Flyout navigation controller menu indicator - ios

I am using the Flyout navigation component in my Xamarin IOS application and I am able to connect multiple view controllers to it and also swipe out left and able to see the menu items. But I am not getting a menu indicator at the top as like in the drawer menu applications(like facebook and many android apps). Here is the code I used
FlyoutNavigationController navController = new FlyoutNavigationController {//this will create a new instance of the FlyoutComponent
NavigationRoot = new RootElement("Menu"){ //Here we create the root of the alements
new Section("Seccion 1"){
new StringElement("Picks"),
new StringElement("Watchlist"),
new Section("Seccion 2"){
new StringElement("Portfolio"),
ViewControllers = new [] {//here we link Controllers
this.Storyboard.InstantiateViewController("Picks") as UIViewController,//here we create the instances for the Controllers
this.Storyboard.InstantiateViewController("Watchlist") as UIViewController,
this.Storyboard.InstantiateViewController("Portfolio") as UIViewController,
View.AddSubview (navController.View);

Finally I figured out that I have to set the left bar button item with an image looking like a drawer menu like this
UIBarButtonItem menuIndicator = new UIBarButtonItem (UIImage.FromBundle ("images/slideout.png"), UIBarButtonItemStyle.Plain, (sender, e) => {
AppDelegate.FlyoutNavigation.ToggleMenu ();
NavigationItem.SetLeftBarButtonItem (menuIndicator, false);


Xamarin iOS Back To Master Button Is not shown on detail view

In short I have a SplitViewController as RootController.
And in constructor I've added master and detail controllers.
Detail Controller is wrapped into Navigation Controller.
_masterViewController = new MenuViewController();
_inventories = new InventoriesViewController();
_detailNavigationController = new UINavigationController(_inventories);
ViewControllers = new UIViewController[] {
What are the ways I can show the Menu (show master) back button on details Navigation Bar?
We don't use storyboards
add the following code in the method ViewDidLoad()
UIButton backButton = new UIButton();
backButton.Frame = new CGRect(0,0,20,20);
backButton.SetTitle("Back", UIControlState.Normal);
backButton.SetTitleColor(UIColor.Gray, UIControlState.Normal);
backButton.SetImage(new UIImage("back"), UIControlState.Normal);
//backButton.SetImage(new UIImage("001.jpg"), UIControlState.Normal);
backButton.TouchUpInside += (sender, e) =>
UIBarButtonItem backItem = new UIBarButtonItem(backButton);
NavigationItem.LeftBarButtonItem = backItem;
After some time I found the property on the UISplitViewController
So after creation of master and detail controller (detail controller is wrapped into UINavigationController) I added the DisplayModeButtonItem into NavigationBar LeftItem of detailed controller. It gave me the desired look and behaviour
_masterViewController = new MenuViewController();
_inventories = new InventoriesViewController();
_inventoriesNavigation = new UINavigationController(_inventories);
_inventories.NavigationItem.LeftBarButtonItem = DisplayModeButtonItem;
ViewControllers = new UIViewController[] {

How to go back to the previous controller in one click after observing several controllers of the same type on iOS?

We are using MvvmCross 4.4.0 on the our iOS project and I faced the following problem:
I need to implement "Item" page with reference to the other
"Item" page;
I need an instant back navigation from any "Item" page to the previous controller ("Catalogue" controller).
Catalogue --ConcreteItem--> Item1 --MoreItems--> Item2 --MoreItems-->
Item3 --BackNavButton--> Catalogue.
I am doing the following thing in the Custom ViewPresenter:
var topViewController = ParentRootViewController.TopViewController;
ParentRootViewController.PushViewController(currentViewController, needAnimation);
if (topViewController.GetType() == currentView.GetType()
&& /*Logic to determine if its correct view types*/)
And actually it works until I didn't return to the "Catalogue" page.
The problem is that I need to click back button so many times I had clicked "More" button on "Item" page. Also if we use custom back button with such code in both "Catalogue" and "Item" pages:
if (NavigationController?.NavigationBar?.BackItem != null)
var backbutton = new UIBarButtonItem(" ",
(sender, e) => { NavigationController?.PopViewController(true); })
Image = UIImage.FromBundle("BackButtonImage")
NavigationItem.LeftBarButtonItem = backbutton;
then app crashes when clicking "Back" NavButton on "Catalogue" page with in lambda
(sender, e) => { NavigationController?.PopViewController(true);
The disposed object ItemPageViewController.
The question is : How to correctly implement "SingleTop" page in MvvmCross?
How to fix this problem?
P.S.: If from MvxPresenter remove line
then in custom lambda would throw NullReferenceException.
P.P.S.: I believe it the problem that I don't remove controller from navigation stack. I have tried to remove controllers in Custom View Presenter, but, firstly, it is null there sometimes, and even with null check nothing helped.
UINavigationController has a function PopToViewController(UIViewController viewController, bool animated);
Instead of removing every ViewController when the views are of the same type, you could pop to the ViewController Catalogue when the backbutton is pressed.
UINavigationController has a property ViewControllers that we can use to find CatalogueViewController.
Since you're using MvvmCross we'll check for the ViewModel type.
var catalogueController = NavigationController.ViewControllers.First(c =>
((IMvxIosView)c).ViewModel.GetType() == typeof(CatalogueViewModel));
Now you can use the function PopToViewController to close all the views untill CatalogueController
CurrentNavigationController.PopToViewController(catalogueController, true);

Xamarin iOS NavigationController in each tab of TabBarController

Is it possible such that I can have a navigation controller in each of my tabs of a TabBarController while using Xamarin iOS? I've currently setup my storyboard like so (for simplicity, I'm using a single tab)
TabBarController -> NavigationController -> UITableViewController
In my UITableViewController, the following code in my ViewDidLoad method does not change the title nor add the desired button to the top navigation. Have I set up something wrong?
public override void ViewDidLoad()
Console.WriteLine("view did load");
Title = "My custom title";
new UIBarButtonItem(UIBarButtonSystemItem.Add, (sender, args) =>
PerformSegue("CreateRecordSegue", this);
, true);
Image of storyboard is here:
The solution is to:
1) Remove the navigation controller that leads into the tab bar controller
2) Create a segue from the home page into the tab bar controller, making the segue type to replace (instead of push)

Xamarin Forms to native & back query

Following is the navigation stack I have in my app
page 1 (forms)-> Page 2(Native IOS with Page renderer) -> Another IOS native view via UINavigationController (to select an image from photo galary & process it)-> Page 3 (forms)
Here is what I am trying to do:
Page 1 in forms: Click on a button
Page 2 in IOS using page renderer
protected override void OnElementChanged(VisualElementChangedEventArgs e)
var page = e.NewElement as DummyPage;
AppDelegate.DummyPageRef = page;
var view = NativeView;
// create a new window instance based on the screen size
window = new UIWindow(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);
viewController = new ImageViewController();
navigationController = new UINavigationController();
navigationController.PushViewController(viewController, false);
// If you have defined a view, add it here:
window.RootViewController = navigationController;
// make the window visible
//var label = new UILabel(new CGRect(0, 40, 320, 40));
//label.Text = "2 " + page.Heading;
ImageViewController page in IOS opens a galary for user to select an image, processes the selected image & when done processing calls page 3 on Forms with following
var secondViewController = App.GoToPostScanPage().CreateViewController();
NavigationController.PushViewController(secondViewController, true);
This works fine. But when I see the page 3 on forms the backstack is still pointing to my dynamic page that I created to select & process the image. How can I get rid of this IOS navigation stack & jump back to my Forms Navigation stack? Is this possible?

Monotouch - Can't dismiss current view on button click

I have a view where I'm letting a user edit a EntryElement. I register the click event fine through the delegate of the "Done" button however, I can't get it to dismiss the current view to go to the previous view though. Here's what I'm trying right now:
AppDelegate.navigation.PresentedViewController.DismissViewController(true, null);
I've also tried:
navigation is just a UINavigationController
I am using Monotouch.Dialog to build out all of the views. This view is created via a method. I want it to go back to the previous view once they click the done button. Here's the contents of the method:
public static void EditClientTypeView (string typeName, string typeId)
DialogViewController editClientTypeVC;
UIBarButtonItem doneButton = new UIBarButtonItem (UIBarButtonSystemItem.Done);
EntryElement element = new EntryElement("Type Name", "Name of client type", typeName, false);
var root = new RootElement ("Edit Type") {
new Section () {
editClientTypeVC = new DialogViewController (root, true);
editClientTypeVC.NavigationItem.RightBarButtonItem = doneButton;
doneButton.Clicked += (sender, e) => {
// Need to save the edited client type to the database
Console.WriteLine("Done button clicked signifying the user is finished editing");
//AppDelegate.navigation.DismissViewController(true, null);
AppDelegate.navigation.PushViewController(editClientTypeVC, true);
Any help is appreciated!
Since you are PUSHING a view controller onto the Navigation Stack, you dismiss it by POPPING it off the stack. UINavigationController has three POP methods
PopToRootViewController - goes all the way back to the root view of your navigation controller
PopToViewController - pops back to a specific view controller
PopViewController - pops back to the "previous" view controller
