IOS Simple Messaging client, presence and typing - ios

I'm considering adding a messaging feature to an iphone app. The idea being that given a user-based IOS app, a user may have a list of other users. He may then want to send one a message. A straight network call could accomplish this, but it misses a couple pieces:
1) The ability for a logged in user to "listen" for incoming messages without necessarily polling the server every few seconds. Does IOS support an open socket connection for listening somehow?
2) The ability for the server to detect presence of users (when they are logged in, active and listening; and immediately if they connect/disconnect)
3) the ability to detect typing, if possible
I've heard this can be achieved in javascript apps with libs, and wondering what equivalent tools exist in IOS natively? Or should a webview with JS be attempted?
Push notifications will likely be leveraged for offline use, but am not sure they can be a substitute for all the real time interaction.
Found this SocketIO tool for IOS, but have no experience with this. It is a possibility though.

For number one you should look at this tutorial:
It uses pushnotifications to detect incoming messages.
the other two parts are probably timing, just say a user is active for 2 min since their last activity. And every time they use something in the app or poll the server you update the time and make them active for another two minutes or so.
And you can detect typing if something is typed into the textfield. UITextField has a onChanged method. You could also start a timer to detect changes between a certain amount of time. So it doesn't say typing if someone just left their textfield filled but didn't send the message.
Hope this helps.


iOS Development: Is there ever a time when it's appropriate for an app to kill itself?

I've been developing iOS apps for enterprise use for several years now. It was an adjustment from having spent many (!) years developing desktop apps. One of the first things I learned very early on was that it is frowned upon for an app to kill itself. The posters in the Apple dev forum were downright hostile about it, which is a reason I never go there anymore.
Now I have an app that has very critical functions, and it requires that the user accept the terms and conditions before using the app, and that the app will not function if the terms have not been accepted. The choice is there to accept or to decline, but it seems like the best thing to do when the user actively declines is to kill the app entirely.
My question is, under those circumstances, would there be anything wrong with that? Will I be damned to developers hell for eternity?
You can change the interaction here.
Instead of accept (and use the app) or decline (and never be able to use the app) change it to accept (and use the app) or nothing.
If the user does not accept then they cannot use the app. They do not have to decline anything. Absence of acceptance is all you need.
If they don't accept then don't do anything. They can always come back later and accept and start using the app.
Why kill an app on a declying? I would rather just leave a user at the same screen with no actions before he puts acceptance checkbox, disabling all buttons
If you make the app kill itself, Apple won't let you post it on the App Store.
You should adjust your User Experience to the case of the user declining the terms and conditions.
For example, show a screen saying that the app can't be used unless terms are accepted, with a button saying "Take me back" that takes the user back to the terms screen.

Listen to iCal event changes from server

I am building the server side for a calendar application. The client side is iOS only. The original plan was the app will know of iCal event changes then tell the server. But that might be a problem with reminders (via Parse Push). For example, if the event pushed forward the reminder should come earlier.
Is it possible from the server side to be notified on iCal events? For example, when users create/update/delete an iCal event I want to know from a server to grab this information. Is this possible? Or does everything need to be done via a native app thats running?
My server is currently on But I could use a separate server say NodeJS if needed.
As iCal is user/device dependent, unless user has synced his calendar events with iCloud. And in second case where user has activated syncing of calendar events, it is completly insecure for end-user to share his icloud details to other server.
How about creating 1 API at backend, which will update/delete requests from Apps for the calendar events, and that will update Parse notification events in background process. For this you can also write customized Parse apis either in NodeJS or any other technology stack.
And in the apps, you can sync the events with iCal using Event Kit:
first, you need to able to let iOS wake up your app running in the background, that requires to classify your app to one of the mode stated in the Apple Background Execution, I think the "Background fetch" is appropriate in your case, then in your application:performFetchWithCompletionHandler: you could check the Calendar database for changed events and preform necessary updates to the server.
I think this is your best bet:
In your implementation of the storeChanged: method mentioned in that answer, you should iterate through all the events, detect any changes and submit those to the server.
I don't know exactly that is possible or not but I am thinking it's hard because still I didn't find any library/any features that apple is provides like that.
But I am putting one link that might be helpful for you. Please check it.

Listen for iOS device power button presses

I am creating an app, which needs to do something when the user presses the power button 5 times.
I figured out that it's difficult to implement in iOS, but I think it's not impossible. How do I listen for power key events, even when the app is running in the background?
Can anyone help me to find solution?
you can tap a power key once and also you cannot detect the event from your application, this is not possible in iOS as far now, better try a different way to send alert with in your app, set some conditions with in your app and then send a alert based on those conditions if satisfied, I think this would be better,
Somehow ,If you try to override the existing functionality of the power key, apple will reject your app I think so,
You can't directly get the power button events. But there are notifications which you can count like UIApplicationProtectedDataWillBecomeUnavailable or UIApplicationWillResignActiveNotification. Or just register for all low level notifications with CFNotificationCenter and see if you find something fitting like
I don't think you can override system level actions like holding the power button, pressing the home button, overriding the mute sound switch within your own app. iOS system doesn't exactly behave like an normal computer OS, it's to much more limited.
Apple is not allowing you to use hardware components completely. They have added some restrictions. They provided the method in the app delegate i.e. applicationDidEnterBackground can catch the home button press .Also they has provided the the API's to access the camera,bluetooth etc .At least this much of API's I know which provided by apple publicly to access the hardware. You cannot access the other hardware elements in your application which not provided publicly by apple .If you are able to do this by any way then also your application will not approved by apple .

How to see if an iphone is synced if an NTP server?

I am coding in Xcode 6.1.1 with objective-c.
In my app it is critical that I use the correct time.
I only want the app to use the time of the device when the time is synced with the servers.
If an user is somehow using his/her own "weird" time the app should detect that and tell the user to switch back to use the app.
I know there is NSSystemClockDidChangeNotification, but that only gives back when the time is changed. It does not give back what the change was and if the user switched to "custom" time or synced back to an NTP server.
Question: How do I detect if an user is connected to an NTP server or not?
Maddy is right that you can't specifically find this out from iOS.
However, in the past I've delivered a client for a premium subscription service that had a similar need to know if the user was messing with time. In particular we needed to verify this when there was no network available, in order to prevent the user from accessing premium content after their subscription had lapsed. The very simple mechanism we used was as follows (IIRC):
every time the app launches or comes in from the background, record the current time (eg: in NSUserDefaults)
compare the current time to the last recorded time--if the current time is earlier than the last recorded time, force the user to go online and sign in to the service.
I don't claim it is 100% foolproof, but for our purposes we felt it was good enough to prevent users from trying to circumvent time-based restrictions on accessing premium content.

iBeacon notification database

I have a question which I have not been able to figure out so I decided to see if I can get some help on here.
I am working on an iBeacons project and I have been able to understand the basic function of iBeacons, setting up UUID'S and major and minor id's to specify exact notifications, but my question is how do I dynamically update information I send out to the users without having to go into the code each time to do this. Do I need to create a database to store all my information I want to push out to users? if so how will this database constantly refresh messages pushed out to users? An example would be lets say if you walk into a store and you get a notification in the shoe section saying there is a 10 percent off, you look at the notification but not too impressed and start to walk out, then you get another notification saying for today only you can get a 25 percent off... The app has to dynamically refresh for this to be possible.
Please help me clarify this
Thank you very much for the help
What you probably want is to store this deal information in a web service so you can update it without changing the app. Your app would need to download the updated deal information from the web service either when it starts up or when it sees an iBeacon.
My company, Radius Networks, offers a tool called Proximity Kit that makes this easy. You can assign arbitrary key/value pairs to iBeacons using a web interface. Then your app downloads them automatically an has access to them whenever you see iBeacons.
In your scenario, they key/values could be something like:
primary_offer_text=10% off all shoes
secondary_offer_text=20% off all shoes
