Load array and display based on state of uiswitch - ios

Im trying to develop an app that displays a random truth or dare type question, however the user has the ability to turn off truths or dares in option. I have successfully managed to get the app to display a random quote from a plist file from either the truth or dare array also i have managed to program two switch buttons in the user options view controller.
My problem is how would i go about displaying only a truth or dare or both if the user has turned on of the uiswitchs off?
- (IBAction)button:(id)sender
if (!self.plistArray)
NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:
#"data" ofType:#"plist"];
NSUserDefaults *defaults =[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
if ([[defaults objectForKey:#"truthonoff"] isEqualToString:#"YES"])
NSDictionary *plistDict = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:path];
NSArray *plistArray1 = plistDict[#"truth"];
if ([[defaults objectForKey:#"dareonoff"] isEqualToString:#"YES"])
NSDictionary *plistDict2 = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:path];
NSArray *plistArray2 = plistDict2[#"dare"];
self.plistArray = [[plistArray1 arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:plistArray2] mutableCopy];
NSLog(#"%#", plistArray);
//check to see if array is empty and display message
if ([plistArray count] == 0)
self.text.text = #"array empty";
//display random quote from array
int randV = arc4random() % self.plistArray.count;
self.text.text = self.plistArray[randV];
[self.plistArray removeObjectAtIndex:randV];
That is my attempt however it will not run and i have the feeling it wont ddo the job i need.
Basicly i need it to display only truth if the user has selected that to true or only dare if that is selected or both if both are set to true.
sorry the problem with the above code is the plist isnt being loaded and it is scipping straight to if array ==0 {
How do i ensure it loads the array and then checks which arrays to load from the plist file?
Any help is greatly appreciated
This is the code before i tried to add if statements. Im so confussed how best to do this
- (IBAction)shownext:(id)sender {
//load array and check then cycle through this untill array is empty. Array will add two arrays from plist file.
if (!self.plistArray) {
NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:
#"data" ofType:#"plist"];
NSDictionary *plistDict = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:path];
NSArray * plistArray1 = plistDict[#"truth"];
NSDictionary *plistDict2 = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:path];
NSArray *plistArray2 = plistDict2[#"dare"];
self.plistArray = [[plistArray1 arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:plistArray2] mutableCopy];
NSLog(#"%#", plistArray);
//check to see if array is empty and display message
if ([plistArray count] == 0) {
self.text.text = #"array empty";
else {
//display random quote from array
int randV = arc4random() % self.plistArray.count;
self.text.text = self.plistArray[randV];
[self.plistArray removeObjectAtIndex:randV];

First, if you have a switch for truth and one for dare I hope you have something in place to deal with when the user turns both switches off and doesn't understand why they get nothing (trust me it will happen).
For the rest I'm not sure exactly how you app works but I will take a guess. I'm thinking you have a utility style app with the main UI in one view and then an info button that flips to a second view where the switches are. I'm also guessing that there is a button in the main view that retrieves a truth or dare string. My final assumption, based on your code above, is that when the user changes the state of a switch that writes a user default that you've use a #define to keep out spelling mistakes.
When your view loads you should load both arrays in case the user changes their mind in the middle of using your app and turns on both options or changes from one to the other. Depending on how many entries you have in each of those arrays you might consider creating a combined array as well to simplify things.
When the button is pressed you should then look at the defaults and see if you need to look at both arrays or just one (the below is pseudo code)
if(truth && dare) {
// if you have a combined array pick a random element from it.
// otherwise first randomly pick one of the arrays to pick from.
else if (truth) {
// get a random element from the truth array
else {
// get a random element from the dare array
Also, your current checks of the switch values will always return no unless you are doing extra work in the switch view controller. You should be using [defaults setBool:<UISwitch.isOn> forKey:<#definedKeyHere>] and [defaults boolForKey:<#definedKeyHere>].

It would really help to know what part isn't working. For one thing, it might help to store your flags as NSNumber objects instead of strings (could your string comparison be failing?). Then you could do something like:
if ([[defaults objectForKey:#"truthonoff"] boolValue])
Use a literal to add the actual NSNumber - #YES or #NO.
Consider changing your logic to something like:
VERIFY CODE - doing this freehand:
if (!self.plistArray)
self.plistArray = [NSMutableArray array];
NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:
#"data" ofType:#"plist"];
// why are you loading this twice?
NSDictionary *plistDict = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:path];
NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
if ([[defaults valueForKey:#"truthonoff"] boolValue])
[self.plistArray addObject:plistDict[#"truth"]];
if ([[defaults valueForKey:#"dareonoff"] boolValue])
[self.plistArray addObject:plistDict[#"dare"]];
I am assuming that your code to load the Plists is working. Verify all your keys match what's in the Plist. Set a breakpoint and verify.
Calling a method on a nil object is a no-op in Objective C. So, it'll happily ignore calls to nil objects without telling you. Verify you have what you think you have.
Also, here:
//display random quote from array
int randV = arc4random() % self.plistArray.count;
self.text.text = self.plistArray[randV];
[self.plistArray removeObjectAtIndex:randV];
Consider using arc4random_uniform(self.plistArray.count) as it avoids modulo bias in the generator.
Now, this just gives you say 0 or 1 if you have two elements. Are you sure the two dictionary keys, "truth" and "dare" actually point to arrays?
Ok, everything working to this point. Now, you have an array of ARRAYS! So you need to randomly pick a question array, and THEN randomly pick a question.
Something like:
//get random array
int randArrayIndex = arc4random_uniform(self.plistArray.count);
NSArray* questionArray = self.plistArray[randArrayIndex];
//get random question
int randQuestionIndex = arc4random_uniform([questionArray count]);
NSString* randomQuestion = questionArray[randQuestionIndex];
self.text.text = randomQuestion;
// remove question
[questionArray removeObjectAtIndex:randQuestionIndex];
Something like that anyway. Of course, assuming you are storing NSStrings in those Plist arrays.


I need to have a mutable Array that has 8 interpolated strings in IOS

I'm new to IOS and I'm not sure if I'm on the right track. What I need to know is if I'm on the right track and if I'm off it a hint on what to fix so I can get back on track. The mutable Array should read an array of speakers and say "Hello, my name is <speakerArray>" it should do that 8 times with a different name each time. This is what I Have:
- (NSArray*)badgesForSpeakers:(NSArray*)speakers {
for(speakers i = 0; i => 7; i++)
NSString *greetings =#"Hello, my name is .";
NSMutableArray *badges = [speakers arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:greetings];
return badges;
Let's take this one step at a time. First of all, your operator in the loop is wrong; you mean to execute while i is less than or equal to 7. Thus, change => to <=. However, it's more stylish to say i < 8. And finally, it's most stylish of all to use what's called "Fast Enumeration", which allows you to loop without an index at all. In fact, it will work no matter how many items are in your speakers array! That takes us here:
- (NSArray*)badgesForSpeakers:(NSArray*)speakers {
for (NSString* speaker in speakers)
NSString *greetings =#"Hello, my name is .";
NSMutableArray *badges = [speakers arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray:greetings];
return badges;
Next, greetings isn't an array! It's a string. That's why calling -arrayByAddingObjectsFromArray: doesn't make any sense, and why the compiler isn't going to like it. Let's make its name singular, greeting, to reflect this fact. Strategy: Your goal here is to create an empty array, then construct items one by one and add them to that array. That takes us to:
- (NSArray*)badgesForSpeakers:(NSArray*)speakers {
NSMutableArray *badges = [NSMutableArray array]; //Here we make an empty array
for (NSString* speaker in speakers)
NSString *greeting =#"Hello, my name is .";
[badges addObject:greeting]; //Here we add one item to it each time 'round the loop
return badges;
Last, your string has no interpolation right now! It reads literally "Hello, my name is ." We do string interpolation using the -stringWithFormat: method.
Finished Product:
- (NSArray*)badgesForSpeakers:(NSArray*)speakers {
NSMutableArray *badges = [NSMutableArray array];
for (NSString* speaker in speakers)
NSString *greeting = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Hello, my name is %#.",speaker];
[badges addObject:greeting];
return badges;
That should get you started with fast enumeration and string interpolation. Remember to compile your code often and try to understand the compiler errors--it would have helped you with some of these issues.
Maybe you mean this
- (NSMutableArray *)badgesForSpeakers:(NSArray *)speakers {
NSMutableArray *badges = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (NSString *speaker in speakers) {
[badges addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"Hello, my name is %#", speaker]];
return badges;
plz use this code
- (NSArray*)badgesForSpeakers:(NSArray*)speakers {
NSMutableArray *badges = [NSMutableArray alloc];
for(int i = 0; i < speakers.count; i++)
NSString *greetings =[NSString stringWithFormat:#"Hello, my name is .%#",[speakers objectAtIndex:i]];
badges = [speakers addObject:greetings];
return [badges copy];

NSDictionary load information of 18 key-value pairs always read as nil instead

- (instancetype)initWithDestinationIndex:(NSUInteger)levelsIndex {
NSString* filepath = [[NSBundle mainBundle]
pathForResource:#"Levels" ofType:#"plist"];
NSDictionary *levels = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:filepath];
NSArray *levelsArray = levels[#"LevelsData"];
_data = levelsArray[levelsIndex];
[_verticalB setToInitialStateVertical];
return self;
I have a plist that is supposed to load information of 18 key-value pairs. The _data of type NSDictionary instance variable (when I run the program and put a breakpoint at that line _data = levelsArray[levelsIndex];) is almost always null, except on one occasion where it is actually had the 18 key-value pairs loaded. Any thoughts as to why it pretty much always is null?
I pass in 0 for my levelsIndex, and the 'LevelsData' is the NSArray that holds the 18 key-value pair dictionaries.
if your _data is NSMutableDictionary use the below code,
NSMutableDictionary *_data = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
[_data setObject:[levelsArray objectAtIndex: levelsIndex] forKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d", levelsIndex]];
for(int i=0; i<[levelsArray count]; i++){
[_data setObject:[levelsArray objectAtIndex:i] forKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d",i]];
hope its helpful
It may possible that, you are running app in a "release" scheme. Have you double check? As long as you're getting the result.
To check,
Click on Project Name next to [Run] button. > Edit Scheme > Run > Build Configuration > Debug/Release

NSDictionary App Crash

Trying to read a plist and change my font color depending on the option that was selected in the following settings bundle.
The following is how I am trying to accomplish it:
NSString *path = #"/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/NCNotes.plist";
NSDictionary *dict = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:path];
fontSize = [[dict objectForKey:#"slideSwitched"] floatValue];
if ([[dict objectForKey:#"noteColor"] valueForKey:#"Purple"]) {
noteView.textColor = [UIColor purpleColor];
} else {
noteView.textColor = [UIColor blackColor];
Any ideas why this is why my app is crashing? How do I read the values and change the color depending on what was selected?
It appears that the top level of your plist is an array, not a dictionary, because at the top it says "Item 1" where all of your content is within that. So you have a dictionary within an array. So you can change your code like this:
NSString *path = #"/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/NCNotes.plist";
NSArray *array = [[NSArray alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:path];
NSDictionary *dict = array[0];
You could also change the structure of your plist so that you have a dictionary as the root instead of an array.
Also, keys are supposed to be on the left-hand side and their values on the right-hand side, so I don't see a key "noteColor". You have a key "key" with a value "noteColor", so you'll need to make that correction. I'm also not seeing a "slideSwitched" key, though it might just be outside the bounds of your screenshot.
Also the following won't work:
[[dict objectForKey:#"noteColor"] valueForKey:#"Purple"]
Whatever you get from [dict objectForKey:#"noteColor"] isn't going to be a dictionary, so calling valueForKey: on that isn't going to give you what you want.
simply you should do this with document directory
NSString *contentPath=[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"PLIST_FILE_NAME" ofType:#"plist"];
NSDictionary *dictionary=[NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:contentPath];
write your logic after this, wait a minute , its seems like you dont have a key "noteColor" also. check your plist
Here is some example code documented up the wazoo. Hopefully it will help you understand how these plists and dictionaries work. Everything will be based on your plist file (which could definitely be improved upon, but that's up to you as I don't know your specific situation).
Your question is "How do I find color based on user selection?" I will assume you get the user selection as an int. Something like "User selected 7".
//Load your plist dictionary
NSString *path = #"/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/NCNotes.plist";
NSDictionary *dict = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:path];
//Get the array of validValues and the array of validTitles
NSArray *valuesArray = [dict objectForKey:#"validValues"];
NSArray *titlesArray = [dict objectForKey:#"validTitles"];
//Now get the user selected index from the validValues array
int arraySelection = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < [valuesArray count]; i++)
NSNumber *number = [valuesArray objectAtIndex:i];
if([number intValue] == userSelectedInput)
arraySelection = i;
if(arraySelection == -1)
//Not found in array
//Now with that index get the title of the object that the user selected
NSString *userSelectedTitle = [titlesArray objectAtIndex:arraySelection];
//Now do your checking on what the user selected based on that:
if([userSelectedTitle isEqualToString:#"Purple"])
You could boil this down quite a bit. Currently your validValues array is completely useless. If it were out of order or missing numbers then it would be needed, but straight counting can be achieved by the validTitles array.

getting value from the loop to store in array

I have this code from which i am checking songs that are present in my app and storing the number of songs in an NSMUTABLEArray but there is something wrong it always shows null
for (int i = 1; i < 100; ++i) {
// Load the plist
NSString *plist = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d",i] ofType:#"mp3"];
if (nil == plist) {
NSLog(#"not found (%i)", i);
NSLog(#"Found Songs (%i)",i);
[MYNSMUTABLEArray addObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:i]];
the i variable is working absolutely fine
You need to create your mutable array, so that an object exists to store the data. I presume that the code at the moment is sending the addObject: message to nil.
I'd strongly suggest a better variable name than MYNSMUTABLEArray, so here is my code snippit that should go before the loop.
NSMutableArray* myMutableArray = [NSMutableArray alloc] init];
Then where you are adding the object, you'd use:
[myMutableArray addObject:#(i)];
Bootnote: A little tip, you can use # literals to automatically box your primitive int value into an NSNumber object. This is used in the addObject: example, and is in the form #(int).

Instancing a particular number of a sprite

In my game, I need to instance a certain number of sprites depending on my game's level. That number of sprites is stored in a .plist file. The way my game works is that it selects a random type of enemy for that one particular level. Then, it goes and finds the level number, and then it finds the amount of sprites it need to instance for that level. This is what my plist looks like:
What I need is a way to instance that amount of sprites, no more, no less. I have some ideas on how the code could work, but as I am new to Objective C, I don't know what the code itself would look like.
You can find the number of sprites for a given level like this:
- (int)numberOfSpritesForLevel:(int)level
NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"plistFileName" ofType:#"plist"];
NSDictionary *plist = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:path];
NSDictionary *levels = [plist objectForKey:#"Mosquito"];
NSString *levelKey = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"L - %d", level]; // Or "L-%d" if there is no space in the keys
return [[levels objectForKey:levelKey] intValue];
Then you can create the sprites like this:
int level = 3; // Or whatever value you need.
int numberOfSprites = [self numberOfSpritesForLevel:level];
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSprites; i++) {
// Create a sprite here
NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"YourPlist" ofType:#"plist"];
NSDictionary *plist = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:path];
//Get the dictionary
NSDictionary *levels = [plist objectForKey:#"Mosquito"];
for(int i = 0; i < [[levels objectForKey:#"L-1"] intValue]; i++){
//make your sprites
I'd do something like the above and substitute in for whichever level you're on.
