CorePlot support for arm64? - ios

In Core-plot 1.4, I can use the pre-built Binaries/iOS/libCorePlot-CocoaTouch.a library in my iOS app, but only if I delete "arm64" as a valid architecture in BuildSettings/ValidArchitecture script.
Can I rebuild this library to include arm64 using Source/framework/CorePlot-CocoaTouch.xcodeproj, setting its BuildSetting/Architecture to arm64?
The same question applies to CorePlot1.5.1. In 1.5.1, where can I easily find the CorePlotHeaders folder, which conveniently is Binaries/iOS/ in 1.4.
When I build, I get the Debug products, but do not see Release products in places where Build Settings says they should be. What am I (still new'ish to Xcode5) missing?
Why would I want to include CorePlot as a dependent item, rather than simply include its static library in my Xcode project app? The latter is simpler.

Can I rebuild this library to include arm64 using Source/framework/CorePlot-CocoaTouch.xcodeproj, setting its BuildSetting/Architecture to arm64?
Yes. Build the "Universal Library" target to make a complete release binary with both device and simulator code.
The same question applies to CorePlot1.5.1. In 1.5.1, where can I easily find the CorePlotHeaders folder, which conveniently is Binaries/iOS/ in 1.4.
The headers are in the same place in the 1.5 and 1.5.1 release folders, too.
When I build, I get the Debug products, but do not see Release products in places where Build Settings says they should be. What am I (still new'ish to Xcode5) missing?
This is determined by the selected "scheme". By default, building or running makes a debug version while profiling or archiving makes a release version.
Why would I want to include CorePlot as a dependent item, rather than simply include its static library in my Xcode project app?
You would use the dependent library build if you were keeping up with the latest code from Github or using your own private fork. You can always build a static library from source (see question #1, above), but if the Core Plot code is changing often, its easier to include the project directly.


Force Xcode to build with specific .framework

I have a target that links with a framework (both of which I develop). If I build the target it builds the framework before hand for use in the target.
What I want during certain builds is to bring in an existing already built version of that framework and use it during the build of that target. Is there a way to force xcode to build using an already compiled version of a dependant framework
(The reason I'm doing this is because I have multiple targets that are built separately and want them all to be built using the same framework binary)
I finally solved this, this can be done by turning off the "Find Implicit Dependencies" under your build scheme.
Some good reading can be found here on the topic here:

Embedding frameworks inside closed-source Swift framework

Our company wants to distribute a closed-source SDK for iOS to our clients. I've been using Cocoapods to build the framework and built an example app making use of it. Previously the app worked fine on the simulator as well as when deployed on the device. However, I was also embedding the Pods.framework file in the app itself. One other piece of information that may be of interest is that the framework is written in Swift, the included cocoapods dependencies are both Swift and Objective-C.
I wanted to make the pods requirements easier to manage so the user doesn't need to be concerned with them and tried to embed the Pods.framework file inside of the SDK we're building - so I removed the steps to Embed Pods Frameworks and Copy Pods Resources from the example app, leaving them only in the framework, I also removed Pods.framework as a dependency of the example app, leaving it only in the SDK. This seemed to work in the simulator, but the app now crashes on mobile device with dyld: Library not loaded error.
Upon researching it, I stumbled into a few related discussions:
However, the suggested solution of using private pods does not look like it would work for us, it's my understanding that the source code in the private pod would still be open, and we can't share it with our clients.
Could someone advise on a solution that would work in this case?
OK, I finally have a more durable solution. It's a modified, cleaner version of my old one now that I understand how Xcode links in my Swift sub-frameworks better
Problem that makes distribution/compilation a bit ugly:
Since Swift standard libraries aren't bundled on the device like Obj-C, nor are they guaranteed to be stable between versions yet (stable binary interface promised in Swift 3: we have to make sure the entire project is compiled against the same version of Swift. That means the guy using your closed-source framework has to be using the same version of Swift in their Xcode for their project as you did for compiling the library, even if he's not using Swift in his code because ultimately it's his version of Swift that gets bundled into the app and your SDK runs against. This is only an issue for closed-source frameworks because open-source ones will always be compiled against the same version as final project. Possible workaround is to restrict clients to same version you use or distribute multiple compilations (i.e. Swift 2.1 and Swift 2.0). To remedy this, you could provide users with copies of binaries compiled against multiple versions of Swift.
Aside from that, here is what I had to do during compilation/distribution to make a binary framework that works in Swift:
When building the framework:
In project target, make sure to add Pods.framework to Linked Frameworks and Libraries (make sure this is a pre-compiled RED version of Pods.framework, I had a black compiled Pods.framework in the same directory which built fine but then resulted in a framework that would cause the project to complain about missing armv7 architecture during linker phase in later project)
In Build Settings, under User-Defined section, add a field called BITCODE_GENERATION_MODE and set it to bitcode
DO NOT #import any frameworks in your bridging header, all instructions telling you to do that are leftover from Swift 1.0-1.2 days, you don't need it anymore and it does more harm than good (the later project will complain that it can't find these headers that aren't even exposed to it)
Change build target to Generic iOS Device, Archive and Export the framework
When building the project using the framework:
Drag and drop the framework into the project, in General tab add it to Embedded Binaries and Linked Frameworks and Libraries (you only need to add the framework itself, not the sub-frameworks or the pods file)
In Build Settings tab, add a new path to Framework Search Paths: $(PROJECT_DIR)/MyFramework.framework/Frameworks
Build the project

Xcode unable to find directory

I recently update Xcode to Version 7.1, which included Swift 2.1. I installed Swift 2.1 with no troubles. After attempting to run my project, I realized that I needed to grab the latest version of Realm, since the previous version did not support Swift 2.1. I deleted the old frameworks and imported Realm 0.96.2. Whenever I run, I now get this error:
bash: /Users/userName/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/appName-ghiroqitgsbvfhdqxsscyokyoouz/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/ No such file or directory
I suspected the problem was with the script that is required if you wish to submit your app the the App Store, so I removed the Run Script Phase, added a new one, and copied the script from the Realm documentation site:
I thought that that would fix it, but it did not. I then thought that the problem may be in the Realm.framework or RealmSwift.framework files, so I removed them and re-imported them (Just in case I messed something up). Nothing changed. Does anyone know if there is a fix to this error?
From the error message, it seems like, you didn't added Realm.framework and RealmSwift.framework to the Embedded Binaries pane, which you find in the General tab of your project, as shown below:
For further validation, you can check the tab Build Phases. It should look like below:
Note: Make sure that the run script phase comes after the Embed Frameworks phase.
Why is this script needed?
The vendored frameworks are not just single executables, but actually FAT binaries which are archives of linked executables on different architectures. This includes architecture slices for arm64 and armv7, which are necessary for deployment on the phone as well as i386 and x86_64 which are necessary for running the app in the simulator.
The script main responsibility is to take care of removing unnecessary slices. This reduces the final package size and is necessary for AppStore deployment because iTunes Connect rejects apps with simulator architectures.
More Details
The script works on base of the build setting VALID_ARCHS. Because that is changing the signed executable of the framework, it also needs to take care of code signing. Since introduction of bitcode, it also got further post processing as responsibility. It extracts the included *.bcsymbolmap files from the framework bundle and places them into correct path in the *.xcarchive.
The FAQ topic on Bitcode of PSPDFKit has a good explanation on what BCSymbolMaps are:
A BCSymbolMap is a lot like a dSYM for bitcode. Xcode builds it as part of creating the app binary, and also for every dynamic framework. It's required for re-symbolicating function/method names to understand crashers.
In my case, change the process order in Build Phases to solve
not OK

Xcode embedded binaries release vs. debug

We have been provided two frameworks from another team for inclusion in our iOS app. A Debug version that contains simulator and device symbols and the Release version that contains only device symbols. They asked us to include the framework as an embedded binary.
How do we conditionally include an embedded binary the way we specify release and debug paths for frameworks in Build Settings? We do not want to manually intervene when it is time to build for the App Store and we want to include the release version of the library.
My current solution is to create a new Target and remove the embedded binary. Then in your code use compiler directives to conditionally include the headers/code.
I don't think it's ideal, but got me working!

iOS: Anybody gotten libtar or libarchive to build? (Problem with configure script.)

I'm having a problem building libraries that have a "configure" script, namely such scripts are not meant for compiling for iOS.
Is there a set of environment variables that I can set to induce "configure" to work for iOS?
I tried setting CC but that was not nearly enough.
Github project with static libraries and headers that build properly for iOS.
From the readme (Nov 2011):
LibArchive Static Library for iOS Unfortunately, while
libarchive.dylib and libbz2.dylib are included in the iOS SDK, the
header files are not. This means that they are private APIs and cannot
be used if you intend to submit to the App Store.
Never fear! This repository contains everything you need to build a
static version of libarchive for iOS. libbz2 is also included for
extra goodness.
To keep naming of things sane, we build the library as libarc.a.
For iOS 4.3+ copy the header files and library from the
build-for-iOS-4.3 directory into your project.
For iOS 4.2 copy the header files and library from the
build-for-iOS-4.2 directory into your project.
If you need to build this for an earlier version of iOS, you can
easily modify the script to point to whatever SDKs you like.
It should build fine on 3.x.
TO GET IT FULLY LINKING you must also include libz.dylib in your list
of linked libraries. To do this in XCode 4, click on your project,
choose the Build Phases tab, go to Link Binary With Libraries, press
+, and choose libz.dylib from the (long) list of possible libraries to link against. This is because libarc.a links dynamically to libz.dylib
-- this is okay since, for whatever reason, AAPL saw fit to include the libz headers in the iOS SDK.
The current libarchive version is 2.8.4. The bzlib2 version is 1.0.6.
