Ruby - extending timeout for slow API calls - ruby-on-rails

I'm calling an external API over HTTP which will take more 30 seconds to provide a response. When I run it, although the API call completes successfully (the remote service does what it's supposed to do), my Ruby gets a timeout error before it receives the 'OK' response. I get this error:
/Users/chris/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.0/lib/ruby/2.1.0/net/protocol.rb:158:in `rescue in rbuf_fill': Net::ReadTimeout (Net::ReadTimeout)
Is there a way I can give it more time so it can cleanly handle the response?

http =, #port)
http.read_timeout = 500


WSO2 token generation, /oauth2/token service failing after 20th request been hit

I am using WSO2 for token generation. By using this console: https://localhost:9443/carbon/admin/login.jsp
I am calling http://localhost:9763**/oauth2/token** service by passing required parameters
<{username=[], password=[], grant_type=[password], client_id=[], client_secret=[], scope=[]},[Content-Type:"application/x-www-form-urlencoded"]> after 20th request its failing and giving below error.
{ErrorMessage: I/O error on POST request for "": Connection reset; nested exception is Connection reset.}
How can I increase the number of requests to be served from 20 to 50 or more?

In ruby/rails, can you differentiate between no network response vs long-running response?

We have a Rails app with an integration with It happens fairly frequently that a request for a box action to our app results in a Passenger process being tied up for right around 15 minutes, and then we get the following exception:
Errno::ETIMEDOUT: Connection timed out - SSL_connect
Often it's on something that should be fairly quick, such as listing the contents of a small folder, or deleting a single document.
I'm under the impression that these requests never actually got to an open channel, that either at the tcp or ssl levels we got no initial response, or the full handshake/session-setup never completed.
I'd like to get either such condition to timeout quickly, say 15 seconds, but allow for a large file that is successfully transferring to continue.
Is there any way to get TCP or SSL to raise a timeout much sooner when the connection at either of those levels fails to complete setup, but not raise an exception if the session is successfully established and it's just taking a long time to actually transfer the data?
Here is what our current code looks like - we are not tied to doing it this way (and I didn't write this code):
def box_delete(uri)
http =, uri.port)
http.use_ssl = true
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
request =

Optimizing HTTP Status Request on Heroku (Net:HTTP)

I'm running an app on heroku where users can get the HTTP status (200,301,404, etc) of several URLs that they can paste on a form.
Although it runs fine on my local rails server, when I upload it on heroku, I cannot check more than 30 URLs (I want to check 200), as heroku time outs after 30seconds giving me an H12 Error.
def gethttpresponse(url)
httpstatusarray =
uri = URI.parse(url)
http =, uri.port)
request =
response = http.request(request)
httpstatusarray['url'] = url
httpstatusarray['status'] = response.code
return httpstatusarray
At the moment I'm using Net:HTTP, and it seems very heavy. Is there anything I can change on my code or any other gem I could use to get the HTTP status/headers on a more efficient (fast) way?
i noticed that
response.body holds the entire HTML source code of the page which i do not need. is this loaded on the response object by default?
If this is the most efficient way to check HTTP Status, would you agree that this needs to become a background job?
Any reference on gems that work faster, reading material and thoughts are more than welcome!
If a request takes longer than 30 seconds then the request is timed out as you're seeing here. You're entirely dependent on how fast the server the other end responds. For example, if say it were itself a Heroku application on 1 dyno then it will take possibly 10 seconds to unidle the application therefore leaving only 20 seconds for the other URLs to be tested.
I suggest you move each check to it's own background job and then poll the jobs to know when they complete and update the UI accordingly.

wso2 esb how to increase endpoint timeout

I have JMS queue message processor sequence where request is send to SOAP endpoint. However request to this endpoint can take a long time, up to 30 minutes or so. How can I can configure ESB to allow long timeout values ? Currently I'm getting following error after 60 seconds:
[2014-01-20 14:18:31,772] WARN - TargetHandler http-outgoing-4: Connection time out while in state: REQUEST_DONE
[2014-01-20 14:18:31,775] WARN - SynapseCallbackReceiver Synapse received a response for the request with message Id : urn:uuid:c6a023c2-7fb4-4321-b1c2-d78e9bb13add But a callback is not registered (anymore) to process this response
Thanks for any help
Edit: I added http.socket.timeout=1800000 -property in repository/conf/ which seems to solve the timeout issue.
Assuming this is a "Scheduled Message Forwarding Processor", to increase the send timeout up to 30 minutes :
In your endpoint, verify that "connection timeout" is "never
timeout" (edit the endpoint in the console and "Show Advanced
Edit repository/conf/ and modify
synapse.global_timeout_interval (in ms) : this is the maximum time a
callback instance will exist in wso2 to receive the response
copy the sample axis2 conf file
from samples/axis2Client/client_repo/conf/axis2.xml to, for example,
Edit this axis2_mp.xml config, find
transportSender name="http" and add a parameter "SO_TIMEOUT" (in ms) : <parameter name="SO_TIMEOUT" locked="false">108000000</parameter>
Edit your Message Processor and in Show Additional Parameters, specify the entry "Axis2 Configuration" to repository/conf/axis2/axis2_mp.xml
SO_TIMEOUT is the time to wait for the response.
You can specify CONNECTION_TIMEOUT for the max time to establish the connection.
Pay attention : all callbacks will persist up to 30 minutes in the ESB !

ActiveResource EOFError on "slow" API

I'm seriously struggling to solve this one, any help would be appreciated!
I have two Rails apps, let's call them Client and Service, all very simple, normal REST interface - here's the basic scenario:
Client makes a POST /resources.json request to the Service
The Service runs a process which creates the resource and returns an ID to the Client
Again, all very simple, just that Service processing is very time-intensive and can take several minutes. If that happens, an EOFError is raised on the Client, exactly 60s after the request was made (no matter what the ActiveResource::Base.timeout is set to) while the service correctly processed the request and responds with 200/201. This is what we see in the logs (chronologically):
C 00:00:00: POST /resources.json
S 00:00:00: Received POST /resources.json => resources#create
C 00:01:00: EOFError: end of file reached
/usr/ruby1.8.7/lib/ruby/1.8/net/protocol.rb:135:in `sysread'
/usr/ruby1.8.7/lib/ruby/1.8/net/protocol.rb:135:in `rbuf_fill'
/usr/ruby1.8.7/lib/ruby/1.8/timeout.rb:62:in `timeout'
S 00:02:23: Response POST /resources.json, 201, after 143s
Obviously the service response never reached the client. I traced the error down to the socket level and recreated the scenario in a script, where I open a TCPSocket and try to retrieve data. Since I don't request anything, I shouldn't get anything back and my request should time out after 70 seconds (see full script at the bottom):
Timeout::timeout(70) {, 80).sysread(16384) }
These were the results for a few domain: => Timeout after 70s => EOFError after 60s => Timeout after 70s => EOFError after 13s => Timeout after 70s => Timeout after 70s
As you can see, some servers allowed us to "wait" for the full 70 seconds, while others terminated our connection, raising EOFErrors. When we did this test against our service, we (expectedly) got an EOFError after 60 seconds.
Does anyone know why this happens? Is there any way to prevent these or extend the server-side time-out? Since our service continues "working", even after the socket was closed, I assume it must be terminated on the proxy-level?
Every hint would be greatly appreciated!
PS: The full script:
require 'socket'
require 'benchmark'
require 'timeout'
def test_socket(domain)
puts "Connecting to #{domain}"
message = nil
time = Benchmark.realtime do
Timeout::timeout(70) {, 80).sysread(16384) }
message = "Successfully received data" # Should never happen
rescue => e
message = "Server terminated connection: #{e.class} #{e.message}"
rescue Timeout::Error
message = "Controlled client-side timeout"
puts " #{message} after #{time.round}s"
test_socket ''
test_socket ''
test_socket ''
test_socket ''
test_socket ''
test_socket ''
I know this is nearly a year old, but in case anyone else finds this, I wanted to add a possible culprit.
Amazon's ELB will terminate idle connections at 60 seconds, so if you are using EC2 behind ELB, then ELB could be the server side problem.
the only "documentation" I could find here is, but it's better than nothing
Each server decides when to close the connection. It depends on the server side software and its settings. You can't control that.
