Injecting a value from MVC controllers -

Our repositories and services are currently being injected into our controllers via a Unity container (using the Web API MVC bootstrapper).
public class AnnouncementsController : BaseApiController
protected IAnnouncementRepository AnnouncementRepository{ get; set; }
public AnnouncementsController (IAnnouncementRepository announcementRepository)
: base()
this.AnnouncementRepository = announcementRepository;
public HttpResponseMessage Post([FromBody]GetAnnouncementsModel model)
var announcements = AnnouncementRepository.GetByType(model.AnnouncementType);
// ...
A new requirement has arisen: All input models (e.g. GetAnnouncementsModel) now need to have an AccessToken.
Why? So that results from repositories are filtered according to data rights. Clients are restriction on what data they can consume.
Bad Solution - Pass in token as a method parameter
One solution is to include an AccessToken parameter to every repository or service call. This is not a good solution. We have to implement this in hundreds of methods. An example of this parameter:
public HttpResponseMessage Post([FromBody]GetAnnouncementsModel model)
var announcements = AnnouncementRepository.GetByType(model.AccessToken, model.AnnouncementType);
// ...
Better Solution - Inject token during resolution
A better solution would be to provide the AccessToken in the repository constructors and have some base implementation that does the filtering logic implicitly.
But how could I do this with dependency injection? The constructor is resolved and called by the Unity container. How could I inject the property value of an input model into this process?
container.RegisterType<IAnnouncementRepository, AnnouncementRepository>(
new InjectionConstructor(
new InjectionParameter<Guid>(AccessToken)

You can define a custom interface, call it for example IAccessTokenProvider:
interface IAccessTokenProvider
Guid Token { get; }
Now you can make an implementation like this:
public class HttpContextAccessTokenProvider
public Guid Token
get { return (Guid)HttpContext.Current.Items["AccessToken"]; }
public static void SetToken(Guid token)
HttpContext.Current.Items["AccessToken"] = token;
Now you should be able to implement a filter to read the token from the request:
public class TokenFilter : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
string tokenString = filterContext.HttpContext.Request.QueryString["token"];
You can also read the token from other sources or store it in other containers (sessions, cookies, whatever). You can also directly access it in your controller or repositories.
You have 2 options to use the token in your repository:
Inject IAccessTokenProvider to your repository and get the token directly from the provider.
Inject IAccessTokenProvider to your controller and pass the token


How to access the current user in a specific aspect

If I adopted the last scenario in this thesis :
Then my main layers will be like that:
UI Service (MVC application)
Business Layer
Security Service (used as a wrapper class library for MS identity
Aspects which use the previous security service to Authorize the
business layer methods.
public class EditEmployeeData : OnMethodBoundaryAspect
public override void OnEntry(MethodExecutionArgs args)
Employee emp = (Employee)args.Instance;
((System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity).HasClaim("Employee", "EditName");
I want to set the current user in runtime.
How to access the current user to authorize him on a specific
functionality in business layer?
Should the authorization be more near to the UI to disable/hide functionality and to prevent calling not allowed action methods ?(In the preferred scenario there's not any interaction between the security layer and the UI !!)
Please see this answer about using claims...
In a controller, you can get the current user like this:
using Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin;
public class MyController : Controller
// this code will return 0 if user is not authenticated
protected long GetUserId()
// note: I have changed the default UserId type from Guid to long
return User.Identity.GetUserId<long>();
* use this if you are using Guid UserIds (which is the default)
* return User.Identity.GetUserId();
See this, if you want to know how to change type of UserId.
If you have access to HttpContext, you can get the user like this:
// note that I have changed UserId from Guid to long
If you want to get ApplicationUser use this (more info here):
// this is how you get user manager from OwinContext
var userManager = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager<ApplicationUserManager>();
// Get ApplicationUser from UserManager
ApplicationUser user = UserManager.FindById(User.Identity.GetUserId());
How to access the current user to authorize him on a specific
functionality in business layer?
If you need to access current user in a service, you can pass it through or you can inject it. Using ninject, this is how you can inject UserId into a service:
kernel.Bind<MyService>().ToConstructor(ctorArg => new MyService(
And this is how MyService class looks like:
public class MyService
private readonly long _userId;
public MyService(long userId)
// this service always has access to current user (if logged in)
_userId = userId;
// more code...
I am not sure what is the process of your authorization... ASP.NET Identity, already implements authorization task for you. This is implemented in ApplicationUserManager and ApplicationSignInManager which comes with ASP.NET MVC default template. You can use [Authorize] attribute on your action/class to prevent unauthorized access:
[Authorize] // <-- restricts all action methods of the class, unless marked [AllowAnonymous]
public class MyController : Controller
[Authorize] // <-- restricts this particular action method
public ActionResult MyAction(long id)
// do some action which requires authorization
Regarding DDD layers, have a look at this this link which explains services which belong to each layer.
How to access the current user to authorize him on a specific functionality in business layer?
To access user information on the business layer, you can type an interface named ICurrentUser
namespace AOPSample
public interface ICurrentUser
User GetCurrentUser();
public class User
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Username { get; set; }
public string Role { get; set; }
The CurrentUser class must be able to read the information of the user from a common location. HttpContext is available for this.
Let's write a helper class for this.
using System.Web;
namespace AOPSample
public class ContextHelper
public T Get<T>()
T local = default(T);
string key = typeof(T).GUID.ToString();
if (HttpContext.Current.Items.Contains(key))
local = (T)HttpContext.Current.Items[key];
return local;
public T Get<T>(string key)
T local = default(T);
if (HttpContext.Current.Items.Contains(key))
local = (T)HttpContext.Current.Items[key];
return local;
public void Set<T>(T value)
string str = typeof(T).GUID.ToString();
HttpContext.Current.Items[str] = value;
public void Set<T>(T value, string key)
HttpContext.Current.Items[key] = value;
Our CurrentUser class will return user information using your helper class
namespace AOPSample
public class CurrentUser : ICurrentUser
public User GetCurrentUser()
return new ContextHelper().Get<User>();
now user information write to HttpContext with ContextHelper class and for this use correct location interceptor class
public class EditEmployeeData : OnMethodBoundaryAspect
public override void OnEntry(MethodExecutionArgs args)
Employee emp = (Employee)args.Instance;
((System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity).HasClaim("Employee", "EditName");
new ContextHelper().Set<User>(new User
You can access user information from the domain layer with ICurrentUser. HttpContext is unique for every request and response
Should the authorization be more near to the UI to disable/hide functionality and to prevent calling not allowed action methods ?(In the preferred scenario there's not any interaction between the security layer and the UI !!)
It's your choice
In my opinion, you can take user privileges and log them with cache and use them for client side actions, but according to the technology you use for server side, you can store user information for each request in a similar way. For example; The correct location to store the OperationContext for wcf.
If you use ASP.NET Identity, you can try the following approach in order to get current User:
ApplicationUser user = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager<ApplicationUserManager>().FindById(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId());
//If you use int instead of string for primary key, use this:
ApplicationUser user = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext().GetUserManager<ApplicationUserManager>().FindById(Convert.ToInt32(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.GetUserId()));
Hope this helps...

Alternative way to handle controller action authorization instead of using customattribute

i have webapi action which is decorated with customauthattribute for authorization. This attribute internally checks with db if current user has viewcustomer permissions. Does anyone know better way of handling it instead of using customattribute. may be intercepting somewhere all request and run authorization checks for user/permisson/resource he is trying to access : eg getcustomer for customer id 10. So if user doesnt have access see customer id 10 he should get 403 status.
public IHttpActionResult GetCustomer(int customerId)
You can add global filters in the configuration of your web api.
Practically in your startup class (startup.cs or webapi.config) you can call on the httpconfiguration object the following method
var config = new HttpConfiguration();
config.Filters.Add(new MyAuthFilterAttribute());
In this way it will be global for all your api calls.
You should extend the IAuthenticationFilter interface.
take a look here for documentation
webapi documentation
One option would be to create a filter that you can apply globally. For example, something like this. Yes it's horrible but gives you a start:
public class GlobalAuthoriseAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute
public override void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
var controllerName = filterContext.ActionDescriptor.ControllerDescriptor.ControllerName;
var actionName = filterContext.ActionDescriptor.ActionName;
switch (controllerName)
case "Home":
//All call to home controller are allowed
case "Admin":
filterContext.Result = new HttpUnauthorizedResult();
Now you can add this to your entire app in the App_Start\FilterConfig.cs file:
public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters)
filters.Add(new GlobalAuthoriseAttribute());

How to pass data from custom authorize attribute to web api action method?

I am creating a MVC Web API application with forms authentication for the Web API Controllers as well as the regular MVC controllers. In the form authentication cookie I am storing user information which I need to read and pass it to the Web API action methods.
I am trying to do this by creating a custom Authorization attribute and adding this value to ActionArguments. However I don't know how to access this data in the Web API action. Below is the code block
public class MyAuthorization : AuthorizeAttribute
public override void OnAuthorization(HttpActionContext actionContext)
var isAuthorised = base.IsAuthorized(actionContext);
if (isAuthorised)
var cookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName];
var ticket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(cookie.Value);
var identity = new GenericIdentity(ticket.Name);
actionContext.ActionArguments["UserInfo"] = ticket.UserData;
And here is the controller code
public class TestWebAPIController : ApiController
public IHttpActionResult Get() {
//How to get it here
return Ok();
It was really stupid of me. As the name suggests it is the ActionArgument (actionContext.ActionArguments). So this can be easily accessed in the Web API control by means of an ActionContext.ActionArguments or directly by passing an action argument.
Here is code sample by ActionContext.ActionArguments
public IHttpActionResult Post() {
var userInfo = ActionContext.ActionArguments["UserInfo"];
return Ok();
And here is by means of action argument
public IHttpActionResult Post(UserInfo userinfo) {
//Code here
return Ok();

How to have SimpleInjector resolve viewmodel dependencies?

I'm trying to use SimpleInjector 2.7.3 (IoC container) within an Asp.Net MVC + Web API application.
I've had a couple of problems trying to set it up for both MVC and Web API on the same project until I found this link:
After following the link's example, here's what I got:
One of my Web API controllers:
public class UserController : BaseApiController
private readonly IUserService service;
public UserController(IUserService userService)
// I should point that IUserService is being injected correctly here
this.service = userService;
public IHttpActionResult Post(CreateUserRequest request)
return Ok();
The problem happens when I try to execute the Post operation. The CreateUserRequest class itself has a dependency.
public class CreateUserRequest : IValidatableObject
private readonly IValidator<CreateUserRequest> validator;
public CreateUserRequest(IValidator<CreateUserRequest> _validator)
// _validator is not being injected, I'm getting null here
validator = _validator;
public string SomeProperty { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
// My validation logic here must call the validator injected
// when the object was created.
return null;
I should point that IValidator is an interface from the FluentValidator package.
Anyway, when CreateUserRequest is instantiated the validator is null, which means it's not being injected.
When I'm creating the SimpleInjector Container I can see the type correctly registered, so I don't think that is a problem.
I did the following change to CreateUserRequest class:
public class CreateUserRequest : IValidatableObject
private readonly CreateUserRequestValidator validator;
// Changed here to the concrete class
public CreateUserRequest(CreateUserRequestValidator _validator)
validator = _validator;
// ...
So, I changed the interface to a concrete class and I'm still receiving a null there.
The only thing I can imagine is that this is somehow related to the custom dependency resolver suggested by the aforementioned link. I needed to use that in order to have the same dependency resolution logic for both MVC and Web API. Here's the code:
public class SimpleInjectorDependencyResolver : System.Web.Mvc.IDependencyResolver,
public SimpleInjectorDependencyResolver(Container container)
if (container == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("container");
this.Container = container;
public Container Container { get; private set; }
public object GetService(Type serviceType)
if (!serviceType.IsAbstract && typeof(IController).IsAssignableFrom(serviceType))
return this.Container.GetInstance(serviceType);
return ((IServiceProvider)this.Container).GetService(serviceType);
public IEnumerable<object> GetServices(Type serviceType)
return this.Container.GetAllInstances(serviceType);
IDependencyScope System.Web.Http.Dependencies.IDependencyResolver.BeginScope()
return this;
object IDependencyScope.GetService(Type serviceType)
return ((IServiceProvider)this.Container).GetService(serviceType);
IEnumerable<object> IDependencyScope.GetServices(Type serviceType)
return this.Container.GetAllInstances(serviceType);
void IDisposable.Dispose()
I don't really know a lot of the plumbing behind MVC and Web API (specially the custom dependency resolver feature), so, I'm really stuck on this one.
I appreciate any help figuring that out. Thanks.
In addition to the answer given by Steven, I would like to leave a link to whoever falls into the same problem. It's a great resource:
The reason why your view model object isn't auto-wired by Simple Injector is because both MVC and Web API don't build view model objects using the IDependencyResolver. So creating a special dependency resolver won't work. If you want to let your view models to be auto-wired, you will have to override the default model binder in MVC and Web API.
But I urge you not to do this. In my opinion, a model binder should just do data conversion and a view model should be a plain DTO. Although it is fine to mark view models with validation attributes, letting them have behavior using services that might even trigger any database communication is a big no-no in my book. This can complicate development tremendously.
This however means that this validator should be injected elsewhere. Without making any changes to your architecture, this basically means you will have to inject that validator in the controller instead:
public class UserController : BaseApiController
private readonly IUserService service;
private readonly IValidator<CreateUserRequest> validator;
public UserController(IUserService userService,
IValidator<CreateUserRequest> validator)
this.service = userService;
this.validator = validator;
Obviously this can easily complicate your controllers with extra dependencies and logic, but that's because validation is a cross-cutting concern that you would like to probably keep out of your controllers.
If you try to address this, you will eventually end up with a message passing architecture such as described here.

MVC Protecting User Based Data Security

I am starting to dabble with ASP.Net MVC. One question I have is on best practices for protecting user data. For example in the scenario of Sales people, they should only be able to view their own data.
It is very easy to change the "14" to view other data which they may/or may not have access to.
At this point, I am thinking in my controllers to check for who is logged in, and checking if they have access to the "id" that is getting requested. The problem I see with this, is that this will be application wide, and I am looking for best practices on how to approach this. Should I be looking at CustomControllers? Filters? or what? Any articles/references for how to tackle this would be appreciated.
Set up your methods for retrieving data from your database repository in such a way that you can pass the UserID of the currently logged in person as a parameter. You can then use a permissions table to filter the data to only that data for which the user has access.
The permissions table would have two fields: UserID and ContentID. Once this is set up, it's fairly straightforward to set up CRUD screens so that someone with administrative privileges can set content permissions.
The problem I see with this, is that
this will be application wide,
Then you need common service that handles it. Suprisingly, I would call it IAuthorisationService.
and I
am looking for best practices on how
to approach this. Should I be looking
at CustomControllers? Filters? or
Whichever way you choose you should use common IAuthorisationService above.
From my experience I can tell that it is easier to inject the service into controller and use it on every action:
/* Interfaces */
public interface IAuthorisationService {
bool CanEdit(YourItem item);
public interface ICurrentUserProvider {
YourUserEntity GetCurrentUser();
/* Implementations */
public class HttpUserProvider : ICurrentUserProvider {
public YourUserEntity GetCurrentUser() {
return HttpContext.Current.User.Principal as YourUserEntity;
public calss RolesAuthorisationService : IAuthorisationService {
ICurrentUserProvider userProvider
public RolesAuthorisationService(ICurrentUserProvider userProvider) {
this.userProvider = userProvider;
public bool CanEdit(YourItem item) {
var u = userProvider.GetCurrentUser();
if (u == null)
return false;
return item.Owner == u && u.IsInRole("EditYourItem");
/* Controller */
public class MyController: Controller {
IAuthorisationService authorisation;
public MyController(IAuthorisationService authorisation) {
this.authorisation = authorisation;
public ActionResult Edit(int id) {
var item = GetTheItembyIdSomehow();
if (!authorisation.CanEdit(item))
return new HttpUnauthorizedResult();
// Can do this
Then you can use ControllerFactory to inject the required dependencies automatically into the controllers:
class DependencyInjectionContainer : WindsorContainer {
public DependencyInjectionContainer() {
private void RegisterDependencies() {
// Services
.Configure(c => c.LifeStyle.Transient)
// Controllers
.Configure(c => c.LifeStyle.Transient)
class WindsorControllerFactory : DefaultControllerFactory, IDisposable {
private readonly IWindsorContainer container;
public WindsorControllerFactory() {
container = new DependencyInjectionContainer();
protected override IController GetControllerInstance(Type controllerType) {
if (controllerType == null)
return base.GetControllerInstance(controllerType);
return (IController) container.Resolve(controllerType);
public void Dispose() {
I use IPrincipal and Authorize(Roles='...') attribute to limit access to actions. IPrincipal is then injected into service layer and user IIdentity is used to filter data.
Example: Users create tasks. Every user can see his tasks. GetTask(int taskId) method first filters by CreatedBy field using identifier from IIdentity and then takes task with specified id. If user doesn't have access to data, method will not return any rows.
