How to implement GMSMarker drag drop on GMSMapView? - ios

I set the marker on google map but when i drag it's all of map are drag.
I want drag marker when click and drag on it's
and drag map when click and drag outside marker.
this is my code = [GMSCameraPosition cameraWithLatitude:-33.86 longitude:151.20 zoom:6 bearing:0 viewingAngle:0];
self.Map = [GMSMapView mapWithFrame:self.MapView.bounds];
self.Map.myLocationEnabled = YES;
self.Map.delegate = self;
GMSMarker *marker = [[GMSMarker alloc] init];
marker.position =;
marker.draggable = YES;
marker.title = #"Sydney";
marker.snippet = #"Australia"; = self.Map;
marker.icon = [GMSMarker markerImageWithColor:[UIColor blueColor]];
marker.appearAnimation = kGMSMarkerAnimationPop;
[self.MapView addSubview:self.Map];
and this is event on drag drop
- (void) mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView didBeginDraggingMarker:(GMSMarker *)marker
- (void) mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView didEndDraggingMarker:(GMSMarker *)marker
- (void) mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView didDragMarker:(GMSMarker *)marker
when i run my app and debug all above event not work.
but event click on marker work well.
how i implement drag drop ?

You have to press-and-hold on the marker before it will begin dragging. I thought it wasn't working either until someone pointed this out... really needs to be in Google's documentation.


Google Maps iOS - Tapping on Marker to show default google directions button

In Android on tapping on a marker two buttons show on the screen at the bottom for direction and opening google maps. However, on iOS tapping marker only shows info window.
I need to show the info window and directions and google maps buttons on tapping marker just as in Android.
My code for adding markers:
GMSMarker *marker = [[GMSMarker alloc] init];
marker.position = [(CLLocation*)dict[#"position"] coordinate];
marker.icon = [GMSMarker markerImageWithColor:[UIColor ubnBlue]];
marker.title = dict[#"title"];
marker.snippet = dict[#"snippet"];
marker.appearAnimation = kGMSMarkerAnimationPop;
marker.tappable = YES; = mapView_;
First set GMSMapViewDelegate method
- (BOOL) mapView: (GMSMapView *)mapView didTapMarker:(GMSMarker *)marker
[mapView setSelectedMarker:marker];
return YES;
- (UIView *GMS_NULLABLE_PTR)mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView markerInfoWindow:(GMSMarker *)marker
NSLog(#"The amrker snippet is - %#",marker.snippet);
if([marker.snippet isEqualToString:#"your string"]) //check here
....//Do the stuff here
First, you need to set the delegate method in yourController.h file then you can handle it by using the method
- (BOOL)mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView didTapMarker:(GMSMarker *)marker {
return Yes;
to show the info window you need to call a marker.title = #"title";
GMSMarker has property iconView. You can assign UIView to iconView.
Implement GMSMapViewDelegate delegate methods
(BOOL)mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView didTapMarker:(GMSMarker *)marker {
Now you can change your view as you need.

Custom infobox when tap event

I'm trying to have an info box, same one as the standard for markers, to appear when a my polyline is tapped. I've gotten a NSLog to output when the line is tapped, but now I need to have the infobox appear instead of the NSLog. I've seen some Javascript examples but no objective c ones.
- (void)loadView {
// Create a GMSCameraPosition
GMSCameraPosition *camera = [GMSCameraPosition cameraWithLatitude:37.551927
GMSMapView *mapView = [GMSMapView mapWithFrame:CGRectZero camera:camera];
CLLocationCoordinate2D position = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(37.551709, -77.456510);
mapView.settings.myLocationButton = YES;
mapView.myLocationEnabled = YES;
self.view = mapView;
mapView.delegate = self;
GMSMutablePath *path = [GMSMutablePath path];
[path addCoordinate:CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(37.552243, -77.457415)];
[path addCoordinate:CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(37.551054, -77.455443)];
GMSPolyline *polyline = [GMSPolyline polylineWithPath:path];
UILabel *myLabel = [[UILabel alloc] init];
UITapGestureRecognizer *tapGestureRecognizer = [[UITapGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:#selector(labelTapped)];
tapGestureRecognizer.numberOfTapsRequired = 1;
[myLabel addGestureRecognizer:tapGestureRecognizer];
myLabel.userInteractionEnabled = YES;
polyline.spans = #[[GMSStyleSpan spanWithColor:[UIColor greenColor]]];
polyline.strokeWidth = 5.f;
polyline.tappable = true; = mapView;
- (void)mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView didTapOverlay:(GMSOverlay *)overlay
NSLog(#"in didTapOverlay");
Check the Events guide from the iOS Maps tutorial.
Here's a snippet in Objective-C:
- (void)loadView {
GMSCameraPosition *camera = [GMSCameraPosition cameraWithLatitude:1.285
GMSMapView *mapView = [GMSMapView mapWithFrame:CGRectZero camera:camera];
mapView.delegate = self;
self.view = mapView;
#pragma mark - GMSMapViewDelegate
- (void)mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView
didTapAtCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate {
NSLog(#"You tapped at %f,%f", coordinate.latitude, coordinate.longitude);
Here's an SO thread demonstrating the use of GMSMapViewDelegate:
1.conform to the GMSMapViewDelegate protocol.
#interface YourViewController () <GMSMapViewDelegate>
// your properties
2.set your mapView_ delegate.
mapView_.delegate = self;
3.implement the GMSMapViewDelegate method
- (void)mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView didTapInfoWindowOfMarker:(GMSMarker *)marker {
// your code
Addition: marker.userData is useful. you can set your needed data into it and use it in - mapView:didTapInfoWindowOfMarker:

Change the marker position by onClick google map ios

I'm using a google map in iPhone app by objective-c, it is ok and the marker is in a given location. I want when click on a specific location change the marker location to the selected location by clicking the map.
How to do this?
Thanks in advance.
my code:
GMSCameraPosition *camera = [GMSCameraPosition cameraWithLatitude:29.964996
longitude:30.939680 zoom:5
_mapView = [GMSMapView mapWithFrame:viewOfMap.bounds camera:camera];
_mapView.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth|
[_mapView addObserver:self
[viewOfMap addSubview:_mapView];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
//_mapView.myLocationEnabled = YES;
_mapView.myLocationEnabled = YES;
GMSMarker *marker = [[GMSMarker alloc] init];
marker.position = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(lat, lag); = _mapView;
- (BOOL)mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView didTapMarker:(GMSMarker *)marker
marker.icon=[UIImage imageNamed:#"selectedicon.png"];//selected marker
for (int i=0; i<[markerArray count]; i++)
GMSMarker *unselectedMarker=markerArray[i];
//check selected marker and unselected marker position
if(unselectedMarker.position.latitude!=marker.position.latitude && unselectedMarker.position.longitude!=marker.position.longitude)
unselectedMarker.icon=[UIImage imageNamed:#"unselectedicon.png"];
return NO;
If I understand your question, you want to tap a location and have a marker move to that location.
Be sure that your view controller implements GMSMapViewDelegateand use the didTapAtCoordinate delegate method. Something like this:
-(void)mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView didTapAtCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate {
[marker setPosition:coordinate];

How to make custom UIView OR label on GMSMarker Google

I have to add a custom label on Marker pin of Google maps in IOS.
I have already implemented markerInfoWindow method. But it works after i tapped on marker/Pin.
I need to show custom label at start as long as mapview will load on view without performing any action. As we can set icon or title on the marker, I need to show my own Custom view on it.
- (UIView *)mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView markerInfoWindow:(GMSMarker *)marker {
CLLocationCoordinate2D anchor = marker.position;
// CGPoint point = [mapView.projection pointForCoordinate:anchor];
// self.calloutView.title = marker.title;
[self.calloutView setFrame:CGRectMake(0, 50, 25, 25)];
self.calloutView.layer.cornerRadius = 11.0;
self.calloutView.layer.masksToBounds = YES;
self.calloutView.layer.borderColor = [UIColor clearColor].CGColor;
self.calloutView.layer.borderWidth = 0.0;
self.calloutView.hidden = NO;
return self.calloutView;
Use this code to add an image for GMSMarker:
GMSMarker *marker = [[GMSMarker alloc] init];
marker.position = MARKER_POSITION;
marker.infoWindowAnchor = CGPointMake(0.44f, 0.45f);
marker.icon = [UIImage imageNamed:#"CustomMarkerImageName"];
You can also use this delegate method to provide custom view for additional info:
- (UIView *)mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView markerInfoWindow:(GMSMarker *)marker {
InfoWindow *view = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:#"InfoWindow" owner:self options:nil] objectAtIndex:0]; = #"Place Name";
view.description.text = #"Place description"; = #"123 456 789";
view.placeImage.image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"customPlaceImage"];
view.placeImage.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(-.08);
return view;
Check this answer as a reference:
If I understand correctly, the ask is to show the info window for a particular marker programmatically.
[self.mapView setSelectedMarker:marker];
To achieve camera refocus similar to if a user had tapped the marker, do something like:
GMSCameraPosition *cameraPosition =
[[GMSCameraPosition alloc] initWithTarget:marker.position
[self.mapView animateToCameraPosition:cameraPosition];

GMSMarker points not being shown

I have a viewcontroller in a storyboard with a View in it that loads googlemaps. Markers are however, not showing up!
What have I done wrong?
Here is my code.
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
[self createBasicGSMView];
- (IBAction)AddPointButtonPressed:(id)sender {
// Creates a marker in the center of the map.
GMSMarker *CurrentLocationMarker = [[GMSMarker alloc] init];
CLLocation *CurrentLocationNote = mapView_.myLocation;
CurrentLocationMarker.position = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(CurrentLocationNote.coordinate.latitude, CurrentLocationNote.coordinate.longitude);
CurrentLocationMarker.title = #"Current Location";
CurrentLocationMarker.snippet = #"This is the place to be";
[CurrentLocationMarker setMap:mapView_];
- (void) createBasicGSMView{
// Create a GMSCameraPosition that tells the map to display the
// coordinate -33.86,151.20 at zoom level 6.
GMSCameraPosition *camera = [GMSCameraPosition cameraWithLatitude:-33.86
mapView_ = [GMSMapView mapWithFrame:CGRectZero camera:camera];
mapView_.myLocationEnabled = YES;
self.mapViewHolder = mapView_;
// Creates a marker in the center of the map.
GMSMarker *marker = [[GMSMarker alloc] init];
marker.position = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(-33.86, 151.20);
marker.title = #"Sydney";
marker.snippet = #"Australia"; = mapView_;
Figured it out. had to add the view as a subview:
[self.view addSubview:mapView_];
Doesnt work otherwise!
