GGTS editor tooltip show itself too fast - grails

I am using GGTS on WIN7 64bit to edit my Grails project.
When editing GSP or groovy, once I point my mouse to something in the source code, a tooltip will show itself in less than 1ms. This is very annoying.
What I really wanna do is to click that source code and start to type something in that position. Because of the too-fast showing of tooltip, my click will drop on that tooltip and breaks my thoughts.
Can anyone help to set the tooltip to show itself after 500ms of mouse pointing at the same position? Thanks.
I didn't find this configuration from Windows->Preference of my GGTS 3.4.0

You can configure Eclipse to show hovers only when you really want them.
For controlling the hovers behavior for the GSP editor:
Go To Windows > Preferences > General > Editors > Structured Text Editors
Switch to the Hovers tab
Choose "Combined Hover"
Add a "Pressed key modifier while hovering"
This will cause the hovers to appear only when you press this specific key combination and hover over the text.
The same can be done for other editor types.


Vaadin 23.3 close tooltip by clicking on the text

I'm upgraded to Vaadin 23.3 Preview because of Tooltip component. Works and looks great. Only one question - I use the tooltip as a toggletip. I added an icon to my textfield and manually open tooltip by clicking it. In order to close the tooltip, I have to click the icon one more time. Is it possible somehow to close the tooltip by clicking the tooltip text also?
That's not supported, as the Tooltip feature is not intended to be used for anything interactive. As the docs say:
Tooltips only support plain text content. They aren’t focusable and
can’t contain interactive elements.
Due to technical (and especially accessibility) reasons, interactive popups like that need a different implementation. There are some vague plans to add such a feature to the Vaadin platform in the future, however.
One component in the Vaadin's Directory that can be considered better suited for the task is Popup.

Removing Project Symbol Search button

Is it possible to remove or disable the Project Symbol Search button from the Dephi (10.2) editor. It is the magnifying glass on the far right in the image below.
It is a nuisance to me because I keep pressing it instead of the dropdown arrow on the Methods combo box next to it (because my hand co-ordination is poor) and it freezes the IDE for 20-30 seconds.
In Tools > Options > Editor Options > Display there is only an option to turn off the hole toolbar ("navigation toolbar").
The toolbar is not even mentioned in the docs for the options dialog!
But at least you can find information about it here and here in the docs.

Eclipse - preview source in separate window on mouse click?

I'm looking for a way to be able to preview code related to what's under my cursor in a separate window when I click the mouse/touchpad. Eg. definition for methods / member variables etc.
Something like the results of Ctrl+Click but instead of opening the file in my main editor window, I'd like to see the results in a small window below the main editor window (a 'code preview' window).
Ideally, the 'code preview' window doesn't hide any code surrounding the preview of the item under the cursor.
This happens for eg. in Source Insight & VSlick. It gives the ability to browse another section of the code in a small window while the main source is open in the main window.
I find it very useful.
Is there any way / plugin etc to do this in ADT/Eclipse ?
I'm new to Eclipse and using the ADT flavor (Eclipse Platform 4.2.1.v20130118) for Android Java dev.
Press Shift and hover the mouse cursor over the method or variable - it will show a small popup with the source preview.
You must be sure it is enabled in Preferences (Preferences->Java->Editor->Hovers, "Source" line should be checked).
Checked with Eclipse 4.4.

put designer window in background

This is annoying ... In Delphi 7 when you clicked on the code window the form would automatically hide. Now it stays on top. I have to minimize it to remove it from focus. Are there any settings that correct this behaviour ? Also I must play hide and seek with component pallete on the right. I have it open but soon as I try and click on the scroll bar to try and search for my components I get everything replaced by Delphi projects etc. Then I must click inside the form for the component pallete to come back again. Annoying... Any way to disable this ?
For the first part of your question you can disable the embedded designer in order which the switch between the form and the code will be like the Delphi 7 IDE.
Tools-> Options -> Environment Options -> Vcl Designer -> Embedded designer (uncheck)
Also you can take a look to the Simon Stuart plugin RADSplit
Now for the component palette part, this windows change depending of the current active form , so if you active window is the form designer the Tool palette show the components else show the Delphi projects menu. Anyway Delphi XE2 includes the classic palette component which always show the components in top toolbar even if you are in the source code view.

How to display tooltip or hint similar to Delphi XE tooltip code insight

I'm looking at wanting to implement a tooltip similar to the way Delphi XE does when you're debugging and you hover over an object. ie, it opens up a hint window with + signs which you can expand etc.
I'm trying to create a hint window which will show a list of items (for example) when hovering over a control (such as a button) which will let the user click on an item and I can then do something based on the item they've selected.
Are there any components out there that might do that already? Or am I better of just creating a borderless form and handle the showing/hiding myself with mouse events?
I know there are hint components with embedded html. So you can have a kind of html treeview inside you hint!
I think it is a solution for you.
HTMLHint from TMS Software
THintBox from Cramon Utilities (freeware!)
