UITableView in UIView - ios

I want to create a UITableView in UIView class. Can I? The UITable is nested in the UIView, so I figured, I should put the code of the the table in my custom UIView class, but on the other hand, usually the UIViewController is responsible for the table delegates. So what is best?

UITableView has a data source and a delegate which need to be implemented. These could be implemented separately in different objects or they could be implemented in the same object.
Many times, the UIViewController is used as the data source and delegate object but it's not required. Since you're adding the UITableView to a custom UIView it makes sense create a custom object to handle the data source and delegate.
It's fine to add a UITableView to a custom UIView which is not the UIViewController's view.


Can a property of a UITableView be the UITableView Delegate and DataSource

I have a custom view that's a bit of a hack. Basically it's a UIView with tableView as it's property, with additional views in the tableView that need their own delegates. I need a viewController for the UITableView and can't make the UIView it's delegate according to this SO link Custom UIView as UITableView delegate and datasource?.
Can I make the UITableView have a property of UIViewController and set that UIViewController as the tableView's delegate?
In this case according to OOP, the UITableView has a UIViewController so technically, I could expect this to work. But, I am wondering if down the line somewhere this could create problems since the UITableView and UIViewController are coupled in this way.
You don't need a UIViewController for the UITableView - you just need an object or objects that implement the data source and a delegate protocols. As per the accepted answer on the question you linked to you can use a separate controller class to provide this.
The right answer depends a little on how the table is used with your UIView subclass.
If the table will always have the same content (Say a list of months) and there is no value in exposing or abstracting the properties then you can code the delegate and dataSource inside your UIView subclass or in an assistant class.
If the table content will vary depending on how the UIView is used (say a list of people where you don't know what the list is - friends, relatives, employees...) then it would make sense to simply expose the tableview's datasource (and delegate if necessary) properties via your UIView subclass

Merge two viewcontroller's code using addsubview in IOS

I want to break my code into 3 files and them up via addsubview. For ex. i have a masterview, mastreview contains a currentView. CurrentView contains 1 webview and 1 tableview.
Now, i have written all code in one file and it works like a charm. But i want to make it abstract and loosely coupled . So i need a separate file ex. webviewController to implement its delegate and function related to it AND tableviewController to implement its delegate and functions related to it. And add both by addsubview, alloc init in masterview file.
I did it my way,though i was able to addsubview on CurrentView, the problem was my delegate functions are not working properly.
Also, i am confused about tableviewController should inherit UIViewController or UIView or UITableView.
it would be good if anyone can guide or send some link related to it, any example...???
Actually you should have the app crashing if the delegates are not retained somewhere.
If you do link the object with view controller to be it's delegate at Interface Builder, the view controller will be destroyed after it's outlets so you don't care. If you are creating separate class for the delegate, you should care about it's lifecycle, standard classes do not retain their delegates so you have to retain it on the same level where you are retaining the delegated object. Like if you are creating a UITableView subview and you have MyTVDelegate class, you should create the delegate instance, assign it to tableView.delegate and retain as viewController var so that viewController will dealloc both subviews and their delegates when needed.
For the second question, UITableviewController inherits UIViewController as you can see at header files (command+click on UITableviewController), and UITableView inherits UIView. Every viewcontroller should have the root view of UIView and I believe UITableviewController has UITableView as it's root view.

Subclass UITableView with Custom UITableViewCells

What I have: 10+ view controllers using a UITableView with custom UITableViewCell. Each view controllers load different data and forward to different sub-pages, thus they cannot combine together.
The aim of the change is to centralize the management of table view's look & feel in a single custom UITableView subclass. But since the data loaded by each view controller is different, I think the UITableViewDataSource and UITableViewDelegate have to be assigned to its original view controller class.
How do I make the change? Or I am thinking at wrong direction?
A tableview's datasource can be separate and independent from its delegate. So, put all of your appearance configurations in a UITableView subclass that implements its own delegate methods, and then create a separate NSObject subclass for each tableview that is responsible for the datasource implementation.
You could make a superclass for all your view controllers that collects all the common logic.

iOS - What is the difference between Table View and Table View Controller

In the Object Library of Xcode, there are two options one can use to create table view - table view and table view controller.
What is the difference between the two and when would they be used ?
A TableViewController is a ViewController with a TableView built in. This will have the delegate methods needed already declared and setup. This VC is already a TableView delegate and datasource. It cannot be resized. Upside is ease of use, downside is very limited flexibility.
A TableView is just that a TableView (subclass of UIView). It can be added to a ViewController and resized, used alongside another view based object, etc. The upside is the flexibility, the downside is that you have to setup the delegate and datasource methods yourself (in my opinion, well worth the time to get the flexibility).
One other note is that when using the new Static TableView cells (part of iOS5), you have to use a TableViewController.
The UITableViewController is a subclass of the UIViewController. It already assumes you will have UITableView as your rootView, so you already have access from the code to a tableView (self.tableView). It implements the UITableViewDataSource and the UITableViewDelegate protocol. It also gives you alot of methods for you to override. It allows you to not depend on XIB file, because you already know what you will have (UITableView as a rootView).
The UITableView is just UIView, normally you will have to comply to the protocols I have referenced above in your UIViewController in order to populate (data source) and work with it (delegate), and you probably have to create an IBOutlet for your UITableView.
On one hand you have speed but you are not as flexible as the other path. On the other you have the opposite.

Insert UITableViewController into Other UIView

I've got a UITableViewController that inserts custom UITableViewCells into a UITableView. Is there a way that I can put this UITableController/View combo into different views? I've got the behavior of the UITableView acting the way I want, I just want to use that UITableView in different UIViews (say a UIView with a UILabel above the UITableView and one with a UILabel below the UITableView).
I know I can make a UIViewController that has an embedded UITableView in it and have the UIViewController act as the UITableView's delegate, but then I would have code reuse (the UITableViewController logic would be in multiple UIViewControllers). Or am I looking at this problem the wrong way?
I want to somehow reuse the functionality of my UITableView in different UIViews.
Yes, you can, simply instantiate (or get a reference to) the UITableViewController inside the UIViewController and call something like this:
[self.view addSubview:tableViewController.tableView];
