Docker container linking via port forwarding? - docker

It seems that the preferred way to expose services to other Docker containers is container linking, which sets some environment variables that you then have to use in your application code to look up host names and port numbers:
psql -h $PG_PORT_5432_TCP_ADDR -p $PG_PORT_5432_TCP_PORT
Is there a reason this is not done via port forwarding in a way that is transparent to the application? So that in the same way that I can just run my web server inside the container on standard port 80 and have Docker figure out what actual port to use, I could just be doing
psql -h # no -p necessary, we use the default port
The port forwarding would be set up when I start docker, just like with server ports.

This is possible! It has actually be proposed by the CoreOS team; you can read more in the following blog post:
Docker will soon allow to start a container sharing the network namespace of another container; it will help with those scenarios (and in the short term, it will allow to do what you suggest very easily).

Project Atomic is also following this approach:
Geard uses iptables to enable containers to connect to each other. Network namespaces allows adding iptables rules to the network namespace of a container. The basic idea is to make remote endpoints appear as if they were local to a container. For example the database container could be made to appear to be running locally inside the application container.


Understanding why ports need to be exposed for inter container communication on docker0

I was going through docker official docs to understand the difference between user-defined and default bridge. Link to specific page -
In first point of section "Differences between user-defined bridges and the default bridge", it is stated that
If you run the same application stack on the default bridge network,
you need to open both the web port and the database port, using the -p
or --publish flag for each.
I don't understand this specific text, as to why it is need to explicitly publish(-p) required port of database container when it will be used only by some other container connected to the same bridge.
My existing understanding is that, unless explicitly blocked, containers connected to the docker0 can freely communicate with each other.
So, this extract has confused me. Can somebody help ?
If you take away one thing from that page, it's that you should always docker create network and then docker run --net containers on that network, if you're using plain Docker commands. (Docker Compose does this automatically for you; Kubernetes's networking model is fundamentally different.)
If you docker run a container without a --net option then you wind up using a backwards-compatiblitiy networking mode. In this mode (the "default bridge network") from the page you cite containers cannot communicate with each other by default. Your two options are for the server to publish a port (docker run -p) and the client to connect to the published port on the host, or for the server to expose a port (almost always done with an EXPOSE directive in the Dockerfile) and the client to --link to it.
There's no real reason to be using this "default" mode at this point, and in practice the paragraph you cite shouldn't matter except for fairly old scripted Docker setups.

How to publish a web site running in a docker container on production?

I have a web application running in a docker container on production server. Now I need to make API requests to this application. So, I have two possibilities:
1) Link a domain
2) Make requests directly by IP
I'm using a cloud server for that. In my previous experience I linked the domain to a folder. But now I don't know how to link the domain to a running container on ip_addr:port.
I found this link
but it's for docker enterprice. Using of that is impossible for the moment.
To expose a docker application to the public without using compose or other orchestration tools like Kubernetes, you can use the docker run -p hostPort:containerPort option to expose your container port. Make sure your application is listening on[container port] inside your container. To access the service externally, you would use the host's IP, and the port that the container port has been mapped to.
See more here
If you want to link to a domain, you can update your DNS records to point your domain to your host IP address.
Hope this helps!
Best way is to use kubernetes because it will ease many operations. But docker-compose can also be used.
If you want to simply deploy using docker it can be done by mapping hostPort to containerPort.

Update Prometheus Host/Port in Docker

Question: How can I change a Prometheus container's host address from the default to something like
Background: I am trying to get a Prometheus container to install and start in a production environment on a remote server. Since the server uses an IP other than Prometheus's default (, I need to update the host address that the Prometheus container uses. If I don't, I can't sign-in to the UI and see any of the metrics. The IP of the remote server is provided by the user during the app's installation.
From what I understand from Prometheus's config document and the output of ./prometheus -h, the host address is immutable and therefore needs to be updated using the --web.listen-address= command-line flag. My problem is I don't know how to pass that flag to my Prometheus container; I can't simply run ./prometheus --web.listen-address="<remote-ip>:9090" because that's not a Docker command. And I can't pass it to the docker run ... command because Docker doesn't recognize that flag.
Using SaltStack for config management
I cannot use Docker Swarm (i.e. each container must use its own Dockerfile)
You don't need to change the containerized prometheus' listen address. The is the anynet inside the container.
By default, it won't even be accessible from your hosts network, let alone any surrounding networks (like the Internet).
You can map it to a port on a hosts interface though. The command for that looks somewhat like this:
docker run --rm -p 8080:9090 prom/prometheus
which would expose the service at on your host
You can do that with a public (e.g. internet-facing) interface as well, although i'd generally advise against exposing containers like this, due to numerous operational implications, which are somewhat beyond the scope of this answer. You should at least consider a reverse-proxy setup, where the users are only allowed to talk to some heavy-duty webserver which then communicates with prometheus, instead of letting them access your backend directly, even if this is just a small development deployment.
For general considerations on productionizing container setups, i suggest this.
Despite it's clickbaity title, this is a useful read.

How to obtain the published ports from within a docker container?

I wrote a simple peer to peer system, in which, when starting a node
the node looks for a free port and then makes its service accessible on that port,
it registers its URL including the port to a central server, so that other nodes know how to connect to it.
I have the impression this is a typical kind of task that docker is useful for, so I thought of making a container for these peers (my previous experience with docker has only been to write a hello world container).
Ideally I would map (publish) my exposed port to a host port from within the container using the same code that I am running now, but I could imagine that is simply not possible, and I could get around that by starting the image using a script that checks for availability of ports and then runs the container on an appropriate free host port. If the first is possible however, that would be even better. To be explicit, I do something like the following in Python
port = 5001
while not port_is_free(port):
port += 1
The second part really has to be taken care of from within the container. Assume that it has been started with the command docker run -p 5005:80 p2p-node then I need to find out the published port 5005 that the exposed port 80 is mapped to from within the container.
Searching this site and the internet it looks like more people are interested in doing the same, but I couldn't find a solution, nor an affirmation that this simply cannot be done.
So this is the main question I want to ask: how can I see which published ports my exposed ports are mapped to from within a running docker container?
Some of your requirements are not clear to me.
However if you want to know only which host port is mapped with your container's port, you can simply pass an environment variable, -e VAR=val. Just an idea
Start container:
docker run -p 5005:80 -e HOST_PORT=5005 p2p-node
Access the variable from container
there is docker-py, a python library of docker.
It is not clear why you want the host port. In docker, containers can communicate with each other without having to expose ports on host machines.
As long as the peer apps are containerized, you don't need the expose port. The containers can be connected via a Docker network and the internal port can be used for communication between the containers.

Cross container communication with Docker

An application server is running as one Docker container and database running in another container. IP address of the database server is obtained as:
sudo docker inspect -f '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' db
Setting up JDBC resource in the application server to point to the database gives "".
Linking containers is not an option since that only works on the same host.
How do I ensure that IP address of the database container is visible to the application server container?
If you want private networking between docker containers on remote hosts you can use weave to setup an overlay network between docker containers. If you don't need a private network just expose the ports using the -p switch and configure the addresses of the host machine as the destination IP in the required docker container.
One simple way to solve this would be using Weave. It allows you to create many application-specific networks that can span multiple hosts as well as datacenters. It also has a very neat DNS-based service discovery mechanism.
I should disclaim, I am one of Weave engineering team.
Linking containers is not an option since that only works on the same host.
So are you saying your application is a container running on docker server 1 and your db is a container on docker server 2? If so, you treat it like ordinary remote hosts. Your DB port needs to be exposed on docker server 2 and that IP:port needs to be configured into your application server, typically via environment variables.
The per host docker subnetwork is a Private Network. It's perhaps possible to have this address be routable, but it would be much pain. And it's further complicated because container IP's are not static.
What you need to do is publish the ports/services up to the host (via PORT in dockerfile and -p in your docker run) Then you just do host->host. You can resolve hosts by IP, Environment Variables, or good old DNS.
Few things were missing that were not allowing the cross-container communication:
WildFly was not bound to and thus was only accepting requests on eht0. This was fixed using "-b".
Firewall was not allowing the containers to communication. This was removed using "systemctl stop firewall; systemctl disable firewall"
Virtual Box image required a Host-only adapter
After this, the containers are able to communicate. Complete details are available at:
