propertyMissing doesn't work in Criteria? - grails

So I've got a couple of classes with the following relationship:
class Foo {
Bar bar
/* ... other fields ... */
class Bar {
String name
In class Foo I've got a couple of named queries:
static namedQueries = {
userFoos { user ->
/* ... get Foos for this user ... */
limitFoos { colname, dir ->
order(colname, dir)
...which I can then chain together in a controller:
def foos = Foo.userFoos(currentUser).limit(colname, dir)
Pretty straightforward so far. The problem is when I try to sort on bar; I get the error:
could not resolve property: of: package.Foo.
Now, I also got this error when the queries were Criteria that were declared in the controller. So, I went and wrote a propertyMissing handler for Foo:
def propertyMissing(String name) {
if (name.contains(".")) {
def (String propertyname, String subproperty) = name.tokenize(".")
if (this.hasProperty(propertyname) && this."$propertyname".hasProperty(subproperty)) {
return this."$propertyname"."$subproperty"
I don't know if this is really the best way to do it, but it did work! However, now that I've moved the query into the class as a named query, propertyMissing doesn't appear to work anymore! Is this use not supported, or am I just missing something here?
So I tried moving the Criteria back into the controller and sure enough, the sub-property sort did not work there either! So I guess Criteria just don't support propertyMissing at all :/
To answer dmahapatro's question, I am using jQuery DataTables to present the information. Clicking on a column header does an AJAX call to a controller action with parameters to indicate which column to sort on and in which direction. Once I determine the column name, I call the named queries like so:
def foosFilteredLimited = params.sSearch ?
Foo.userFoos(currentUser).filterFoos(params.sSearch).limitFoos(offset, max, colName, sortDir).list()
: Foo.userFoos(currentUser).limitFoos(offset, max, colName, sortDir).list()
(filterFoos takes a search string and narrows the results of userFoos.)

Try modifying limitFoos namedQuery as below and it should work. There is a caveat to it though. We cannot use if required. ;)
limitFoos { column, ord ->
def colStrs = column.tokenize(/./).toList()
if( colStrs?.size() > 1 ) {
"${colStrs[0]}" {
order( "${colStrs[1]}", ord )
} else {
order(column, ord)


Grails named query - find by association

I want to create a named query that will find all objects of one class, based on a property (or properties) of child class properties.
I want to be able to find all Bars where == "some string"
So, I have this, and it doesn't work:
class Foo {
String me
class Bar {
Foo foo
static namedQueries = {
findByFooMe { meStr ->
eq(, meStr)
What does the correct syntax look like please? Also, how does it change if Bar hasMany Foos, and I want to find all Bars where one of its Foo,me properties is "search string"?
class Bar {
static hasMany [foos: Foo]
While I wouldn't recommend using findBy as the prefix to a named query, you are close to having the right implementation. Here is an updated version with a new name for the query too.
static namedQueries = {
locateByFooMe { meStr ->
foo {
eq('me', meStr)
If you change your relationship to a collection (One to Many) just make sure the property name foo (in this case) changes to whatever you change it to (foos in your question) and the above query will still continue to work.

Grails - List of Long not getting saved

I have a domain class similar to the following:
class Record {
Long id
List numbers = []
String description
void recordNumber(Long number) {
//requirements, validations, etc.
numbers << number
Then I defined a Web service similar to the code below:
class RecordController extends RestfulController {
def recordNumber(Record record) {
def number = getNumberFromRequest() //request.JSON, request.XML, etc.
if (record) {
record.recordNumber(number) true, failOnError: true)
However, the numbers on the list don't seem to get saved, because when I retrieve a Record, the list empty. I have test for the code and it seems ok. Could it also be that the list is lazily loaded?
You are saving a new record instance each time the action is called. You should load it out of the DB instead:
def recordNumber( Long id ){
def record = Record.get id
def number = getNumberFromRequest() //request.JSON, request.XML, etc.
So based on this answer from a previous StackOverflow question, I updated the code as follows:
class Record {
static hasMany = [numbers: Long]
Long id
String description
void recordNumber(Long number) {
//requirements, validations, etc.
addToNumbers number
It would seem that if a collection is meant to be persistent, it has to be declared this way, or be mapped in some other methods; I'm just not sure what those other methods are.

grails unknown number of model objects in the view

Working in Grails 2.2
I have a situation where I need to be able to handle an unknown number of CommitteeMembers in the view. These need to be both created and displayed.
Each one has the usual attributes - name, address, contact information, userid.
I understand that if I name form fields the same name, Grails will return a collection for me to iterate over. In this case, however, I am faced with this situation:
So does this mean I will be given collections of each of these fields? That is not as useful as there is no way to corelate the various firstnames with the correct lastnames, etc.
I am enjoying Grails and am looking forward to your feedback.
You can use Grails Command objects to do this work for you. Here's an example in a SO question. Basically you will have a single collection of CommitteeMembers that will be populated in your controller thorugh data binding.
As #Gregg says, in the view you need the fields to have an index.
class MyDomain {
String name
class MyDomainCommand {
List<MyDomain> instances = ListUtils.lazyList([], FactoryUtils.instantiateFactory(MyDomain))
class MyController {
def save() {
MyDomainCommand command = new MyDomainCommand()
bindData(command, params, [include: 'instances'])
I'll tell you what I do, which may or may not be the best option. I do this mainly because I don't like data binding.
For your case as an example, I would name my fields: "cm.firstName, cm.lastName, cm.address,, cm.userId".
If you are in a service:
GrailsWebRequest webUtils = WebUtils.retrieveGrailsWebRequest()
List committeeMembers = [].withDefault {new GrailsParameterMap([:], webUtils.getCurrentRequest())}
In a controller:
List committeeMembers = [].withDefault {new GrailsParameterMap([:], request)}
Then { k, v ->
if (v instanceof String[]) {
v.eachWithIndex { val, idx ->
committeeMembers[idx]."$k" = val
else {
committeeMembers[0]."$k" = v
Then you can do:
committeeMembers.each {
<Create from it.firstName, it.lastName, etc>

How to make a query with usage of like operator over a string collection in GORM

Assume a domain class called User. User class looks like this:
class User {
List<String> values
The collection values contains strings like "", "", "" and so on...
Let's say we want to build a query which gets all the users that have specific string in the collection values (e.g. ""). Something like this:
def criteria = User.createCriteria()
def results = criteria.listDistinct () {
and {
user.values.each { like('someField', '%${it}%') }
Any ideas?
I have found the answer by experimentation. The solution is:
def criteria = User.createCriteria()
def results = criteria.listDistinct () {
and {
user.values.each { like('someField', '%'+it+'%') }
I am not sure what you are doing with your suggested answer.
I have never seen that usage of each in the criteria query before.
This question has been asked many times before but never given an answer.
The problem is that you are queriyng a String association, which is not a domain class. If you would make your own String domain class for example ondrej.String { String strValue } then you would be able to do :
User.withCriteria {
values { ilike("strValue", "...") }
The problem is not having access to the value of the String object. The value of the String class is called value, but it is a char array, so I do not believe the following will work:
User.withCriteria {
values { ilike("value", "...") }
You could try using :
User.withCriteria {
values { ilike("toString", "...") }
or something else instead of toString ... I do not have the possibility to test this right now.
Hope that helps
After a lot of trying and researching, I found this will work with Grails 2.4.0, I don't know about older versions.
Cat.withCriteria {
createAlias('nicknames', 'n')
ilike 'n.elements', '%kitty%'
The trick is to use 'n.elements'

Problem with GRAILS select - trying to insert a number for a field that appears as text in dropdown list

Here is the domain class I have defined:
package mypackage
public enum UFModeType {
Integer mode
public UserFileModeType(Integer mode) {
this.mode = mode;
static list() {
[I, O, R]
This is a property of another domain Parent where it is as follows:
package mypackage
class Parent {
String name
... ... ...
UFModeType uFMode
static mapping = {
table 'parent_table_with_ufMode_col_as_number'
version false
tablePerHierarchy false
id generator:'sequence', params:[sequence:'myseq']
columns {
id column:'parentid'
uFMode column: 'UFMODE'
static constraints = {
userFileMode(nullable: true)
The gsp call for this looks like this:
g:select name="uFMode" from="${mypackage.UFModeType?.list()}" value="${parentInstance?.uFMode?.name()}" /
I have tried a lot of variants of the above in the gsp call but I am getting error that the db insert fails saying the entry of ufmode is invalid number, thus this is not being passed as a number. I printed the params in the controllers save and it shows this:
Params in save=[uFMode:I ...
I am sure I may be missing some minor thing in syntax, but I have tried a lot of things without much success, so any inputs will be greatly appreciated.
Try changing
From the definition of UFModeType you give you do not have a name attribute.
