How to Migrate cassandra with ruby on rails? - ruby-on-rails

I'm working on a project that is considering using Ruby on Rails and Cassandra as a database.
I have referred some website to connect rails with Cassandra but some problem in finding cequel:configuration generator.
How do i migrate Cassandra data with ruby on rails?
Thank you

Please update what is the error you are getting while using cequel.
There are also various other options you can use,
datastax-rails (If you are using Datastax)
Cassandra Migrations
Cassandra Object
There is also a stackoverflow post for Rails ORM with Cassandra


Accessing the solr folder folder from multiple server instances

AWS has just announced general availability of its EFS (Elastic File System). It allows you to create a network drive that can be shared by multiple AWS instances.
I have a Rails application, using sunspot-solr gem. A solr folder is created to store the solr index file and other related data.
The MySQL data is on its own RDS instance. I want to deploy two servers, both running the same Rails application, but have them both point to the same solr folder on the shared EFS share.
Assuming that both servers running the Rails app, are using the same solr gem version, will my scenario work, or will each server need its own solr folder?
I'm pretty sure the version of Solr packed with the development version of Sunspot is a separate Solr server that Rails communicates with. So in production, you are responsible for providing a Solr server for these purposes, be it on one of your EC2 instances or on its own separate EC2 instance.
A little more info... Rails posts data for Solr to consume via Sunspot, but the Solr server handles those details, not your Ruby app. Therefore, sharing the Solr data files with Rails won't provide you with any advantage.
When I was getting started, I hooked my Heroku-hosted Rails app up to Websolr if you think that $20+ per month would be worth it. Otherwise, look up tips for installing Solr on EC2.

How to Deploy Rails Application

I am new to Rails, I have created a rails application, where I am using
jruby 1.7.16 and database PostgreSQL.Please suggest me what are the best way to deploy the application.I want to deploy the application in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and access using ip address.
I would suggest Capistrano but you may have hard times in setting it up for the first time.
There are plenty of information on Internet about deploying your app with Capistrano but since version 3 have been released recently, be careful with the tutorials for older versions. Many things have changed after version 3
I hope it helps

Deploying Ruby on Rails on Google Compute Engine with Bitnami

I have successively linked my Google Compute Engine console and Bitnami, as well as deployed a Ruby Stack. However, I wish to now move my Rails app onto the Ruby stack, but there is no documentation whatsoever on how to do so.
I am running Rails on Windows right now and therefore cannot use Passenger. Below is the file path of Bitnami Ruby stack, but there is no indication where to place the Rails files:
How can I deploy my Rails app onto Google Compute Engine/Bitnami?
Bitnami developer here,
You can upload files to your Google Cloud Platform instance using a SFTP/SCP client. You can find more information about that our wiki entry at
Also, to deploy your custom Ruby on Rails application in your Bitnami Ruby Stack I recommend you to follow our guide at that will show you how to add your own Ruby on Rails application on top of the Bitnami Ruby Stack the same way as other Ruby on Rails applications are installed in Bitnami.
Best regards,
The Developers Console provides Ruby Stack under Click-to-Deploy menu.

How to run two different versions of the same rails application

I'm looking for a way to run two instances of the same application on ruby on rails. Let's I've a rails application myApp and I've version 18 and 19 of it. How can I've them running simultaneously in production?
Thanks in advance for any help
You can have two versions to run at the same time by configuring them under two different paths and hosts in your webserver.
What you should avoid, however, it to share the same resources (for instance the database). If your database schema has changed, the one with the legacy schema will not be able to run.

Neo4j using Rails on Heroku

Is there a good tutorial explaining how to use Neo4j in Rails and get it setup on Heroku.
I am having trouble understanding how I am suppose to setup Neo4j and Rails locally for testing before I deploy on Heroku. On my local machine what exactly am I suppose to do in Rails to setup Neo4j given that Neo4j is an embedded Java database but Rails is Ruby based. More precisely, where in rails do I give the command "run the Java virtual machine"?
Well, you are right. For embedded Rails setup, this is not the right place. How about doing Amazon instead for that scenario? Otherwise, try which works great on Heroku?
