How to deploy the latest version of the site using Chef and tar_extract - jenkins

I am using jenkins to continuously build the website front-end code from github repository, package it up into the tar archive and post the it to the S3 bucket. The Jenkins build creates files named like this FrontEnd-122.tgz where 122 is the build number.
I am using the following recipe to deploy the app onto the server:
deploy_version = node['my-app']['build-number']
deploy_from = "{deploy_version}.tgz"
tar_extract "#{deploy_from}" do
target_dir '/usr/local/site/FrontEnd'
creates '/usr/local/site/FrontEnd/index.php'
tar_flags [ '--strip-components 1' ]
This all works great, however I have to manually update the node attribute my-app/build-number. Which is fine for QA and production deployments.
What I would like to do is to have a snapshot deployment VM, where I the latest code gets deployed, for further testing with selenium and friends. However, to do that I need to
have a way for the above cookbook to figure out what is the latest build number is and deploy from there. Do you have any suggestions?

Tricky one because you need a mechanism for chef to determine the latest revision stored in S3.
Presumably you store the code in a revision control system like subversion or git? Would it be feasible to use the chef deploy resource instead? Let chef pull the website code from your trunk or master branch, for testing purposes.
Another option would be to use a binary repository manager that understands the concept of "Snapshots". Take a look at products like Nexus, Artifactory and Archiva. You could then use S3 for both backup and a distribution area for approved and released copies of your site.

So, I used the dumb way to solve this issue. Besides putting the versioned archive to the S3 bucket. I also push the same archive using the name like 'FrontEnd-Latest'. Also I modified the cookbooks to use a version parameter. The staging server has version parameter set to 'Latest' and the production server has the parameter set to whatever version is considered to be stable.


How to set up artifcatory in Jenkins Free Style Project?

I am using Free Style Projects (in Jenkins) to schedule a regression test.
1. Get Source From BitBucket
2. Execute Windows Batch Command.
Earlier we are allowed to upload the jar files in Bitbucket. So we did not face any issue. Now Presently due to some changes in the process, we are not allowed to upload binaries which is affecting to upload jars in the Bitbucket.
Now, They gave given the artifactory url to set up for Maven. But we don't have any Maven projects.
It seems that artifactory is getting populated when it is hosted in the local. But we wanted to use the artifactory which is shared..
Can any one let me know the set up for free style project and the artifactory hosted in other machine and we have only URL.
Here is documentation:
I recommend to use Maven Project.

OpenShift S2I build strategy from multiple data sources

A web application typically consists of code, config and data. Code can often be made open source on GitHub. But per-instance config and data may contain secretes therefore are inappropriate be saved in GH. Data can be imported to a persistent storage so disregard for now.
Assuming the configs are file based and are saved in another private secured SVN repo, in order to deploy the web app to OpenShift and implement CI, I need to merge config files with code prior to running build scripts. In addition, the build strategy should support GH webhooks for automated build.
My questions are, to be more specific:
Does OS BuildConfig support multiple data sources, especially from svn?
If not, how to deploy such web app to OS?
The solution I came up with so far:
Instead of relying on OS for CI, use Jenkin instead.
Merge config files with code using Jenkins.
Instead of using Git source type in BuildConfig, use binary source instead
Let jenkins run
oc start-build --from-dir=<directory>
where <directory> contains merged code/config

Staging of Repository within profile ID='X' is not yet started

Trying to deploy on a staging repository leads on the maven side to
400 , ReasonPhrase:Bad Request
and the server log contains
Staging of Repository within profile ID='X' is not yet started!
It makes no difference using maven-deploy-plugin or maven-release-plugin. All three leads to the error from above.
My deployment user has (admin) rights to deploy to every staging profile.
mvn release:stage -DstagingRepository=nexus::default::http://localhost:8081/nexus/service/local/staging/deploy/maven2
If you doesn't use versions with the maven-release-plugin like SNAPSHOT qualifier and similar, nexus-staging-plugin works fine.
What did I miss?
Staging of snapshot versions is not allowed, you need to use release versions.
At first glance you might think that this could be done by having Nexus rewrite the pom files and rename the artifacts. But it's not that simple, the version number is often embedded in the artifacts themselves. This is particularly true of assembled artifacts such as war/ear files, you'll find the version numbers inside contained artifacts, and inside configuration files within the artifact. Even if these could be rewritten by Nexus changing the version numbers potentially changes the behavior of the artifacts. In any case, Nexus will not change staged artifacts, any changes made could potentially lead to regressions. Staged artifacts (like all artifacts deployed to Nexus) are immutable.
Consequentially, you need to use a release version when staging.

Is it possible to work on a rails project by two developers working on different OS but on same rails version

I have this confusion and perhaps it may be basic question. I am planning to work on a Rails project along with a friend who stays in a different location.
We have identified Heroku as our deployment platform and Bitbucket for SCM related activities.
Both me and my friend are new to rails but we are familiar with web development in general.
I m working on a Windows box while he is on a Mac. We both have the same rails version including the gems. However, I'm not sure really sure how do we manage the source code and code integration. The reason I say this is because, when we try to commit the entire code from our systems a few platform specific rails file gets uploaded on the server, thereby rendering the deployment useless.
So my question is if I am on Windows and my friend is on Mac, whats the recommended way of working together on a single RAILS project and deploy it on a common platform to get the same desired functionality.
Yes, by using the source control management (SCM) you selected when you set up your repository.
For instance, if you use git, you would copy your repository using git clone (the command is provided via the bitbucket interface by clicking on clone), make your changes, and then git push your changes back into the repository.
When you want to code next, execute a git pull command to get the latest repo changes and then work and git push your changes back to the repo.
For examples see Bitbuckets fantastic tutorial.
As a side note, bitbucket also supports mercurial, although I haven't used it.
As far as your actual issue, each person will need to make sure the platform dependent files are excluded from your repository. If you're using git, see the git book specifically the section on .gitignore and git rm

Elastic Beanstalk deploy - ASP.NET from commandline

I'm trying to deploy my MVC4 app to ELB. The project has several post-build steps which pull together dependencies. The AWS SDK publish wizard then does not do the trick - it builds a Web Deploy package behind the scenes, which does not action those post-build steps or preserve the resulting directory structure.
So, I downloaded the command-line EB tools, got a git repository working, but can't work out the next step: what do I push to the server with git aws.push: because if it's just the resulting files then I can't specify the "Enable 32-bit applications" flag (required), etc. Do I then push a web deploy package from my repository?
I presume so, but if so, how do I include the files copied into the output folder during "normal" builds by my post-build steps?
Here we go. This seems to be in conflict with what Jim Flanagan was saying - below it's a zip file, but Jim says it's the contents of it.
#Jim Flanagan - perhaps you could comment if you have some time. Thanks.
Hi thanks for contacting AWS Premium Support
Communication from the Elastic Beanstalk Engineering Team.
When you aws.push an ASP.NET/MVC app you do not push the web deploy archive, rather you push the artifacts as you want them deployed on the machine. From the customers stack overflow question it seems they have already found the local git repo that the VS deployment wizard created and looking their should give them a good indication of what is needed in the git repository.
There isn't a nice way through the aws.push to specify what the "Enable 32-bit Application" app pool setting should be (or any other configuration setting). If you need a specific configuration setting set I would suggest creating the environment (via the console or using the eb command line tool) which allow you to specify the configuration. And then use git aws.push to deploy to that environment, git aws.push will just use the configuration that is already present on the environment.
The last question about still being incremental is not really valid since you are not pushing just one big zip file. But if you were, it could still be incremental depending on what changed in the zip file, it might just send a diff between the two versions of the zip file. As the question implies though that use case is not really what incremental deployments were designed to help with.
