IE8 and bootstrap compatibility - ruby-on-rails

You can see my app at
I'm having a problem getting this to look ok in IE8 and I need to make it work with this version of the browser. I suspect it's something to do with container width.
The li in the navbar are all showing underneath each other rather than in a straight horizontal line, and there are similar issues with the main parts of the pages too, where I use bootstrap's grid system.
I have read the bootstrap documentation about IE8 compatibility but have still not been able to solve this.
If anyone can help I'd be very grateful.


DotNetNuke Bug in IE10

So I am using DotNetNuke 7 and when I log onto my site to develop, I go into Edit Mode and start to edit a module.
Once the edit screen shows up (the little text area that looks like a mini version of MS Word) I can type and everything is fine.
However when that little screen loses focus from the mouse the editing area "greys-out" but I can still type in it.
I want to know how to fix this so that the editing screen does NOT do this as it is very confusing to potential customers.
Does anyone know what to do to fix this issue?
(sorry if this is not descriptive enough, if anyone has problems understanding I will try to add more explicit wording)
There have been reports of other oddities in IE10.
One thing you could try is adding a meta tag to force IE into IE9 mode.

Visual bug in Safari using jQuery Mobile - Content duplication

I'm building a mobile app using jQuery Mobile 1.3.0, EaselJs 0.6.0 and TweenJs 0.4.0.
So, when I load the page, some content gets visually duplicated. The DIVs are not really duplicated, it is just visual.
This bug only appears on Safari (Windows + OSX).
If I click and slide to select the page, the bug disappears.
If I switch page (with jQuery Mobile slide transition), it also disappears.
Here is a screenshot:
My code is massive so I cannot really post it fully here. I've just spent 2 hours playing around with my code to try to fix this. I really have no clue.
If you have an idea and need more information, then please let me know.
Not a pretty answer, but a workaround that worked for quite a few:
This sounds like a possible racing-condition, you can try setting a timeout(couple MS) when the page is loaded and then have it re-renderd after that timeout through switching display: none/block on the body.

jQuery Mobile - Safari browser sliding around screen

I am just finishing off a mobile web application for a client. I have written it using MVC3 and Razor and using jQuery Mobile. Something I hadn't noticed but the client has is that Safari (and only Safari) seems to be able to move around the screen when using the web application. Difficult to explain here but you can slide the whole browser to the left, right, up and down leaving a Grey background behind it, this is not something that other mobile sites do. Does anyone have an idea of what this might be? I don't even know where to start with it! Thanks in advance to all who contribute.
I suppose it has to do with the issue described in this question: jQuery - draggable images on iPad / iPhone - how to integrate event.preventDefault();?
Ok for anyone who comes across this I have found the solution. The css that comes with the jquery mobile framework contains the class ui-body-c (with the c being replaced by other letters dependiong on theme). In this class there is a border: 1px solid #ccc;, removing this has removed the issue without changing any styling on the site.

sIFR v2 overlaping slimbox (and possibly other lightbox tools)

Just installed sIFR into the site I am building (a personal portfolio site). When using it on pages with slimbox popups, sIFR overlaps the slimbox and makes it dificult to see the image. I tried applying a high z-index to the items I didn't want overlapped, but that didn't solve anything. Here is a screenshot of what it looks like (since my site is not online yet):
Is there a way to hide the sIFR when a slimbox link is clicked, or a way to adjust the z-index for a way to it not to be always on top? This happens on the latest version of all major browsers (I couldn't test Safari or Chrome though, even though I doubt it will differ)
I ahvent been able to find any information regarding this subject, so if it has been fixed in the sIFR beta it would be nice to know. Thanks.
In sIFR 2 you need to set the sWmode parameter to "opaque". This should allow HTML elements to be displayed on top of the Flash movie.
In sIFR 3, the parameter is wmode, though you can also use opaque: true.
Thank you so much - just saved my day.
I saw that lightbox break - so did I nearly:)!!!
But what a straight forward answer and solution thanks!! again
The file in mention is:
and put a code like:
sIFR.replaceElement(named({sSelector:"h1", sFlashSrc: "http://localhost/ddddddd/templates/template/i_font_swf/carbon_std_swf.swf", sCase: "upper", sColor: "#86ca29", sWmode:"opaque", sBgColor:"#fff"}));
I just write it cause took me some time to remember where this setting initially was - when I did the sIFR long ago.

sIFR links lose focus in Firefox 3.6 after scrolling

I've noticed this issue in previous versions of Firefox whereby after scrolling sIFR links become inactive and need to be clicked in order to become links again. The fix for this was fairly straightforward and just required you to add 'fixFocus: true' in the sIFR config.
Unfortunately when I upgraded to Firefox 3.6 this fix no longer works. I'm just wondering if anyone else has come across this and know if there's a workaround. We use sIFR links in loads of our sites so this is a pretty bad bug!
Thanks in advance if anyone can help
*update - it seems like it's the addition of using the wmode: 'transparent' - if i take this out the fix focus works again. Still a problem though as most of our links need to be transparent
Yea, it's a browser issue, and a rather old one by now. There's no better workaround available in sIFR.
A trick to make the sIFR links work fine in firefox when having the wmode set to transparent, is to add that CSS code to the class that is being replaced :
.fontname:hover {background-position:0% 100%;}
In this example, fontname is the CSS class that determines which tags are replaced.
