Need to know about CMS [closed] - ruby-on-rails

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Closed 8 years ago.
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In Ruby On Rails which CMS gem support the more powerful features and fully customizable functionality.
I need to create an application that have an admin that create,update and edit, delete the pages.
And wants to use customizable CSS and additional functions like i can add inside application.
For e.g Count likes of an artical on page and sharing the page on facebook.
Your help and suggestions are definably appropriate.
Thanks for Help.

From my own experience I can recommend Refinery CMS which will fulfill most of your requirements. You can fully customize the CSS and it allows you to add Rails Engines to it on the one hand, but it can also be added to an existing application as a gem. You will have to do some work to get your counts and your Facebook sharing though.
I also once heard a talk from the creator of Locomotive CMS which at first sight seems somewhat more flexible, but you will need to invest some more time to get you started. It allows transferring a running site from development to production through a companion app whereas you have to develop your content "online" with Refinery CMS.
I guess your choice will be a matter of taste. There is of course a host of other possibilities listed in the Ruby Toolbox

To give some perspective, we recently created our own CMS from sratch
It's very simple to do - there are several tutorials online which explain the process
Basically, you need:
Models - Post, User, Option
Controllers - posts, application, users, admin: [application, posts]
Views - application(index), posts, admin: [application(index), posts]
Here are some resources:


Algolia vs Elasticsearch in ecommerce [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am adding react to a rails ecommerce website and also changing the search engine from sphynx to algolia. For this I am using react-instantsearch but I'm having a hard time integrating algolia's widgets mainly because the documentation is very unclear and I'm not sure how things are working behind the scenes. I was wondering if it would be better to use elasticsearch instead, as everything is more customisable, but I worry that the user experience will not be so spectacular.
Which one do you think is best in this situation?
Disclaimer: I'm an elastic employee
You should give a try to the site search offer that elastic provides. See
It's a great way to get Site Search as a service without having to worry about the internals.
If you prefer to have more control but don't want to manage the cluster by yourself, have a look at
If you want to do all that manually or go to the open source only way, you can run an instance somewhere in the cloud and install elasticsearch manually.
I can't say about Algolia as I never used their service.
Disclaimer: I'm an Algolia employee.
You can achieve a very high degree of customization with Algolia and React InstantSearch. If you are having trouble customizing the widgets (which are designed to be drop-in) you can try Connectors instead:
Connectors are higher order components. They encapsulate the logic for a specific search concept and they provide a way to interact with the instantsearch context.
Internally, the widgets are just pre-packaged implementations of Connectors. If there is a particular widget/connector you are having an issue with, add a comment and I'm happy to look into it!

Reusing code from Hartl Rails Tutorial [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I've almost completed Michael Hartl's Rails Tutorial. Absolutely loved it, and loving what I've learnt about Rails.
It occurred to me, that I could reuse most of what we've done for the other app ideas that I have. We have great user registration, authentication, security and testing. It would be 'straightforward' to modify what I have here for other purposes.
I just want to ask if this is a standard practice when building new apps (reusing what you already have), and if there any gotchas or things I've not considered in looking to do so?
Loving getting back into coding, and can't wait to get my first idea out into the wild!
These are the standard practices. But of course it all depends on the requirements, based on requirements you need to modify some things.
Also you can refer for more.
One thing that I found useful to do is create a base app that includes an Authentication system such as from the Rails Tutorial book, basic templates with a navigation bar and footer and a home and about page. And I connect Bootstrap. I call it Baseapp and when I start a new app I just copy it to a new folder and rename it. Then start customizing it from there.

How to publish and implement Ruby file to my website [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm a beginner of Ruby. I want to establish my website by programming with Ruby language.
Before that, I used to upload HTML files to my web-host server, so that I could update my website. But now I have no idea about what should I do with Ruby file.
Thank you!
If you are using the rails framework you may wanna try using cloud9 instead. Brackets from what i understand is "local". Whereas cloud9 is a "real" IDE. Additionally you can easily push your code to heroku where your code will be hosted at.
To get things started just head over to cloud9 to create an account to setup your IDE. If you are unfamiliar with it there are lots of guides out there that can help you to get things started.
However if you lack the fundamentals in using the rails framework, may be a good place to start too.
There is no best language when it comes to developing a website. The fundamentals of a webpage are HTML/CSS.
HTML gives you the bones or structure, such as your titles and your paragraphs etc.
CSS gives you your styling, such as creating buttons or changing font color etc.
This 2 languages form the core part of what would be your website, at the very least on the front end (meaning to say what people see when they visit your website)
JavaScript is not a must but definitely a plus. It is able to improve the UI/UX (user interface/user experience) of your website.
Lastly would be your back-end language; what handles the processes that goes on behind the scenes. If you choose ruby (and by extension rails) then that is fine as well. Basically your back-end language will support your database and CRUD (create, read, update, delete) actions.

Active Admin: Creating a Page in Rails by Admin [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I just want to know whether an Admin can create a new page like about_us or something similar to that from admin's page in Rails.
He should be able to create a new view, controller and model{not necessary}.
If this is possible please give me some link for it tutorials.
The Active Admin gem creates default UI for data administrators:
Active Admin is a Ruby on Rails plugin for generating administration
style interfaces. It abstracts common business application patterns to
make it simple for developers to implement beautiful and elegant
interfaces with very little effort.
It is not like Joomla admin pages, which allows the admin to change/add the pages users can see, unless their are data-driven in an application specifically written to enable that.
You can look for libraries which solve this problem, or integrate rails with a CMS application (like this:

What Web app chores, can be eliminated using Plugins/Gems in Rails [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I've been building Rails Application Prototypes and Loving it. I'm aware that there are many pre-build libraries to utilize in projects.
While, I'm not a fan of using plugins for managing login and user authentication, which is core part of the app, aside from that what other chores can be dealt with plugins/gems, like pagination etc.
What do you use in your day to day rails development.
There are times when using freely available plugins/gems (libraries) may not be suitable but since it is quite trivial to review the code of these, in the long run you will find that many of these gems can be quite handy. A lot of these are also actively kept up to date by the community and this is also an important point as Rails in particular has been evolving at a fairly rapid pace.
For example, Devise has been around for quite sometime and if you look at the amount of support this tends to translate into a commensurate number of blog articles and how-to's on the web; even here on SO Devise in particular gets many questions. It also has many modules that you can incorporate within your app, or just disable if you do not require their functionality.
Rather than going into the benefits of plugins, I suggest you visit as it let's you go through the various gems based on their particular functionality.
Personally, I use Devise as well as authentication from scratch, Omniauth, Kaminari (pagination), CanCan for ACL and quite a bit more. This is the Gemfile from one of my recent apps and it should give you a decent idea of what I use.
Being familiar with popular gems is quite handy as it means rather than having to 're-invent the wheel', when it simply comes to getting the job done... you do have options - especially when it's not the sole purpose of your app. Certainly though, if you're up to creating custom plugins or decide to pull out reusable code into plugins, do share them with the community.
Hope this helps!
