Setting Session on Specific Event Calls -

I have an MVC application and a custom class called AuthorisationFilter which has a .NET interface of IAuthorizationFilter, this has an OnAuthorization method which gets called when I click around my site, at that point I go about validating the security access of the user (which works), but I don't want to do this all the time as it is time consuming.
In this I'm trying to use the Session to store a temporary piece of login information (this is an internal application by the way), but I can't get it working as I'd expect. I can't just use an HttpContext so end up constantly creating a new instance of HttpContextBase, which I assume is then clearing out the Session. My code is as follows:
internal void SetSecurityLevel(int token)
HttpContextBase _cBase = new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current);
_cBase.Session["SecurityRights"] = token;
internal int GetSecurityLevel()
HttpContextBase _cBase = new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current);
if (_cBase.Session["SecurityRights"] == null)
return (int)_cBase.Session["SecurityRights"];
Please note this is only part of the code, SetSecurityLevel is set to the correct value by a separate method call which is not shown
Anyway what I'm really wanting to do is have the session set in this class and have it persisted. I tried a few different ways, including setting the context when the class is initialised, but I end up with a NullReference on the .Session object in GetSecurityLevel
private HttpContextBase _cBase = new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current);
public AuthorisationFilter()
_cBase = new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current);
Is there a way I can do this within the class?

You are right that you can't set in the constructor but you can in OnActionExecuting when the context is available
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
_session = = filterContext.HttpContext.Session;
I would wonder a little why you're setting this security level in the filter and not just doing it directly from where it's needed.


Unit Tests - method of user controller

I have a Controller named "UserController" with method named "Invite". My controller has the following override method:
DBRepository _repository;
protected override void Initialize(System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext)
_repository = new DBRepository();
so, this method is called each time when UserController class is created.
My method "Invite" has the following lines:
var startTime = _repository.Get<AllowedTime>(p => p.TimeID == selectTimeStart.Value);
but when I try to call this method via Unit method:
public void InviteTest()
UserController target = new UserController(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
int? selectTimeStart = 57;
int? selectTimeEnd = 61;
Nullable<int> selectAttachToMeeting = new Nullable<int>(); // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
int InvitedUserID = 9; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
UserInviteModel model = new UserInviteModel();
model.Comment = "BLA_BLA_BLA";
ActionResult expected = null; // TODO: Initialize to an appropriate value
ActionResult actual;
actual = target.Invite(selectTimeStart, selectTimeEnd, selectAttachToMeeting, InvitedUserID, model);
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Assert.Inconclusive("Verify the correctness of this test method.");
I got an error "Reference is not set...". I understand why it happens (_repository is null because Initialize method is not called in my case, but how to do it correctly?
If you expect DBRepository to actually perform the Get from your backing data store during your test, you could change your _repository field to be a Lazy<DBRepository>, that gets initialized upon first use. (I'm assuming it's being newed up in the Initialize method rather than the constructor because it relies on the current request context?)
If you want this to be a true unit test, it shouldn't test the DBRepository class at all: you should be programming to an interface that you can mock up. Additionally, you need to make it so that your DBRepository comes from someplace where it can be provided by the test case. You could have it built by a factory or provided as a singleton, and the test case could set up the factory or singleton to provide a mocked object ahead of time. However, the best approach would be to use Dependency Injection, so you can provide a fake/mock IDBRepository when you construct the new UserController().

Persist data between different controllers from a base page

I am not sure I am asking the right question here.
I have a shared page (master page) that calls a couple of partial pages for side menu, header, footer etc.. and all my controllers inherit a BaseController.
Now, depending on the user login status, I need to show different data in all those partial pages and I thought where is the best place to check whether a user is logged in or not - BaseController.
And therein lies my problem. I need to contact one of my web services to see if a user is logged in and get some relevant data if he is. I only need to do this once, and since all controllers inherit from BaseController, each of those partial page calls results in the web service call.
Obviously, I cannot just stick a private bool variable isUserAuthenticated and check for flag, as, each controller will have a new instance of the base controller.
In traditional projects, I would put this stuff in HttpContext.Current.Items[] and use re-use it but I cannot (somehow) access that in MVC.
I cannot just not inherit from basepage on partial pages as they can also be called independently and I need to know the user login status then too.
What is the best way to call a function just once, or, rather, store a bool value for the duration of one call only? - accessible between controlers..
How do people do this?
thanks, sorry, I'm a newbie to mvc!
You can still use HttpContext.Items, but you'll need to access it via a HttpContextBase instance.
For backwards compatibility you can wrap an HttpContext in an HttpContextWrapper, like so
var context = new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current);
#iamserious's answer above suggests using a static property - which I strongly disagree with. Setting a static variable is application wide and would mean each and every user would be using the same variable - so all would have the same login data. You want to store it either per user in Session or per Request via HttpContext.Items.
I'd suggest doing something using like this approach, then no matter where you call ContextStash.GetInstance, you'll receive the same instance for the lifetime of the same request. You could also follow the same pattern and use HttpContext.Session instead of HttpContext.Items:
// could use this.HttpContext inside a controller,
// or this.Context inside a view,
// or simply HttpContext.Current
var stash = ContextStash.GetInstance(this.HttpContext);
// do something to populate stash.IsSomething
// class
public class ContextStash
const string cacheKey = "ContextStash";
public ContextStash(HttpContextBase context)
// do something with context
// your shared properties
public bool IsSomething { get; set; }
public string Foo { get; set; }
public int Bar { get; set; }
// instance methods
public static ContextStash GetInstance()
return GetInstance(new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current));
public static ContextStash GetInstance(HttpContext context)
return GetInstance(new HttpContextWrapper( context ));
public static ContextStash GetInstance(HttpContextBase context)
ContextStash instance = context.Items[cacheKey] as ContextStash;
if(null == instance)
context.Items[cacheKey] = instance = new ContextStash(context);
return instance;
well, if you just want to one variable across several instances of BaseController, use the static keyword, like so:
public class BaseController : Controller
private static bool isUserAuthenticated;
Now, no matter how many instances of BaseController you have, they all will share a single isUserAuthenticated variable, you change value in one, you change it in all.
This is the very basic of most object oriented programming and you should really take some time out to go through the concepts of OOP, if you don't mind me saying.

MVC3 - How to correctly inject dependencies with MVC3 and Ninject?

I am attempting to redesign an existing application using dependency injection with Ninject in MVC3. Here is a portion of the legacy behavior I'm having difficulty with (and yes I know its bad, that's why I'm trying to refactor it):
protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
MyUserSession userSession = filterContext.HttpContext.Session[SESSIONKEY_USER] as MyUserSession;
// if session empty, rebuild user information
if (userSession == null)
string userName = HttpContext.User.Identity.Name;
userSession = new MyUserSession();
using (ADSearcher ad = new ADSearcher(ldapPath, excludeOUString.Split(',')))
// get basic user information from Active Directory
ADUserInfo aduser = MyActiveDirectorySearcher.GetUserRecord(userName);
// ... set several properties queries from AD...
userSession.propertyXYZ = aduser.propXYZ
// if user can proxy as another indivudual, set property
using (EDMContainer db = new EDMContainer())
if (db.Proxies.Any(p => p.ProxyLogin == userSession.userLogin))
userSession.CanProxy == true;
// save new user object to session
filterContext.HttpContext.Session[SESSIONKEY_USER] = userSession;
filterContext.Result = RedirectToAction("Proxy", "Home");
So currently, the controller users several objects directly: Session, ActiveDirectorySearch, EF Database. I understand it would be better to create a class that exposes a single method "GetUser" masking all the complexity but I'm struggling with how to inject the dependencies.
If I create a class SomeUserProvider, it will also need access to the Session to check for existing user information, and then ActiveDirectorySearcher and Database to rebuild the user properties if session was empty.
My confusion is over the fact that the controller itself will need access to ActiveDirectorySearcher in other action methods and then other classes will also use the same database. Do I inject an IActiveDirSearchrer into the controller's constructor and then pass it down into the ISomeUserProvider? What about IMyDatabase? Is it also injected in controller constructor and passed down?
And last but not lease, ISessionWrapper? I know session is controversial, but I need to track who the current user is and who they are proxied as during each request (GETs and POSTs). So, does that get injected as well?
If the answer is yes to each of those, is it bad to have 3+ injected contstuctor parameters?
I realize my question may be vague, so please ask for clarification where needed. I am open to any and all suggestions and recommendations. My goal is to learn how to do it correctly.
I'm not certain if this is exactly what you're looking for, but this should get you started down the path of refactoring your app for DI
public class YourController : Controller
private readonly ISessionWrapper _sessionWrapper;
private readonly IActiveDirSearcher _adSearcher;
private readonly IMyDatabase _database;
public YourController(ISessionWrapper sessionWrapper,
IActiveDirSearcher adSearcher, IMyDatabase database)
this._sessionWrapper = sessionWrapper;
this._adSearcher = adSearcher;
this._database = database;
// now all actions in this controller have a _sessionWrapper,
// _adSearcher and _database
Then you have to bind your injections the Ninject way. Subclass your application from NinjectHttpApplication and override OnApplicationStarted and CreateKernel
public class MvcApplication : NinjectHttpApplication
// ...
protected override void OnApplicationStarted()
protected override IKernel CreateKernel()
var kernel = new StandardKernel();
return kernel;
The implementations of these appear to be described in your question. However, you mentioned other actions (and other classes) depend on these implementations. Good news--the bindings in CreateKernel will take care of any missing dependencies elsewhere in your app. e.g.
public class MyActiveDirImplementation : IActiveDirSearcher
private readonly IMyDatabase _database;
// injected automagically WOOHOO!
public MyActiveDirImplementation(IMyDatabase database)
this._database = database;
public ADUserInfo GetUserRecord(string username)
return _database.GetSomeUserRecord(username);
You could, of course, similarly implement your ISessionWrapper or IMyDatabase

Best approach to don't request same info over and over

On my controller I have it inherit a MainController and there I override the Initialize and the OnActionExecuting.
Here I see what is the URL and by that I can check what Client is it, but I learned that for every Method called, this is fired up again and again, even a simple redirectToAction will fire the Initialization of the same controller.
Is there a better technique to avoid this repetition of database call? I'm using Entity Framework, so it will take no time to call the DB as it has the result in cache already, but ... just to know if there is a better technique now in MVC3 rather that host the variables in a Session Variable
sample code
public class MyController : MainController
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
public class MainController : Controller
public OS_Clients currentClient { get; set; }
protected override void Initialize(System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext)
// get URL Info
string url = requestContext.HttpContext.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
string action = requestContext.RouteData.GetRequiredString("action");
string controller = requestContext.RouteData.GetRequiredString("controller");
object _clientUrl = requestContext.RouteData.Values["cliurl"];
if (_clientUrl != null && _clientUrl.ToString() != "none")
// Fill up variables
this.currrentClient = db.FindClientById(_clientUrl.ToString());
protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
// based on client and other variables, redirect to Disable or Login Actions
// ... more code here like:
// filterContext.Result = RedirectToAction("Login", "My");
is it still best to do as:
public OS_Clients currentClient {
get {
OS_Clients _currentClient = null;
if (Session["CurrentClient"] != null)
_currentClient = (OS_Clients)Session["CurrentClient"];
return _currentClient;
set {
Session["CurrentClient"] = value;
It seems that you dealing with application security in that case I would suggest to create Authorization filter, which comes much early into the action. You can put your permission checking code over there and the framework will automatically redirect the user to login page if the permission does not meet AuthorizeCore.
Next, if the user has permission you can use the HttpContext.Items as a request level cache. And then you can create another ActionFilter and in action executing or you can use the base controller to get the user from the Httpcontext.items and assign it to controller property.
If you are using mvc 3 then you can use the GlobalFilters to register the above mentioned filters instead of decorating each controller.
Hope that helps.
In your base controller, you need to cache the result of the first call in a Session variable.
This makes sure the back-end (DB) is not called unnecessarily, and that the data is bound to the user's Session instead of shared across users, as would be the case with the Application Cache. mvc can't access cookie data in base controller

For every page requested, I need to check a cookie or create it if it's not there.
If the cookie is there, I need to load up some info from the DB based on the contents of that cookie.
To do this I have created a base controller called AppController that my other controllers inherit from.
then I have something like this (so that the CurrentSessionValues object is available to all my controllers):
public MySession CurrentSessionValues;
public ApplicationController()
if (Request.Cookies["MySiteCookie"] == null)
// create new Record in DB
CurrentSessionValues = CreateMySession();
HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("MySiteCookie");
cookie.Value = CurrentSessionValues.SessionID.ToString;
// use the value in MySiteCookie to get values from the DB
// e.g. logged in user id, cart id, etc
When I run this, I get this error in default.aspx:
An error occurred while creating a
controller of type
If the controller doesn't have a
controller factory, ensure that it has
a parameterless public constructor.
It breaks on Request.Cookies["MySiteCookie"]
Should I be doing this logic in some other way or another place?
Trick is that you don't have context in the constructor necessarily. Rather, you should override the Initialize method:
protected override void Initialize(System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext)
// DO NOT forget to call the base
//check request context for cookie and do your thang.
PS: for posterity, I should note why there is an error. The key part of the exception info is that an error took place while creating the controller, the parameterless constructor bit is a red herring in this case. The error which took place was a null reference exception to HttpContext.
Check that HomeController has a parameterless public constructor, and check that the parent constructor ApplicationController() is being called.
