Can I record a "regular" iOS view with Everyplay? - everyplay

Can I record a "regular" iOS view with Everyplay SDK. A view that hasn't been done with OpenGLES or with any game framework? Just a view with UILabels, UIButtons etc.

No. Everyplay can only record OpenGL views.


How to implement List view for iPhone and Cards view for iPad

I already have UITableView (as List view) implemented under UITableViewController and auto-layout configured to support all screen sizes including iPad.
But now I need Cards(multiple columns) based screen layout for iPad alone.
The straight approach I see is to add a new storyboard for iPad with new UICollectionViewController and duplicate all the swift logic there.
Is there a better way to use both layouts within same ViewController.swift and use different storyboards based on finding iPhone/iPad at runtime?
What is the standard way to use List in iPhone and Cards(multiple columns) in iPad?
Days ago, I had the same problem and I decided use Traits to make a TableView on iPhone and CollectionView on iPad.
If you want, you can download my project example here

how to transition an older project whose UI is written by code to support Slide Over and Split View of iOS 9?

hi,I want to transition an an older project to support Slide Over and Split View of iOS 9,but I find all the demo projects I found was written by storyboard or xib, but my older project's UI is written by code, can any one suggest, thanks!
Just FYI.
I was not able to adopt Split View until disabled this setting in Project settings->Deployment Info->(Switch iPad)->Status Bar Style->Requires full screen.
I would suggest switching to storyboards to make your life easy.
I would highly recommend you watch the following WWDC videos and then think about what exactly you need to do in order to support multi tasking.
Mysteries of Auto Layout, Part 1
What's New in Storyboards
Implementing UI Designs in Interface Builder
Getting Started with Multitasking on iPad in iOS 9
Optimizing Your App for Multitasking on iPad in iOS
Just add LaunchScreen storyboard and set it as LaunchScreen from the General settings of your project. You can keep everything else as the code.

Creating an iPhone- and iPad-compatible app with a storyboard

I am trying to create an iPhone and iPad compatible app.
Is there any good tutorial and example I can follow?
Can I create one view or storyboard for each view and use it for iPhone and iPad?
If I use a storyboard, can I do something like this:
If it's iPhone, use this storyboard design, if iPad, use the other storyboard design.
Or do I need to create a new view or storyboard for iPad and one for iPhone?
I have no clue how to start at this moment.
You only need one storyboard to build an interface that is compatible with both iPad and iPhone models.
Apple is now encouraging developers to embrace Adaptive User Interfaces. As their guide states, "With the latest advancements with View Controllers in iOS 8 and Auto Layout in Xcode, it’s now even easier for you to adapt your user interface to context and different sized devices". In other words, you only need a single storyboard for all iOS devices, also known as a "Universal" storyboard.
This tutorial should get you started with Universal Storyboards and adaptive layout.

Adaptive UI with SpriteKit

I'm developing a new ios 8 application using SpriteKit. Recently I read a lot about adaptive UI but found no way to implement it with SpriteKit.
Suppose for example that I programmatically create a subclass of SKNode, call it MyNode.
In interface builder there is nothing that lets me put on the screen the node I just created.
I found on raywenderlich a snippet of code that checkes whether the app is running in iPad or iPhone and resizes a playable area of 320x480 opportunely.
Is there a method to adapt the ui with ib? Or should I do this programmatically via that snippet? Thanks.
This is an example of what I mean. These are the app screens in iPad and iPhone. How do you think the developer achieved the goal?

How can I implement the new iPad-like landscape mode on iPhone 6 plus

Apple has introduced a new iPad-like split view in landscape mode for iPhone plus, which help users take advantage of their larger screen.
I have designed an universal iOS app which uses UISplitViewController to show detail and master view in iPad, and uses UINavigationViewController to show the TableView in iPhone.
Now that we have iPhone plus, how can I implement the new iPad-like landscape view while I am using UINavigationViewController as the main structure in iPhone.
You might want to take a look at the "Building Adaptive Apps with UIKit" video on
De basic idea is that the split view controller is used on iPhone and iPad. But when it detects that the device has a "Compact" horizontal size class it pushes the detailview on top of the master view, whereas with a "Regular" size class it shows the detailview next to the master view.
