refresh a View page -

In my page, I show an order with its products and price for each product in this
order, the user is able to change the price of each product.
The function for changing the price is working well but my problem is that the user must refresh the page to see the price is updated.
Is there any way to refresh the view and at the same action that update the price.
function for updating price:
public ActionResult UPPDATEPrise(int VaraId, int pris, int kundId)
int _Orderid = GetLastOrderId();
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=ENTERPRISE-PC;Initial Catalog=Fakturor;Integrated Security=True");
String command = "UPDATE [Fakturor].[dbo].[Varor] SET pris="+pris+" WHERE [id]="+VaraId+"";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(command,conn);
return RedirectToAction("UdateOrderDetails", new { kundId = kundId, OrderId = _Orderid });
Here my action that returns to the view:
public ActionResult UdateOrderDetails(int kundId, int OrderId)
//Orders procuts
DataClasses1DataContext db = new DataClasses1DataContext();
var t1 = (from p in db.Varors
op in db.OrderVarors on equals op.IdVara
where op.IdOrder == OrderId
select p).ToList();
ViewBag.OrderItems = t1;
//customer details kundId;
//Order id
ViewBag.OrderId = OrderId;
// All products
return View("Create");

Sounds like the browser is caching the page on direct. Not sure this will work but as an example of how to prevent caching (not the best implementation, just an example):
Set a flag that something was updated in tempdata.
public ActionResult UPPDATEPrise(int VaraId, int pris, int kundId)
TempData["IsCacheDisabled"] = true;
return RedirectToAction("UdateOrderDetails",
new { kundId = kundId, OrderId = _Orderid });
Check for it and update cache values:
public ActionResult UdateOrderDetails(int kundId, int OrderId)
if (TempData["IsCacheDisabled"] != null
&& (bool)TempData["IsCacheDisabled"])
var cache = HttpContext.Response.Cache;
return View("Create");


Edit & Delete object with ViewModel

I've successfully implemented a viewmodel so I can create and return items from my database using two tables. My issue is editing and deleting individual items.
I was able to edit/delete when I was using just one table, but with two, i've run into a snag.
My view uses a viewmodel now. I am not able to figure out how to pass the specific object id when Passing an id and TransactionViewModel Viewmodel into my Edit method Parameters.
Here is my old Edit and Edit post.
public ActionResult Edit(int id = 0)
Transactions transactions = _db.Transactions.Find(id);
if (transactions == null)
return HttpNotFound();
return View(transactions);
public ActionResult Edit(TransactionViewModel viewModel)
var transactionType = viewModel.Transaction.TransactionType;
if (ModelState.IsValid)
//If the transaction category is an Expense, set it to a negative so we can calculate later.
if (transactionType == Classes.Constants.Expense || (transactionType == Classes.Constants.Payment && viewModel.Transaction.Amount < 0))
viewModel.Transaction.Amount *= -1;
var transaction = new Transactions()
ClientId = viewModel.Transaction.ClientId,
Amount = viewModel.Transaction.Amount,
Date = viewModel.Transaction.Date,
Category = viewModel.Transaction.Category,
Description = viewModel.Transaction.Description,
TransactionType = viewModel.Transaction.TransactionType
_db.Entry(transaction).State = EntityState.Modified;
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(viewModel);
I've tried this for my get Edit, but it returns the same thing each time and not the one specified on my view. Ex. If click edit for Client D, it will pull up the edit screen for Client A and I cannot save it. I have an edit and delete button in my viewable table next to each transaction using an #Html.ActionLink().
public ActionResult Edit(TransactionViewModel viewModel)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
var transactions = from t in _db.Transactions
join c in _db.Clients
on t.ClientId equals c.ClientId
select new TransactionViewModel() { Clients = c, Transaction = t };
return View(transactions.FirstOrDefault());
return RedirectToAction("Index");
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
I bet that view is being cached. There are many different ways to influence caching in the controller. If you want to simply remove cacheing, in your case for editing, then decorate that action with the following:
[OutputCache(NoStore = true, Duration = 0)]
public ActionResult Edit(TransactionViewModel viewModel)
[OutputCache(NoStore = true, Duration = 0)]
public ActionResult Edit(int id = 0)
Note: You will have to clear cache to get the new view with the no cache set above.
Your Get Edit method should still accept an int ID to select the correct record form the database and it should return the view model.
something like this:
public ActionResult Edit(int id = 0)
var transactions = from t in _db.Transactions
join c in _db.Clients
on t.ClientId equals c.ClientId
where == id
select new TransactionViewModel() { Clients = c, Transaction = t };
return View(transactions.FirstOrDefault());

How to filter the image data in MVC4 using linq

How to display images in MVC4 from database.
Step 1:
In my code, retrieve the data and place in array class.
public class ImageTable
public string ImageId { get; set; }
public string CategoryId { get; set; }
public byte[] Image { get; set; }
public class DataAcceess
public ImageTable[] GetImages()
ImageTable[] Images = null;
SqlConnection Conn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=;Initial Catalog=;UserID=;Password=;");
//SqlCommand Cmd = new SqlCommand("Select [Product ID],ImageView1 From Cpecial_Image_tbl", Conn);
SqlCommand Cmd = new SqlCommand("Select b.[Category ID],a.[Product ID], a.[ImageView1] from Cpecial_Image_tbl as a inner join [Cpecial_Product_tbl] as b ON a.[Product ID]=b.[Product ID]", Conn);
SqlDataReader Reader = Cmd.ExecuteReader();
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
Images = new ImageTable[dt.Rows.Count];
int i = 0;
foreach (DataRow Dr in dt.Rows)
Images[i] = new ImageTable()
ImageId = (string)Dr["Product ID"],
CategoryId = (string)Dr["Category ID"],
Image = (byte[])Dr["ImageView1"]
i = i + 1;
return Images;
Step 2: In controller retreive the image value assign, it in byte array and return to the view like this.
public ActionResult Index(string id)
// var image = db.Categories.First(m => m.CategoryID == id).Picture;
DataAcceess objContext = new DataAcceess();
//byte[] Image = (from a in Images select a.Image.ToArray());
byte[] a;
foreach (var item in objContext.GetImages())
a = item.Image;
return File(a, "Image/jpg");
return View();
Step 3: I added the tag in view like this
this will show only one image.
I want to show all the the images, and also manipulate the image with respect to the Filters
(sorting ascending , desending with catagoryId) like in shopping cart.
Could any one give me the solution?
You have to retrieve every Image separately.
A return statement ends the function where you are.
Personally I would save the images on the file system and paths to them in a ImageUrl annotated model property.
You can then just make a DisplayFor because the images will be a property of your Model.
If you save your image in a Database. The database will get big and slow.

two models in a view - not working for me

I have created an entity data model from my database. however in certain areas of the application i need to pass two models. thus i create a third model which has as properties the objects of each required model.
In the scenario, i want to use one model just to show some data to the user and the other is to be populated by the user using form elements. therefore, i create a constructor in my custom model to populate it. here's the code:
public class ordersModel
public ordersModel(order or)
this.prods = new order_products();
this.new_order = new order();
this.new_order.customer_id = or.customer_id;
this.new_order.my_id = or.my_id;
this.new_order.my_order_id = or.my_order_id;
this.new_order.order_date = or.order_date;
this.new_order.order_status_id = or.order_status_id;
public order new_order { get; set; }
public order_products prods { get; set; }
public ActionResult Create()
order or = new order();
// Store logged-in user's company id in Session
//or.my_id = Session["my_id"].ToString();
//do something to allow user to select customer, maybe use ajax
or.customer_id = "123";
or.order_amount = 0;
or.my_id = "74973f59-1f6c-4f4c-b013-809fa607cad5";
// display date picker to select date
or.order_date = DateTime.Now.Date;
// fetch statuses from database and show in select list box
or.order_status_id = 1;
return View(or);
// POST: /Orders/Create
public ActionResult Create(order or)
using (invoicrEntities db = new invoicrEntities())
var temp = db.last_order_number.SingleOrDefault(p => p.my_id == or.my_id);
if (temp != null)
or.my_order_id = temp.my_order_id + 1;
if (ModelState.IsValid)
ordersModel ord = new ordersModel(or);
temp.my_order_id = temp.my_order_id + 1;
//TempData["my_order_id"] = or.my_order_id;
return RedirectToAction("AddProducts", ord);
//return RedirectToAction("AddProducts", new { id = or.my_order_id });
return View(or);
return RedirectToAction("someErrorPageDueToCreateOrder");
public ActionResult AddProducts()
using (invoicrEntities db = new invoicrEntities())
//string my_id = TempData["my_id"].ToString();
//string my_order_id = TempData["my_order_id"].ToString();
string my_id = "74973f59-1f6c-4f4c-b013-809fa607cad5";
int my_order_id = 1;
//Int64 my_order_id = Convert.ToInt64(RouteData.Values["order_id"]);
// Display this list in the view
var prods = db.order_products.Where(p => p.my_id == my_id).Where(p => p.my_order_id == my_order_id).ToList();
var or = db.orders.Where(p => p.my_id == my_id).Where(p => p.my_order_id == my_order_id).ToList();
if (or.Count == 1)
//ViewData["name"] = "sameer";
ViewData["products_in_list"] = prods;
ViewData["order"] = or[0];
return View();
return RedirectToAction("someErrorPageDueToAddProducts");
public ActionResult AddProducts(order_products prod)
prod.my_id = "74973f59-1f6c-4f4c-b013-809fa607cad5";
// find a way to get the my_order_id
prod.my_order_id = 1;
return View();
<%# Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<invoicr.Models.ordersModel>" %>
<%: Model.new_order.my_id %>
the above statement gives an error
Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
what am i doing wrong here?
You seem to be passing the wrong model when redisplaying your Create view.
Try passing the ord instance which is of type ordersModel and which is what your view is strongly typed to:
public ActionResult Create(order or)
using (invoicrEntities db = new invoicrEntities())
var temp = db.last_order_number.SingleOrDefault(p => p.my_id == or.my_id);
if (temp != null)
or.my_order_id = temp.my_order_id + 1;
ordersModel ord = new ordersModel(or);
if (ModelState.IsValid)
temp.my_order_id = temp.my_order_id + 1;
return RedirectToAction("AddProducts", ord);
return View(ord);
return RedirectToAction("someErrorPageDueToCreateOrder");
Now that you have shown your AddProducts action you are not passing any model to the view although your view expects an ordersModel instance. So don't just return View();. You need to pass an instance of ordersModel:
if (or.Count == 1)
ViewData["products_in_list"] = prods;
ViewData["order"] = or[0];
ordersModel ord = new ordersModel(or[0]);
return View(ord);

MVC C# Select Where

I am trying to add filter by ID for the following:
public ActionResult Index()
var model = from o in new MainDBContext().OffLinePayments
select new EditOffLinePayment
ID = o.ID,
Amount = o.Amount
return View(model);
What I would like to do is the following:
public ActionResult Index(long? id)
if (id != null)
var model = from o in new MainDBContext().OffLinePayments
**Where Assigned_ID == id**
select new EditOffLinePayment
ID = o.ID,
Amount = o.Amount
return View(model);
var model = from o in new MainDBContext().OffLinePayments
select new EditOffLinePayment
ID = o.ID,
Amount = o.Amount
return View(model);
var model = from o in new MainDBContext().OffLinePayments
where o.Assigned_ID == id
select new EditOffLinePayment
ID = o.ID,
Amount = o.Amount
If I understand correctly, your problem is that the compiler doesn't let you write where o.Assigned_ID == id in the query.
That's because id is a Nullable<long>, which is not implicitly convertible to a long (which OffLinePayment.Assigned_ID presumably is).
You need to write where o.Assigned_ID == id.Value instead. Take a look at what the Value property does so that you don't get any surprises.
A cleaner, shorter and much more readable syntax would look like this:
public ActionResult Index(long? id){
using (var ctx = new MainDBContext())
var entities = ctx.OfflinePayments.Where(e => !e.HasValue || e.Assigned_ID == id.Value);
var model = entities.Select(e => new EditOfflinePayment { ID = e.ID, Amount = e.Amount }).ToList();
return View(model);

Seat Reserving system

the Image shows how my tables are setup
I have a working reserve seat and add to booking table now.
// POST: /Home/CreateBooking
public ActionResult CreateBooking(String id, DateTime date, DateTime time)
ViewData["username"] = User.Identity.Name;
ViewData["performanceDate"] = date;
ViewData["Venue"] = id;
BookingCreate model = new BookingCreate();
model.Seats = (from c in _db.Seat
where c.venue == id
select c);
return this.View(model);
public ActionResult CreateBooking(BookingCreate bookingCreate, IList<String> seatNumber)
Customer theCustomer
= (from c in _db.Customer
select c).First<Customer>(c => c.username == bookingCreate.customer);
//performance details for the performance selected by the user
Performance thePerformance
= (from p in _db.Performance
select p).FirstOrDefault<Performance>(p => p.performanceDate == bookingCreate.performanceDate || p.performanceTime == bookingCreate.performanceTime || p.venue == bookingCreate.venue);
//performance details for the performance selected by the user
Performance seatbooking
= (from p in _db.Performance
select p).FirstOrDefault<Performance>(p => p.performanceDate == bookingCreate.performanceDate || p.performanceTime == bookingCreate.performanceTime || p.venue == bookingCreate.venue);
var now = DateTime.UtcNow;
var bookingToCreate = new Booking();
bookingToCreate.bookingDate = now;
bookingToCreate.bookingTime = now;
bookingToCreate.bookingType = "Web";
bookingToCreate.collect = true;
bookingToCreate.Customer = theCustomer;
bookingToCreate.Performance = thePerformance;
var bookingnumber = (from p in _db.Booking
select p.bookingNo);
foreach (var displaySeat in seatNumber)
Seat theseat
= (from c in _db.Seat
select c).FirstOrDefault<Seat>(c => c.seatNumber == displaySeat);
var seatBooking = new SeatBooking();
seatBooking.Booking = bookingToCreate;
seatBooking.Seat = theseat;
return RedirectToAction("ShowsIndex");
The code ensures that the correct venue's seats are displayed and that the logged in user and selected performance is chosen.
What i am stuck with is..
I am currently outputting the seats as checkboxes
BookingCreate model = new BookingCreate();
model.Seats = (from c in _db.Seat
where c.venue == id
select c);
But I would like for the checkboxes to show what seat number they relate to (at the moment they are just a blank checkbox)
And also how to stop showing seats that have been booked to stop duplication.
I would do it this way (providing there are surrogate primary keys Customer.Id and Performance.Id)
public class BookingToCreateVM
public int BookingNo{get; set;}
//..etc - all necessary booking fields
public Guid UserId{get; set;}
public Guid PerformanceId{get; set;}
//data for something like dropdowns in view
public IList<Customer> Users{get; set;}
public IList<Performance> Performances{get; set;}
and the controller action
public ActionResult CreateBooking(BookingToCreateVM bookingToCreateVM)
Customer theCustomer
= (from c in _db.Customer
select c).Single<Customer>(c=>c.Id == bookingToCreateVM.UserId);
Performance thePerformance
= (from p in _db.Performance
select p).Single<Performance>(p=> p.Id == bookingToCreateVM.PerformanceId);
var bookingToCreate = new Booking();
bookingToCreate.BookingNo= bookingToCreateVM.BookingNo;
//..etc - initialize all necessary fields
bookingToCreate.Customer = theCustomer;
bookingToCreate.Performance = thePerformance;
return RedirectToAction("ListBookings");
