Real time messaging application [closed] - ios

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am curious to know the advantages between using parse or a custom xmpp server. I am curious if parse has the capability of being used for creating a real time chat application, because I have never used parse for that use. Or would it be easier and better to use a custom xmpp server to handle messages. I am also curious if parse would be able to completely delete data off the server because that is what my application requires. As background info I have already started the project with parse, but I could switch over to another option if it is necessary.

In my experience with working with Parse, I don't believe that it's the correct solution for your needs.
You may get things up and running at first, but as you try to scale your application, you're going to need to ramp up your servers (and cost!) greatly to handle so many requests. Parse's pricing is based on your requests count for the month. Imagine how many requests you expect one user to make in a month. Now times that by 1000.... Not very scalable, huh?
Now I don't know much about xmpp servers, but I've heard from some colleagues that applications like WhatsApp are using Erlang and TCP servers (just like Call of Duty) to handle message requests. In fact, here's an article that talks about the logistics of WhatsApps technology
Best of luck!


Web Scraping Automation programs [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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This may be off topic but if anyone can help or point me in the right direction.....or the correct place to put this question?
Can anyone suggest a good Automated Web Scraping program for use on a windows machine?
I would like to be able to automate the process and set it to be able to "scrape" the site every 5 mins or so and have the resulting xml exported to another website or database?
If the actual process is taking too long, those 10 seconds or more likely to being the network latency rather than actual parsing and scraping its self. If that is the case, you probably want to have them executing in parallel rather than sequentially if you have not already done so.
It would help if you had a more specific issue as there is several ways about going about this. You could have it still parsing on the phone. If that is too problematic for whatever reason, in my opinion, I would instead build a separate HTTP REST server for the phone client to have it interact with to get the data it requires.
There is many ways about going about this, and these are simply recommendations. If you want a more specific answer, you'll need a more specific question. Consider then asking a more speific programming issue if you run into one.

How do i implement a database for my ios app? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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So i created my first app which allows users to track there fitness information (workouts, routines, etc). I want take my app to the next step by allowing the user to create there own account and be able to access their workouts from any ios device (all they have to do is log in). I know i have to use databases, but I just don't know where or how to start this process.
Could you recommend any tutorials or perhaps a resource you used to teach yourself? I'm familiar with sql (took a course on it in university.
thanks guys, I apologize for the newb question.
There are many third-party services you can use that can take care of the backend for your app so that you don't need to worry about managing the database yourself. Two of the most popular ones are parse and stackmob. Take a look at their documentations. I personally use parse and would recommend it.
I've never written any os apps, but for applications in general.
There are many ways, one of which is getting a server/website (you can get free ones) and set up the MYSQL database to have the tables you need like users etc.
Then simply send requests via POST/GET to the server which will enter it into the database.Then when they want to login just do the reverse.
I would personally uses sockets, and probably encrypt the data. You may as-well send information such as how long they've used the app for etc.

Developing RESTful clients on iOS [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am building an app on iOS and on Mac OS X that talks to a server using REST. The app is expected to store data fetched from the server in a local store (preferably in a SQLlite database). I understand using Core Data is a good option, but I am looking for an example of an app architecture that works on the basis of UI Views getting notified when the SQLlite database is updated as a result of a response from the server.
I have seen a talk for Android at Google I/O that addresses this type architecture in detail. Are there any similar talks/articles like this for iOS?
You're mixing quite some different things here.First you need an interface for your restufl API. Look at AFNetworking library to handle requests to the server and build your API handler. Then use an NSFetchResultController to listen to your core data being updated and do what you need accordingly in your views. NSFetchResultController is built to be used with a UITableView but you can use it in other situations if needed.
use RestKit it's the best framework to work with Rest services.
and it's well-documented. the latest version works on top of AFNetworking.
you can find some examples there as well.

Are there any tools to integrate MS SQL Server Reporting with Ruby? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need to pull some reports that live in a SQL Server Reporting Server from a Ruby web application.
How can this be done?
There is nothing out there pre-built that I'm aware of, but you have some options for integration.
The simplest, if users have direct access to the RS server, is to just redirect or link them to the report using their URL-based strategy, possibly opening a new window. If users do not have direct access, you can still use the URL-based strategy, but perform a request on the back end from your Rails app to the MS Reporting Services server, and stream all the report bytes through to the browser:
open("http://ReportServer/reports?querystringxxxx") { |f|
#response =
This is drastically simplified, of course. You'll need to pay particular attention to your content types to ensure things get interpreted correctly by the browser.
The next option is to use their web services API, but unless you need particularly advanced functionality, I'd say the URL/REST based approach is far, far simpler.
If you get it working, take the opportunity to try creating your first gem, put it up on github, and then maybe somebody else will use it one day... :)
The rest-based approach would only work for a report with no parameters.
If the report has parameters, you will need to use the Web Services API, a SOAP-based interface that requires you to parse the request (with the parameters) into XML and send that with the request to MSSRS.
According to my co-worker, who has done it, it's pretty cumbersome for what you actually get.

Best practices for managing pricing/discount business rules on rails [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am fairly new to Rails and I have never developed a large application. A friend of mine and I are developing two separate applications and we found out we both have a need for a way to generically manage pricing / discount rules.
Say you have a conference registration application and depending on who uses the application, they may choose to offer different pricing plans.
$50 1 attendee
$40 >5 attendees
Exhibitor gets 3 free attendees and $30 each additional
Instead of baking in the specifics of these rules, it would be nice to abstract it in some way so rules can change over time and by conference.
What are the best practices for handling this? Are there Rails plugins? We have both searched, but have yet to find the solution.
I think you should have a look at RuleBy. I haven't used it myself, but am still meaning to find the time to experiment with it. It should solve precisely these problems.
I also don't know of an existing plugin for this but since you have at least two apps that need this why not try and make it a rails engine?
That way you and your friend can halve your effort and have something you can open source and show off and improve via community feedback.
