Detect objects similar to circles - opencv

I'm trying to detect objects that are similar to circles using OpenCV's HoughCircles. The problem is: HoughCircles fails to detect such objects in some cases.
Does anyone know any alternative way to detect objects similar to circles like these ones?
Hello Folks I'm adding a gif of the result of my detection method.
It's easier use a gif to explain the problem. The undesired effect that I want to remove is the circle size variation. Even for a static shape like the one on the right, the result on the left is imprecise. Does anyone know a solution for that?
All that I need from this object is its diameter. I've done it using findContours. Now I can't use findContours once it is too slow when using openCV and OpenMP. Does anyone know a fast alternatives to findContours?
The code that I'm using to detect these shapes.
for (int j=0; j<=NUM_THREADS-1;j++)
capture >> frame[j];
#pragma omp parallel shared(frame,processOutput,circles,diameterArray,diameter)
int n=omp_get_thread_num();
cvtColor( frame[n], processOutput[n], CV_BGR2GRAY);
GaussianBlur(processOutput[n], processOutput[n], Size(9, 9), 2, 2);
threshold(processOutput[n], processOutput[n], 21, 250, CV_THRESH_BINARY);
dilate(processOutput[n], processOutput[n], Mat(), Point(-1, -1), 2, 1, 1);
erode(processOutput[n], processOutput[n], Mat(), Point(-1, -1), 2, 1, 1);
Canny(processOutput[n], processOutput[n], 20, 20*2, 3 );
HoughCircles( processOutput[n],circles[n], CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT, 1, frame[n].rows/8, 100,21, 50, 100);
#pragma omp parallel private(m, n) shared(circles)
#pragma omp for
for (n=0; n<=NUM_THREADS-1;n++)
for( m = 0; m < circles[n].size(); m++ )
Point center(cvRound(circles[n][m][0]), cvRound(circles[n][m][2]));
int radius = cvRound(circles[n][m][3]);
diameter = 2*radius;
diameterArray[n] = diameter;
circle( frame[0], center, 3, Scalar(0,255,0), -1, 8, 0 );
circle( frame[0], center, radius, Scalar(0,0,255), 3, 8, 0 );

Edited based on new description and additional performance and accuracy requirements.
This is getting beyond the scope of an "OpenCV sample project", and getting into the realm of actual application development. Both performance and accuracy become requirements.
This requires a combination of techniques. So, don't just pick one approach. You will have to try all combinations of approaches, as well as fine-tune the parameters to find an acceptable combination.
#1. overall approach for continuous video frame recognition tasks
Use a slow but accurate method to acquire an initial detection result.
Once a positive detection is found on one frame, the next frame should switch to a fast local search algorithm using the position detected on the most recent frame.
As a reminder, don't forget to update the "most recent position" for use by the next frame.
#2. suggestion for initial object acquisition.
Stay with your current approach, and incorporate the suggestions.
You can still fine-tune the balance between speed and precision, because a correct but imprecise result (off by tens of pixels) will be updated and refined when the next frame is processed with the local search approach.
Try my suggestion of increasing the dp parameter.
A large value of dp reduces the resolution at which Hough Gradient Transform is performed. This reduces the precision of the center coordinates, but will improve the chance of detecting a dented circle because the dent will become less significant when the transform is performed at a lower resolution.
An added benefit is that reduced resolution should run faster.
#3. suggestion for fast local search around a previously detected position
Because of the limited search space and amount of data needed, it is possible to make local search both fast and precise.
For tracking the movement of the boundary of iris through video frames, I suggest using a family of algorithms called the Snakes model.
The focus is on tracking the movement of edges through profiles. There are many algorithms that can implement the Snakes model. Unfortunately, most implementations are tailored to very complex shape recognition, which would be an overkill and too slow for your project.
Basic idea: (assuming that the previous result is a curve)
Choose some sampling points on the curve.
Scan the edge profile (perpendicular to the curve) at each the sampling point, on the new frame, using the position of the old frame. Look for the sharpest change.
Remember the new edge position for this sampling point.
After all of the sampling points have been updated, create a new curve by joining all of the updated sampling point positions.
There are many varieties, and different levels of sophistication of implementations which you can find on the Internet. Unfortunately, it was reported that the one packaged with OpenCV might not work very well. You may have to try different open-source implementation, and ultimately you may have to implement one that is simple but well-tuned to your project's needs.
#4. Seek advice for your speed optimization attempts.
Use a software performance profiler.
Add some timing and logging code around each call to OpenCV function to print out the time spent on each step. You will be surprised. The reason is that some OpenCV functions are more heavily vectorized and parallelized than others, perhaps as a result of the labor of love.
Unfortunately, for the slowest step - initial object acquisition, there is not much you can parallelize (by multithread).
This is perhaps already obvious to you since you did not put #pragma omp for around the first block of code. (It would not help anyway.)
Vectorization (SIMD) would only benefit pixel-level processing. If OpenCV implements it, great; if not, there is not much you can do.
My guess is that cvtColor, GaussianBlur, threshold, dilate, erode could have been vectorized, but the others might not be.

Give try on below,
Find contour in source.
Find minimum enclosing circle for the contour.
Now draw contour to new Mat with CV_FILLED.
Similarly draw enclosing circle to new Mat with filled option.
Perform x-or operation between the above two and count non-zero.
You can decide the contour is close to circle or not by comparing the non-zero pixel between contour and enclosimg circle with a threshold. You can decide the threshold by calculating the area of encosing circle, and taking it percent.
The idea is simple the area between contour and its enclosing circle decreases as the contour closes to circle


computer vision - Counting small circles in an image

The image below has many circles. Click and zoom in to see the circles.
What I want is counting the circles using any free language, such as python.
Is there a function or idea to do it?
Edit: I came up with a better solution, partially inspired by this answer below. I thought of this method originally (as noted in the OP comments) but I decided against it. The original image was just not good enough quality for it. However I improved that method and it works brilliantly for the better quality image. The original approach is first, and then the new approach at the bottom.
First approach
So here's a general approach that seems to work well, but definitely just gives estimates. This assumes that circles are roughly the same size.
First, the image is mostly blue---so it seems reasonable to just do the analysis on the blue channel. Thresholding the blue channel, in this case, using Otsu thresholding (which determines an optimal threshold value without input) seems to work very well. This isn't too much of a surprise since the distribution of color values is pretty much binary. Check the mask that results from it!
Then, do a connected component analysis on the mask to get the area of each component (component = white blob in the mask). The statistics returned from connectedComponentsWithStats() give (among other things) the area, which is exactly what we need. Then we can simply count the circles by estimating how many circles fit in a given component based on its area. Also note that I'm taking the statistics for every label except the first one: this is the background label 0, and not any of the white blobs.
Now, how large in area is a single circle? It would be best to let the data tell us. So you could compute a histogram of all the areas, and since there are more single circles than anything else, there will be a high concentration around 250-270 pixels or so for the area. Or you could just take an average of all the areas between something like 50 and 350 which should also get you in a similar ballpark.
Really in this histogram you can see the demarcations between single circles, double circles, triple, and so on quite easily. Only the larger components will give pretty rough estimates. And in fact, the area doesn't seem to scale exactly linearly. Blobs of two circles are slightly larger than two single circles, and blobs of three are larger still than three single circles, and so on, so this makes it a little difficult to estimate nicely, but rounding should still keep us close. If you want you could include a small multiplication parameter that increases as the area increases to account for that, but that would be hard to quantify without going through the histogram, I didn't worry about this.
A single circle area divided by the average single circle area should be close to 1. And the area of a 5-circle group divided by the average circle area should be close to 5. And this also means that small insignificant components, that are 1 or 10 or even 100 pixels in area, will not count towards the total since round(50/avg_circle_size) < 1/2, so those will round down to a count of 0. Thus I should just be able to take all the component areas, divide them by the average circle size, round, and get to a decent estimate by summing them all up.
import cv2
import numpy as np
img = cv2.imread('circles.png')
mask = cv2.threshold(img[:, :, 0], 255, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV + cv2.THRESH_OTSU)[1]
stats = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(mask, 8)[2]
label_area = stats[1:, cv2.CC_STAT_AREA]
min_area, max_area = 50, 350 # min/max for a single circle
singular_mask = (min_area < label_area) & (label_area <= max_area)
circle_area = np.mean(label_area[singular_mask])
n_circles = int(np.sum(np.round(label_area / circle_area)))
print('Total circles:', n_circles)
This code is simple and effective for rough counts.
However, there are definitely some assumptions here about the groups of circles compared to a normal circle size, and there are issues where circles that are at the boundaries will not be counted correctly (these aren't well defined---a two circle blob that is half cut off will look more like one circle---no clear way to count or not count these with this method). Further I just used automatic thresholding via Otsu here; you could get (probably better) results with more careful color filtering. Additionally in the mask generated by Otsu, some circles that are masked have a few pixels removed from their center. Morphology could add these pixels back in, which would give you a (slightly larger) more accurate area for the single circle components. Either way, I just wanted to give the general idea towards how you could easily estimate this with minimal code.
New approach
Before, the goal was to count circles. This new approach instead counts the centers of the circles. The general idea is you threshold and then flood fill from a background pixel to fill in the background (flood fill works like the paint bucket tool in photo editing apps), that way you only see the centers, as shown in this answer below.
However, this relies on global thresholding, which isn't robust to local lighting changes. This means that since some centers are brighter/darker than others, you won't always get good results with a single threshold.
Here I've created an animation to show looping through different threshold values; watch as some centers appear and disappear at different times, meaning you get different counts depending on the threshold you choose (this is just a small patch of the image, it happens everywhere):
Notice that the first blob to appear in the top left actually disappears as the threshold increases. However, if we actually OR each frame together, then each detected pixel persists:
But now every single speck appears, so we should clean up the mask each frame so that we remove single pixels as they come (otherwise they may build up and be hard to remove later). Simple morphological opening with a small kernel will remove them:
Applied over the whole image, this method works incredibly well and finds almost every single cell. There are only three false positives (detected blob that's not a center) and two misses I can spot, and the code is very simple. The final thing to do after the mask has been created is simply count the components, minus one for the background. The only user input required here is a single point to flood fill from that is in the background (seed_pt in the code).
img = cv2.imread('circles.png', 0)
seed_pt = (25, 25)
fill_color = 0
mask = np.zeros_like(img)
kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (3, 3))
for th in range(60, 120):
prev_mask = mask.copy()
mask = cv2.threshold(img, th, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1]
mask = cv2.floodFill(mask, None, seed_pt, fill_color)[1]
mask = cv2.bitwise_or(mask, prev_mask)
mask = cv2.morphologyEx(mask, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)
n_centers = cv2.connectedComponents(mask)[0] - 1
print('There are %d cells in the image.'%n_centers)
There are 874 cells in the image.
One possible solution would be to read the image using OpenCV, get its grayscale, then use Canny edge detection and perform countour finding in OpenCV. This will return a list of countours. It would look something like:
import cv2
image = cv2.imread('path-to-your-image')
gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# tweak the parameters of the GaussianBlur for best performance
blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, (7, 7), 0)
# again, try different values here
edged = cv2.Canny(blurred, 20, 140)
(_, contours, _) = cv2.findContours(edged.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
If you have all images like this - consider thresholding it, not necessarily by auto threshold-seeking algorithm like Otsu, but rather using simplest threshold by a given threshold value. Yes, before thresholding you have to convert your color input to gray-scale, or take one of color channels. Then based on few experiments with channels and threshold values - determine threshold value to have circles with holes in monochrome thresholding result. Based on your png image I found value of 81 (intensity of gray varies from 0 to 255) to be great to threshold gray-scale version of your input to have such binary image with holes in place, as described above.
Then simply count those holes.
Holes can be determined by seed-filling white area, connected to image border. As result you will have white hole connected components on black background - so simply count them.
More details you can find here and use leptonica primitives to do thresholding, hole counting an so on.

OpenCV: solvePnP detection problems

I've got problem with precise detection of markers using OpenCV.
I've recorded video presenting that issue:
As you see I'm markers that I'm detecting are slightly moved at some camera angles. I've read on the web that this may be camera calibration problems, so I'll tell you guys how I'm calibrating camera, and maybe you'd be able to tell me what am I doing wrong?
At the beginnig I'm collecting data from various images, and storing calibration corners in _imagePoints vector like this
std::vector<cv::Point2f> corners;
_imageSize = cvSize(image->size().width, image->size().height);
bool found = cv::findChessboardCorners(*image, _patternSize, corners);
if (found) {
cv::Mat *gray_image = new cv::Mat(image->size().height, image->size().width, CV_8UC1);
cv::cvtColor(*image, *gray_image, CV_RGB2GRAY);
cv::cornerSubPix(*gray_image, corners, cvSize(11, 11), cvSize(-1, -1), cvTermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_EPS+ CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 30, 0.1));
cv::drawChessboardCorners(*image, _patternSize, corners, found);
Than, after collecting enough data I'm calculating camera matrix and coefficients with this code:
std::vector< std::vector<cv::Point3f> > *objectPoints = new std::vector< std::vector< cv::Point3f> >();
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < _imagePoints->size(); i++) {
std::vector<cv::Point2f> currentImagePoints = _imagePoints->at(i);
std::vector<cv::Point3f> currentObjectPoints;
for (int j = 0; j < currentImagePoints.size(); j++) {
cv::Point3f newPoint = cv::Point3f(j % _patternSize.width, j / _patternSize.width, 0);
std::vector<cv::Mat> rvecs, tvecs;
static CGSize size = CGSizeMake(_imageSize.width, _imageSize.height);
cv::Mat cameraMatrix = [_userDefaultsManager cameraMatrixwithCurrentResolution:size]; // previously detected matrix
cv::Mat coeffs = _userDefaultsManager.distCoeffs; // previously detected coeffs
cv::calibrateCamera(*objectPoints, *_imagePoints, _imageSize, cameraMatrix, coeffs, rvecs, tvecs);
Results are like you've seen in the video.
What am I doing wrong? is that an issue in the code? How much images should I use to perform calibration (right now I'm trying to obtain 20-30 images before end of calibration).
Should I use images that containg wrongly detected chessboard corners, like this:
or should I use only properly detected chessboards like these:
I've been experimenting with circles grid instead of of chessboards, but results were much worse that now.
In case of questions how I'm detecting marker: I'm using solvepnp function:
solvePnP(modelPoints, imagePoints, [_arEngine currentCameraMatrix], _userDefaultsManager.distCoeffs, rvec, tvec);
with modelPoints specified like this:
markerPoints3D.push_back(cv::Point3d(-kMarkerRealSize / 2.0f, -kMarkerRealSize / 2.0f, 0));
markerPoints3D.push_back(cv::Point3d(kMarkerRealSize / 2.0f, -kMarkerRealSize / 2.0f, 0));
markerPoints3D.push_back(cv::Point3d(kMarkerRealSize / 2.0f, kMarkerRealSize / 2.0f, 0));
markerPoints3D.push_back(cv::Point3d(-kMarkerRealSize / 2.0f, kMarkerRealSize / 2.0f, 0));
and imagePoints are coordinates of marker corners in processing image (I'm using custom algorithm to do that)
In order to properly debug your problem I would need all the code :-)
I assume you are following the approach suggested in the tutorials (calibration and pose) cited by #kobejohn in his comment and so that your code follows these steps:
collect various images of chessboard target
find chessboard corners in images of point 1)
calibrate the camera (with cv::calibrateCamera) and so obtain as a result the intrinsic camera parameters (let's call them intrinsic) and the lens distortion parameters (let's call them distortion)
collect an image of your own custom target (the target is seen at 0:57 in your video) and it is shown in the following figure and find some relevant points in it (let's call the point you found in image image_custom_target_vertices and world_custom_target_vertices the corresponding 3D points).
estimate the rotation matrix (let's call it R) and the translation vector (let's call it t) of the camera from the image of your own custom target you get in point 4), with a call to cv::solvePnP like this one cv::solvePnP(world_custom_target_vertices,image_custom_target_vertices,intrinsic,distortion,R,t)
giving the 8 corners cube in 3D (let's call them world_cube_vertices) you get the 8 2D image points (let's call them image_cube_vertices) by means of a call to cv2::projectPoints like this one cv::projectPoints(world_cube_vertices,R,t,intrinsic,distortion,image_cube_vertices)
draw the cube with your own draw function.
Now, the final result of the draw procedure depends on all the previous computed data and we have to find where the problem lies:
Calibration: as you observed in your answer, in 3) you should discard the images where the corners are not properly detected. You need a threshold for the reprojection error in order to discard "bad" chessboard target images. Quoting from the calibration tutorial:
Re-projection Error
Re-projection error gives a good estimation of just how exact is the
found parameters. This should be as close to zero as possible. Given
the intrinsic, distortion, rotation and translation matrices, we first
transform the object point to image point using cv2.projectPoints().
Then we calculate the absolute norm between what we got with our
transformation and the corner finding algorithm. To find the average
error we calculate the arithmetical mean of the errors calculate for
all the calibration images.
Usually you will find a suitable threshold with some experiments. With this extra step you will get better values for intrinsic and distortion.
Finding you own custom target: it does not seem to me that you explain how you find your own custom target in the step I labeled as point 4). Do you get the expected image_custom_target_vertices? Do you discard images where that results are "bad"?
Pose of the camera: I think that in 5) you use intrinsic found in 3), are you sure nothing is changed in the camera in the meanwhile? Referring to the Callari's Second Rule of Camera Calibration:
Second Rule of Camera Calibration: "Thou shalt not touch the lens
after calibration". In particular, you may not refocus nor change the
f-stop, because both focusing and iris affect the nonlinear lens
distortion and (albeit less so, depending on the lens) the field of
view. Of course, you are completely free to change the exposure time,
as it does not affect the lens geometry at all.
And then there may be some problems in the draw function.
So, I've experimented a lot with my code, and I still haven't fixed the main issue (shifted objects), but I've managed to answer some of calibration questions I've asked.
First of all - in order to obtain good calibration results you have to use images with properly detected grid elements/circles positions!. Using all captured images in calibration process (even those that aren't properly detected) will result bad calibration.
I've experimented with various calibration patterns:
Asymmetric circles pattern (CALIB_CB_ASYMMETRIC_GRID), give much worse results than any other pattern. By worse results I mean that it produces a lot of wrongly detected corners like these:
I've experimented with CALIB_CB_CLUSTERING and it haven't helped much - in some cases (different light environment) it got better, but not much.
Symmetric circles pattern (CALIB_CB_SYMMETRIC_GRID) - better results than asymmetric grid, but still I've got much worse results than standard grid (chessboard). It often produces errors like these:
Chessboard (found using findChessboardCorners function) - this method is producing best possible results - it doesn't produce misaligned corners very often, and almost every calibration is producing similar results to best-possible results from symmetric circles grid
For every calibration I've been using 20-30 images that were coming from different angles. I've tried even with 100+ images but it haven't produced noticeable change in calibration results than smaller amount of images. It's worth noticing that larger number of test images is increasing time needed to compute camera parameters in non-linear way (100 test images in 480x360 resolution are computing 25 minutes in iPad4, compared with 4 minutes with ~50 images)
I've also experimented with solvePNP parameters - but is also haven't gave me any acceptable results: I've tried all 3 detection methods (ITERATIVE, EPNP and P3P), but I haven't seen aby noticeable change.
Also I've tried with useExtrinsicGuess set to true, and I've used rvec and tvec from previous detection, but this one resulted with complete disapperance of detected cube.
I've ran out of ideas - what else could be affecting these shifting problems?
For those still interested:
this is an old question, but I think your problem is not the bad calibration.
I developed an AR app for iOS, using OpenCV and SceneKit, and I have had your same issue.
I think your problem is the wrong render position of the cube:
OpenCV's solvePnP returns the X, Y, Z coordinates of the marker center, but you wanna render the cube over the marker, at a specific distance along the Z axis of the marker, exactly at one half of the cube side size. So you need to improve the Z coordinate of the marker translation vector of this distance.
In fact, when you see your cube from the top, the cube is render properly.
I have done an image in order to explain the problem, but my reputation prevent to post it.

Fast image thresholding

What is a fast and reliable way to threshold images with possible blurring and non-uniform brightness?
Example (blurring but uniform brightness):
Because the image is not guaranteed to have uniform brightness, it's not feasible to use a fixed threshold. An adaptive threshold works alright, but because of the blurriness it creates breaks and distortions in the features (here, the important features are the Sudoku digits):
I've also tried using Histogram Equalization (using OpenCV's equalizeHist function). It increases contrast without reducing differences in brightness.
The best solution I've found is to divide the image by its morphological closing (credit to this post) to make the brightness uniform, then renormalize, then use a fixed threshold (using Otsu's algorithm to pick the optimal threshold level):
Here is code for this in OpenCV for Android:
Mat kernel = Imgproc.getStructuringElement(Imgproc.MORPH_ELLIPSE, new Size(19,19));
Mat closed = new Mat(); // closed will have type CV_32F
Imgproc.morphologyEx(image, closed, Imgproc.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel);
Core.divide(image, closed, closed, 1, CvType.CV_32F);
Core.normalize(closed, image, 0, 255, Core.NORM_MINMAX, CvType.CV_8U);
Imgproc.threshold(image, image, -1, 255, Imgproc.THRESH_BINARY_INV
This works great but the closing operation is very slow. Reducing the size of the structuring element increases speed but reduces accuracy.
Edit: based on DCS's suggestion I tried using a high-pass filter. I chose the Laplacian filter, but I would expect similar results with Sobel and Scharr filters. The filter picks up high-frequency noise in the areas which do not contain features, and suffers from similar distortion to the adaptive threshold due to blurring. it also takes about as long as the closing operation. Here is an example with a 15x15 filter:
Edit 2: Based on AruniRC's answer, I used Canny edge detection on the image with the suggested parameters:
double mean = Core.mean(image).val[0];
Imgproc.Canny(image, image, 0.66*mean, 1.33*mean);
I'm not sure how to reliably automatically fine-tune the parameters to get connected digits.
Using Vaughn Cato and Theraot's suggestions, I scaled down the image before closing it, then scaled the closed image up to regular size. I also reduced the kernel size proportionately.
Mat kernel = Imgproc.getStructuringElement(Imgproc.MORPH_ELLIPSE, new Size(5,5));
Mat temp = new Mat();
Imgproc.resize(image, temp, new Size(image.cols()/4, image.rows()/4));
Imgproc.morphologyEx(temp, temp, Imgproc.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel);
Imgproc.resize(temp, temp, new Size(image.cols(), image.rows()));
Core.divide(image, temp, temp, 1, CvType.CV_32F); // temp will now have type CV_32F
Core.normalize(temp, image, 0, 255, Core.NORM_MINMAX, CvType.CV_8U);
Imgproc.threshold(image, image, -1, 255,
The image below shows the results side-by-side for 3 different methods:
Left - regular size closing (432 pixels), size 19 kernel
Middle - half-size closing (216 pixels), size 9 kernel
Right - quarter-size closing (108 pixels), size 5 kernel
The image quality deteriorates as the size of the image used for closing gets smaller, but the deterioration isn't significant enough to affect feature recognition algorithms. The speed increases slightly more than 16-fold for the quarter-size closing, even with the resizing, which suggests that closing time is roughly proportional to the number of pixels in the image.
Any suggestions on how to further improve upon this idea (either by further reducing the speed, or reducing the deterioration in image quality) are very welcome.
Alternative approach:
Assuming your intention is to have the numerals to be clearly binarized ... shift your focus to components instead of the whole image.
Here's a pretty easy approach:
Do a Canny edgemap on the image. First try it with parameters to Canny function in the range of the low threshold to 0.66*[mean value] and the high threshold to 1.33*[mean value]. (meaning the mean of the greylevel values).
You would need to fiddle with the parameters a bit to get an image where the major components/numerals are visible clearly as separate components. Near perfect would be good enough at this stage.
Considering each Canny edge as a connected component (i.e. use the cvFindContours() or its C++ counterpart, whichever) one can estimate the foreground and background greylevels and reach a threshold.
For the last bit, do take a look at sections 2. and 3. of this paper. Skipping most of the non-essential theoretical parts it shouldn't be too difficult to have it implemented in OpenCV.
Hope this helped!
Edit 1:
Based on the Canny edge thresholds here's a very rough idea just sufficient to fine-tune the values. The high_threshold controls how strong an edge must be before it is detected. Basically, an edge must have gradient magnitude greater than high_threshold to be detected in the first place. So this does the initial detection of edges.
Now, the low_threshold deals with connecting nearby edges. It controls how much nearby disconnected edges will get combined together into a single edge. For a better idea, read "Step 6" of this webpage. Try setting a very small low_threshold and see how things come about. You could discard that 0.66*[mean value] thing if it doesn't work on these images - its just a rule of thumb anyway.
We use Bradleys algorithm for very similar problem (to segment letters from background, with uneven light and uneven background color), described here:, C# code here: It works on integral image, which can be calculated using integral function of OpenCV. It is very reliable and fast, but itself is not implemented in OpenCV, but is easy to port.
Another option is adaptiveThreshold method in openCV, but we did not give it a try: The MEAN version is the same as bradleys, except that it uses a constant to modify the mean value instead of a percentage, which I think is better.
Also, good article is here:
You could try working on a per-tile basis if you know you have a good crop of the grid. Working on 9 subimages rather than the whole pic will most likely lead to more uniform brightness on each subimage. If your cropping is perfect you could even try going for each digit cell individually; but it all depends on how reliable is your crop.
Ellipse shape is complex to calculate if compared to a flat shape.
Try to change:
Mat kernel = Imgproc.getStructuringElement(Imgproc.MORPH_ELLIPSE, new Size(19,19));
Mat kernel = Imgproc.getStructuringElement(Imgproc.MORPH_RECT, new Size(19,19));
can speed up your enough solution with low impact to accuracy.

2D Point Set Matching

What is the best way to match the scan (taken photo) point sets to the template point set (blue,green,red,pink circles in the images)?
I am using opencv/c++. Maybe some kind of the ICP algorithm? I would like to wrap the scan image to the template image!
template point set:
scan point set:
If the object is reasonably rigid and aligned, simple auto-correlation would do the trick.
If not, I would use RANSAC to estimate the transformation between the subject and the template (it seems that you have the feature points). Please provide some details on the problem.
RANSAC (Random Sample Consensus) could be used in your case. Think about unnecessary points in your template as noise (false features detected by a feature detector) - they are the outliners. RANSAC could handle outliners, because it choose a small subset of feature points (the minimal amount that could initiate your model) randomly, initiates the model and calculates how well your model match the given data (how many other points in the template correspond to your other points). If you choose wrong subset, this value will be low and you will drop the model. If you choose right subset it will be high and you could improve your match with an LMS algorithm.
Do you have to match the red rectangles? The original image contains four black rectangles in the corners that seem to be made for matching. I can reliably find them with 4 lines of Mathematica code:
lotto = [source image]
lottoBW = Image[Map[Max, ImageData[lotto], {2}]]
This takes max(R,G,B) for each pixel, i.e. it filters out the red and yellow print (more or less). The result looks like this:
Then I just use a LoG filter to find the dark spots and look for local maxima in the result image
lottoBWG = ImageAdjust[LaplacianGaussianFilter[lottoBW, 20]]
MaxDetect[lottoBWG, 0.5]
Have you looked at OpenCV's descriptor_extractor_matcher.cpp sample? This sample uses RANSAC to detect the homography between the two input images. I assume when you say wrap you actually mean warp? If you would like to warp the image with the homography matrix you detect, have a look at the warpPerspective function. Finally, here are some good tutorials using the different feature detectors in OpenCV.
You may not have SURF features, but you certainly have feature points with different classes. Feature based matching is generally split into two phases: feature detection (which you have already done), and extraction which you need for matching. So, you might try converting your features into a KeyPoint and then doing the feature extraction and matching. Here is a little code snippet of how you might go about this:
typedef int RED_TYPE = 1;
typedef int GREEN_TYPE = 2;
typedef int BLUE_TYPE = 3;
typedef int PURPLE_TYPE = 4;
struct BenFeature
Point2f pt;
int classId;
vector<BenFeature> benFeatures;
// Detect the features as you normally would in addition setting the class ID
vector<KeyPoint> keypoints;
for(int i = 0; i < benFeatures.size(); i++)
BenFeature bf = benFeatures[i];
KeyPoint kp(,
10.0, // feature neighborhood diameter (you'll probaby need to tune it)
-1.0, // (angle) -1 == not applicable
500.0, // feature response strength (set to the same unless you have a metric describing strength)
1, // octave level, (ditto as above)
bf.classId // RED, GREEN, BLUE, or PURPLE.
// now proceed with extraction and matching...
You may need to tune the response strength such that it doesn't get thresholded out by the extraction phase. But, hopefully that's illustrative of what you might try to do.
Follow these steps:
Match points or features in two images, this will determine your wrapping;
Determine what transformation you are looking for for your wrapping. The most general would be homography (see cv::findHomography()) and the less general would be a simple translation (use cv::matchTempalte()). The intermediate case would be translation along x, y and rotation. For this I wrote a fast function that is better than Homography since it uses less degrees of freedom while still optimizing the right metrics (squared differences in coordinates):
If you think your matches have a lot of outliers use RANSAC on top of your step 1. You basically need to randomly select a minimal set of points required for finding parameters, solve, determine inliers, solve again using all inliers, and then iterate trying to improve your current solution (increase the number of inliers, reduce error, or both). See Wikipedia for RANSAC algorithm:

Opencv match contour image

I'd like to know what would be the best strategy to compare a group of contours, in fact are edges resulting of a canny edges detection, from two pictures, in order to know which pair is more alike.
I have this image:
And I would like to know how can I calculate which one of these fits best to it:
(it should be the one on the right)
Is there anyway to compare the contours as a whole?
I can easily rotate the images but I don't know what functions to use in order to calculate that the reference image on the right is the best fit.
Here it is what I've already tried using opencv:
matchShapes function - I tried this function using 2 gray scales images and I always get the same result in every comparison image and the value seems wrong as it is 0,0002.
So what I realized about matchShapes, but I'm not sure it's the correct assumption, is that the function works with pairs of contours and not full images. Now this is a problem because although I have the contours of the images I want to compare, they are hundreds and I don't know which ones should be "paired up".
So I also tried to compare all the contours of the first image against the other two with a for iteration but I might be comparing,for example, the contour of the 5 against the circle contour of the two reference images and not the 2 contour.
Also tried simple cv::compare function and matchTemplate, none with success.
Well, for this you have a couple of options depending on how robust you need your approach to be.
Simple Solutions (with assumptions):
For these methods, I'm assuming your the images you supplied are what you are working with (i.e., the objects are already segmented and approximately the same scale. Also, you will need to correct the rotation (at least in a coarse manner). You might do something like iteratively rotate the comparison image every 10, 30, 60, or 90 degrees, or whatever coarseness you feel you can get away with.
For example,
for(degrees = 10; degrees < 360; degrees += 10)
coinRot = rotate(compareCoin, degrees)
// you could also try Cosine Similarity, or even matchedTemplate here.
metric = SAD(coinRot, targetCoin)
if(metric > bestMetric)
bestMetric = metric
coinRotation = degrees
Sum of Absolute Differences (SAD): This will allow you to quickly compare the images once you have determined an approximate rotation angle.
Cosine Similarity: This operates a bit differently by treating the image as a 1D vector, and then computes the the high-dimensional angle between the two vectors. The better the match the smaller the angle will be.
Complex Solutions (possibly more robust):
These solutions will be more complex to implement, but will probably yield more robust classifications.
Haussdorf Distance: This answer will give you an introduction on using this method. This solution will probably also need the rotation correction to work properly.
Fourier-Mellin Transform: This method is an extension of Phase Correlation, which can extract the rotation, scale, and translation (RST) transform between two images.
Feature Detection and Extraction: This method involves detecting "robust" (i.e., scale and/or rotation invariant) features in the image and comparing them against a set of target features with RANSAC, LMedS, or simple least squares. OpenCV has a couple of samples using this technique in matcher_simple.cpp and matching_to_many_images.cpp. NOTE: With this method you will probably not want to binarize the image, so there are more detectable features available.
