Where to put score functionality? - ruby-on-rails

I am implementing a score system to rank trending in a rails application. To score the items I'm using a basic number of likes x age.
#post.score = #post.likers(User).length * age
I have a field in the posts database called score. My question is where do I call the above code so that the score is constantly getting updated as it gets older or when someone new likes the post.
Thanks for any help.

As it's an ever changing value, and not really a static field, I'd suggest consider putting this in a method, not in the database. Unless for performance reasons that is needed. So, in your Post model just have:
def score
#score algorithm here
This way, whenever you call post.score, it will be calculated at that time and shown.
Alternatively if age is a daily value, you could use some kind of scheduled task (cron/whenever) to update this on a daily basis.

The code you posted should work. Just make sure you call #post.save on the next line. Can we see your codebase?


Modelling recurrent items (expenses) as records with Rails

I am writing what could be defined as an accountancy/invoicing app using Rails 5. I am in need of implementing a section that predicts the company's cashflow in the future. So far I've got the following:
Actual bank movements and balances (in the past), imported from the bank
Future invoices (income) which are expected to be paid on a certain date
Future one-time expenses which are expected to be paid on a certain date
Using these three sets of data, I can calculate, for any given date in the future, the sum of: the last known bank balance, plus all the future invoices values coming IN, minus all the future expenses going OUT, so I get, theoretically, the expected balance of the company for any given date.
My doubt arises when it comes to recurrent expenses (or potentially incomes). Given that all of the items I mentioned before (bank movements, invoices and expenses) are actual ActiveRecord records stored in my database, I'm not sure about how to treat the recurrent expenses, for example:
Let's imagine I want to enter a known future recurrent paycheck of a certain employee, which is $2000 every first day of the month.
1- Should I generate at some point the next X entries and treat them as normal future expenses (each with its own ID, date and amount)?
2- The other option I've thought of is having some kind of "declaration" on the nature of the recurrent expense, as in "it's $2000 every day 1 of month until -forever-", similarly to a cronjob. But, if I were to take this approach, I'd like to have an ActiveRecord - similar interface, so that I can do something like:
cashflow = []
last_movement = BankMovement.last
value = last_movement.balance
(last_movement.date..(last_movement.date + 12.months)).each do |day|
value += Invoice.pending.expected_on(day).sum(:gross_amount)
value -= Expense.pending.expected_on(day).sum(:gross_amount)
value -= RecurringExpense.expected_on(day).sum(:gross_amount)
cashflow.push( { date: day, balance: value } )
This feels almost right but, I'm not sure about how to link the actual expense when it comes with the recurrent/calculated one. How can I then change the date if the expense gets paid the day after it was supposed? I need to have an actual record of each one of those, at least whenever they are "consolidated".
I'm not really sure if I was clear enough with my trouble here, so, should anyone want and have some spare time to help me out, please feel free to ask for any extra relevant info, I'd really appreciate some help, especially if we can find a way of doing this "the Rails way"!

Calculating ranking for a feed on page load

I rank API's by upvotes on this site.
I'm calculating the score on every page load. This is expensive and slow and the page load is taking ~5 seconds.
Is there a more efficient way to do this? Every time a new post is created, do I need to rerank everything using a background job? How about every time a vote is submitted and every time a post grows older by an hour?
This seems like a common problem to have on any site that is ranking dependent on time + votes.
If you can give some info on your models and ranking system I can refine this answer, but here's my suggestion based on the info you've provided thus far:
Create a column on your AR model called count.
When a new Api object is created, set the count column to 0. When it gets upvoted, do this:
def upvote
#api = Api.find_by_id(params[:id])
new_count = #api.count + 1
#api.update_attributes(:count => new_count)
You can do the opposite for downvotes.
Then in your view, just do this in the loop:
<% #apis.each do |api| %>
<%= api.count %>
<% end %>
That will stop counting on page loads, and will simply pull a value from the database. Hope this helps, and cool idea for a site. If you want to use a gem that I've liked pretty well so far, Thumbs Up is a good option.

Efficiently retrieving ice_cube schedules for a given time period

I'm looking into using Ice Cube https://github.com/seejohnrun/ice_cube for recurring events.
My question is, if I then need to get any events that fall within a given time period (say, on a day or within a week), is there any better way than to loop through them all like this:
items = Records.find(:all)
items.each do |item|
schedule = item.schedule
if schedule.occurs_on?(Date.new)
#if today is a recurrence, add to array
This seems horribly inefficient but I'm not sure how else to go about it.
That's one approach - but what people do more often is end up denormalizing their schedules into a format that is conveniently queryable.
You may have a collection called something like ScheduleOccurrences - that you build each week / and then query that instead.
Its unfortunate it has to work this way, but sticking to the iCal way of managing schedules has led IceCube to need to format its data in certain ways (specifically ways that can line up with the requirements of the iCal RFC).
I've been doing some thinking recently about what a library would look like that shook away some of those restrictions, for greater flexibility like this - but its definitely still a bit off.
Hope this helps
I faced a similar problem and here was my approach:
Create a column on Event table to store the next occurrence date, and write a method which stores that value after_save. (method available through ice_cube. Perhaps index column too for faster querying.)
Then you can query the database for occurrences happening in the timeframe you need. See below:
Event.where(next_occurrence: Date.today.all_day)
Store EventOccurrences on a separate table.
Update the next_occurrence column for the rows returned to you by your query. Or something similar. This works for me because I'm running a daily job, so that update next_occurrence will run regularly. But you may need to tweak a bit.

Scalable time decay for web application

My goal here is to generate a system similar to that of the front page of reddit.
I have things and for the sake of simplicity these things have votes. The best system I've generated is using time decay. With a halflife of 7 days, if a vote is worth 20 points today, then in seven days, it it worth 10 points, and in 14 days it will only be worth 5 points.
The problem is, that while this produces results I am very happy with, it doesn't scale. Every vote requires me to effectively recompute the value of every other vote.
So, I thought I might be able to reverse the idea. A vote today is worth 1 point. A vote seven days from now is worth 2 points, and 14 days from now is worth 4 points and so on. This works well because for each vote, I only have to update one row. The problem is that by the end of the year, I need a datatype that can hold fantastically huge numbers.
So, I tried using a linear growth which produced terrible rankings. I tried polynomial growth (squaring and cubing the number of days since site launch and submission) and it produced slightly better results. However, as I get slightly better results, I'm quickly re-approaching unmaintainable numbers.
So, I come to you stackoverflow. Who's got a genius idea or link to an idea on how to model this system so it scales well for a web application.
I've been trying to do this as well. I found what looks like a solution, but unfortunately, I forgot how to do math, so I'm having trouble understanding it.
The idea is to store the log of your score and sort by that, so the numbers won't overflow.
This doc describes the math.
And the comment where I found it is here:
Okay, thought of one solution to do that on every vote. The catch is that it requires a linked list with atomic pop/push on both sides to store votes (e.g. Redis list, but you probably don't want it in RAM).
It also requires that decay interval is constant (e.g. 1 hour)
It goes like this:
On every vote, update the score push the next time of decay of this vote to the tail of the list
Then pop the first vote from the head of the list
If it's not old enough to decay, push it back to the head
Otherwise, subtract the required amount from the total score and push the updated information to the tail
Repeat from step 2 until you hit a fresh enough vote (step 3)
You'll still have to check the heads in background to clear the posts that no one votes on anymore, of course.
It's late here so I'm hoping someone can check my math. I think this is equivalent to exponential decay.
MySQL has a BIGINT max of 2^64
For simplicity, lets use 1 day as our time interval. Let n be the number of days since the site launched.
Create an integer variable. Lets call it X and start it at 0
If an add operation would bring a score over 2^64, first, update every score by dividing it by 2^n, then set X equal to n.
On every vote, add 2^(n-X) to the score.
So, mentally, this makes better sense to me using base 10. As we add things up, our number gets longer and longer. We stop caring about the numbers in the lower digit places because the values we're incrementing scores by have a lot of digits. Which means that the lower digits kind of stop counting for very much. So if they don't count, why not just slide the decimal place over to a point that we care about and truncate the digits below the decimal place at some point. To do this, we need to slide the decimal place over on the amount we're adding each time as well.
I can't help but feel like there's something wrong with this.
Here are two possible pseudo queries that you could use. I know that they don't really address scalability, but I think that they do provide methods so that you can
SELECT article.title AS title, SUM(vp.point) AS points
FROM article
LEFT JOIN (SELECT 1 / DATEDIFF(NOW(), vote.created_at) as point, article_id
FROM vote GROUP BY article_id) AS vp
ON vp.article_id = article.id
or (not in a join, which will be a bit faster I think, but harder to hydrate),
SELECT SUM(1 / DATEDIFF(NOW(), created_at)) AS points, article_id
FROM vote
WHERE article_id IN (...) GROUP BY article_id
The benefit of these queries is that they can be run at any time with the same data and they will always return the same answers. They don't destroy any data.
If you need to, you can also run the queries in a background job and they will still give the same result.

How to calculate user's info completeness in Rails

I have problem in my new rails project.I want to implement a function which can show the user's info completeness by a bar like Linkedin.
I think I can use a variable to record the completeness,but I don't have any idea about how to calculate it.
P.S I have two Model,one is the User Model,another is the Info Model.
This is, in fact, completely arbitrary. It's based entirely on which activities on the site you want to encourage.
A couple of mechanisms you can consider:
Model "accomplishments" with a completed/not completed status. Count up the ones you care about. Store the accomplishments based on activity either as they happen or at the end of the day in some batch job. For each user, calculate the percentage with the usual math (accomplishments completed/sum of available accomplishments) * 100 = percentage.
A variation of the same, but weighted based on what you consider more valuable contributions. In this case, the math is basically sum of (weight n * accomplishment n)/total weight.
The previous Careers.stackoverflow.com model made a geeky joke about Spinal Tap by making it possible to have counts greater than 100%. You can do that simply by undercounting the maximum accomplishments.
