I've added some dependencies to my project using Xcode and I need to generate a Package.swift file for Travis-CI.
Is there a solution other than manually add all my dependencies to this file?
You are looking at the problem the wrong way.
Package.swift should be the basis of your framework, not the Xcode project. You can generate an Xcode project from a Package file, but you cannot generate a package file from an Xcode project.
The main reason behind this is that Xcode projects support many things that Swift Package Manager (and hence Package.swift files) do not support - such as mixed language targets or signing & capabilities.
So if your project setup is fully supported by SPM, you should simply throw away the Xcode project and rely on the Package.swift file completely, otherwise you'll need to keep using Xcode projects and shouldn't use SPM until it supports your requirements.
For some reason Xcode 6.3 doesn't copy XIBs (in both mac and ios projects) until I update/save them. So if I do clean and build, no XIBs will be copied. There are no errors in build log.
But it works if I create a new simple project.
How can I fix this?
Working with a partner who is creating a cordova plugin.
If we add framework folders and artifacts to the Frameworks directory under iphone->native in eclipse will they get pulled into the corresponding xcode project?
There are some flags that need to be added to the ‘Linking’ properties under build settings. Does this need to be done through the xCode IDE?
Some actions must be done in Xcode.
For example, if you are creating a Cordova plug-in, then you need to:
Edit config.xml - this can be done in Eclipse
Place the .m and .h files in the Classes folder - you can put them there while in Eclipse, but they will not be referenced in the Xcode project
for this you must first build the Worklight project
and then open it in Xcode and add the files you've placed in the Classes folder to the project it self
You would normally need to go to Xcode to create the plug-in to begin with, but assuming you downloaded a plug-in...
The same applies to frameworks.
Is there any appropriate way to change workspace name in Xcode?
Seems to me that it works to quit Xcode and manually change the .xcworkspace file from OLD_NAME.xcworkspace to NEW_NAME.xcworkspace.
Xcode 5 was used at the time of writing.
First note that this question is about changing the name of an Xcode workspace. The QA is not about changing the name of a project, a project within a workspace, the source folder, or other aspects of naming in the Xcode milieu.
Xcode 11 and further.
Surprisingly, you can now just change the name of the file ! As strange as that seems.
Quit Xcode. You must do this first.
Using your mouse, and keyboard, change the name:
This causes no problem with Swift Package Manager or any other issue.
You now simply open the .xcworkspace file as normal.
One part of a fifteen year old Apple problem resolved!
Steps to Rename Workspace
Rename the Folder( contain all files) of Main Project
Rename the Workspace
delete the Xcode project from Workspace and re-add/Drag Xcode project again to Workspace. And in build setting rename “product name”
Now, In Workspace ,select the project in general , option for selecting infoPlist will appear, select the info plist of project.
then, Click the Manage Scheme and Create New Scheme with Xcode Project Name , check the New Created Scheme and delete the older one.
clear the both Xcode and Workspace ..and delete Derived Data “~/Library/Developer/Xcode”
if project contain Bridging Header file then , just rename the Bridging Header file with With project name - “ProjectName-Bridging-Header.h” and then open the Xcode project not workspace. In build settings.. in “Swift Compiler -Code Generation”—> Objective-C Bridging Header — “reset the Path of Bridging header file”. close the Xocde. And if Project Contain Pod File , then open Pod file rename the target name with new project .close both xocde project and Workspace project and install the pod.
now open the Workspace clean and build.
Yeah I reckon so. As far as I can see, a workspace is just a reference to one or more Xcode projects and doesn't produce anything outside of those projects.
I tried the same (XC6) but got a build error with one file not found. Not a huge issue, but for some it might not be worth the effort.
In my case I had to rename also the project inside the workspace which had the same name.
For that it was important before renaming the project to..
close Xcode
rename the .xcworkspace-file from the Finder
open Xcode with new named workspace
rename the project inside the
workspace with Xcode help by clicking on the project name
I want to change the workspace name, project name and all linked file with old project name, so I tried the steps from this post, and it's really helpful
Renaming an Xcode project with Pods: the easy way
I create a Unity project and generate an xCode project . Aways I should and some frameworks or static libs to the xCode project to make it run . So I want make this progress automatic.
I found some tools to modify the xCode project . such as "Mod PBXProj":
My question is that how can I call the tools(such as "Mod PBXProj") to modify the xCode project after the Unity project generate the xCode project . Or are there any other method to modify the project?
If you will open unity application as a folder, there will be a folder of xCode project, wich unity just copies while build. you can add there any files you whant (or replace), and on every new build, unity you use modified files.