Rails with Aptana studio IDE configuration - ruby-on-rails

I am using Aptana studio IDE for my rails project. I mapped the installed location of rails path to the IDE like we usually map the java class path to netbeans . But when i execute a command
bundle install
In windows command prompt it gives me an error.but when i run the same in IDE terminal view it perfectly works . What is the reason . Is rails designed only to work with linux and Mac or something else . Thanks in advance

Actually the same problem occurred to me once.when i posted the problem in aptana website all i got is rails is primarily designed to work with linux.so you should get used to work with the ide's linux terminal view.


What needs to be changed to run a Rails app created on Windows in Linux?

An intern made a Rails app on his Windows computer several months ago.
I transitioned his files to a RHEL server and installed Ruby, rubygems, Rails, and Ruby Version Manager.
I believe that to run his app on Windows I could just do
bin/rails server
However, when I try this on the server it says
/usr/bin/env: ruby.exe No such file or directory
So, apparently it's still expecting a Windows (.exe) version of Ruby. What do I need to do to transition this Windows app to Linux?
Check in the bin/rails file on your proyect path, probably there's a call to ruby.exe there, it's probably in the first line, change it to this
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
Probably this errors is in other files in the bin folder, check it and change it.
Also, migrating an app from windows to linux can leverage into a lot of issues, so you would need to debug it with pacience. Good luck!

Running rails on windows 7 with cygwin

I recently installed rails and cygwin on my windows 7 machine. Both work fine on their own but I cannot get rails to run when I am inside of Cygwin. My guess is that I need to configure the path inside of Cygwin somehow? The error I get is below and any help would be most appreciated.
C:\RailsInstaller\Ruby1.9.3\bin\ruby.exe: No such file or directory -- /cygdrive/c/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.3/bin/rails (LoadError)
Found my own solution. -_- . If anyone is interested the solution was to run the following in cygwin:
alias rails='C:/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.3/bin/rails'

Create command line tool for Aptana Studio 3 like in Sublime Text 4 Ruby

I am trying the Ruby On Rails Tutorial (railstutorial.org) and want to use Aptana Studio 3, however, the author gives a few abbreviations for gvim, subl or mate, not Aptana. How can I do this http://www.sublimetext.com/docs/2/osx_command_line.html to work with aptana instead of sublime ??? Thanks
I don't currently have Aptana Studio 3 installed in this computer but I found this answer by a quick Google lookup of aptana command line
It basically says aptana provides a command line tool called studio3
Here's what it says
If getting your login PATH set up in this way isn't practical for you, you can work around the problem by launching Aptana Studio 3 from the command line, using the studio3 command line utility. This utility can be found at the top level of the Aptana Studio 3 installation folder, so you can put that folder in your PATH for convenience. (The command line utility can also be called after Aptana Studio 3 is running, to get it to open source code files for editing.)

Aptana 3 does not creates new project

When I try to create new rails project Aptana gves :
"Can't initialize a new Rails application within the directory of another, please change to a non-Rails direct
ory first."
error and also when I type ls it does not give current project folder content it gives something else. In addition when I open the Webrick for the ptoject it does not show my project instead it gives rails initial front page.
Do you see the error please help
The problem is not in Aptana Studio. I got a similar message after my manipulations with DevKit_mingw assembly, although before Aptana it works fine. In my case uninstalling Ruby, devKit and Aptana helped. Then I just install RailsInstaller + AptanaStudio. I hope my experience will help someone else.
If you're using Aptana in windows, and your workspace is C:\user\My Documents\Aptana Studio 3 Workspace. The problem is that the folder of your workspace is read-only. You should change the privileges in this folder for you can write into the folder of yours project.

Setting up an existing project on aptana (No Rakefile found problem)

I just installed aptana, and i have the repository for the rails project.. So i open a new project and point it to my repository.. and it opens... But i can't do any rake tasks. Under rake tab, it says that "no rake tasts found. Likely cause is no Rakefile for the project"
But i can see the Rakefile in the project.. Can anyone help?
The problem is you have to change the Installed Interpreter path in aptana studio , by default the aptana studio takes it own version of the interpreter ie org.jruby . Make sure to change the path to your locally installed ruby environment .
In order to change it go to Windows->Preference->Ruby->Installed Interpreters
If you are working in windows Add a new environment provide
RubyVM home directory = c:\ruby
If you are working in ubuntu or any other linux platform provide
RubyVM home directory = /usr/bin
This makes all the gems ,rake to available to your aptana studio . still if doesnot work
second option would be, provide the rake path where you have installed in aptana .
In order to change it go to Windows->Preference->Ruby->Rake
provide the rake path = (your-installed-rake path )
Good luck !
I'm a bit late but I've encountered a similar issue and finally found out that there was no target in Rakefile, that's why this message is displayed. Just add one and this error message will go away.
