redirect_uri_mismatch Unity Google API on iOS - ios

I created an app in Unity with Google Play Leaderboard support. I could easily make it work on Android, then I moved to OSX to build it for iPhone too.
First I got a problem, that Apple won't accept any bundle identifier with the '_' character in it, but my Android app bundle identifier had 2 of them...
However I found out, that in the Google Developer Console I can link another app to my app (to use the same Leaderboard) for iOS too, so I was quite happy. Unfortunately this doesn't seem to work. I get the *redirect_uri_mismatch* error message every time I try to log in.
On Android I used the UnityGPGPlugin but as it didn't work for me on iOS, I tried the PlayGameServices too. In UnityGPGPlugin I could set only the Application ID, so I thought that's why it is not working. In the PlayGameServices plugin there are two fields, one for the Application ID and one for the Client ID that made it look like that's really what I need. Unfortunately the error is still present and I really don't know what I could do with it. Here is the well known message:
Error: redirect_uri_mismatch
Request Details
redirect_uri= < my bundle identifier without '_' characters >:/oauth2callback
The debug log contains only this:
2014-03-16 14:21:19.507 <my app>[1699:60b] GPGSAuthenticateWithCallback.
2014-03-16 14:21:19.509 <my app>[1699:60b] GPGSManager initializing and authenticating.
2014-03-16 14:21:19.512 <my app>[1699:60b] GPPSignIn initialized.
2014-03-16 14:21:19.514 <my app>[1699:60b] GPPSignIn attempting sign in now.
-> applicationWillResignActive()
-> applicationDidEnterBackground()
Does anyone know how could I solve this problem?
Thanks in advance!
Maybe it wasn't obvious, but I have 2 bundle identifiers, both of them are linked to the same game service in Google Play Developer Console. The com.x.a_b_c belongs to the Android app, the belongs to the iOS app.

I was having redirect_uri_mismatch error while using UnityGPGPlugin. I was using "123456789123" as my Application ID instead of "123456789123-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx".
However, I manage to get through the Google Sign In page after changing all my setup to "123456789123-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" as my Application ID. Including the GPGApplicationID in Info.plist.
Sad to say that I am having another problem now, but at least that's how I manage to get through that error. :)


How to set FacebookUrlSchemeSuffix build hint in Codename One

I have two free and paid apps which use same one Facebook app.
The free app has package:
The paid app has package:
The facebook app has id is 123456 and the iOS platform section in Facebook app:
"Bundle ID":,
"URL Scheme Suffix": free, paid
I can't logon the facebook in freeApp because the facebook always redirects to the paidApp.
After spend time, I found the Two iOS apps using the same Facebook app ID - is it possible? and and try:
Add the ios.FacebookUrlSchemeSuffix="free" for freeApp and ios.FacebookUrlSchemeSuffix="paid" for paidApp but the problem is still same.
Then remove the ios.FacebookUrlSchemeSuffix build hint above, add the ios.plistInject=< key>FacebookUrlSchemeSuffix< /key>< string>free < /string> for freeApp and test it. The app is terminated immediately when start logon the facebook.
Then add the ios.urlScheme=fb123456 to the freeApp but the build is failed at server with error "...Info.plist': The data couldn’t be read because it isn’t in the correct format."
What are correct setting for ios.urlScheme and ios.plistInject build hints (include the FacebookUrlSchemeSuffix) in order for both freeApp and paidApp can work correctly in Codename One?
Allows intercepting a URL call using the syntax
Notice that by default defining Facebook support includes the main URL scheme so the plistInject will conflict with that.

xcode apigee logInUserWithFacebook extra parameter?

I'm using Apigee for my iphone/ipad app.
Like many apps today, mine requires a login via Facebook and Apigee has a function specifically for this in the iOs framework, here's how it's called:
[ApigeeDataClient logInUserWithFacebook:[FBSession activeSession].accessTokenData.accessToken];
As far as my code goes, everything works well up until the above line. I'm receiving the following error.
Response: {"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"missing access token"}
However check out how the function is making the call (from the logs):
Synch outgoing call: ''
I would like to bring your attention to this ...facebook?<b>ql=</b>fb_access_token=CAADrh....
I'm not sure why ql= is there, I've checked the definition of logInUserWithFacebook and ql= is nowhere to be found.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This is a bug in our iOS SDK. It has been fixed in version 2.0.9 of our SDK (released yesterday).
?ql= is typically used for query language statements see if there is any such code around in your program
This just a tip...may help

Why can't I link my dropbox app using mergDropbox?

I can't seem to get a response from Dropbox when I call any of the mergDropbox commands. I've setup an app on Dropbox, so I have an app key and secret to pass in the mergDropbox setup command but nothing happens when I do. All this works fine in the demo stack that comes with the external (which links me to Monte's demo Dropbox app) BTW.
I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that my Dropbox app status is 'development' rather than 'production', but if it is then I'm unsure how to proceed as I am unable to apply for production status until I have successfully linked to the app - which seems like a catch 22 situation to me.
This question was asked on a mailing list, however, I thought the answer would be helpful to others so I'm posting here.
The problem that's occurring is you haven't set the custom url scheme required by the dropbox app to return to your app after linking. When you don't set this and you try and link the app then you don't switch to the Dropbox app and the dropbox sdk logs something like this:
[ERROR] DropboxSDK: unable to link; app isn't registered for correct URL scheme (db-c0sbjqyibf12hg1)
So what you need to do is enter db-yourappkey as your custom url scheme here:

Facebook iOS Mobile Web JS SDK Error

We already have Facebook working on our main desktop app without an issue. When I added the same setup code to our mobile site I received an error from the JavaScript SDK:
Received message of type object from, expected a string
Then, I changed the setup code to an exact replica from here: and received the exact same message.
This error only shows when the user-agent is iOS or Android in Chrome Developer Tools or in the iOS Simulator. When it's running from the desktop, we aren't seeing this error.
Any idea what's going on here?
Thanks :)
With all due respect, I believe that bokonic's answer is missing the point. The immediate reason of the message you're receiving is most likely javascript postMessage method. It is used to communicate your website with an object returned by or an iframe's embedded website.
window.parent.postMessage(message, targetOrigin);
You might want to have a look at this article to see how it works.
According to MDN reference first argument of the postMessage method can be of any type. Still, Prior to Gecko 6.0 (Firefox 6.0 / Thunderbird 6.0 / SeaMonkey 2.3), the message parameter must be a string.
I tested the method on Chrome 28.0.1500.72 (latest version when writing this answer) and it works fine when passing an object but still throws the warning message to the console. I believe that facebook feels uncomfortable with passing some rich data as a string so they pass it as an object and simply doesn't care about the warning. Or, since there is a workaround (e.g. JSON.stringify), they have a bug they don't know about.
I had the same error. This isn't necessarily the reason you're getting it, but I ended up looking at the packets being received by my iphone simulator, and here's the error from s-statick.ak:
[truncated] <span>Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration.: One or more of the given URLs is not allowed by the App's settings. It must match the Website URL or Canvas URL, or the domain must be a subdomain of one o
For me, the error is that on my device(s), I'm accessing the site through an ip address (192.168.xx etc) and on local development I have hosts routing localhost to a url that is in my facebook app config... so the IP isn't configured for the app.
Facebook won't let me use an IP address, so it seems like the only option is a test deploy or a DNS server. Hope this helps you out.

Facebook facebook-ios-sdk and graph api is not working

I am using the official facebook ios sdk in my app (
It was all working fine. I was able to log in, pull all my info from Facebook, post things on my wall. Do all those regular stuff that you do...
But since last night, it appears to be broken. When the login window appears and the user logs in, instead of getting the authkey and getting a callback. The login window directs users to
Did anyone else notice the problem? Is there any fix to it or we just assume that the graph API is broken right now and wait?
I assume Facebook were just having a problem. If you had it working & did not change the code then the issue is elsewhere?
In general it's a pain to get working so the following is a brief hint to anyone who is stuck.
Having spent 2 days getting this working I recommend (assuming you have registered an app with Facebook) :
First get the demo app working.
This ensures you have your app ID and worked out how to add the URL stuff into the plist. This is explained in the docs so should not give you much trouble.
Once all the options in the demo app work (login, post, upload a sample photo) you can think about your own app.
Many things are different but you still need to have the AppDelegate method for the URL stuff. Also this method does not work as is assuming your app is using more than one view controller.
I went for the approach of setting up facebook in the app delegate eg:
Facebook *facebook
and in the actual facebook routine referencing that appDelegate's facebook object eg:
This approach is the subject of quite a few posts on the interweb so you should be able to google it.
I can log on, get info, post & upload photos.
I'm having the same issue, i downloaded the "official example" from gitHub, and wehn compiled it does she#. After i login, it open safari and redirects to, and the app stalls. Well that's not the way to do it, Facebook. They are obsoleting the old rest api, meanwhile the "new" graph things not working. Im currently using graph API with my own calls to graph.
Check if you have done the following
1.URL scheme corresponding to your Facebook application ID is set. Your URL Schemes must contain item looking like "fb1234567890"
2.AppDelegate's method must be implemented:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application handleOpenURL:(NSURL *)url
it is described in "Authentication and Authorization".
Read also "Single Sign-On".
