Add Fing like/Network Scanning to Application - ios

I have seen a lot of questions related to obtaining a list of devices on the network and i'm not sure any of them meet my needs. I need to be able to show a list of devices connected to the network, with IP address/Mac address. I've seen ARP cache mentioned, as well as scanning a subnet mask, and ICMP broadcast. Which of these is the best way to get this functionality? I have concerns about some of the solutions I have seen posted, as most mention non-public API's it would seem. A point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated, I am also not highly familiar with straight C, which a lot of the mentioned solutions use.


Vehicle Can Bus Access

not really sure where to put this, so please direct me elsewhere is this is not a good fit for this question.
I am currently exploring car programming via the OBD2 port. I have been scouring the internet for a OBD2 solution that will allow me to read RAW CAN bus messaged from my car. So far I have not been able to find a software that lets me do this with a ELM327 adapter. Does anyone know if there is software available that can read these A.) with this adapter and B.) Actually show me RAW CAN messages?
So far I have only been able to see the OBD2 messages, but I would like to get under this layer. Any guidance here is greatly appreciated!
If your car is recent enough, you won't be able to get the "RAW CAN" traffic. Because behind the OBD port is a gateway that only relay SOME of the CAN messages.
You can still get those messages with your ELM but as this device is not made to be a CAN adaptator it can be tricky. You can find a lot of information here.
To get more information on what you can find on the CAN bus of the OBD port, you can read this article. It's a good way of having a first overview of the CAN bus in cars.
If you want to have access to the CAN traffic, you will have to do some soldering on your car's wires. Here is an article of what it can look like. WARNING : do not perform random stuff on your car, it can be as dangerous as expensive.

Implementing ospf topology collector

I need to implement a software module that is able to retrieve the topology of an autonomous system.
Looking at the various protocol that are implemented in Cisco routers i concluded that the only two alternatives to obtain topology are smnp and ospf.
The first one is a workaround and i don't want to use it, this leads to ospf.
I haven't found library in c, java and python that are usable; this one ( )is probably the most complete but comes without documentation and i don't have enough time to analyze all the code.
So i found quagga that can implement a software ospf router; seems the perfect alternative since it can work with both real network and simulated network in gns3.
But it's possible to obtain the ospf routing table from quagga since everything is from command line?
This are my conclusions and doubts if someone can suggest something better or help me with the next step it would be appreciated since i'm stuck at the moment.
Use quagga's ospfclient feature. There is already an example provided in the ospfclient directory (see ospfclient.c) which will show you how to retrieve the LSA database from a quagga/ospfd instance. For this solution to work you need to attach a PC to one of your OSPF backbone routers and configure quagga/ospfd on it to successfully learn the routes then you start your ospfclient to retrieve any information you need.

iOS to iOS device connection through streams (over IP-Address)

As a final school-graduation project I try to develop a kind of spying-car. Which means there is an iPhone placed on a little LEGO-car and an iPad used as a "steering wheel" for the car. Also it is planned to transmit Audio and Video from the iPhone's microphone/camera to the iPad (more than the steering data vice versa).
In the first place the connection from iOS to iOS should be established over a local WiFi network and later - if possible - over 3G (by using the iOS devices network-IP and a DNS server to deal with frequently changing addresses).
My question is: which technology do you recommend using? I read about GameKit, peer-to-peer and so on, but I think these technologies are too abstract for later being able to communicate over 3G. I guess I need to go a little deeper into the low levels of the communication progress. Any suggestion that could bring me a step forward is highly appreciated! (also regarding other parts of my project)
One more thing: Some user suggested using a third party service and to route the sent (video) data over an external server. If possible, I'd rather not use any "middle man". It should just be a basic server-client communication where the iPad is the server and the iPhone the client.
It is kind of an open ended question, but interesting.
First of all, GameKit do have 3g p2p support, see here:
It will handle the peer-to-peer addressing and establisment of the socket. It can also handle voice chat, but I personally never tried this feature so I can't say if it is feasible in your case.
One idea is to leverage existing video-chat services. This will give you a low-latency audio/video channel with peer-to-peer addressing (well, likely using a central server).
Apple's FaceTime is such a service, but there is no public API to it (AFAIK). Same goes for Skype and Google.
There are some paid services that look like they have nice iOS APIs:
You have to figure out a way to transmit control commands to the peer iPhone, I did not see if the services above had any possibility of sending text messages/arbitrary data.
Tokbox has a free trial so you could try it out and see if it works for you.
I would go for GameKit if this is a hobby project on a budget and there is time for hacking, and probably look into a more high-level API if there is a deadline...
sorry for writing this as an answer, but i don't have enough rep to comment...
i'm working on a similar project and i currently don't have any advice regrading video-streaming, however, from what i read (extensively) i came to the conclusion that i need to use p2p connection between devices for better performance and use socket programming in order to achieve this (although not the most easy to implement choice).
I considered using GameKit which i think will probably answer most of your needs as Krumelur pointed out. but in my case, eventually the app will be cross platform so i had to use low level network programming. you can check out my question here to see the sources i used to try and make the connection between 2 peers, hopefully you'll have better luck than me...

bluetooth communication in nxj

I'm nxj beginner.
I have some questions about bluetooth communication between PC and brick.
First, when bluetooth communication occurs, where is the birthplace processing this datas?
In other words, I want to know whether these datas will be processed on CPU or brick.
Second, what is exact roles CPU and brick in bluethooth communication?
That means what is processed on CPU and what is processed on brick.
I have searched almost web site but I can't find this anywhere.
Please help me. Thanks.
You can see it in the package structure.
This package contains classes running on the NXT-brick. All code in this package will be compiled for the brick and will run on the brick.
Here the difference is not that clear. This is java-code you compile for personal computer. So most code runs on your computer. But some classes (e.g: RemoteMotorController) only send messages to the NXT-brick which gives commands to the motors.
lejos.pc.comm provides API's that allow you to communicate/control the nxt robot from the PC.
When importing the the libs to an Android project, it allows you to build an instance of the same environment used on a pc, but within android.
I agree it can be tough finding some things out. It would be great if there was as stronger lejos presence on SO
This question is months old and has remained un-answered I actually have a lot of questions about it myself, but I might be able to provide some insight for utter novices.
when using bluetooth with Android and NXJ robots, you use either lejos.pc.comm or lejos.NXJ.
Both provide APi's to do almost the same thing, but work a little differently. I don't know nearly enough about the NXJ api, but I do know that it is the one that lets you manipulate the robot much more effectively, such as outputting data to it's LCD screen, which you can't do with the pc.comm api
As far as I can tell, the pc.comm API uses both Android Bluetooth API's and it's own protocols to allow communication with Lego LCP commands.
(I want to come back to this, but I'm writing a dissert on the topic so I'll try to update it in a couple of days. Seems not many are interested though, shame)

Emulate GPS or a serial device

Is it possible to get location data out of Google Gears, Google Gelocation API or any other web location API (such as Fire Eagle) in such a format that it appears to other software as a GPS device?
It occured to me reading these answers to my question regarding WiFi location finding, on Super User, that if I could emulate a GPS unit, many of these web services could act as a 'poor-mans' GPS to otherwise less useful software that requires it.
Is GPSD an option?
Preferably OSX & Python, but I would be interested in any implementation.
There is a very similar thread on a Python mailinglist that mentions Windows virtual COM ports and discusses Unix's pseudo-tty capabilities. If the app(s) you want to use let you type in a specific tty device file, this may be the easiest route. (Short of asking the authors to provide a plugin API for what you're trying to do, or buying yourself a $20 bluetooth GPS mouse.)
Are you using OS X?
There is a project macosxvirtualserialport on Google code that provides a graphical wrapper around some of the features of a utility called socat. I'd recommend taking a look at socat if you see potential in the pseudo-tty route. I believe you could use socat to link a pipe from a Python program to a pseudo-tty.
Most native Mac apps will be querying IOServiceMatching for a device with kIOSerialBSDRS232Type, and I doubt that a pseudo-tty will show up as an IOKit service.
In this case, unless you can find a project that has already implemented such a thing, you will need to implement a driver as described in this How to create virtual COM port thread. If you're going to the trouble of create a device driver, you would want to base it on IOKit because of that likely IOServiceMatching query. You can find the Apple16X50Serial project mentioned in that post at the top of Apple's open source code list (go to the main page and pick an older OS release if you want to target something pre-10.6).
If your app is most useful with realtime data (e.g. the RouteBuddy app mentioned in the Python mailinglist thread can log current positions) then you will want to fetch updates from your web sources (hopefully they support long-polling) and convert them to basic NMEA RMC sentences. You do not want to do this from inside your driver code. Instead, divide your work up into kernel-land and user-land pieces that can communicate, and put as little of the code as possible into the kernel part.
If you want to let apps both read and write to these web services, your best bet would probably be to simulate a Garmin device. Garmin has more-or-less documented their protocol in the IntfSpec.pdf file included with their Device Interface SDK. Again, you'd want to split as much as you could into user-space code.
I was unable to find a project or utility that implements the kernel side of an IOKit-based virtual serial interface, but I'd be surprised if there wasn't one hiding somewhere out there. Unfortunately, most of the answers I found to that question were like this, with the developer being told to get busy writing a kext.
I'm not exactly sure how to accomplish what you're asking, but I may be able to lend some insight as to how you might begin to get it done. So here goes:
A GPS device shows up to most systems as nothing more than a serial device -- a.k.a. a COM port if you're dealing with Windows, /dev/ttySx if you're in *nix. By definition, a serial port's specific duty is to stream data across a bus, one block at a time. So, it would then follow logically that if you want to emulate the presence of a GPS device, you should gather the data you're consuming and put it into a stream that somehow acts like an active serial port.
There are, however, some complications you might want to consider:
Most GPS devices don't just send out location data; there's also information on satellite locations, fix quality, bearing, and so on. Then again, nobody's made any rules saying you have to make all that data available. There's probably more to this, but I'll admit that I need to do more research in this area myself.
I'm not sure how fast you can receive data when dealing with Google Latitude, etc., but any delays in receiving would definitely result in visible pauses in your "serial port"'s data stream. Again, this may not be as big a complication as it seems, because GPS devices are known to "burst" data across the bus anyway, but I'd definitely keep an eye on that. You want to make sure there's always a surplus of data coming across, not a shortage.
Along the way you'll also have to transform the coordinates you receive into valid GPS sentences, as well. You can find specifications for those, but I would definitely make friends with the NMEA standard -- even though it is a flawed standard, it's the one everyone seems to agree on anyway.
Hope this helped you, at least a little bit. Are there anymore details specific to your problem that you think could be useful in answering this question?
Take a look to Franson GPS Gate which allows you to connect to Google Earth among other things (like simulating GPS and so on). Is windows only though but I think you could get some useful ideas from it.
I haven't looked into it very much, but have you considered using Skyhook's SDK? It might provide you with some of what you are looking for. It's available for every major desktop and mobile OS.
