I have a problem with these SharedPreferences:
private String StringaCirc;
private StringBuffer StringAux;
public void stringaCirc(){
for(int i=0;i<1000;i++)
StringaCirc1.setCharAt(i, '0');
SharedPreferences prefs = getPreferences(MODE_PRIVATE);
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit();
editor.putString("StringaCirc", StringaCirc);
But when i call the function the app crashes...What is the problem?
It seems that you haven't defined StringaCirc1 in your method.
try to add this before for() loop
String StringaCirc1 = "";
you also should use lowercase first letters for your strings for readability
private String stringaCirc;
private StringBuffer stringAux;
public void stringaCirc() {
String stringaCirc1 = "";
for(int i=0;i<1000;i++)
stringaCirc1.setCharAt(i, '0');
stringaCirc = stringaCirc1.toString();
SharedPreferences prefs = getPreferences(MODE_PRIVATE);
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit();
editor.putString("StringaCirc", stringaCirc);
Ok so I think I'm being a noob because it's a new semester but the method "palindromeTest" always return's false even though the string is equal and the number is a palindrome. (A palindrome example is: (565) 677-6565) (also don't give me the answer outright I want to solve it on my own)
public class IjazZ_PhoneStringPalindrome
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
String phoneNumber;
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
System.out.print("Enter a phone number in this format (###) ###-####: ");
phoneNumber = br.readLine();
phoneNumber = justNumbers(phoneNumber);
if (palindromeTest(phoneNumber))
System.out.println("This phone number is a palindrome!");
System.out.println("This phone number is not a palindrome!");
public static String justNumbers(String phoneNumber)
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(phoneNumber, " ()-");
StringBuffer number = new StringBuffer();
phoneNumber = number.toString();
return phoneNumber;
public static boolean palindromeTest(String pNumber)
StringBuffer reversedNumber = new StringBuffer(pNumber);
return true;
return false;
You don't assign the value returned by reversedNumber.reverse().toString()to reversedNumber.
String reversedNumberString = reversedNumber.reverse().toString();
And by the way, you can just return
return pNumber.equals(reversedNumber); - the if/else statement is unnecessary.
I have some tweets that I have already indexed "TweetIndexer" with lucene knowing that each tweet contains an ID, USER, TEXT, and DATE.
I want to only retrieve the date with another class "TweetSearcher" how to proceed?
Example of tweet:
"0","1467811372","Mon Apr 06 22:20:00 PDT 2009","NO_QUERY","joy_wolf","#Kwesidei not the whole crew ".
This my class TweetIndexer:
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.core.KeywordAnalyzer;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Document;
import org.apache.lucene.document.Field;
import org.apache.lucene.document.FieldType;
import org.apache.lucene.document.StringField;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriterConfig;
import org.apache.lucene.store.FSDirectory;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Version;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
public class TweetIndexer {
protected static final String COMMA = "\",\"";
protected static final String POLARITY = "polarity";
protected static final String ID = "id";
protected static final String DATE = "date";
protected static final String QUERY = "query";
protected static final String USER = "user";
protected static final String TEXT = "text";
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
try {
String indexDir = "D:\\tweet\\index";
String dataFile = "D:\\tweet\\collection\\tweets.csv";
TweetIndexer tweetIndexer = new TweetIndexer();
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
int count = tweetIndexer.index(new File(indexDir), new File(dataFile));
System.out.print(String.format("Indexed %d documents in %d seconds", count, (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000));
catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Usage: java TweetIndexer <index directory> <csv data file>");
private int index(File indexDir, File dataFile) throws Exception {
IndexWriter indexWriter = new IndexWriter(
new IndexWriterConfig(Version.LUCENE_44, new KeywordAnalyzer()));
int count = indexFile(indexWriter, dataFile);
return count;
private int indexFile(IndexWriter indexWriter, File dataFile) throws IOException {
FieldType fieldType = new FieldType();
BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(dataFile));
String line = "";
int count = 0;
while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {
// Hack to ignore commas within elements in csv (so we can split on "," rather than just ,)
line = line.substring(1, line.length() - 1);
String[] tweetInfo = line.split(COMMA);
Document document = new Document();
document.add(new Field(POLARITY, tweetInfo[0], fieldType));
document.add(new Field(ID, tweetInfo[1], fieldType));
document.add(new Field(DATE, tweetInfo[2], fieldType));
document.add(new Field(QUERY, tweetInfo[3], fieldType));
document.add(new StringField(USER, tweetInfo[4], Field.Store.YES));
document.add(new StringField(TEXT, tweetInfo[5], Field.Store.YES));
return count;
And this is short java code for my class TweetSearcher:
public class TweetSearcher {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
try {
String indexDir = "D:\\tweet\\index";
int numHits = Integer.parseInt("3");
TweetSearcher tweetSearcher = new TweetSearcher();
tweetSearcher.dateSearch(new File(indexDir), numHits);
private void dateSearch(File indexDir, int numHits) throws Exception {
System.out.println("Find dates:");
Directory directory = FSDirectory.open(indexDir);
DirectoryReader directoryReader = DirectoryReader.open(directory);
IndexSearcher indexSearcher = new IndexSearcher(directoryReader);
The task is to backup/restore Persistable object with BB Desktop Manager or in any other way. The main aim is to keep data between device firmware updates...
I have:
public final class UserList implements Persistable {
//The persistable objects.
private Hashtable fData;
//Initialize the class with empty values.
public UserList() {
fData = new Hashtable();
//Initialize the class with the specified values.
public UserList(Hashtable p) {
fData = p;
public Hashtable getData() {
return fData;
I also have implemented SyncItem (as found in one of the examples)
public final class UserListSync extends SyncItem {
private static UserList fList;
private static final int FIELDTAG_NAME = 1;
private static final int FIELDTAG_AGE = 2;
private static PersistentObject store;
static {
store = PersistentStore.getPersistentObject(0x3167239af4aa40fL);
public UserListSync() {
public String getSyncName() {
return "Sync Item Sample";
public String getSyncName(Locale locale) {
return null;
public int getSyncVersion() {
return 1;
public boolean getSyncData(DataBuffer db, int version) {
boolean retVal = true;
synchronized (store) {
if (store.getContents() != null) {
fList = (UserList)store.getContents();
try {
Enumeration e = fList.getData().keys();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
String key = (String) e.nextElement();
String value = (String) fList.getData().get(key);
//Write the name.
db.writeShort(key.length() + 1);
//Write the age.
db.writeShort(value.length() + 1);
} catch (Exception e) {
retVal = false;
return retVal;
//Interprets and stores the data sent from the Desktop Manager.
public boolean setSyncData(DataBuffer db, int version) {
int length;
Hashtable table = new Hashtable();
Vector keys = new Vector();
Vector values = new Vector();
boolean retVal = true;
try {
//Read until the end of the Databuffer.
while (db.available() > 0) {
//Read the length of the data.
length = db.readShort();
//Set the byte array to the length of the data.
byte[] bytes = new byte[length];
//Determine the type of data to be read (name or age).
switch (db.readByte()) {
keys.addElement(new String(bytes).trim());
values.addElement(new String(bytes).trim());
} catch (Exception e) {
retVal = false;
for (int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++) {
table.put(keys.elementAt(i), values.elementAt(i));
try {
//Store the new data in the persistent store object.
fList = new UserList(table);
} catch (Exception e) {
retVal = false;
return retVal;
The entry poing is following:
public class SyncItemSample extends UiApplication {
private static PersistentObject store;
private static UserList userList;
static {
store = PersistentStore.getPersistentObject(0x3167239af4aa40fL);
public static void main(String[] args) {
SyncItemSample app = new SyncItemSample();
public SyncItemSample() {
UserListScreen userListScreen;
//Check to see if the store exists on the BlackBerry.
synchronized (store) {
if (store.getContents() == null) {
//Store does not exist, create it with default values
userList = new UserList();
} else {
//Store exists, retrieve data from store.
userList = (UserList)store.getContents();
//Create and push the UserListScreen.
userListScreen = new UserListScreen(userList);
And here is an implementation of screen:
public final class UserListScreen extends MainScreen {
Vector fLabels = new Vector();
Vector fValues = new Vector();
VerticalFieldManager leftColumn = new VerticalFieldManager();
VerticalFieldManager rightColumn = new VerticalFieldManager();
UserList fList;
public UserListScreen(UserList list) {
fList = list;
//Create a horizontal field manager to hold the two vertical field
//managers to display the names and ages in two columns.
VerticalFieldManager inputManager = new VerticalFieldManager();
HorizontalFieldManager backGround = new HorizontalFieldManager();
//Array of fields to display the names and ages.
LabelField title = new LabelField("User List",
LabelField.ELLIPSIS | LabelField.USE_ALL_WIDTH);
final TextField fld1 = new TextField(TextField.NO_NEWLINE);
fld1.setLabel("input label");
final TextField fld2 = new TextField(TextField.NO_NEWLINE);
fld2.setLabel("input value");
final ButtonField fld3 = new ButtonField();
fld3.setChangeListener(new FieldChangeListener() {
public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context) {
fList.getData().put(fld1.getText().trim(), fld2.getText().trim());
//Add the column titles and a blank field to create a space.
LabelField leftTitle = new LabelField("label ");
LabelField rightTitle = new LabelField("value");
//Add the two vertical columns to the horizontal field manager.
//Add the horizontal field manager to the screen.
private void refresh() {
//Populate and add the name and age fields.
Enumeration e = fList.getData().keys();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
String key = (String) e.nextElement();
String value = (String) fList.getData().get(key);
final LabelField tmp1 = new LabelField(key);
final LabelField tmp2 = new LabelField(value);
public boolean onClose() {
return true;
So as you see it should be very easy...
So all of these I run application, add values to Persistent object and they are added correctly, are stored during device resets and so on...
When I run Desktop Manager and make a Backup it seems that UserList is backed-up, as size of backup grows together with adding new data into persistent store.
But when I run "Wipe device" on my BB 9300 (and all data from Persistent store is cleared as it is expected) and then run Restore from just made backup file - nothing is updated in the Application and persistent store is seems to be empty.
In some examples I have found adding alternate entry point "init" but I can't tune eveything like it is described with my EclipsePlugin
Could you advice me how to store data in backup file and the to retrieve the same data from backup and load it back to the application, or how to log any of events with Desktop Manager?
If someone has experienced the same problem you can try to disconnect the device before wiping it. It is strange but it helped :)
I wrote a function which returns a string. And there is a Thread implementation the function, like follows, and I am calling [metaDataTrimmed = getMetaData(url);] this function and store the return value to a string value. My problem is the the function immediately returns the null string, which is its initial value. And I checked my function works properly.
So I try for a Thread.sleep() method using a dirtybit and also tried for Thread.join(). Is there any standard method in BlackBerry to solve the problem, if not what is a good approach to solve the problem?
private String getMetaData(final String mediaUrl){
String metaDataT = "";
Thread metaThread = new Thread(new Runnable(){
public void run(){
try {
StreamConnection streamConnection=null;
HttpConnection httpConnection = null;
InputStream inputStream =null;
httpConnection.setRequestProperty("Icy-metadata", "1");
int httpStatus=httpConnection.getResponseCode();
String mint = httpConnection.getHeaderField("icy-metaint");
inputStream = streamConnection.openInputStream();
int length= Integer.parseInt(mint);
int b = 0;
int count =0;
while(count++ < length){
b = inputStream.read();
int metalength = ((int)b)*16;
// if(metalength <= 0){waitBitMetaData = 1;return;}
byte buf[] = new byte[metalength];
String metaData = new String(buf);
int streamTilleIndex = metaData.indexOf("StreamTitle");
// if(streamTilleIndex <= 0){waitBitMetaData = 1;return;}
String streamTille = metaData.substring(streamTilleIndex);
int eqindex = streamTille.indexOf('=');
// if(eqindex <= 0){waitBitMetaData = 1;return;}
int colindex = streamTille.indexOf(';');
// if(colindex <= 0){waitBitMetaData = 1;return;}
String metaDatam = streamTille.substring(eqindex, colindex);
int lengthOfMaetaDataM = metaDatam.length();
if(lengthOfMaetaDataM <= 0){waitBitMetaData = 1;return;}
metaDataParsed =metaDatam.substring(2, lengthOfMaetaDataM-2);
waitBitMetaData = 1;
catch (Exception e){
waitBitMetaData = 1;
//while( metaDataParsed.equals("") || waitBitMetaData == 0){
//try {
// Thread.sleep(50);
//} catch (InterruptedException e) {
return metaDataParsed;
I think the reason you are getting null with a Thread is you don't wait for the end of the thread execution. This is not related to BlackBerry, but is purely related to Java. To solve this just do the whole task (not just networking part of it) on a separate (from UI) thread. When upon task completion you'll need to update the UI, then just use UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeLater(Runnable action) pattern.
Read a Text file having any line starts from "//" omit this line and moved to next line.
The Input text file having some seprate partitions. Find line by line process and this mark.
If you are using .Net 3.5 you can use LINQ with a IEnumerable wrapped around a Stream Reader. This cool part if then you can just use a where statement to file statmens or better yet use a select with a regular expression to just trim the comment and leave data on the same line.
//.Net 3.5
static class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var clean = from line in args[0].ReadAsLines()
let trimmed = line.Trim()
where !trimmed.StartsWith("//")
select line;
static IEnumerable<string> ReadAsLines(this string filename)
using (var reader = new StreamReader(filename))
while (!reader.EndOfStream)
yield return reader.ReadLine();
//.Net 2.0
static class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var clean = FilteredLines(args[0]);
static IEnumerable<string> FilteredLines(string filename)
foreach (var line in ReadAsLines(filename))
if (line.TrimStart().StartsWith("//"))
yield return line;
static IEnumerable<string> ReadAsLines(string filename)
using (var reader = new StreamReader(filename))
while (!reader.EndOfStream)
yield return reader.ReadLine();
I'm not sure what you exactly need but, if you just want to filter out // lines from some text in a stream... just remember to close the stream after using it.
public string FilterComments(System.IO.Stream stream)
var data = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
using (var reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(stream))
var line = string.Empty;
while (!reader.EndOfStream)
line = reader.ReadLine();
if (!line.TrimStart(' ').StartsWith("//"))
return data.ToString();
Class SplLineIgnorStrmReader:StreamReader // derived class from StreamReader
SplLineIgnorStrmReader ConverterDefFileReadStream = null;
//created the Obj for this Class.
Obj = new SplLineIgnorStrmReader(strFile, Encoding.default);
public override string ReadLine()
string strLineText = "", strTemp;
while (!EndOfStream)
strLineText = base.ReadLine();
strLineText = strLineText.TrimStart(' ');
strLineText = strLineText.TrimEnd(' ');
strTemp = strLineText.Substring(0, 2);
if (strTemp == "//")
return strLineText;
This is if u want to read the Text file and omit any comments from that file(here exclude "//" comment).