iOS Game Center not working now app is live - ios

I've just released my app on the App store tonight (, it has a leaderboard that worked perfectly well in sandbox mode, but now shows up saying no items.
During the review process I was able to see another user on the leaderboard, presumable the person who tested the app. I have game center enabled in itunes connect.
Is this something that will take some time to kick in, or is there something else I have to do to make it work?

I'd not submitted the Leader Board for approval to Apple with the app. I ended up doing some bug fixes to the app and then submitting the Leader Board for approval with the bug fixes, and then everything worked.
It's kind of a shame though as I had a big spike of downloads on the first day, and downloads didn't pick up again until the leader board stuff worked. I kind of wonder if I'd have got a lot more downloads had this been working straight away.


GameCenter Leaderboard will not update after release

GameCenter has been working fine before release when updating the high scores. Now, it has been over 24 hours and the highscores will not update at all. Instead, it only shows my score in "Today" and does not share it with anyone nor can I see anyone else's score although they have played the game.
Prior to the release it worked fine.
Here is what I have done,
Enabled GameCenter in Xcode
Created the Leaderboard in iTunes Connect
Enabled Leaderboard for App
Added correct methods to authenticate player & show leaderboard
Added correct methods to send scores
It all worked in the app prior to launch and updated scores to everyone. Now it just updates scores for that one person with their own score.
I have even deleted my own scores within iTunes Connect and it will not update on any devices and just keeps the score prior to deleting.
This is the Today section even after many people played
This is how All Time looks, it has not updated once since release
There are multiple questions like this but are not recent and deal with the sandbox (which was eliminated) and everything seems correct
Is there a crucial step I am missing? Are Apple's servers down? Does it just take very long for new apps to update leaderboards?
For anyone else who had this issue, I contacted iTunes Connect support and they went to their engineers. Apparently they were able to do something and have the scores sync correctly to iTunes connect.
It took 3 days but now there scores are all correct

After Submitting My App, iAds Have Stopped Working

So I submitted my app last week and it was approved 2 days ago. I have iAd impleted in the app. As soon as the app was "ready for sale" I downloaded it from the App Store. When I launched the app everything worked. iAd was displaying ads on the screen. But then about 10 minutes later the ads stopped. It's been 2 days since the ads stopped and they still aren't showing up. I have even tried redownloading the app from the store several times. And it's not just me. It's happening to everyone who downloads the app. I'm sure I just need to contact Apple however it's the weekend and I just want to know as soon as possible, has anyone else had this problem? Or is it even a problem? I've read other questions asking similar things, however I believe mine may be different seeing as the ads displayed for the first 10 minutes. Also! When I go to iAds on iTunes Connect, it says "AD Status: live ads" and it's lit up green. Also in iAds it says "recieving live ads"
The app is free and if you'd like to see for yourself here is a link to the app:
Other Information:
The app is an arcade game
Ages 4+
iAd works perfectly in the Xcode version of the app
I have tried the game on different wifi routers and on 4g to see if there was some connection issue
The ads that are meant to be displayed are banner ads at the bottom of the screen
I have an answer! I just contacted apple iAd support and its is very clear now as to why I haven't been seeing ads the past few days. Some people stated in the comments that even once your app has been approved and is ready for sale, the iAd has its own separate reviewing process, and this is exactly true. However, I revieved some extra information from the support team that should be able to clear things up without confusion for anyone having this problem in the future. First of all, while Apple may review apps on the weekend, the iAd team does not, my app was approved on Friday and this is why I haven't seen any ads all weekend. Second, even if your ad status in the iAd network is green and says "live: recieving live ads" this does not mean that iAd has reviewed your app yet, it simply means that you have done everything required on your end. Lastly, I was told that the separate iAd reviewing process usually takes two to three business days. I hope that this information will help others in the future not to be concerned if they are experiencing this behavior.
I had exactly the same problem after updating my app. The ads were not displayed for about 2-3 days. After writing to Apple the problem was magically solved. I event did not get any answer from them.
I heard that Apple has an independent review process for iAds, maybe this could be the reason?
Have you tried contacting Apple's iAd support about this? I've experienced similar problems in the past and contacting them cleared it up. I've read other solutions where issuing an update to the application fixed the problem also. iAd has to approve your app to receive ads even after your app has been accepted and made available for download. Perhaps they just over looked yours.

Distributed app freezes when connecting to In-App-Purchase Manager

I am quite stumped right now - I released a new update for my puzzle game app few days ago, and I started getting reports that the game shuts down whenever the user tries to enter the store. The store connects to the InAppPurchaseManager, gets the list of all the IAPs, and opens up the store view.
In debugging mode, I had no problems, and it even passed the review without problem! And now the game is freezing on all the users who try to give me some money!!! :S Did anyone else run into this problem? My store was working fine in previous version. Only thing that I changed was I changed the items that could be purchased so I removed some and added some.
Also I noticed that whenever user tries to enter the store WITHOUT internet connection, it works fine. It only freezes when the user has the internet connection (very ironic...)
Any input or past experiences would be very much appreciated!!! Thank you for saving me from this insanity!
Solution - In itunesconnect, in the manage IAP section, I turned off the IAPs that were not being used anymore, but apparently my program was still trying to receive one of the IAPs that was not being used anymore from the IAPmanager, so it was not receiving the product and crashing. I think anyone running into same problem as me would be rare, but if you do, here it is :) happy coding!

Adding Game Center Support on iTunesConnect Broke My In App Purchasing

I had a well functioning in app purchase system in place and everything was going great. However, after managing Game Center and adding some leaderboards/achievements here on iTunes Connect (without changing anything in the code), in app purchase stopped working altogether and keeps giving me "Unable to Connect" errors. Could this have somehow messed up the sandbox environment? Anyone know what could be the problem?
I think there is a definite correlation since enabling/disabling Game Center on iTunesConnect changes behaviour on the device, but even if I disable everything it tsill won't go back to the way it was before).
I've been at this for days now. Help?
I doubt there's any correlation between Game Center and IAP, although the sandboxes are pretty unreliable. Have you checked so that your Paid Applications contract hasn't expired or is invalid in some other way? Also, have you checked that your test user is still valid?

Sandbox GameCenter accounts failing to find each other in matchmaking

I'm developing a turn-based iPhone game using Game Center. I created two Game Center accounts for testing but neither can find the other when I try to matchmake games. Both are in two matchmade games alone - neither found the other when matchmaking, in spite of the fact that the matches have 8 players max. What do you think could be causing this? Should I just put it on my physical device, because the games don't really work in sandbox, or what?
Gamecenter testing was a big disappointment for me, but I would enjoy to summarize some things that I learned in the process.
Make sure
-You enabled gamecenter support in both itunes connect's app information section and inside version details
-You completed a turn with a call to endTurnWithMatchData otherwise no other user will be able to connect to your game
-Know that simulator is able to connect to a game but it can't receive data only actual devices can.
-It is not a lag!
There is the possibility that your devices are actually able to match but there is a huge lag before they can, so you think it is not working. This happens to me with my iPad and iPhone for testing, it always takes around a minute to match another device. I have a asked a question regarding this lag here :Game Center Matchmaking GKTurnBasedMatch has significant lag (~1 min) Most replies told same things happens to them and problem is usually in apple's server not your code. I have also contacted apple for the issue by submitting a TSI, they have suggested doing many things (such as trying different gamecenter sandbox accounts, turning off the device, hard reset) but in the end all they told me was 1 min is well within the acceptable lag for turn based matchmaking. I have also submitted a bug report with ID #: 13635249 and its status is open.
