The earlier solution for programmatic custom element creation in polymer 0.8.5 seems to be broken in polymer 0.9.5.
If we modify the standard click-counter example to use programmatic element creation, like so:
main() {
Logger.root.level = Level.ALL;
Logger.root.onRecord.listen((LogRecord rec) {
print('${rec.loggerName}: ${}: ${rec.time}: ${rec.message}');
var clickCounter = new Element.tag('click-counter');
the on-click events are correctly invoking the {{increment}} method, but the {{count}} value is not updated in the HTML.
Polymer code should be run from
import "package:polymer/polymer.dart";
main() {
initPolymer().run(() {
// code here works most of the time
Polymer.onReady.then((value) {
// some things must wait until onReady callback is called
// for an example look at the discussion linked below
simple tooltip working in dartium, not as javascript
I have a code that is working with a canvas and I'd like to convert it into a layer.
The problem is that I do not want to use the build mechanism of OL3, I just want to use plain javascript.
At the moment, the problem I have is that my handleRender_ function is never called.
Here is my JS code :
ol.layer.MyLayerProperty = {
ol.layer.My = function (opt_options) {
var options = opt_options || {};, options);
this.on('render', this.handleRender_.bind(this)); //I suspect this is not working
ol.inherits(ol.layer.My, ol.layer.Layer);
ol.layer.My.prototype.handleRender_ = function (event) {
console.log('render process'); //never called
In fact, to display a canvas "above" openlayers, you simply have to use ImageCanvas.
see for example
This question already has an answer here:
how to implement a main function in polymer apps
(1 answer)
Closed 7 years ago.
I have a custom polymer element that is a form and goes something like this.
Dart script:
class MyForm extends PolymerElement {
#published Function submitFunction;
validateAndSubmit() {
// validate
<polymer-element name="my-form">
<button id="submitButton" on-click="{{ validateAndSubmit }}">Submit</button>
When the submit button is clicked, the submit function will be called, but as you can see it needs to be set to something first. I am using this element multiple times in one page, and for each form I need it to do something different.
In my main I have this:
class MyCustomForm extends MyForm {
// The below commented out line would work if I only had one form.
// var submitFunction = submitForm1;
submitForm1() {
// do stuff with form 1
submitForm2() {
// do stuff with form 2
And in the HTML:
<my-form id="form1" submitFunction="{{ submitForm1 }}"></my-form>
<my-form id="form2" submitFunction="{{ submitForm2 }}"></my-form>
But this doesn't work. The submitForm functions don't run at all. Any suggestions?
To initialize submitFunction programmatically, (for Polymer < 0.17.0), add the below.
onReady() {
MyForm form1 = (querySelector("#form1") as MyForm);
form1.submitTo = methodToCallOnSubmit();
// same for form 2.
For Polymer you need to add a dash in the event name on-click instead of onclick.
Depending on the Polymer version you are using you need to annotate the functions with
#enventHandler // Polymer <= 1.0.0-rc.1
#reflectable // Polymer >= 1.0.0-rc.2
Polymer 1.0 is quite restrictive what is possible/allowed in binding expressions. The spaces might cause troubles too
"{{ submitForm1 }}"
"{{submitForm1}}" instead
I think I'm lacking in a fundamental understanding of dart, but basically what I want to do is something like this:
void main() {
new MyClass();
class MyClass {
MyClass() {
CanvasElement canvas = querySelector("#myCanvas");
CanvasRenderingContext2D context = canvas.context2D;
However, canvas is a null object by the time I try to get the context. How can I do this from within the class. Also, I don't want to do this:
void main() {
CanvasElement canvas = querySelector("#myCanvas");
new MyClass(canvas);
class MyClass {
CanvasElement canvas
MyClass(this.canvas) {
canvas = this.canvas;
CanvasRenderingContext2D context = canvas.context2D;
Because I need to be able to do this completely from within the class. Is this just not how dart works, or am I missing something?
Did you try your second example? It doesn't make a difference if you call querySelector from main() or from within a class.
Do you use Angular or Polymer?
Angular or Polymer components introduce shadowDOM. querySelector() doesn't cross shadowDOM boundaries and it therefore doesn't find elements inside an elements shadowDOM.
To query for elements inside a shadowDOM you query for the component and then you can continue the search.
You have to ensure that the DOM including all shadowDOMs is fully built before you can query them.
If you run your code from within a component pub your code into the onShadowRoot method (see NgComponent ready event for more details)
I'm using Web UI to do observable data binding. Here is the brief snippet of code I'm working with:
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:json';
import 'package:web_ui/web_ui.dart';
import 'package:admin_front_end/admin_front_end.dart';
//var properties = toObservable(new List<Property>()..add(new Property(1, new Address('','','','','',''))));
var properties = toObservable(new List<Property>());
void main() {
HttpRequest.request('http://localhost:26780/api/properties', requestHeaders: {'Accept' : 'application/json'})
.then((HttpRequest req){
final jsonObjects = parse(req.responseText);
for(final obj in jsonObjects){
properties.add(new Property.fromJsonObject(obj));
In index.html, I bind properties to it's respective property in the template:
<div is="x-property-table" id="property_table" properties="{{properties}}"></div>
In the first snippet of code, I'm populating the observable properties list, but it never reflects in the UI (I've stepped through the code and made sure elements were in-fact being added). If I pre-populate the list (see the commented out line), it does display, so the binding is at least working properly. Am I doing something wrong here?
The problem is most likely that you don't have any variables or types marked as #observable. In lack of observables, Web UI relies on call to watchers.dispatch() in order to update GUI.
You have following options:
1) import watchers library and call dispatch() explicitly:
import 'package:web_ui/watcher.dart' as watchers;
void main() {
.then((HttpRequest req){
for(...) { properties.add(new Property.fromJsonObject(obj)); }
watchers.dispatch(); // <-- update observers
2) mark any field of your x-property-table component as observable, or just the component type, e.g.:
#observable // <-- this alone should be enough
class PropertyTable extends WebComponent {
// as an alternative, mark property list (or any other field) as observable.
var properties = ...;
when a collection is marked #observable, UI elements bound to the collection are updated only when the collection object itself is changed (item added, removed, reordered), not when its contents are changed (e.g. an object in the list has some property modified). However, as your original properties list is an ObservableList, #observable annotation only serves here as a way to turn on the observable mechanism. Changes to the list are queued as a part of ObservableList implementation.
I think solution 2 (#observable) is better. As far as I know, watchers is the old way to track changes and will probably be removed.
So I have an Application Sandbox HTMLLoader object which I create in AIR and simply want to call ActionScript methods from JavaScript. In Flash, this is accomplished through our trusty ExternalInterface.addCallback() function. However in AIR, things are quite a bit different, and I just can't seem to get it to work.
Here is a simplified overview of my project:
My AIR (ActionScript) main:
public class Main extends Sprite {
public var _as3Var:String = "testing";
public function as3Function():void
trace("as3Function called from Javascript");
public function Main() {
NativeApplication.nativeApplication.addEventListener(InvokeEvent.INVOKE, onInvoke);
protected function onInvoke(e:InvokeEvent):void {
NativeApplication.nativeApplication.removeEventListener(InvokeEvent.INVOKE, onInvoke );
var app = new App();
app.init(new ExternalContainer(), e.currentDirectory, e.arguments);
And this is how I create my HTMLLoader object:
_html = new HTMLLoader();
_html.useCache = false;
_html.runtimeApplicationDomain = ApplicationDomain.currentDomain;
_html.load(new URLRequest("sandbox/AirRoot.html"));
_html.width = 800;
_html.height = 600;
And at last, here is my snippet of JavaScript in my AirRoot.html file which is trying to call the public method as3Function() declared in my Main class:
Exposed.testAs3 = function()
air.trace("Exposed.testAs3 called"); /* This works fine. */
air.trace("runtimeVersion:"); /* This works fine. */
air.trace(air.NativeApplication.nativeApplication.runtimeVersion); /* This works fine. */
air.trace("seeing if I can get to AS3 params..."); /* This works fine. */
/* This doesn't work - get the following error: TypeError: Value undefined does not allow function calls. */
What am I missing?
OK, I am going to answer my own question. I promise this was not a ploy to gain more reputation points, but I was seriously confused today but have now found the appropriate answers and documentation - which is usually the main problem to many an engineer's question...
Anyway, the answer:
The AIR HTMLLoader object contains a magical property, HTMLLoader.window, which is a proxy to the JavaScript window object. So setting HTMLLoader.window = AS3Function; is one way - or in relation to my previously included example (assuming I setup a static property called Main which pointed to the Main class):
_html.window.as3Function = Main.as3Function;
And now in JavaScript I can just call as3Function as:
Another interesting property is the JavaScript "window.htmlLoader" object. It is a proxy to the AS3 HTMLLoader parent object, in my case, the _html object. From this you can access things in relation to the _html object from JavaScript.
I'm not sure if this is a change in the new version of AIR, but you no longer need to reference the window in the javascript call, you can just do this: