How to pass nested arguments from one ant target to another - ant

How to pass nested arguments from one ant target to another?
I need to pass a variable number of nested elements from one target to another.
I have a common file with all of my standard build tasks that's included in all of my projects.
I am adding a new custom task that takes a variable number of nested arguments
As a standard, all ant calls are made through the common file to ensure consistency of build style and logging.
Thus the new custom task and its nested child will be defined in the common script.
The project build script looks like this
<target name="projectBuild">
<ant target="_newFooTaskWrapper" antfile="commonFile">
<property name="_arg1" value="hello"/>
<property name="_arg2" value="world"/>
<nestedArg value="qux"/>
<nestedArg value="baaz"/>
<nestedArg value="AAAAA"/>
The common script looks like this:
<target name ="_newFooTaskWrapper">
<echo message="Target _newFooTaskWrapper in project ${} from base directory ${basedir}"/>
<echo message="arg1 = ${_arg1}"/>
<echo message="arg2 = ${_arg2}"/>
<taskdef name="newFooTask" classname=""/>
<typedef name="nestedArg" classname="$NestedArg"/>
<newFooTask arg1="${_arg1}" arg2="${_arg2}">
<nestedArg value="qux"/>
<nestedArg value="baaz"/>
<nestedArg value="AAAAA"/>
Obviously, this isn't right. My question is, what's the right way to do this?

I need to pass a variable number of nested elements from one target to another.
For "varible", I assume you mean you don't know the exact number of the nested elements you want to pass to the task, so what you want is something like method(Object param...) in java, is it?
It's not a good idea to try such a way. Ant is not a scripting language but a build tool. It provides limited "scripting" possibilities.
However, you can try it in the following two ways:
1, If your nested element is just in the form of <elementName value="xx" />, you don't need anything complicated. Just pass another property containing a comma seperated list of the values, and process the list in your custom ant task. It's easy for Java to split the property into a list and process it.
2, If your nested element may be more complicated... maybe you can try reference:
Make a type fooTaskParams which can be referenced via an id:
<fooTaskParams id="_foo_task_params">
<nestedArg value="qux"/>
<nestedArg value="baaz"/>
<nestedArg value="AAAAA"/>
and pass the reference to the other build file:
<ant target="_newFooTaskWrapper" antfile="commonFile">
<property name="_arg1" value="hello"/>
<property name="_arg2" value="world"/>
<reference refid="_foo_task_params"/>
and then make your task to be able to process the reference:
<newFooTask arg1="${_arg1}" arg2="${_arg2}" paramRefId="_foo_task_params" />
You may need to take care of reference override, or make your task able to process the ref as well as taking nested elements.
Read ant's manual about <ant> and <typedef> for more about this approach, and refer to SO Q&As like this when you encount any problem.


Exclude fileset from another fileset using a property

I've been using Gradle almost exclusively lately, but every now and again I have to dive back into our antiquated ant build system and figure out how to do something. Then I realize how little I know about ant and/or how difficult even some of the simplest tasks appear to be.
For example, I have a target that does some operation on a fileset:
<target name="some-operation">
<fileset dir="blah" id="stuff">
<filename name="**/*.txt" />
<filename name="**/foo/*" />
<!-- do some operations on "stuff" -->
Imagine this is in some old build system that multiple projects use. I want to exclude additional things in the fileset (let's say, files inside directory "bar", similar to "foo"), but since this is something multiple projects use, I can't just go putting my custom exclusions into the build system. I need some way to plug that additional fileset in (it could contain multiple exclusions).
What's the best way of doing this? I'm thinking I'll set a property in my build with the files to exclude, but the some-operation target will have to handle it gracefully when that property is missing. However, if I set a fileset to a property, I'm not quite sure how to get it excluded from the original fileset in some-operation.
Any ideas of the best/cleanest way to do this?
For reuse create a macrodef with nested element holding 1-n filesets for flexibility.
See this answer providing an example of macrodef using nested element.

Create a fileset from a comma-separated list in a property without losing order

I use a specified property to create fileset:
<property name="cases" value=",," />
<fileset id="casesToBeRunning" dir="${src}" includes="${cases}" />
When casesToBeRunning created, I list the content of it:
<echo>Cases to be running: ${toString:casesToBeRunning}</echo>
it shows,, which I'm not expected to.
I don't want Ant autosort for me, I need the original sort order of the property I defined to execute the cases orderly.
Anyone know how to handle this?
Ant filesets don't retain order - as you've seen. The related filelist type does respect ordering, so you might use:
<filelist id="casesToBeRunning" dir="${src}" files="${cases}" />
Whether the order is respected will depend on what task you plan to use to process the files. Most core Ant tasks that accept a fileset will accept a filelist instead, so you should be ok with them. For non-core tasks it may not work.
(Note that before Ant 1.8.0 some tasks didn't respect the order when traversing a filelist - among them copy for example).

Passing optional path arguments to ant

I have an ant task that uses an apply task to run a script on a group of files.
I have a directory structure resultant of something like this:
mkdir -p a/{b,c,d,e}/f
Normally (if I pass no arguments), I would like ant to run on all fs.
That is, if I called ant mytask, it should process: a/b/f, a/c/f, a/d/f, a/e/f. This already works using apply and patternsets.
However, when I pass it an optional argument called foo, it should only call the script on a/foo/f.
So if I called ant mytask -foo b, it should process a/b/f only, and not the others.
I have read this SO post, which explains ways of passing arguments, and I have looked at the ant documentation regarding properties, and conditionals. But I am still unable to piece them together in a way that works.
Also, I do not want to use one of the suggestions from the SO above which called for arguments like this:
<arg value="${arg0}"/>
<arg value="${arg1}"/>
I want to be able to call it as ant mytask -foo valueoffoo for any arbitrary foo.
I tried martin clayton's suggestion below and have code like:
<target name="mytask">
<property name="foo" value="*" />
<apply executable="perl">
<arg value="somescript"/>
<dirset id="them" dir="a">
<include name="${foo}/*/f" />
The above does what I want.
Note 1: In my actual code I use a patternset instead of dirset but it should work the same.
Note 2: In my original question I said the directory structure was a/{b,c,d,e}/f. It is in fact a bit more complicated, hence the * in the include above. I omitted that the first time around because it did not seem relevant.
You can do this - albeit with a slightly different command-line syntax -
using a property 'override'.
First, in the buildfile, construct your fileset or dirset from a property foo,
something like this:
<property name="foo" value="*" />
<dirset id="them" dir="a">
<include name="${foo}/f" />
This will give you your default behaviour - processing all
subdirectories of a that themselves have a subdirectory f.
Now, if you run Ant like this:
ant -Dfoo=d
Only directory a/d/f will be processed.
This works because Ant properties are not mutable - well, not normally anyway -
so the command-line definition of foo prevents the one within the buildfile from being used.

How can I iterate over properties from a file?

All my projects and their versions are defined in a properties file like this:
I'd like to iterate over all the projects, and use their names and versions in an Ant script.
At present I read the entire file using the property task, then iterate over a given list in a for loop like this:
<for list="ProjectNameA,ProjectNameB" param="project">
<echo message="#{project} has version ${#{project}}" />
How can I avoid the hard-coding of the project names in the for loop?
Basically iterate over each line and extract the name and the version of a project as I go.
Seeing as you're already using antcontrib for, how about making use of the propertyselector task:
<property file="properties.txt" prefix="projects."/>
<propertyselector property="projects" match="projects\.(.*)" select="\1"/>
<property file="properties.txt" />
<for list="${projects}" param="project">
The idea here is to read the properties once with the projects prefix, and use the resulting set of properties to build a comma-separated list of projects with the propertyselector task. Then the properties are re-read without the prefix, so that your for loop can proceed as before.
Something you want to keep in mind, if you are reading additional .property files (besides is scoping. If you read an additional file (via the property file="") tag, ant will show that the file was read, and the properties loaded. However, when you goto reference them, they come up un-defined.

Ant var and property scope

I have a main build script that calls various targets. One of these targets needs to store a value and another target needs to display it. Obviously this is not working so I think it may be related to scope. I've tried var, property, and declaring the property outside of target1. Since var seems to be mutable, it looks like I need to use it instead, but each time my output is empty.
Main script
<antcall target="target1"/>
<antcall target="display"/>
In target1:
<var name="myVar" value="${anotherVar}"/>
In display:
Do you really need to use <antcall>? Can you use target dependencies instead?
As you suspect, using <antcall> essentially creates a new scope.
antcall will start the ant target in a new project and will not affect the main project in any way. Try runtarget from antcontrib to run the targets in the same project.
You can call multiple targets with one antcall element. These targets will then share a single project instance including the properties defined. To do this specify the targets as nested elements like this:
<target name="target1"/>
<target name="display"/>
Another option I found was the antcallback, and it appears to work. This limits what is returned to just a particular list of values, which seems inherently safer than opening up the scope of the whole target (as it sets, creates, modifies many var and properties).
<antcallback target="target1" return="myVar"/>
<antcall target="display"/>
I think all of these are valid solutions, it just depends on what level you want to change the variable scope at.
<antcall target="display">
<param name="param1" value="anything" />
put the above code in your target1. I am sure you will be able to access your param1 in display now.
