change the color of images using renderTarget - xna

I try to draw an image on the screen with render target.
I used this code:
_renderTarget = new RenderTarget2D(
DepthFormat.None, 0, RenderTargetUsage.PreserveContents);
_spriteBatch.Draw(texture, drawPoint, null, Color.Red, 0.0f
, new Vector2(texture.Width / 2, texture.Height / 2), 0.5f, SpriteEffects.None, 0 .0f);
But, the result image is always black!
Could you help me to change the color of this image.

From the code shown, _spriteBatch.Draw is only rendering content to _renderTarget.
Next you need to render the resulting RenderTarget2D to your screen so you can see it.
You already have _graphicsDevice.SetRenderTarget(null) in place. You then just need to make a separate SpriteBatch.Draw call passing in your _renderTarget.
You can do this because RenderTarget2D extends Texture2D.


How to draw a spritebatch without Color?

I'm drawing a Texture2D like this
//background_texture is white in color
new Rectangle(10, 10, 100, 100),
The texture is white; however, on screen it's displayed as red.
Why is the draw method requiring a Color?
How does one simply draw the texture, and only the texture without having Color.something distort the graphic?
take a look at the documentation here:
you want to try Color.White, that additional parameter of a color typically refers to a tint, while a white "tint" should display the sprite without a tint
Color.White does not change the color of your image. Use
new Rectangle(10, 10, 100, 100),
Instead of Color.Red, which applies a tint.
Note: Be careful. Intellisense will want to make this Color.Wheat, so be sure to type the first 3 letters before you hit space.
Color.White is uneccesary because in default sprite shader it looks like this:
return Texture * Color;
Where color is Color that is given from Vertex shader defined by that Color in spritebatch.Draw... if it would be null, black, it would create invisible sprites. Whole point is that by this you set vertex color of each vertex that is used as multiplicative to texture you set for sprite.

Change texture transparency at runtime on MonoGame

I am very new with MonoGame library.
I load a texture from .xnb file
_background = content.Load<Texture2D>(_backgroundKey);
and then i want to change it transparancy(alpha) at the runtime.
Oh i found how to do it myself
spriteBatch.Draw(texture, position, sourceRect, Color.White * 0.5f, .......);
This line of code will draw the texture at half transparency.
You can change the opacity of a texture by using a (semi-)transparent color in the draw call:
spriteBatch.Draw(texture, position, new Color(Color.Pink, 0.5f);
The values range from 0 (completely transparent) to 1 (completely opaque). Color has a lot of different constructors, so you can also pass a byte (0-255) instead of a float, which will result in the same thing.

Using drawImage to draw a filled rectangle

if I want to draw a filled rectangle, I could do
g.fillRect(0, 0, 100, 100)
But if I want to draw the same filled rectangle with drawImage, what do I do? I tried the below:
g.drawImage(null, 0,0,100, 100, Color.BLACK, null);
And it does not work. I am not going to use an image, but must the Image still be non-null? What would be the correct way to do this?

Issue with transparency while drawing with RenderToSurface

I am facing issue while drawing semitransparent object with RenderToSurface(While it working file when i am drawing object direct on device). Issue is when i m drawing a object with Alpha value 50% on RenderToSurface, and when i am drawing surface to device then transparency of object is not valid. My code is as follow.
[code] RenderingSurface.BeginScene(RenderTexture.GetSurfaceLevel(0), view);
_device.Clear(ClearFlags.Target| ClearFlags.ZBuffer, Color.FromArgb(0, Color.Black), 1.0f, 0);
using (Sprite s = new Sprite(_device))
s.Draw(ObjecTexture, new Microsoft.DirectX.Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Microsoft.DirectX.Vector3(0, 1, 0), Color.White.ToArgb());
RenderSurface have same shape with 50% tranparency.
Code to Draw Surface.
_device.Clear(ClearFlags.Target | ClearFlags.ZBuffer | ClearFlags.Stencil, BackgroundColor, 1, 0);
using (Sprite s = new Sprite(_device))
s.Draw(RenderTexture, new Microsoft.DirectX.Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Microsoft.DirectX.Vector3(0, 1, 0), Color.White.ToArgb());
Make sure your RenderSurface render target is created with a PixelFormat that has an alpha channel (A8R8G8B8 rather than X8R8G8B8).
Also, when rendering in the render target, make sure the resulting alpha is being written to the surface using the right blend mode render states for the alpha channel. Please note that blend modes for alpha (AlphaDestinationBlend, AlphaSourceBlend, ...) and colors (DestinationBlend, SourceBlend, ...) are different; make sure you set both.

xna draw text to screen when camera following object

Currently I have the camera following an image, but now decided I want to display some text on the top of the screen.
I have found using the following code it makes the text move around the screen as the location of 20, 20 is changing. (which makes sense as the camera is following an object, position 20, 20 is static).
spriteBatch.DrawString(font, "test", new Vector2(20, 20), Color.White);
The camera is being updated with the following code.
_viewMatrix = Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(-this.Position.X, -this.Position.Y, 0)) *
Matrix.CreateRotationZ(this.Rotation) *
Matrix.CreateScale(new Vector3(Zoom, Zoom, 1)) *
Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(viewPort.Width * 0.5f, viewPort.Height * 0.5f, 0));
Its late, and feel I am missing something obvious, but if I want to always display "Test" of the screen regardless of where the camera is, how do you go about it?
Simple: Start another sprite batch (ie: call Begin), without passing a view matrix.
