Can I have complete control over UIKit? - ios

I've been frustrated by the lack of extensibility categories give the developer. I cannot override getters or setters, let alone define new properties. The question is:
"Is it possible to do these things WITHOUT subclassing a UIKit component like UIView?"
Subclassing UIView has its disadvantages, too. I cannot force components of UIKit that subclass UIView (e.g. UIImageView) to instead subclass my subclass of UIView. Categories really do work best for what I'm adding to the UIView class, but the limitations I stated earlier are too restricting for my tastes.
Any help would be great!

Without answering how to do it, I can refer to an interview with Loren Bricther:
He built his own version of the user interface framework, the software
that sits right above the graphics processor on an iOS device. Apple
creates that for developers — it was completely unnecessary for him to
do this. But this is the kind of thing he considers “fun.”
“It’s insane,” he admitted. “But I wanted to experiment with different ways of driving graphics … Apple’s [UIKit] is the best, but I wanted to try.” The experiment was a resounding success — and now has a million guinea pigs testing his code via Letterpress. And, he said, “there have been zero issues” with what he built.
So it is possible. Letterpress is built this way.


iOS 10 Swift and best practices for defining the UI

I'm working on an iOS app in Swift. The other app I created was one I did in Objective C and release around this time in 2014. Storyboards seem to have made UI stuff both easier and more complicated at the same time, so I'm trying to figure out current best practice in terms of view development.
Size classes and constraints seem like almost a necessary timesaver at this point for multiple screen sizes. Back in 2014, this was less the case, and programmatically keeping track of UI layouts as CGRect code made programmatically mucking with UI layout much simpler and better for code reuse vs creating a whole new view controller for just adding new UI elements to much the same view. Doing the same thing with constraint code seems less appealing, but also necessary if I want more code reuse there.
So I'm wondering what the current practice is here as I'm just thinking in terms of code reuse. Programmatic constraints just seem less elegant than storyboard defined ones, but I'm not sure they're the end all be all for UI code since they seem problematic for programmatically updating the UI on the fly.
Is the best strategy at this point to enclose everything in layout preserving superviews and keep most of this storyboard centric or would it still make sense to do swift programmatic code for these layouts since I'd have to for iPad and iPhone specific changes anyway? On that subject would it still make sense to split drastically different UIs into multiple storyboards (e.g. 2 different iPad and iPhone storyboards as that was a default at one point)?
Thanks in advance for answers to this. Device specific stuff just seems to not always be code reuse, but I just want reuse to be relatively simple I guess. Otherwise I'm just creating more swift classes than I strictly need.
This is inherently opinion based. Everything from no Interface Builder to only StoryBoards is likely being used in production applications, and you can make just about anything work.
My personal tendency is to use Storyboards for everything other than TableView/CollectionView cells. I find it removes almost all interface boilerplate code from my classes and makes it so I only need to handle the interface between my ViewControllers. Here are the guidelines I generally try and follow: (again...opinion)
Use multiple storyboards organized in a useful way:
Large storyboard become hard to maintain and performance while editing suffers noticeably. We have the option to use StoryboardReferences, so might as well use them.
The more Scenes and ViewControllers, the better. (within reason)
This makes things more maintainable and re-usable. E.g. a header that could be used in multiple Scenes. It can be a bit annoying to have to use containerVCs and deal with segues everywhere, but I rarely regret separating something into it's own ViewController.
Don't use separate interface files for different sizes.
It's more code to maintain and will force you to swap ViewControllers in-out if you want to support resizing on iPad (or any future devices). Not to mention going forward it's clear Apple is assuming you're using size classes rather than swapping ViewControllers and is clearly where the future is headed in Apple platforms development
When you need animations, try and narrow it down to changing a single constraint.constant
This greatly simplifies your code and usually avoids having to deal with size-classes anywhere other than the storyboards. It's not always possible for complicated animations, but you can do a surprising amount if you're willing to mess around. It makes it possible to narrow down a toggling action to 2 lines of code, which is quite nice. Using StackViews can also help with this a lot.
The other thing to focus on is avoiding as much of the stringly-typed nature of IB as possible. This is much easier in Swift and there are some decent solutions using string-backed enums and extensions, but specifics are probably out of the scope of this question.

iOS - UI design in coding and not in XIB or Storyboard is Feasible or not?

My doubt is very simple.
I want to develop one big iOS (iPhone) app of say 30 screens.
One my friend advice me to develop whole UI in coding only and do not use XIB's or storyboard.
I want to ask that, is it feasible for me to develop whole UI in coding instead using XIB and story board?
Will that affect my iOS app processing?
Will that affect my iOS app execution speed or not?
Please suggest me the proper way weather I use XIB and Storyboard of develop UI by Coding only ..... !!!!
Thank you.
Firstly, tell your friend not to give you advices again.(Just kidding! :)) You can develop the whole app programmatically but it's just a pain in the gut. Apple introduced the storyboards to ease the waste of having multiple xib files in your product.
For my personal opinion, use xibs in case of having lots of teammates working with you because of the pain of conflicts. If you're working solo, then storyboards would be the best fit.
Yes, there is no silver bullet that will solve all of your problems, every project is specific and your ability on predicting project requirements will enable you to decide. Here are some pros and cons of both approaches to help in making a decisions:
Storyboards/XIB pros: Very visual, Beginner friendly, Easy autolayout, MVC separation is straightforward on view side
Storyboards/XIB cons: SCM conflict are almost always unresolvable, not all parameters are configurable from IB so you still need to know how to do some stuff in code
Pure Code approach pros: Full control over entire presentation in code, conflicts resolvable easy as it can get
Pure Code approach cons: Might need more experience to master
My judgment would be:
Using storyboards/XIB is better solution for small to medium projects that consist of basic/stock UI elements.
Introducing visually complex solutions and non standard transitions will require that you start writing layout code more and more and stuff becomes easier without XIBs in your way.
From my experience if you are part of the bigger dev team, Storyboards and XIBs are a big NO..
I prefer not using IB at all even for smaller projects as pressing CMD+R after writing bunch of code, and seeing it come alive is very pleasing.. :-)
To answer your question literally: yes, you can make an app without any storyboards or xibs. I think with iPhone 6/6+ you have to have at least one because they check it to see if you support the bigger screens, but that's it.
In fact, my first app in 2013 had almost no Xib UI design. It was iPhone portrait only, I coded with frames and was happy with the precise results I got-- I also think I learned a lot. I think with Auto Layout, especially if you learned Visual Format Language (albeit that's not a easy thing to do) creating a robust interface entirely in code is doable.
That said, not using interface builder is not doing things "the Apple way." And not doing things the Apple way is usually -- not always, but usually -- going to be more difficult. On one level, WWDC videos, guides and sample code all assume you are using IB. Creating every label, subview and view controller in code is going to take several more lines, each, than using xibs or storyboard. You will be swimming against the current.
It's worth noting IB can be immensely frustrating at times. But generally it's worth it, and you learning how to relate it to the code is learning iOS programming. Also about IB , the files it generates are just XML files, it won't have any significant effect on size or performance- I'd be wary of advice from someone who told you that.
An all-code app is doable and would be a challenging way to learn, but this is not advice I would give anyone or second.

iOS Storyboard designed apps

I'm very confused about something... being new to development on iOS I'm often pushed towards the storyboard/graphical design (specially to make file owner, segue, etc type of connections). HOWEVER; every time there's something besides a basic (dare I say primitive) design, I have to do things via code... problem is that just because you can do something via code doesn't make it right according to Apple. so you have to know all the rules to have you app approved. Even some of the examples from Apple (UISPLITVIEW with multiple view controllers -> MultipleDetailViews) do not have story boards just XIB... is that normal???
So question is: why have graphical design if you have to move towards coded solutions anyway. just to say that you have an easy to program interface?
can anyone help me understand that??
Three things (at least!) are going on here:
Storyboards are relatively new and a lot of examples existed before storyboards were introduced.
People are always dreaming up things that are more complex than a very high-level approach can handle. (Even with .xib files, which are more flexible than storyboards, people write custom code to get around limitations.)
For examples, code is linear and a bit easier to follow than the description of a bunch of clicks and drags.
So, first of all, a storyboard is nothing more than a conglomerate of .xib files. When you use storyboards, Xcode handles unloading all the nibs for you. At its core, your app still uses these nib files.
Additionally, your app won't get rejected if you use code to set a property instead of setting it in Interface Builder, or vice versa. I don't know that I would say Apple's stance is just because you can do something in code doesn't make it right. I would argue that they urge developers to set as many properties via IB because less code that you write means less bugs that you introduce. If I have a view in a nib, and I check its "hidden" property in IB, that's no different than me saying view.hidden = YES in code. Apple doesn't prefer one over the other. But using IB relieves me from having to know that the property to hide a view is "hidden" and that it accepts a BOOL as an argument. If in iOS6 they decide to make it shouldHideSelf, using IB's hidden property will be automatically updated, where as I would have to manually update my programmatic setting of the hidden property.

iOS Interface Builder Custom Styles?

Simple question. Does anyone know why Interface Builder doesn't allow for applying custom styles on UI elements? Why is it only possible to do this programmatically?
I can see how this might be difficult for custom UIView subclasses but the default controls definitely only have a tiny subset of the style options available through IB, such as background color or changing font colors. Why is this the case? Is there any way to approach a concept like application themes through IB?
My personal feeling is that Apple does this right. They provide the elements and styles that fit the HIG. If they start adding other elements/styles then where do the start, and where do they draw the line?
Also, it isn't like Apple actively prevents using custom elements/styles, they just don't include it in the tool set.
The last thing we need is a tool set full of bloat.
You'd really have to ask Apple as to the why. I'd guess that it's some combination of promoting consistent use of standard interface elements and limited development resources.
You can, of course, build interfaces using your own custom subclasses of the standard interface elements in IB. It's a little more work, since you have to change the type of each object you add from UIButton to MyGreenButton or whatever, but it's not difficult.
It's also not hard to imagine coming up with a controller-type class that could connect to all your controls and whatnot to customize their appearance in some consistent, theme-like manner. Add an instance of that to each nib, connect all the controls, and let it do it's thing. You wouldn't see the effect until you actually run the app, of course, but it sounds like you're talking about customizing colors and fonts rather than size.
Unfortunately you are at the mercy of the Almighty Apple Deity..... Bow at their feet and give thanks that you have what they give you..... lol...
Seriously tho. Apple puts in what apple wants and you can request additions, but the IB is fairly minimal in the way of features.
I think this may be by design. Somehow an Elegant Simplicity ?
The ability to customize the controls is given to the programmer however I think they want the controls standardized. I just dont know why they didnt give a little more variety in the controls that are available. Like a few more button styles for the ios devices...
If you find out otherwise I would definitely be all ears.
I think that apple should let you to customize more the controls, for games it takes too much time to make the custom control ( you can make it faster in android as you can configure it in xml)
Btw PaintCode is another option to make your own style for components, it will generate the code but its more like interface builder

Best practices for iOS / monotouch programmatic UI layout

New to iOS, coming from the Java / Swing world, where I'm used to creating UIs programmatically, letting components size themselves and using various clever layout managers to arrange things.
It already seems clear that the iOS way is to make heavy use of Interface Builder, with a lot of fixed sizing and positioning. I'm not sure IB is ever going to come naturally, but I guess fixed layouts make sense given that you're working with limited space and a fixed window size.
It still seems like I'm writing a lot of boilerplate, though, and violating DRY, and so on.
Can somebody point me to a good primer on laying out iOS UIs, particularly programmatic UIs?
You don't really need to use IB to write MonoTouch apps. I almost never do. The CocoaTouch API is fairly simple and straightforward to develop on.
I haven't really found any writeup on UI development other than the apple documentation (which is really good, by the way, worthy reading), so here goes a couple of tips, based on my experience:
Inheritance is key to maintaining the code clean. You can inherit from basically any class in the API, like buttons, controllers, views, etc. Inherit and add your customizations in those classes. Don't shove everything in the AppDelegate like many examples show. You'll thank me later on.
Have I mentioned inheritance already?
The one thing iOS doesn't have is a layout manager, so if you're used to Java like you mentioned, this will sound a little strange. Different from what Java people think, this is not a big deal. UITableViews help tremendously with this (vide next point).
A lot of iphone apps are built on top of the UITableViewController, even apps that don't look like tables. It's a great framework to do anything related to scrolling. Learn to use it well. Almost anything that scrolls vertically is a UITVC. Follow the guidelines that define when you create and when you dispose cells and objects.
Be careful every time you add a Frame location in your control. Instead of setting hardcoded values, try using offsets from other locations (x+40, for example) whenever possible.
Make sure you add your views to the proper container as necessary. For example, if you're adding a global "Loading" view, add it to the Window object, while if you're adding a image on the left side of a table cell, use the ContentView. iOS changes those special views automatically all the time (resizing screen to fit "on call" bar at top, or rotating phone).
Miguel de Icaza has created a great framework for managing forms and tables, called MonoTouch Dialog. Take a look, and enjoy.
