Problems querying JSON nested hash response in Ruby - ruby-on-rails

Cannot seem to solve this problem:
I'm getting JSON nested hash responses from Lastfm and everything works fine when the response is structures as such:
{"topalbums" =>{"album" =>{"name =>"Friday Night in Dixie"}}}
However if the artist does not have a top album the response is structured this way and I get a NoMethodError undefined method '[]' for nil:NilClass.
{"topalbums" =>{"#text"=>"\n ", "artist"=>"Mark Chestnutt"}}
What I want to do is query the response so I do not keep getting this error.
Here is my method:
def get_albums
#albums =
#artistname.each do |name|
s = LastFM::Artist.get_top_albums(:artist => name, :limit => 1)
r = JSON.parse(s.to_json)['topalbums']['album']['name']
which gives me exactly what I want if the artist has a top album, what I need to do is somehow add a condition to query the keys in the nested hash. However, I cannot seem to grasp how to do this as when I add this line of code to check key values:
s.each_key { |key, value| puts "#{key} is #{value}" }
the output I get is this:
topalbums is
so topalbums key does not have a value associated with it.
This is what I have tried so far:
def get_albums
#albums =
#artistname.each do |name|
s = LastFM::Artist.get_top_albums(:artist => name, :limit => 1)
if s.has_key?('album') #I know this won't work but how can I query this?
r = JSON.parse(s.to_json)['topalbums']['album']['name']
#albums.push r
#albums.push(name << "does not have a top album")
How can I fix this so I get 'Mark Chestnut does not have a top album' instead of the NoMethodError? Cheers

Use Hash#fetch default values, I would do as below:
No "album" key present
hash = {"topalbums" =>{"#text"=>"\n ", "artist"=>"Mark Chestnutt"}}
default_album = {"name" => "does not have a top album"}
hash["topalbums"].fetch("album", default_album)["name"]
#=> "does not have a top album"
"album" key present
hash = {"topalbums" =>{"#text"=>"\n ", "artist"=>"Mark Chestnutt", "album" => {"name" => "Foo"}}}
hash["topalbums"].fetch("album", default_album)["name"]
#=> "Foo"
So if the hash does not have an "album" key fetch defaults to default_album else it uses the key it find as in the second case


Rails Search with query

I want to filter jobs on the parameter passed onto the model, currently search works flawlessly without query passed into the model, but when I type query it doesn't return anything. How can I perform this query with query and criteria.
results << model.with_query(query).where(criteria). any idea would be really appreciated.
module Refinery
class SearchEngine
# How many results should we show per page
# Perform search over the specified models
def, job_region, job_division, country, job_type, page = 1)
results = []
Refinery.searchable_models.each do |model|
criteria = {:job_region => job_region,
:job_division => job_division,
:country => country,
:job_type => job_type
}.select { |key, value| value.present? }
if query.present?
results << model.with_query(query).where(criteria)
results << model.limit(RESULTS_LIMIT).where(criteria)
results.flatten[0..(RESULTS_LIMIT - 1)]
The problem here is that the method .with_query(qry) returns an Array. You want to do chain-scoping, so you must use scopes that returns ActiveRecord::Relation objects.
# returns an Array
# calling .where on an Array object => NoMethodError
# returns an ActiveRecord::Relation
# calls the query on an AR::Relation object, which is doable
Short version: Change this:
results << model.with_query(query).where(criteria)
To this:
results << model.where(criteria).with_query(query)

Rails: How to initialize an object with the attributes in strings?

Probably been working on this too long, sloppy design, or both. My issue is I have a model I wish to initialize. The object has like 52 attributes, but I'm only setting a certain ~25 depending on which object I've just scanned. When I scan an object I get the columns and match them up with a hash_map I've created.
Example Hash Map
This just matches the scanned text to their respective attribute name.
hash_map = {"Pizza."=>"pizza_pie","PastaBowl"=>"pasta_bowl","tacos"=>"hard_shell_taco","IceCream"=>"ice_cream","PopTarts"=>"pop_tart"}
What I want to do
menu = => var1, pasta_bowl => var2, ...)
My only problem is in my code at the moment I have this...
t.rows.each do |r|
for i in 0..r.length-1
#hash_map[t.combined_columns[i]] => r.[i]
puts "#{hash_map["#{t.combined_columns[i]}"]} => #{r[i]}"
the puts line displays what I want, but unsure how to get that in my app properly.
Here is several ways to fix this:
hash_map = {"Pizza."=>"pizza_pie","PastaBowl"=>"pasta_bowl","tacos"=>"hard_shell_taco","IceCream"=>"ice_cream","PopTarts"=>"pop_tart"}
attributes.each do |attribute, element|
message.send((attribute + '=').to_sym, hash_map[element])
or like this:
class Example
attr_reader :Pizza, :PastaBowl #...
def initialize args
args.each do |k, v|
instance_variable_set("##{k}", v) unless v.nil?
for more details click here
I ended up doing the following method:
attributes = Hash[]
attributes["restaurant"] =
attributes["menu_item"] = tmp_basic_info.item_name
t.rows.each do |r|
for i in 0..r.length-1
attributes["other"] = t.other_information
attributes[hash_map[t.combined_columns[i]] = r[i]
row =

inserting into an array rails 3

I have a record and I want to inset it inside and array and later access it.
users = User.all
results = []
users.each do |user|
results << {:name =>, :email =>}
is results variable still an array ? If yes how can I get all the names alongwith email?
Your example would create an array results filled with hashes containing each users name and email.
You could access it in several ways, the easiest of which is a simple loop:
results.each do |result|
name = result[:name]
email = result[:email]
You can also access individual items directly like so:
first_result_name = results[0][:name]
but be careful of trying to access results that may not be there.
But I have to ask, why do you want to do this? There's no gain from assigning all the Users name and emails to an array, User.all is no different really in functionality.
Yes, it's still an array. You can have what you want later for example with:
results.each do |result|
result[:name] # access to name
result[:email] # access to email
You just need one line to do it
results = users.collect{|user| {:name =>, :email =>}}
In a kind of unrelated way, your initial code could be rewritten as:
results = User.all.inject([]) do |array, user|
array << {:name =>, :email =>}
Given that "results" now contains this collection of hashes, if you want to print every user name and email you would do:
results.each do |user|
puts "#{user[:name]} #{user[:email]}"

How to remove special characters from params hash?

I have one application with the following code:
quantity = 3
unit_types = ['MarineTrac','MotoTrac','MarineTrac']
airtime_plan = 'Monthly Airtime Plan'
url = "http://localhost:3000/home/create_units_from_paypal?quantity=#{quantity}&unit_types=#{unit_types}&airtime_plan=#{airtime_plan}"
resp = Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse(URI.encode(url.strip)))
resp = JSON.parse(resp)
puts "resp is: #{resp}"
rescue => error
puts "Error: #{error}"
return nil
It sends data to my other application via the URL params query string. This is what the controller method of that other application looks like:
def create_units_from_paypal
quantity = params[:quantity]
unit_types = params[:unit_types]
airtime_plan = params[:airtime_plan]
quantity.times do |index|
Unit.create! unit_type_id: UnitType.find_by_name(unit_types[index]),
airtime_plan_id: AirtimePlan.find_by_name(airtime_plan),
activation_state: ACTIVATION_STATES[:activated]
respond_to do |format|
format.json { render :json => {:status => "success"}}
I get this error:
in HomeController#create_units_from_paypal
<pre>undefined method `times' for "3":String</pre>
<p><code>Rails.root: /Users/johnmerlino/Documents/github/my_app</code></p>
I tried using both raw and html_safe on the params[:quantity] and other params, but still I get the error. Note I had to use URI.encode(url) because URI.parse(url) returned bad uri probably because of the array of unit_types.
quantity.times do |index|
quantity.to_i.times do |index|
The reason you are having this problem is because you are treating the params values as the types that you originally tried to send, but they are actually always going to be strings. Converting back to the expected 'type' solves your problem.
However, you have some more fundamental problems. Firstly, you are trying to send an array by simply formatting it to a string. However, this is not the format that the receiving application expects to translate back to an array. Secondly, there is duplication in your request - you don't need to specify a quantity. The length of the array itself is the quantity. A better method would be to build your url like this:
url = 'http://localhost:3000/home/create_units_from_paypal?'
url << URI.escape("airtime_plan=#{airtime_plan}") << "&"
url <<{|ut| URI.escape "unit_types[]=#{ut}" }.join('&')
On the receiving side, you can do this:
def create_units_from_paypal
unit_types = params[:unit_types]
airtime_plan = params[:airtime_plan]
quantity = unit_types.try(:length) || 0

Rspec testing a controller search method

I'm trying to test the behavior of a custom search method in my controller:
def search
# raise params.inspect
#search = params[:search]
searches = []
searches2 = []
for n in 1..5
searches << #search["date(#{n}i)"].to_i
searches2 << #search["date2(#{n}i)"].to_i
start_date = date_format(*searches)
end_date = date_format(*searches2)
conditions = []
conditions << "agent like '%#{#search["agent"]}%'" unless #search["agent"].blank?
conditions << "phone like '%#{#search["phone"]}%'" unless #search["phone"].blank?
conditions << "date between '#{start_date}' and '#{end_date}'"
#recordings = Recording.where(conditions.join(" AND ")).order('date ASC')
if #recordings.blank?
redirect_to("/", alert: "No results were found for this search. Please try again.")
render "recordings/search"
using the following layout:
describe RecordingsController do
describe "POST #search" do
context "with valid attributes" do
it "assigns a new search to #search" do
search = #recording_search
get :search, #recording_search
assigns(:search).should eq(search)
it "populates an array of recordings"
it "renders the :search view"
The furthest I've gotten is trying to build a hash that mimics what my params hash would be for the form
#params hash
params = {"search" => { "date_1i" => "2012", "date_2i" => "1", ... "date2_5i" => "00" } }
where date_#{n}i is the start date [year, month, day, hour, minute], and date2_#{n}i is the end date. I'm trying to follow the answer posted here, mimicking the params hash with just a regular hash. As you can see from my controller, I don't actually pass parameters to my #search method. Should I be? Or is there a way to mock a params hash in an rspec test and determine if my #search, #recordings, and redirect_to/render variables/actions are being performed? I'm already kind of testing the render/redirect in my request spec, but I'd like to fully test this method if I can.
You should be able to generate a controller spec that GETs the search action with a given set of parameters. This will cause those parameters to be available to the params hash. You can then verify how the search is constructed and which results are returned.
describe RecordingsController do
describe '#search' do
it 'should return results' do
get :search, "search" => { "date_1i" => "2012", "date_2i" => "1", ... "date2_5i" => "00" }
response.should be_ok == ['expected1', 'expected2']
This example executes a search with some search criteria as query parameters, verifies the response is successful (http 200 status), and then extracts the list of recordings returned and tries to map them to a list of friendly recording names (you can use any key on this model) to compare them to an expected list of results.
It'll be easier to write/test this code if you separate the concerns in this controller - you could write a helper that processes the query parameters and builds a search filter, which it then passes to the Recording model in the controller:
class RecordingController
def search
#search_filter = SearchFilter.for_params(params[:search])
#recordings = Recording.where(#search_filter).order('date ASC')
render "recordings/search"
class SearchFilter
# Return search params as a hash for given request params hash
def self.for_params(params)
This would let you write a unit test for the logic that generates search filters and only verify that the controller is doing the more simple operation of passing information between the search logic and the Recording model collection. I'd also recommend moving your logic about displaying empty results into the view on the results page and out of the controller.
