Adding sliding menu (left drawer) to my storyboard - ios

So I was creating a app using TabBarController as my main means of navigation till now but to add more options and navigation options, I wish to add a Sliding Menu/Drawer with a button on Nav bar or by swipe gesture.
I found quite a few libraries to do this but decided to go with ECS since it supports storyboard
My current storyboard looks like this
My Tabbar was my initial viewcontroller till now and Home VC is the first screen that shows up
Any help will be appreciated, please see if you can post me code examples on how to do it aswell, kinda still new to ObjC


Unable Correctly to Add Navigation Buttons Using UIPageViewController for iOS

For my project UIPageViewController could be a good choice, so, I started with the template provided by XCode 6.4 starting new project. I used the template: Page-Based Application which has already the basic implementation of UIPageViewController. The opportunity to scroll the pages is working fine, however, I would like to add the navigation bar as well. After reading the articles on that topic I tried to embed DataViewController into NavigationController (Editor>Embed), and then added the Navigation Bar Button using the storyboard from Interface Builder. However, I cannot see that button when I compile the app. Moreover, it looks that the back navigation works for the pages when you press on the spot where Navigation Bar Button should be located, but button is not visible. Later I found out that the back navigation works not only on that spot but on all left margin of the view. It seems like a bug.
1. How to make Navigation Bar Back Button visible?
2. How to remove that buggy behavior when navigation reacts to the press of all the margin instead of just location of the button?
If you want to have the navigation controller show up, you need to change:
let startingViewController: DataViewController = self.modelController.viewControllerAtIndex(0, storyboard: self.storyboard!)!
so that startingViewController is the navigation controller your dataViewController is embedded in. You can do this by changing the storyboard ID of the navigation controller and saying something like:
let startingViewController: UIViewController = (self.storyboard?.instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier("NavController"))!
However this is going to break the template as the rest of the code thinks the starting view controller is a DataViewController, so you will need to change that.
The "buggy behavior" is the standard page controller navigation mechanism when the transitionStyle is set to UIPageViewControllerTransitionStylePageCurl.

How to add navigation drawer feature in later views(for ex: 2nd view) of the app?

I am trying to implement Navigation Drawer like menu on my iPhone project.
I have looked at the forums and find out there are many samples given in this link:
Stackoverflow Navigation drawer query
But, they have not helped me much. Because, all the apps are developed Navigation drawer in the Home screen(1st view) of the app itself and using window.rootViewController
My requirement is, I need Navigation Drawer like menu NOT in the home screen(1st view) of the app, rather need on the 2nd view of the app, hence I don't know how to add this feature.
Could someone please suggest me how to add navigation drawer like menu feature in later views(for ex: 2nd view) of the app?
I don't quite get how you want the menu. You can add Navigation Controller anywhere you want, all it's going to do is give you a Navigation Bar on which you can give a title and a Back button, usually with the name of the title of the previous page.
You can simply add the navigation where you want and control drag from the view or object you want to perform the segue. If it's a button you can use an IBAction with a performSegueWithIdentifier method.
Hope I could help

How to reduce the click access length of a tab in uitabbarcontroller?

The title won't clear the actual problem. Let me explain clearly.
I have a tabbarcontoller in the viewcontroller which is the main view controller of the single view application project.
I added Navigationcontrollers to the tabbarcontroller. So that I can navigate(push/pop) from one viewcontroller to other.
I added a subview to the mainview of a single navigation controller.
When I click the button near to the tabbar, it doesn't get clicked and the tabbaritem button gets access and shows that tab.
The below image will explain well,
If I click the show button, it opens the receipts tab.
How to reduce the click access boundary of the tabbar in tabbarcontroller?
I can't get any solution regarding this.
Frankly, i've written a bunch of applications which have controls near the tab bar and i've never encountered such behaviour.
Check if you have custom tabbar controller with custom frame.
Also try to use Reveal App ( to check the buttons' frame at runtime, it will help you to understand what's going on. They have trial version as i remember.
Hope it will help :)
Choose the custom button for this and add in tabbar.

Tabbar not showing in ios application

i am making one iOS tabbar application in that i have put 4 different tabs and whenever i click on 1 st tab and load another view after clicking of the first tab. After that when i press back button then tabbar is not displaying .So that i want hint that how can i show that
back the tabbar when we move from one tab from another and yes how i can use consistent the tabbar in whole application can you just guys help me on this i am new to iOS development.
here i am put the screen shot ...
here first screen is this one..
when i tap the video button that are first in the view then another window open
which are as under and see the tabbar is not there...
when in video controller there is tabbar is there but i drag and connect to that then tabbar is disabled
Looking at your screen snapshots, do I correctly assume you're attempting to transition to the "Videos" scene by touching the big "Videos" button in the center of the "Home" scene (rather than touching the tab bar button at the bottom of the screen, which I assume works fine)? If that's the case, you need to have your button tell the view controller's tab bar controller that you want to change the index of the tab bar, and it takes care of it for you. You cannot do the transition using a segue (or at least not without a custom segue, which is even more complicated than the procedure I outline below). If you're changing the view some other way (e.g. using a standard segue or using presentViewController, pushViewController programmatically, etc.), your tab bar can disappear on you.
You later said:
when in video controller there is tabbar is there but i drag and connect to that then tabbar is disabled
Yes, that's true. You cannot use a segue from one of your big buttons to one of the tabs in your tab bar. (Or technically, if you wanted to use a segue, it would be a custom segue which would do something very much like my below code, though perhaps a tad more complicated.) So, rather than using a segue for your big button, you need to write an IBAction (connected to the big Videos button on the Home scene), that tells the tab bar to change its selection:
- (IBAction)clickedVideosButton:(id)sender
[self.tabBarController setSelectedIndex:1];
A couple of comments:
My answer was predicated on the assumption that your tab bar works as expected when you tap on the buttons of the tab bar, itself. If you tap the buttons at the bottom of the screen, do you transition to your other views correctly and preserve the tab bar? If so, my answer above should solve your issues in getting the big buttons to work. If not, though, then the problem rests elsewhere and you need to show us your code that might account for that (either you're something non-standard in the UITabBarControllerDelegate methods, or your viewDidLoad of the view is doing something nonstandard).
If I understand your user interface design right, you have the tab bar at the bottom as well as the big buttons in the middle, which presumably do the same thing. That is, no offense, a curious user interface design (duplicative buttons, requiring extra tap on a button, etc.). You might want to choose to either use either big buttons (in which you can retire the tab bar, eliminate the IBAction code I've provided above, and just use a nice simple navigation controller and push segues, for example), or just use the tab bar (and lose the home screen, lose the big buttons, etc.).
You also made reference to "press back button", and I don't see any "back" button on any of your screen snapshots. Do I infer that you have a navigation controller and you're doing a pushViewController or push segue somewhere? If you're doing something with back buttons, you might need to clarify your question further.

"Slide" segue between UITabBar views

My iOS 5 app uses storyboarding with a UITabBarController. There are three "tabs" each displaying a view controller which has been linked using a relationship back to the UITabBarController. At the moment each view controller appears when you tap the relevant tab, as expected. However, for a more gracious transition I would like to slide the view controllers on and off screen.
By way of example, if I am currently on Tab 0 and then select Tab 1 the view controller on screen (for Tab 0) should slide off to the left-hand side of the screen, and the new view controller (for Tab 1) should slide on from the right-hand side of the screen.
I have been able to achieve this behaviour using a custom UIView as the tab bar but would like to know whether this is possible with a custom segue in storyboarding, as that would certainly save a lot of coding (and also would keep things a fair bit neater in the project)?
Thanks in advance for any assistance.
I am trying to do the same thing.
Unfortunately I think the relationship segue does not allow any customization as it just connect tab bar and the tab bar items together, and not a transition.
My guess is we have to do the transition ourselves when the view appeared.
