iOS iPad Simulator displays status bar - ios

I set the status bar to be hidden but it is still being displayed. how can i change that?
oh and i already checked the info.plist file but it says hidden: YES
thanks for help


Status Bar Hidden in Storyboard

Xcode won't display the status bar, how can I fix it ?
Thats what I Have :
I believe that your status bar style may be set to light.
You can update it to default (black) in the General configuration of your target in the section Deployment.
Deployment section of configuration
If you are using Xcode9 than status bar is not showing in Storyboard but when you run application it will show in simulator.
The Xcode9 storyboard doesn't show status bar but try running the app in simulator i believe u will get status bar.

Status bar has disappeared in apps (Xcode iphone)

Hi i have recently updated Xcode to the latest version and my iPhone software is up to date.
However when i test any of the apps i have built the status bar does not appear (e.g. carrier - time - battery status)
Just wondering if there is a way in settings to turn this back on?
well I try hide the status bar in all my app and in the "app"-info.plist and I add two rows in the dictionary "Information Property List" I add "View controller-based status bar appearance" set YEs and in "Status bar is initially hidden"set NO and for me works n_n'
In this screen short "View controller-based status bar appearance" is NO make it YES.

How to move the top panel in ios app

My app top bar very stretched on iPhone and and closes the status bar. How to fix it? On iPhone simulator there is no such it
in info.plist add View controller-based status bar appearance property and set NO
in project General settings set status bar hide during application launch
At Project General setting, you just check it

iOS 7 iPad Status bar in splash screen is hidden

Have anyone met the same issue? Or have I missed something.
On my iOS 7 iPad simulator I can't see the status bar anymore.
It is visible in iOS 6 iPad though.
Is it a bug, or there is a setting to fix that?
The status bar has been changed in iOS7. While the background is not visible by default you should still see its contents. It might be not visible if you are displaying black content above a black background but you can override this method for this: - (UIStatusBarStyle)preferredStatusBarStyle.
I found this article recently about changes to consider on iOS7 for the status bar.

adapting to iOS 7 on iPad

I need to adapt an app to iOS 7, and I'm having troubles when being run on iPad, since the size of the screen is a little cut off on both bottom and top, as in the image.
I tried to follow some guidelines (such as this) but no luck.
It works on normal iPad 1 on iOS 6 and iPad 2 on both iOS 6 and 7, but it's just in a reduced size (not no cut off images whatsoever).
Could anybody give me some hints please?
Thanks a lot in advance.
I solved this creating a boolean in my Info.plist with the title View controller-based status bar appearance and a value NO.
Thanks everybody for the help!
As #noloman said: Set the following in your .plist
View controller-based status bar appearance (Boolean) to NO
I would suggest this also:
Status bar is initially hidden (Boolean) to YES
And call the following within the application when necessary:
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden:YES withAnimation:UIStatusBarAnimationNone];
(For example: When a MPMoviePlayerViewController* is returning from playing a video (as the status bar is shown))
