Subclass UICollectionViewTransitionLayout for automatic UINavigationViewController transition animation - ios

Is it possible to subclass UICollectionViewTransitionLayout to change the automatic (e.g. non-interactive) animation when pushing/popping a view controller onto/off a UINavigationController stack?
Apples documentation and some articles in the internet suggest it should be possible:
If you want to provide more than just a linear transition from the old to new layout over time, you need to subclass and provide the layout attributes for items yourself
…but I didn’t find a way yet.
I would like to use UICollectionViewController’s useLayoutToLayoutNavigationTransitions to push one collection view controller on top of another (using the same data source). The two view controllers use different subclasses of UICollectionViewLayout which I want to transition using custom UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes that need to be keyframed and modified by the transitionProgress.
I was hoping, just implementing collectionView:transitionLayoutForOldLayout:newLayout: would do the trick, but that method only is called when transitioning interactively.
The best way I could come up with for the pushing is to call startInteractiveTransitionToCollectionViewLayout:completion: on the UICollectionView and pushing the new view controller without animation in the completion handler. For popping the view controller I would hook into -viewWillDisappear: of the view controller and check for the current view controller in the stack; if it is not there, I could again perform startInteractiveTransitionToCollectionViewLayout:completion:
Somehow I guess there is a better way…


Is there any situation where using UICollectionViewController is appropriate compared to using UIViewController + UICollectionView?

I am quite comfortable in using UICollectionView inside a UIViewController.
I have never used UICollectionViewController before.
I was wondering, is there any situation, where using UICollectionViewController is more appropriate?
In addition to the obvious -
setting your UICollectionView up for you
automatically marking conformation for necessary protocols like UICollectionViewDataSource & UICollectionViewDelegate
A UICollectionViewController gives you a few built in nice features that you otherwise have to do a lot of extra work to get right manually.
The default value of this property is true. When true, the collection view controller installs a standard gesture recognizer (based on a long-press gesture) to manage the reordering of views inside the collection view. The collection view’s data source must declare its support for reordering items by implementing the appropriate methods. Setting this property to false prevents the installation of this gesture recognizer.
This property helps facilitate transitions between two or more collection view controllers using a navigation controller. When configuring your navigation controller, install a collection view controller as the root object on the navigation stack and set its value for this property to false. When the user selects an item that would require pushing a new collection view controller on the stack, set the value of this property for the new view controller to true. When you do that, the navigation controller performs an animated layout change between the contents of the two collection view controllers instead of the traditional push animation. Similarly, popping the topmost collection view controller off the stack animates back to the previous layout. The navigation controller drives the transition between the view controllers, including the ability to drive the transition interactively.
You must set the value of this property before pushing the collection view controller onto a navigation stack. Do not change the value of this property after the view controller is already on the navigation stack.
It's up to you if your case is a good candidate for using these features or not and based on that you can make the call.
UICollectionView inherits from UIScrollView (just another UIView)
UICollectionViewController inherits from UIViewController. and it implements some protocols. like UICollectionViewDelegate and UICollectionViewDataSource. it means everything is already done for you. and you just have to use it.. but as everything is already done for you. you may not be able to do some stuff. like resizing your collectionView.
if you want full control I recommend you to use your own UIViewController.. and add a UICollectionView as a subview.. so you can place it wherever you want and resize it.. don't forget to implement UICollectionView protocols for delegation and datasource.
You may change some properties with your View controllers. But when you use as part of its' controllers, you can't change it.
For example you Cant change UICollectionView Size of UICollectionViewController .

Make custom interactive UIViewController dismissal call relevant view appearance methods

I am displaying a modal UIViewController on top of another. If the requisite UIPanGestureRecognizer triggers, I have an interactive UIPercentDrivenInteractiveTransition which basically pulls the modal view down to eventually dismiss it.
I notice that the view controller beneath does not receive any of the usual appearance methods when typically presenting and dismissing view controllers:
-viewWillAppear:,-viewWillDisappear, etc.
Is there any way, considering that this is an Apple-provided view controller API, to have these methods still be called at the appropriate times during the interaction?
Make sure you're calling transitionContext.completeTransition within your custom transition class which handles all the animations and gestures.
It may depend on the type of UIModalPresentationStyle you're using. Some styles don't trigger the appearance methods.
see here for example.

Relationship among window, rootviewcontroller, childviewcontroller, navigationcontroller in iOS

I haven't really seen any resource that gives a good and simple explanations on relationship among window, rootviewcontroller, childviewcontroller, navigationcontroller and how they piece together in iOS development. Anyone one knows how to put this in a easy-to-understand way or any online resource or book that does a good job in explaining it?
Per the documentation on UIWindow:
A UIWindow object provides the backdrop for your app’s user interface and provides important event-handling behaviors. Windows do not have any visual appearance of their own, but they are crucial to the presentation of your app’s views.
Xcode typically provides your application's main window, but you can add more if you need to.
From the documentation link you can see that UIWindow is actually a UIView
Enter your first view controller. Like providing a main window, when you start a new Project in Xcode the project template usually wires up your initial view controller, which as the name implies controls a view (UIView).
You could call this initial view controller your RootViewController but if you get a handle on the UIWindow you could just as easily swap out the current initial view controller's view for any other view controller view you like.
That probably doesn't help with hard and fast rules for things, but if I understand what you are asking, RootViewController is likely the initial view controller for you application. For example, if you are using Storyboards, Xcode typically makes Main.storyboard, you will see a gray arrow pointing to the UIViewController representation.
This is pointing to the Storyboards Initial View Controller. You can verify this from the Attributes Inspector. Select the view controller then select the attribute inspector:
So that's basically RootViewController. ChildViewController is just any other view controller that is a child of a view controller.
I assume what you are referring to is:
You can read more about these methods here:
Under Implementing a Container View Controller
The quick gist of it is, A View Controller controls a view. View's can have subviews. Those subviews can come from other View Controllers. The methods outlined above pretty much just enable things like viewWillAppear, or viewWillDiappear to be called on the child view controller automatically when those methods are invoked on the parent view controller.
Per the docs:
By default, rotation and appearance callbacks are automatically forwarded to children. You may optionally override the shouldAutomaticallyForwardRotationMethods and shouldAutomaticallyForwardAppearanceMethods methods to take control of this behavior yourself.
a NavigationController is just like any other View Controller. It contains some special behavior for transitioning between views, but like other View Controllers it has a View (UIView) that it manages. A navigation controller could be your Initial View Controller / RootViewController just as any other View Controller can be, it all just depends on what you are trying to do. For example, a simple app that is just a list view, where you can tap an item and get a detail view could be constructed as:
1) Initial View Controller -> NavigationController
2) The NavigationController's first ViewController (Apple calls this a RootViewController) would then be a TableViewController.
3) Selecting a TableCell in the TableView (TableViewController manages a TableView) would then transition you to your Detail View Controller. The Navigation Controller knows how to do all that Sliding back and forth drama.
That's a pretty simplistic overview you can search the internet/youtube for more full featured tutorials outlining the same thing in more detail.
It's worth your time to do a few of these to get your bearings. Yes, it will likely cost you a few hours of your day. Take heart, everyone who ever started doing iOS development had to go though the same thing. =)

Best way of handling pan gestures

I want to handle transitions between two instances of the same view controller class, using pan gestures.
I've read almost every transitions can be handled by segues, but is it the same when using pan gestures?
Segues don't seem to be a good fit for this kind of transitions.
For the moment, I have a master view controller which instantiates to sub view controllers. The gesture related code resides in the master view controller.
It works well, but I believe there has to be a solution where all the controller management stuff is done in the storyboard.
What is the best place in my code to handle this kind of transitions?
It sounds to me like what you want is a UIPageViewController set up to scroll instead of page curl (That's a settable property) A page view controller would do all the work for you.
There is a sample app in the Xcode docs called PhotoScroller that shows how to set this up. It does lots of other stuff too, (pinch to zoom and image tiling) but you can ignore that.
If you can't get a UIPageViewController to give you the transition you want then you might need to build your own custom parent view controller class. Embedding a single child using a container VC and an embed segue is trivial. I haven't tried to embed multiple children in the same container yet. using embed segues yet. I've done transitions between child VCs using the "manual" parent/child VC calls that were added in iOS 5
I've found a really great article on the way to implement custom transitions with iOS 7, whether they're interactive or not:
It comes with a very detailed demo.
Animations should be classes implementing the UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning or UIViewControllerInteractiveTransitioning protocols.
The code using the gesture recognizer can reside in those classes.
The animation can then be returned in the following methods of your navigation controller delegate:
This way I can plug the animation to whatever controller I want to.
I hope it could help someone.

iOS container view controller - Why does transitionFromViewController need the fromViewController?

When using custom container view controller, I don't quite understand why the presenting view controller needs to specify the from, because being the container class, it should already know what's in the view hierarchy, no?
Container view controllers sometimes need to put the views of the contained controllers into specific subviews of their own view. (For example, a SplitViewController reimplementation might have left and right positioning views holding the master and detail controller views respectively.) Providing the fromViewController tells UIViewController where in the view hierarchy the new controller's view should be inserted, and also which specific view should be removed after the animation.
(contrary to another answer, the frames of the views aren't set for you at all. You do that, before the call, and in the animation block. The "Creating Custom Container View Controllers" system guide in the docs has a pretty good example.)
As it happens, actually using transitionFromViewController:... appears to be optional. You can manage your view hierarchy manually, with or without animations, and it works fine. I'm still forming my opinions, but I think I prefer to do it manually, to more easily handle cases where one of the VCs is nil.
This is done this way to allow you to have a view controller that has views with viewControllers in it. The from defines the originating view controller and gives the system the ability to position the animations appropriately.
Imaging you had a view with 4 views in it like tiles. the main view controller can consecutively call this on its "child" view controllers and with the from -> to specification, it won't make the assumption that the caller is the from viewController.
