Grails: NullPointerException while save() - grails

I am new to Grails, I tried to save domain object by calling save() in my *service.groovy as shown below
render " ${user.username}"
render " ${}"
render " ${user.password}"
def savedUser = true)
if(savedUser!=null) {
return savedUser
} else {
return user
The render shows all elements have the values which have been passed from controller.
but an NullPointerexception is thrown in save().
the actual error got is
ERROR errors.GrailsExceptionResolver - NullPointerException occurred when processing request: [POST]
Validation error might have occurred, but I checked all validation error in controller by using command class.
How can avoid the exception here?

That's pretty nonstandard code. Rather than checking for a null return value, it's more common (and sensible/useful) to check if there were validation errors. E.g. true)
if (user.hasErrors()) {
// do something with the invalid "user" instance
else {
// do something with the valid "user" instance
For your scenario, you can ignore the return value and just work with the original instance: true)
return user
If you're working with the standard templates (or something similar) then this should work fine since there's logic there to check if there are attached errors and display them.


Why Grails is saving my object to database after returning

I am using Grails 2.4.5 version. I am checking a condition while saving. If my condition matches I am trying to return with a message instead of saving. But it is showing me the message that I want but at the same time it saves the object properties to database.
Here is my code:
def save(AccountHead accountHeadInstance) {
if (!request.method.equals('POST')) {
redirect(action: 'index')
LinkedHashMap result = new LinkedHashMap()
String outPut
if ( {
if ( == accountHeadInstance.subParentId) {
result.put(CommonUtils.IS_ERROR, Boolean.TRUE)
result.put(CommonUtils.MESSAGE, "Sorry, Same account can not be parent of it's own")
outPut = result as JSON
render outPut
// here should it return, is shows the message ok but saving the object. if I print something after this block it does not execute
if (accountHeadInstance.hasErrors()) {
def errorList = accountHeadInstance?.errors?.allErrors?.collect{messageSource.getMessage(it,null)}
result.put(CommonUtils.IS_ERROR, Boolean.TRUE)
result.put(CommonUtils.MESSAGE, errorList?.join('\n'))
outPut = result as JSON
render outPut
accountHeadInstance.hasChild = params.position == CommonUtils.POSITION_FIRST flush:true
result.put(CommonUtils.MESSAGE, "Account head saved successfully.")
outPut = result as JSON
render outPut
Well you are using #Transactional, so any changes to domain object will set that object as dirty, and when the transaction is ended, they will be saved implicitly. To prevent this you can use accountHeadInstance.discard().
However I feel compelled to tell you that your code as several Grails anti-patterns.
Any business logic especially that that uses #Transactional should be moved to service(s), and not done in controllers. Controllers should just be for binding incoming params, routing to servies, and rending results.
While you can use domains as command object binding parameters it is generally not a good idea, from a security standpoint.
Optionally you can do 'Groovy' things like this:
LinkedHashMap result = [:]
result[CommonUtils.IS_ERROR] = Boolean.TRUE)
render result as JSON

Error propagation in controllers MVC

When I try to propagate an exception and pass it as parameter into my ErrorController, it is always null.
public ActionResult Test()
throw new Exception("ALGO");
return View();
catch (Exception ex)
return RedirectToAction("Error", "Error",
exception = ex,
controller = this.ControllerContext.RouteData.Values["controller"],
action = this.ControllerContext.RouteData.Values["action"]
public ActionResult Error(Exception exception, string controller, string action)
// exception is always null...
Response.StatusCode = 500;
ViewBag.exception = new HandleErrorInfo(exception, controller, action);
return View();
Any idea how to get the exception properly?
Is there a better approach for error handling?
I also tried this one but I got several errors because of parameteless constructor for handleerrorinfo
Whenever you use RedirectToAction, it performs an HTTP redirect. Any of the values you pass have to be primitive types, since they will be appended to the redirect URL. That means that you cannot pass an entire object, like you are trying to do with the exception. The easiest thing that you can do is to replace the RedirectToAction with
return Error(ex, this.ControllerContext.RouteData.Values["controller"], this.ControllerContext.RouteData.Values["action"]);
This approach will still call your Error method and display the View properly, but it will not change the URL like a redirect would. If you wanted to use this method, then you could try using javascript to change the URL.
Also, do you really want to display all of the error details to your end user? If you are just using this to display a plain error page without details then you could look into simply using the customErrors attribute in your web config to redirect to an error page. That way all that your end user knows is that some error occured.

populating own error-messages to the grails domain errors

I'd like to know, if (and how) I could append some own error-messages to the domain-object after (or before) a validation.
My intention is, I have to check the uploaded file in a form for some attributes (image size etc.) and if something is wrong, I would like to add an error-message which is displayed in the usual grails ".hasErrors" loop.
(And I think I need to have the possibility to express errors in some cross-domain check failure...)
Thanks in advance,
You can add custom validation errors as described in the errors docs as follows:
class SampleController {
def save() {
def sampleObject = new SampleObject(params)
if(imageSizeIsTooBig(sampleObject)) {
private def imageSizeIsTooBig(SampleObject sampleObject) {
// calculation on sampleObject, if size is too big
Perhaps, you could even handle your case with a custom validator, so you can call validate() one time and be sure, that all constraints are fulfilled.
Here is a real example with a custom domain error:
def signup(User user) {
try {
//Check for some condition
if (!params.password.equals(params.passwordRepeat)) {
//Reject the value if condition is not fulfilled
'Default message'
//Throw an exception to break action and rollback if you are in a service
throw new ValidationException('Default message', user.errors)
//Continue with your logic and save if everything is ok
} catch (ValidationException e) {
//Render erros in the view
respond user.errors, view:'/signup'

How to handle an error in a "Model" class in MVC ASP.NET, to do with null session vars

I am using MVC3, C#, Razor, .NET4
I use a session variable in my Model constructor. Sometimes it can be null, mainly due to recycling of the AppPool. I need to catch the "null" error of the session and ideally redirect to another action ie Error/Index. However I am in model, and I am not sure whether one can redirect out of a model class.
my Code:
intOrderId = (Int32) System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["OrderId"];
intSupplierId = (Int32) System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["SupplierId"];
catch (Exception e)
// Redirect to Error/Index ?????
I have a feeling that I may have to set a property in the model to highlight the error, and then have the controller's action inspect this and act accordingly, howowever I have loads of actions that call this model, so I am not wanting to do this. I would rather react to this error in one place.
Many thanks in advance for any help on this.
Rather than using try/catch to handle empty values, why not check before you read?
if(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["OrderId"] != null)
&& System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["SupplierId"] != null)
intOrderId = (Int32) System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["OrderId"];
intSupplierId = (Int32) System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["SupplierId"];
//Throw an exception that the controller can catch: NullReferenceException or InvalidCastException.
//Or return a specific value to indicate that an error occured

Exception handling in Grails controllers

I know how to do generic exception handling in Grails using UrlMappings and an ErrorController for generic exception handling, so that if an exception escapes a controller the user will be sent to a generic error page and the exception will be logged. I also know how to use try/catch blocks to handle specific exceptions and attempt to recover from them.
But in most controllers, I just want to give the user a slightly more specific error message if an exception occurs. So in the create action, I want to tell the user that the item wasn't created. Or in the import action, I want to tell the user that the import failed. Right now, the controllers look like:
class ThingController {
def create = {
try {
// The real controller code, which quickly hands it off to a service
} catch (Exception e) {
handleException(e, "There was an error while attempting to create the Thing")
def delete = {
try {
// The real controller code, which quickly hands it off to a service
} catch (Exception e) {
handleException(e, "There was an error while attempting to delete the Thing")
private void handleException(Exception e, String message) {
flash.message = message
String eMessage = ExceptionUtils.getRootCauseMessage(e)
log.error message(code: "sic.log.error.ExceptionOccurred", args: ["${eMessage}", "${e}"])
Note that the catch blocks don't do anything different based on the type or content of the exception; they're just giving a slightly more descriptive error message based on the controller. The "real" controller code is usually 6-10 lines, so having an additional 4 lines of code just to change the error message seems excessive. In addition, the CodeNarc "CatchException" rule complains, which reinforces my opinion that there has to be a better way to do this. I assume other Grails applications have similar requirements. What is the idiomatic way to specify different error messages based on which action the exception bubbled out of?
I'm interested in answers that come from experience with a particular way of solving this problem, or even better, link to codebases where I can see the solution in practice.
Grails has the mechanism for general handling controller exceptions.
You can do this inside a dedicated Error controller. Regular controllers don’t need to use try/catch.
class ThingController {
def create() {
def id = as Long
if (id == null) {
throw new MissingPropertyException("thingId")
// The real controller code, which mostly parses things out and hands it
// off to a service.
// Service methods can throws exception
Add handling 500 error in UrlMappings:
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
// Exception handling in ErrorController
"500"(controller: "error")
class ErrorController {
def index() {
def exception = request.exception.cause
def message = ExceptionMapper.mapException(exception)
def status = message.status
response.status = status
render(view: "/error", model: [status: status, exception: exception])
You can handle REST and non-REST exceptions using this approach.
Also there is Declarative Exception Handling plugin but I don’t have an
You can get the specific error messages in Error controller.
When in controller throw new RuntimeException ("There was an error while attempting to delete the Thing"), then in error controller request.exception.cause.message will show message: "There was an error while attempting to delete the Thing".
See also How to know from where was thrown error 500 (Grails)
I create custom error pages based on annotations on the controllers, giving common exception handling procedures across several controllers.
class ErrorsController {
def index() {
def initialController = request.exception?.className
if (initialController) {
def controller = grailsApplication.getArtefact("Controller", initialController).getReferenceInstance()
// do some rendering based on the annotations
render "Controller: ${initialController}, annotations ${controller.getClass().getDeclaredAnnotations()}"
render 'no initial controller'
