start-stop-daemon: user 'neo4j' not known - neo4j

I've installed neo4j to a VM running Ubuntu (on the koding dot com platform). It shows in a dpkg-query so I'm sure its installed.
To start the server I use the command:
sudo service neo4j-service start
This doesn't start the sservice but generates and error message:
start-stop-daemon: user 'neo4j' not known
Should I start again, removing the packagage and reinstalling? Or is there a way to add this user or to use the root user?

Reinstall the package to add the user 'neo4j'.


How to connect to Neo4j from a web browser

I am just getting started with Neo4j and when I try to run a command that connects to the database I get an error. For example, if I try to run the first CREATE command from the sample movie database, or if I run CALL dbms.procedures().
The error is as follows: BoltConnectionError: No connection found, did you connect to Neo4j?
In the left panel of the browser page, under the 'Connected As' heading, it has my username and role (Admin). FYI, I followed the setup procedure from Larave's Homestead to install Neo4j in the first instance. On my first visit to the URL (port 7474), it asked for (and accepted) my username and password.
Additional Info:
Neo4j database is version 3.3.5 and runs on a Ubuntu VM
Neo4j browser is ver 3.1.7 and runs on the mac host
When I run :server connect it tells me I am connected via bolt://mydomain:7687
When I run lsof -i :7474 on the Ubuntu machine it tells me that Java is listening to the port, and that user is neo4j
:server disconnect
And then connect again
:server connect
If it doesn't work, change your browser.

stopping node-red: Unable to listen on

I'm trying to add the dashboard nodes to node-red on a Beaglebone.
In several places on the Internet, instructions for adding features to node-red begin by saying "stop node-red". But they don't say how to do that.
On the Beaglebone Black WiFi, node-red v0.15.2 comes installed and starts automatically. So far as I can tell, the command
sudo node-red stop
should stop it, but this always results in a string of messages that end up with
19 May 16:13:05 - [warn] Communication server error: Error: listen EADDRINUSE :::1880
19 May 16:13:05 - [error] Unable to listen on
19 May 16:13:05 - [error] Error: port in use
Nothing I've found tells how to get beyond this. The closest was a post that suggested running
ps -ef
and then killing all the node-red processes, but the next post in that sequence indicated that the result was that they immediately restarted themselves.
What is the correct way to stop node-red on the Beaglebone?
Or more generally, how can I add the dashboard module to the existing node-red preinstalled on the Beaglebone Black?
Node-RED is being run under SystemD as a service
sudo service nodered stop
Also node-red stop won't stop Node-RED it will just try and start a new instance with a flow files called stop. The command you were probably looking for is node-red-stop (notice the hyphen between red and stop).
Also you do not need to stop Node-RED to install a new set of nodes, you can just install them then restart Node-RED and it will pick up the new nodes. So install and kill should work,

How to deal with "Starting neo4j failed: Address localhost:7687 is already in use"?

I am using Neo4j Community Edition 3.1.1 on Mac OS X Sierra. Whenever I try to start Neo4j locally via
neo4j start
I get the following:
Starting Neo4j failed: Component 'org.neo4j.server.database.LifecycleManagingDatabase#a8ba98d' was successfully initialized, but failed to start.
Please see attached cause exception.
with the following exception at the tail of /usr/local/Cellar/neo4j/3.1.1/libexec/logs/neo4j.log
Caused by: org.neo4j.helpers.PortBindException: Address localhost:7687 is already in use, cannot bind to it.
I tried running
lsof -i -n -P | grep 7687
but it came back empty.
Please advise.
Note: I'd leave this as a comment, but don't have the required rep.
Are you sure that you have only one version of Neo4j installed?
Is your installation clean, without any traces of previous installations?
Is your JDK version >= 8?
Have you made other changes to your conf file?
Do you have the desktop app installed? des it work without issues?
Your lsof could be returning an empty value as some pids are only visible to root. Try:
sudo netstat -antlp
This should return all open ports, check if anything corresponds to 7687.
Also try running neo4j as a service. I believe it's launchctl on Mac (I use systemctl on Linux) and check if the error persists.
I had the same exact issue, notice how neo4js is trying to get to localhost:7687?
I checked my /etc/hosts file and sure enough, I had a bogus entry for localhost (from previous testing).
I changed /etc/hosts entry back to
Saved, then ran again.
Neo4j started up fine after that.

WARNING! ejabberd can not start Admin user is not created Please check your configuration

My title is my "error" that I am facing in the Terminal when setup the ejabberd.
What I did.
Download package from this website and choose Mac OS X Intel Installer.
I'm following this tutorial.
Where I'm reach at /Applications/ejabberd-16.06/bin by Terminal.
And run ./ cesare jerry.local password
And got below error message in terminal.
WARNING ! ejabberd can not start Admin user is not created Please check your configuration
But I know there is instruction that '' script, which has to be run right after the installation to create the admin user.
So For create admin user I go on official site of ejabberd.
But there I can't understand 5th step and my registering process alway in progress .
In short how can I create admin user or how can I remove WARNING from the terminal?
COMMENT : After couples of the days, I found that instead of insall ejabberd with Operating System Specific Packagesr you should try to install ejabberd with Binary Installer.
You do not need to run script as it is already run by the installer and create the admin user for you. If you have had no error message from the installer, you should already be set. You can just call ejabberd start script.
Please make sure that you also approve listening on ports if OSX firewall ask you to authorise it. Ensure also that the user installing ejabberd has admin rights.

cannot run shellinabox through a php api on centos

I want to start shellinabox on centos through a php api.
When the user hits the api, shellinaboxd -p 'portno' command should get executed and shellinabox should start on the particular port number.
But this does not happen, instead this error comes
Error :
Failed to find any available port [on tail -f /var/log/httpd/error_log]
The code below runs correctly on ubuntu but not on centos.
Consider rest all things working fine.
$app->get('/test', function() {
exec('shellinaboxd -p '.$port);
shellinaboxd -p 'someport' on bash also works fine.
I have php5.5 and apache2 installed on my system.
Error message Failed to find any available port tells you that port is already used.
Try different port.
I have come out with a solution. Centos is SELINUX(Secured linux). So it does not allow any logging action from a process, like php api(in my case, whose user is apache) in its default mode that is "enforcing".
So change the SELINUX mode as:
'SELINUX=disabled' in /etc/selinux/config
and reboot.
It has one more mode i.e. permissive.
Read more about it here:
