me. :)
The "obvious" thing that comes to mind, would be pre-processing the file using something like File.ReadLines and then parsing one line at a time.
If this doesn't work (your PDF looked, like a record is a few lines long), then you can make a seq of records or 1000 records or something like that using normal FileStream reading. This would not need to know details of the record, but it would be convenient, if you can at least delimit the records.
Either way, you end up with a lazy seq that the parser can then read.

Validate words against an English dictionary in Rails?

I've done some Google searching but couldn't find what I was looking for.
I'm developing a scrabble-type word game in rails, and was wondering if there was a simple way to validate what the player inputs in the game is actually a word. They'd be typing the word out.
Is validation against some sort of English language dictionary database loaded within the app best way to solve this problem? If so, are there any libraries that offer this kind of functionality? If not, what would you suggest?
Thanks for your help!
You need two things:
a word list
some code
The word list is the tricky part. On most Unix systems there's a word list at /usr/share/dict/words or /usr/dict/words -- see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Words_(Unix) for more details. The one on my Mac has 234,936 words in it. But they're not all valid Scrabble words. So you'd have to somehow acquire a Scrabble dictionary, make sure you have the right license to use it, and process it so it's a text file.
(Update: The word list for LetterPress is now open source, and available on GitHub.)
The code is no problem in the simple case. Here's a script I whipped up just now:
words = {}
File.open("/usr/share/dict/words") do |file|
file.each do |line|
words[line.strip] = true
p words["magic"]
p words["saldkaj"]
This will output
I leave it as an exercise for the reader to make it into a proper Words object. (Technically it's not a Dictionary since it has no definitions.) Or to use a DAWG instead of a hash, even though a hash is probably fine for your needs.
A piece of language-agnostic advice here, is that if you only care about the existence of a word (which in such a case, you do), and you are planning to load the entire database into the application (which your query suggests you're considering) then a DAWG will enable you to check the existence in O(n) time complexity where n is the size of the word (dictionary size has no effect - overall the lookup is essentially O(1)), while being a relatively minimal structure in terms of memory (indeed, some insertions will actually reduce the size of the structure, a DAWG for "top, tap, taps, tops" has fewer nodes than one for "tops, tap").

Is it possible to write own "packages" for LaTeX?

As a programmer, I wonder if I could create my own package for LaTeX. I need something like that famous "listings" package, but something that is much more capable for my needs. I look for a listings solution that would watch out for a comment line like
No syntax highlighting, but intelligent support for tab indents. That package then would be used with a file name or path, walk through the lines and copy out just the snippets of interest.
I am 100% sure there is absolutely nothing like this on the market. So I want to program it for LaTeX. If that's possible. I have no idea how and what programming language / IDE. Where would I start looking?
This is certainly possible, but it is non-trivial in the TeX programming language. I don't have time to code it up at the moment but here's an algorithm; I suggest asking on comp.text.tex for more specific LaTeX programming advice.
Locally set all catcodes of special chars to "other" (\dospecials) and start reading in the input file line by line (\read)
for each line compare the first however many tokens of the line (some iterative use of \if or \ifx; there might be a package to make this easier such as stringstrings or xstring)
in the default state throw away the input line and read the next
unless it's // BEGIN LISTING, in which case save each line into a macro (something like \g#addto#macro)
until it's // END LISTING, obviously
keep going until the end of the file (\ifeof)
TeX by Topic is a good reference guide for this sort of work.
The rather simple texments package shows how code can be piped into pdflatex: by writing your shell-invocable filter, you should be able to do something similar with your idea.
I'm pretty certain you can't do this in LaTeX. Basically you can go nuts with anything that's either a command (\foo) or an environment (\begin{foo} ... \end{foo}) but not in the way you are describing here. Within environments or commands it is possible to turn off LaTeX's processing and handle everything yourself in some way. This is how verbatim and listings work. It's not very pretty though.
Basically, I think it might be possible, if you make ‘/’ an active character (there is \makeactive for example but I imagine there are more solutions) and then invent some good magic around it. (You will need to emulate/create an environment with your logic.) Similar things are done in some of the internationalisation packages in order to ease the input of letters with diacritics.
For a character like ‘/’ this might be even harder as this one could have been written in other places of your text, too. So of course you’d have to take special care for that.

How can I use NLP to parse recipe ingredients?

I need to parse recipe ingredients into amount, measurement, item, and description as applicable to the line, such as 1 cup flour, the peel of 2 lemons and 1 cup packed brown sugar etc. What would be the best way of doing this? I am interested in using python for the project so I am assuming using the nltk is the best bet but I am open to other languages.
I actually do this for my website, which is now part of an open source project for others to use.
I wrote a blog post on my techniques, enjoy!
The New York Times faced this problem when they were parsing their recipe archive. They used an NLP technique called linear-chain condition random field (CRF). This blog post provides a good overview:
"Extracting Structured Data From Recipes Using Conditional Random Fields"
They open-sourced their code, but quickly abandoned it. I maintain the most up-to-date version of it and I wrote a bit about how I modernized it.
If you're looking for a ready-made solution, several companies offer ingredient parsing as a service:
Zestful (full disclosure: I'm the author)
I guess this is a few years out, but I was thinking of doing something similar myself and came across this, so thought I might have a stab at it in case it is useful to anyone else in f
Even though you say you want to parse free test, most recipes have a pretty standard format for their recipe lists: each ingredient is on a separate line, exact sentence structure is rarely all that important. The range of vocab is relatively small as well.
One way might be to check each line for words which might be nouns and words/symbols which express quantities. I think WordNet may help with seeing if a word is likely to be a noun or not, but I've not used it before myself. Alternatively, you could use http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Cookbook:Ingredients as a word list, though again, I wouldn't know exactly how comprehensive it is.
The other part is to recognise quantities. These come in a few different forms, but few enough that you could probably create a list of keywords. In particular, make sure you have good error reporting. If the program can't fully parse a line, get it to report back to you what that line is, along with what it has/hasn't recognised so you can adjust your keyword lists accordingly.
Aaanyway, I'm not guaranteeing any of this will work (and it's almost certain not to be 100% reliable) but that's how I'd start to approach the problem
This is an incomplete answer, but you're looking at writing up a free-text parser, which as you know, is non-trivial :)
Some ways to cheat, using knowledge specific to cooking:
Construct lists of words for the "adjectives" and "verbs", and filter against them
measurement units form a closed set, using words and abbreviations like {L., c, cup, t, dash}
instructions -- cut, dice, cook, peel. Things that come after this are almost certain to be ingredients
Remember that you're mostly looking for nouns, and you can take a labeled list of non-nouns (from WordNet, for example) and filter against them.
If you're more ambitious, you can look in the NLTK Book at the chapter on parsers.
Good luck! This sounds like a mostly doable project!
Can you be more specific what your input is? If you just have input like this:
1 cup flour
2 lemon peels
1 cup packed brown sugar
It won't be too hard to parse it without using any NLP at all.
