I want to make A JQuery 1.4.0 Site look like JQuery 1.32 - jquery-mobile

I have a mobile app for which I need a fix in JQuery Mobile 1.4.0 (specifically the checkbox issue).
However, when I upgrade, it completely changes the style (stylesheets, colors, etc).
Is there a way that I can get the same look using JQuery Mobile 1.4.0?


Why does Google lighthouse see jquery ui vulnerability on my website even though i am no longer using jquery ui

I used to use jquery ui on my website www.iusefaith.com but have stopped yet Google lighthouse still sees Jquery Ui on my website. Here is a link to the lighthouse report. Lighthouse says I have jquery ui meanwhile i have removed it.
Why does Google lighthouse see jquery ui vulnerability on my website even though i am no longer using jquery ui ?
Line 69 of: https://res.cloudinary.com/iusefaith/raw/upload/v1606174446/iusefaith_general_jquery_scripts_light_compressed.js
A few hundred characters along (after what looks like Modernizr) I see:
(function(e,t){function i(t,i){var a,n,r,o=t.nodeName.toLowerCase();return"area"===o?(a=t.parentNode,n=a.name,t.href&&n&&"map"
compare it to jQuery-ui 1.10.3
(function(t,e){function i(e,i){var n,o,a,r=e.nodeName.toLowerCase();return"area"===r?(n=e.parentNode,o=n.name,e.href&&o&&"map"
It looks like jQuery-ui from the first few characters there. You need to clear any cache plugins you have and ensure whatever builds the file I linked above doesn't include jQuery-ui anymore.

Twitter Bootstrap for mobile

If I want to develop an web application on mobile, so should I use Twitter Bootstrap or Jquery Mobile? Twitter Bootstrap good for mobile or not?
As of version 2.0, Bootstrap is fully mobile compatible. There actually has been another question about it.
One thing you may want to keep in mind, is the purpose they're build for. jQuery mobile was created and is maintained with mobile compatibility in mind whereas Bootstrap offers it as an addition (meaning that it won't be it's main priority). If there is nothing in bootstrap that you are particularly interested in, I would go for jQuery mobile.
Depends what you want to do..
Twitter bootstrap is a CSS framework with some javascripts on it. While jquery Mobile is javascript to create native mobile feel..
So basically they are quite different..
Bootstrap 3 is built group up for mobile first, you may want to take a look at the 3.0 branch on GitHub. I didn't use jquery mobile in my app Django Market b/c I would have to change the backend and didn't want to invest. Bootstrap 3.0 IMHO will provide a lot of "competition" for other frameworks due to its power and simplicity
From my experience, i've using jQuery Mobile for a simple informative application. I spent some days on the base code, then i tested it on tablets, handsets using PhoneGap and the results wasn't good. There are still some troubles on transitions for Android and iOS devices.

customizing jquery mobile theme

I began to build jquery mobile based app and started to customize its theme with http://jquerymobile.com/themeroller/
but there is just not enough options for me to customize it, so I am asking is there some tool to customize it further?
however http://jqueryui.com/themeroller/# has more options but am not sure can I use it, beacuse its jquery and not jquery mobile

Does PhoneGap require JQM or is that a coincidence?

The PhoneGap examples that I'm seeing use jQuery Mobile, but I'm wondering if PhoneGap requires it, or if people are using JQM because they're (obviously) writing a mobile app?
In fact, does PhoneGap require jQuery at all?
Let me Google that for you:
That is for iOS but no PhoneGap does not require jQuery.
People are most likely using jQuery mobile since they are trying to target multiple devices and JQM supports that fairly well out of the box.
Phonegap does not require jQuery at all.
It's basically just an empty browser window without all the fluff. You can use whatever HTML, CSS, and Javascript tricks you want as long as they're compatible with an HTML5 capable browser.
I like http://zeptojs.com/ for handling the javascript. Much more lightweight (although you lose a lot of the animations and stuff that JQuery has)

jquery mobile - loading spin wheel keep appearing

I am using jquerymobile latest stable version with jquery 1.5
on my application i am using Spring webflow,
On first page of flow i have two links to other pages. See below scenario
Click on link 1
Page B opens with slide transition
click browser back button
First page comes back but with spin wheel which never disappear
How to get rid from this spin wheel?
This is happening in android and iphone
Depending on the version of jQuery Mobile you are using, you may have to upgrade your jQuery Core.
As of the Beta 2, this was stated:
Note that jQuery Mobile 1.0 will require jQuery core 1.6.2 as a
From: http://jquerymobile.com/blog/2011/08/03/jquery-mobile-beta-2-released/
According to the Release page for 1.0.1, they use 1.6.4. I believe this is the minimum and 1.0.1 is the latest full release of jQM as of this writing.
